1.d4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:05)d5(0:15) 3.c4(0:05)e6(0:11) 4.Nc3(0:05)Be7(0:40) 5.Bf4(0:11)O-O(0:43) 6.e3(0:21)c5(3:24) 7.dxc5(1:42)Bxc5(0:30) 8.cxd5(1:59)Nxd5(2:05) 9.Nxd5(0:06)exd5(0:20) 10.a3(0:55)Bd6(6:54)
Diboss(2134) whispers: interesting... Diboss(2134) whispers: weird move
11.Bxd6(5:52)Qxd6(0:06) 12.Be2(2:03)Be6(3:51) 13.O-O(0:46)Nc6(1:30) 14.Rc1(1:37)
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: isolated pawn hmmm
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: Qa4 looks logical
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: does white have much initiative after Qd2? hectorabcd(2353) whispers: Qd okay to take the black squares alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: black can consider f6 and maybe Ne5? hectorabcd(2353) whispers: okay f6 alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: yes f6 takes away g5 and e5 squares from white knight hectorabcd(2353) whispers: Tower also (f) could be d8 alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: after f6 white presumably plays Rfd1? alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: I think white would have been better with Q at a5 and rook (at f) on d1 alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: Q at a4 sorry Lomax(1965) whispers: Hi Lomax(1965) whispers: W Q is well placed at d2 alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: hello Lomax alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: instead of Qd2 I was looking at Qa4 (pressure on a7) and mobility to switch to h4 also, opens d1 square for f rook etc Lomax(1965) whispers: W Q is well placed at d2 alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: ok well placed but for what plan?
Lomax(1965) whispers: The usual one, attacking the d5 pawn first, then trying to create - with B pieces bound to defend it - some 2nd weakness, presumably on the k-side, which is not very well defended. Rfd1, Bd3, Bb1, Qd3 looks like some plan now Lomax(1965) whispers: But I have not calculated any variations, so don't trust my judgement to much ;) Lomax(1965) whispers: W clearly has some substantial edge here Lomax(1965) whispers: Be2 is potentially much better than Be6 hectorabcd(2353) whispers: Qd2 first communication towers could then be tower (f) d1 osbre to push the pawn of the column could be b4 do but to place the rook on c5 alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: if B moves to d3 then black has Bg4 threatening to open g file Lomax(1965) whispers: b4 is indeed some nice idea, but I don't like Rc5
Lomax(1965) whispers: Attacking d5 with the major pieces is not what W has to do here, for it does not create any threat ... Be2 is needed to attack d5, and possibly Nf3 also alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: as soon as white N at c6 moves black can always trade rooks alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: maybe Rfd8 now? Lomax(1965) whispers: That might possibly not really free B from the troubles mentioned Lomax(1965) whispers: Only one pair of R's might get exchanged, and B will still have the much worse minors Lomax(1965) whispers: Eg Qb2 next controls e5 and allows b5 and Nd4 eventually hectorabcd(2353) whispers: the position is very even Lomax(1965) whispers: I strongly disagree alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: I agree with hector
Lomax(1965) whispers: Though Ne5 now might give B some chances to eventually equalize Lomax(1965) whispers: Qb2 now is strong
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: Rc7 and Rfc8 is one idea for black Lomax(1965) whispers: Ne5 might still be best ... after NxN QxN RxR etc B should eventually be able to defend Lomax(1965) whispers: If Ne5 Nd4 Nc4 looks fine for B
17...Rc7(5:33) 18.Rc5(1:09)Rfc8(0:52)
Lomax(1965) whispers: Now Rc5 is ok, for W cannot allow B to double on the c-file unchallenged ... b7-b6 terribly weakens B q-side, so W still maintains the grip on the position Lomax(1965) whispers: Though I still think Ne5 would have been good for B, for exchanging the N - Nc4 clearly cannot be allowed - here should help B Lomax(1965) whispers: Hm ... Bc4 might work here Lomax(1965) whispers: Bc4 Ne7 (only move ?) RxR RxR Bb3 eg Lomax(1965) whispers: With W B attacking d5, as required alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: No Bc4 b6! Lomax(1965) whispers: Ah :) JuanIgnacio(1925) whispers: why not e4?
Lomax(1965) whispers: I guess d4 is ok for B then, for W last rank is still weak, so Rc1 cannot be allowed
Lomax(1965) whispers: Forget about it, W has Bf1 ... I have no idea why e4 was not good
burnage offers a draw.
zutons declines the draw request.
20...Rxc7(0:16) 21.Rxc7(0:05)Qxc7(0:19) 22.Nd4(0:01)
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: with rooks gone then draw seems the only result burnage(2296) whispers: strange to decline draw here wonder how he thinks he wins this Lomax(1965) whispers: IMHO W has not played the position the most accurate way Lomax(1965) whispers: B should have no trouble defending this, but declining a draw might be justified fromn a psychological point of view, taking into account my first assessment
Lomax(1965) whispers: B simply is hoping for W to continue playing not the best moves, obviously being happy with a draw alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: I also don't see anything remotely like a black win Lomax(1965) whispers: Agreed Lomax(1965) whispers: But B essentially is taking no risk with this approach alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: e.g. if white plays Bd3 and Qc2 it forces Q trade Lomax(1965) whispers: No Lomax(1965) whispers: B has no reason and no need to trade Qs Lomax(1965) whispers: B has really achieved smth within the last moves
hectorabcd(2353) whispers: do not see how White can improve alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: with B at d3 and Q at c2 there is a mate threat at c8 Lomax(1965) whispers: No, not if B Q moves to 1st rank, from B point of view alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: that was why I said black trades queens Lomax(1965) whispers: alpha, you're confusing me ;) alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: sure Q can go to b8 but it is passive Lomax(1965) whispers: No, it's not Lomax(1965) whispers: Qd8 is also worth considering, and Nf8 is always an option hectorabcd(2353) whispers: black is the problem of time is to change the queens Lomax(1965) whispers: In case of Qc8+, it is Lomax(1965) whispers: B should keep them on the board, IMO alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: OK and black wins how? Lomax(1965) whispers: He takes no risk doing so Lomax(1965) whispers: As said Lomax(1965) whispers: W had not played the best moves Lomax(1965) whispers: He might continue doing so Lomax(1965) whispers: Patience is needed
23...Qxc2(3:46) 24.Nxc2(0:00)Kf8(0:01)
hectorabcd(2353) whispers: must change and bring the king hectorabcd(2353) whispers: yes Lomax(1965) whispers: Why must change ? alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: well he put us out of our misery Lomax(1965) whispers: I think about 10 minutes ok to play a game with 2 minors and Qs ;) alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: b5 now? Lomax(1965) whispers: Esp with 45 secs inc hectorabcd(2353) whispers: because the only thing that can complicate the white so there is little or no Lomax(1965) whispers: Well, but that does not agree with his declining W draw offer, IMHO Lomax(1965) whispers: He could have that much earlier
hectorabcd(2353) whispers: Ke7
Lomax(1965) whispers: Yes, Ke7 looked defenitely best
zutons offers a draw.
hectorabcd(2353) whispers: have to change the queen side pawns and tables
26...Ne8(1:29)Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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