dermandarin(2178) vs. tjradd(2172) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-11-01
derMandarin(2178) whispers: a favourite of Intro and Dread :) 4...Nc6 (0:24) 5.Qa4 (0:41)
derMandarin(2178) whispers: nope, got something mixed up there. 5...Bc5 (3:33) 6.Be2 (3:37) Qc7 (2:54) 7.O-O (2:19) Nf6 (0:15) 8.h3 (2:02) O-O (0:12) 9.Nbd2 (0:06) d5 (0:44) 10.exd5 (0:34) Nxd5 (0:12) 11.Ne4 (0:27) Be7 (0:22)
tjradd(2172) whispers: I have a headache and I am supposed to be working now :)
tjradd(2172) whispers: anyway my position is "fine"
tjradd(2172) whispers: I guess c4 I'll jump to f4
tjradd(2172) whispers: where is the long-term home for his queen, b3?
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: He is obligate to exchange and have the pair of bishops
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: Go tjradd
xivarmy(2011) whispers: g3 perhaps first
tjradd(2172) whispers: it's a bad sign that I am closing my eyes between moves :)
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: g3 e5 and follow by f5 12.Bg5 (3:39)
xivarmy(2011) whispers: Nb6 Qb3 Nd4 Nxd4 Bxg5 if black is attached to the idea of getting the bishop pair
xivarmy(2011) whispers: der disregard that, tired 12...Rd8 (4:18) 13.Bd3 (1:35) Bd7 (0:31) 14.Bxe7 (1:49) Ncxe7 (0:12) 15.Qc4 (0:02) Bc6 (0:18) 16.b4 (5:19) Rac8 (0:16) 17.a4 (3:23) Qb8 (4:05)
tjradd(2172) whispers: my position feels very awkward
tjradd(2172) whispers: because of my knights
tjradd(2172) whispers: I've got ugly knights and I am conceeding space 18.b5 (1:12) Be8 (0:12)
tjradd(2172) whispers: ok! now I have Nb7-Na8 and Ng6-Nh8 and clearly it is -+
tjradd(2172) whispers: erm, c7/b6, not b7 :)
tjradd(2172) whispers: I have nothing concretely wrong, but I am almost lost :)
milpat(1863) whispers: really? 19.Qb3 (7:04) f6 (3:30)
tjradd(2172) whispers: have to get the bishop active somehow, so
tjradd(2172) whispers: why not now
tjradd(2172) whispers: his N/e4 is kinda stuck 20.Bc4 (2:37) Bf7 (0:20) 21.a5 (5:22) Kh8 (0:40) 22.Ra4 (1:14) Bh5 (1:49) 23.Rd1 (1:01)
tjradd(2172) whispers: time for another tj absurdity 23...Qf4 (6:32) 24.Be2 (1:24) Bg6 (3:07)
leroykendall(1980) whispers: go DM! :(|) 25.Bd3 (1:16) Qh6 (4:24)
tjradd(2172) whispers: this does not feel right
tjradd(2172) whispers: my pieces are not ready for a kingside attack
tjradd(2172) whispers: I probably should have played Qb8 and admitted Qf4 was going nowhere
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I kinda like the current position :)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: ominous
bodzolca(1721) whispers: you mean black, aneirin? 26.Qa3 (3:34)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: yes. I find his Qh6 quite elegant, even though most of the action is on the other wing
Aneirin(1788) whispers: his pieces could potentially support a quick K-side attack 26...Bh5 (1:15) 27.Bc4 (0:07) Qg6 (0:12)
tjradd(2172) whispers: this looks ok 28.Re1 (0:19) Nf5 (4:58)
leroykendall(1980) whispers: g4 doesn't work?
Aneirin(1788) whispers: he can't actually capture due to the pin, so I'd guess not
Aneirin(1788) whispers: on the other hand, the B isn't going anywhere :)
leroykendall(1980) whispers: right...
Aneirin(1788) whispers: it looks a little dangerous to me, but objectively it may work :)
Rascian(1979) whispers: no it's not working
Aneirin(1788) whispers: like g4 Nf4 or so
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: I reckon it looks a little dangerous for white's king whether white plays g4 or not
Aneirin(1788) whispers: my prediction about quick K-side shift certainly came true :)
Rascian(1979) whispers: not hard to see that :P
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: doubious Nf5 ?
Aneirin(1788) whispers: for you maybe, but it was for me :)
Rascian(1979) whispers: and I don't play french,yeah right ;) :))
Aneirin(1788) whispers: hehe 29.Bf1 (4:25)
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: I guess the move order at the start was due to dM not playing Open Sicilian stuff normally?
leroykendall(1980) whispers: Nf4 looks dengerous...
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: c2 pawn lost
leroykendall(1980) whispers: c2 pawn is unprotected now
leroykendall(1980) whispers: yea 29...Nf4 (1:17)
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: oh
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: heheheh
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: small let off
Rascian(1979) whispers: danger danger
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I think this is even stronger than Rxc2
Aneirin(1788) whispers: he has to protect against Nxh3 anyway
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: Rascian, I reckon it's more DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! ;) 30.g4 (0:56)
bodzolca(1721) whispers: maybe, madman, but why not simply 3. d5
Aneirin(1788) whispers: ok this will be very interesting now :)
Rascian(1979) whispers: firework began lets enjoy
Rascian(1979) whispers: :)
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: :D
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: B surely takes
DodgeBrother(1567) whispers: then Q+
leroykendall(1980) whispers: Bxg4 - no other ways
Rascian(1979) whispers: and finally Rxc2 I know ;) 30...Bxg4 (1:47)
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: bodz, I think there is a fair chance white doesn't want the Benoni if he opens with e4 and maybe tj likes his Benoni but 3.d5 is a viable alternative 31.hxg4 (0:03) Qxg4+ (0:02) 32.Kh1 (0:02)
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: Rd3!!
Aneirin(1788) whispers: very interesting
Rascian(1979) whispers: Rd3? 32...Rxc2 (0:51)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: Rd3 looks spicy :)
Rascian(1979) whispers: well white is not a fool ;)
leroykendall(1980) whispers: Rd3? are you crazy?
Aneirin(1788) whispers: was it that bad?
Rascian(1979) whispers: of course :))
Aneirin(1788) whispers: what does white play on Rd3 ?
leroykendall(1980) whispers: after Rd3 then Qf3 threat.
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: To play sicilian u have to be crazy :D 33.Qb3 (1:10)
Rascian(1979) whispers: hmm I play sicilian :(
Aneirin(1788) whispers: ahem.
Rascian(1979) whispers: and I am not crazy :(
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: but your pieces yes :)
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: Rf2
Aneirin(1788) whispers: quickly ran it through crafty.. Rd3 only leads to a forced draw
Aneirin(1788) whispers: with a perp
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: ah, then I don't feel bad not seeing the refutation of Rd3 :) derMandarin offers a draw.
Aneirin(1788) whispers: me neither :)
derMandarin(2178) whispers: ;) tjradd declines the draw request.
Aneirin(1788) whispers: it basically 'works', in the sense that it's not 'ridiculous' as claimed :)
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: Nice move Rd3 ;)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: yup, but black wants to win it seems, so kudos for not playing it :)
leroykendall(1980) whispers: Nd3 is also look dengerous 33...Nd3 (3:14)
leroykendall(1980) whispers: as I said
Aneirin(1788) whispers: nice, leroy :)
tjradd(2172) whispers: Nd3 the least boring move I could find
leroykendall(1980) whispers: :-)
mindlin(2033) whispers: here we go
Aneirin(1788) whispers: nice game!
tjradd(2172) whispers: interfering with N/h3
tjradd(2172) whispers: erm f3
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: what does white reply? Nh2 to save the hanging piece while attacking the queen so e1 rook doesn't fall?
mindlin(2033) whispers: I vote for Qxc2
Rascian(1979) whispers: damn this is so complicated
leroykendall(1980) whispers: right... Nh2 now and rook is in safe 34.Nh2 (1:58)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: Nh2 Nxf2+ looks good
Aneirin(1788) whispers: though very complicated :)
Rascian(1979) whispers: sthg is wrong with Nxf2 +
tjradd(2172) whispers: Nf2 Nf2 Ng3 Kg1 Ne2+ hmm
Aneirin(1788) whispers: yep, I had tj's line there too
tjradd(2172) whispers: oh good my Q is loose in those lines
Aneirin(1788) whispers: pretty loose but not lost :)
leroykendall(1980) whispers: black should check now or move out queen.
tjradd(2172) whispers: well
tjradd(2172) whispers: if not that stuff
tjradd(2172) whispers: then what else? :)
Rascian(1979) whispers: who lets the queen out 34...Nxf2+ (1:51) 35.Nxf2 (0:10) Ng3+ (0:03)
leroykendall(1980) whispers: again black should check or move out queen :-)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: he can force a draw like this ine any case, it would seem
tjradd(2172) whispers: how can I hang another piece? :)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: Kg1 Ne2+ Kh1 Nh3+
Aneirin(1788) whispers: *g
Aneirin(1788) whispers: unless Kg2 works :)
mindlin(2033) whispers: what's wrong with Kg2?
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: Kg1 Ne2+ Kh1 Qg1 #
Aneirin(1788) whispers: right, oops
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: so, Kg2 it is then
Aneirin(1788) whispers: well, he -can- still force the draw :')
Rascian(1979) whispers: I like this karpov guy
FLORkarpov(1847) whispers: Thanks :D
Aneirin(1788) whispers: so it has to be Kg2 Rxf2+ and hope that leads to something
mindlin(2033) whispers: Kg2 and the queen is in duress
tjradd(2172) whispers: so Kg2 is forced
tjradd(2172) whispers: else, Kg1 Ne2++ Kh1 Qg1# derMandarin resigns 0-1
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