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gegitor(2164) vs. spongeworthy(2009) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-05-15

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:07) d5 (0:11) 3.c4 (0:11) dxc4 (0:05) 4.Qa4+ (0:19) Bd7 (0:14) 5.Qxc4 (0:06) e6 (0:10) 6.Nc3 (1:17) Watching user disconnected, some moves/whispers can be missing 6...Be7 (1:19) 7.e4 (0:28) c6 (0:06) Watching user disconnected, some moves/whispers can be missing 8.Bd3 (2:06) O-O (0:08) 9.O-O (0:28) Na6 (0:50) 10.Bg5 (3:32) b5 (4:01) 11.Qb3 (0:30) Nb4 (0:16) 12.Bb1 (1:32) a5 (1:18) 13.e5 (4:12) Nfd5 (3:30) 14.Ne4 (0:22) f5 (1:32) 15.exf6 (2:13) Nxf6 (0:30) 16.Ng3 (2:15) a4 (1:53) 17.Qd1 (1:02) h6 (0:21) 18.Bd2 (3:01) Nbd5 (6:09) 19.Ne5 (4:15) c5 (2:19) 20.Qc1 (2:51)
Technika(2179) whispers: hmm, Bxh6 threat, don't think it will work, but looks interesting if White gives it a go.......
Technika(2179) whispers: cxd4 Bxh6 Bd6 (needed to allow Queen on to e7 to protect g7) Qg5 Qe7.......
20...Be8 (5:38) 21.Bxh6 (5:25)
Technika(2179) whispers: well White does get a draw here, I can't see the win, so pxB looks OK ..... gxh6 Qxh6 cxd4 Qg5+ Kh8 Qh6+ Kg8 ..... perpetual, unless there is something I have missed for White.......
21...cxd4 (4:20)
Technika(2179) whispers: ouch! that loses to Qg5 :(
22.Qg5 (4:47) Nh5 (0:20)
Technika(2179) whispers: Nh5 Qg4.....
23.Qg4 (0:15) Ndf6 (0:31)
Technika(2179) whispers: Ndf6 Qxe6+......
24.Qxe6+ (0:13) Bf7 (0:55) 25.Nxf7 (0:13) Rxf7 (0:11)
Technika(2179) whispers: Bg6 coming now :(
26.Bg6 (0:18) gxh6 (0:51) 27.Qxf7+ (0:17) Kh8 (0:06)
milpat(1861) whispers: and xh5
Spongeworthy resigns 1-0


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