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ismarck(2006) vs. organicchess(2021) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-08-26

14.h3 (5:59) 14...Na5 (4:51)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: disconnect sorry
15.d4 (1:15)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: be6 maybe
15...c6 (1:55)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: OC has to watch out for dxe5 followed by BG3
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: after Qe2 possibly
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I think I'll just play Qd3 followed by Rad1
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Black is a bit passive and has not much to do
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Another option is de5 ad Bg3 to target e5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: After Q gets out of the Q line of course...
16.Qd3 (4:54)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: be6
Ismarck(2006) whispers: This seems better than Qe2- i don't want to be the one to open up yet
16...Rfe8 (3:43)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Nd2 perhaps?
17.Nd2 (2:55)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: hmm maybe he has to go for g5 now
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: or maybe c5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I think this is a good way to play this- I'm not taking any major action yet, just waiting and improving my position to strike at the right moment
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: i like c5 i think
evilcoyote(2042) whispers: yes c5 gives white some problems to solve
17...exd4 (4:54) 18.cxd4 (0:10) c5 (0:09)
wmahan(1959) whispers: wonder why he undoubled white's pawns first
evilcoyote(2042) whispers: this allows e5
drinkeh(2084) whispers: excellent point
wmahan(1959) whispers: bah, that looks unpleasant
drinkeh(2084) whispers: black certainly is making things easier for white
Koff(1965) whispers: e5 c4 is not so simple :)
evilcoyote(2042) whispers: e5 c4 exf6 gxf6 Qg3+
Koff(1965) whispers: Qxe1+ there man
drinkeh(2084) whispers: tricky indeed
Ismarck(2006) whispers: 3 candidates here are Bd5 c4 and e5
evilcoyote(2042) whispers: it might be ok to allow Qxe1 there are a lot of pawn weaknesses in black's camp
drinkeh(2084) whispers: no, loses material
Ismarck(2006) whispers: time for a long think
Ismarck(2006) whispers: 19. Bd5 and if c4, Qg3 looks excellent for white
Ismarck(2006) whispers: 19. Bd5 cd4 20. Qd4 Qe5 21. Bf6 also is good for white
evilcoyote(2042) whispers: oops i forgot the q is still hanging
milpat(1838) whispers: e5 c4 exN Qxe1+ RxQ Rxe1+ Qf1 Rxf1 Kx fxg7, isnt that better for white?
Ismarck(2006) whispers: after Bd5, the immediate threat is e5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: 19. Bd5 Be6,
Ismarck(2006) whispers: then 20. c4
Koff(1965) whispers: hardly, coz Bb3 is trapped
milpat(1838) whispers: but Rd8 hangs...
xombie(1911) whispers: no brilliancy this time for white?
wmahan(1959) whispers: after Kxf1 isn't it black's move pat?
Ismarck(2006) whispers: 20... bc4 21. Bc4 Nc4 22. Nc4 g5 23. Bg3 then I think he can take safely on e4
milpat(1838) whispers: yes, just move the rook , i know, line too long for me it seems ;)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: maybe, after Bd5 Be6, f4
milpat(1838) whispers: anyway seems white prefer save his B than play e5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: so that B covers e1 to prevent Q for 2 R exchange
Ismarck(2006) whispers: time is running, it think i'll go for Bd5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: the other options with the exception of e5 is probably inferioir
Ismarck(2006) whispers: inferior
Koff(1965) whispers: bd5 and black has to decide wether to allow f4 or play g5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Bd5 might be a better e5
19.Bd5 (17:27)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: i don't think I'm at my best today- usually I should be more confident in these open positions
evilcoyote(2042) whispers: black can play g5 here and take on d5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: he has got g5, but
Ismarck(2006) whispers: then i think i'd be happy with the Q for 2 R trade
Ismarck(2006) whispers: unfortunately there did not seem to be enough time to review other candidates
wmahan(1959) whispers: that would lead to opposite colored bishops remaining...
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I don't want to spend too much time on 1 move- that is a lesson ive learnt the hard way :)
xombie(1911) whispers: lots of pressure for black
xombie(1911) whispers: very unpleasant pin
xombie(1911) whispers: and the Q can't move
xombie(1911) whispers: and the books will smugly tell us that black's knight is offside
xombie(1911) whispers: black should probably go for trades
xombie(1911) whispers: Bc6 for example
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I hope the spectators provide their insight in this position
Ismarck(2006) whispers: It is certainly interesting esp after g5
xombie(1911) whispers: very interesting to play black here
xombie(1911) whispers: seems like g5 is forced though
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I hope I am given the opporunit for f4
19...cxd4 (8:08)
Koff(1965) whispers: still that f4?
Ismarck(2006) whispers: My instincts tell me f4
Ismarck(2006) whispers: My mind tells me f4
Ismarck(2006) whispers: And I bet the fact is f4
20.f4 (1:54)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I'm a bit hesitant- must be the finals pressure :)
Koff(1965) whispers: huh. thought the finals were over already - and this was a practise game!
Ismarck(2006) whispers: if need be, i may need to retreat Bb3
Ismarck(2006) whispers: in some variations
20...Be6 (4:08)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: ok, i am definately better here
Ismarck(2006) whispers: definitely
Ismarck(2006) whispers: but how to proceed the best way?
wmahan(1959) whispers: what does black do if f5? Bxd5 exd5 seems very awkward
xombie(1911) whispers: yes
xombie(1911) whispers: perhaps he ought to have played g5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: i dont thhave time to calculate all variations that ought to be considered
21.e5 (8:09)
phlemish(1958) whispers: 21.a4 also takes advantage of Black last move, working the pin
Ismarck(2006) whispers: ill just stick with this one
xombie(1911) whispers: wasn't f5 better?
xombie(1911) whispers: this one might allow trades
Ismarck(2006) whispers: this leads to a slightly uncomfortable endgame for black
xombie(1911) whispers: g5 for example
Ismarck(2006) whispers: but an equal one in terms of material
wmahan(1959) whispers: I can't tell..this looks scary but maybe there is a defense
Ismarck(2006) whispers: cept maybe a pawn or 2 for white
xombie(1911) whispers: the bishop is hanging
21...dxe5 (1:59)
xombie(1911) whispers: so g5 is a critical line
xombie(1911) whispers: dunno about the others
Ismarck(2006) whispers: expected Bd5
22.Bxe6 (1:01)
wmahan(1959) whispers: yea but that weakens the king...
wmahan(1959) whispers: g5 I mean
xombie(1911) whispers: fxB Rxe5 is awkward
xombie(1911) whispers: QxB fxe g5 seems fine though
xombie(1911) whispers: so that if exf6 then Qxe1+
22...Qxe6 (1:18) 23.fxe5 (0:04)
wmahan(1959) whispers: I'm not convinced it's fine but I guess we'll see
xombie(1911) whispers: yeah, its complicated
xombie(1911) whispers: i believe i saw this g5 trick in some capablanca game
xombie(1911) whispers: will have to fetch
wmahan(1959) whispers: err, g5 Bf2 then what? exf is a threat
Ismarck(2006) whispers: if g5 then ef6 and if Qe1 Be1
wmahan(1959) whispers: oh just move the N :)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: so i think that fails for black
xombie(1911) whispers: oh m
xombie(1911) whispers: he's right
xombie(1911) whispers: good shot
wmahan(1959) whispers: oh, right :(
Ismarck(2006) whispers: so Nd5
23...Nd5 (2:26)
xombie(1911) whispers: well, this is probably best for black
xombie(1911) whispers: only down exchange with square control
24.Bxd8 (0:21)
wmahan(1959) whispers: thank goodness OC saw what we didn't
24...Rxd8 (0:03)
xombie(1911) whispers: actually, it's very good even
wmahan(1959) whispers: even though it's still rather difficult
milpat(1838) whispers: d4 goes?
xombie(1911) whispers: not quite
25.Qxd4 (0:55)
wmahan(1959) whispers: already gone
xombie(1911) whispers: yeah
milpat(1838) whispers: Nc6
xombie(1911) whispers: but e5 might go too
xombie(1911) whispers: so we're even again
25...Nc6 (1:18)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: so now he is just an exchange down
Ismarck(2006) whispers: unfortunately still a lot of work to do for the win
xombie(1911) whispers: there must have been better for white there
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: oh finally OIC and i are in tune :)
xombie(1911) whispers: hello, ismir
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: looks very good for black now
wmahan(1959) whispers: really?
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: he has strong initiative for the exchange
wmahan(1959) whispers: I wasn't sure...music to my ears
26.Qb2 (3:12)
xombie(1911) whispers: Q has to go to an awkward square
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: Qc5 is whites only challenging try
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: otherwise hes just worse
xombie(1911) whispers: how about b4 and Nc3?
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Nc3 is a major naggng threat
Ismarck(2006) whispers: nagging
milpat(1838) whispers: Nf4?
phlemish(1958) whispers: or just ...b4 to secure the c3 post maybe
milpat(1838) whispers: ah yes plem
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: Nf4 and whites basically toast
xombie(1911) whispers: b4/Nc3 is a touch slow
Ismarck(2006) whispers: i may have to give up e5
milpat(1838) whispers: well, c3 open way to Nc4->d6
Ismarck(2006) whispers: esp after b4 im thinking Qb3
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: Nf4!
milpat(1838) whispers: i meant b4*
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: Nf4 and Qg6
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: yes
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: the alpha plan
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Nf4 and Nh3 are to watch out for too
26...Nf4 (3:18)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: this is very hard
milpat(1838) whispers: yea Nf4 threat d2
xombie(1911) whispers: also Nd4
milpat(1838) whispers: GO OC man!!!!
27.Nf3 (0:52)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: qg6
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: h3 falls
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: worse
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: really? c3 should hold?
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: ce nd3
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Qg6 makes matters dire
xombie(1911) whispers: oh my
27...Qg6 (1:32)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: exchange back and better ending
xombie(1911) whispers: Qg6 Nh4 Nxh3+
xombie(1911) whispers: problem is Rd2 too
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: c3 Nd3 and the ending is better for black
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: but c3 looks pretty much forced
Koff(1965) whispers: maybe c4 then, if c-pawn is to be moved
Koff(1965) whispers: say c4 Nd3 Qg6
wmahan(1959) whispers: he found Qg6...OC you're my hero
Koff(1965) whispers: Qc2 I mean
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: c4 Nd3 Qc2 Nxe1 Nxe1 Qxc2 Nxc2 bxc4
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: or even Nxe5 in the end of that variation
wmahan(1959) whispers: is c3 Nd3 better than Nxh3 ?
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: yea
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: not sure how to keep up the pitch after Nxh3 Kh2
28.c3 (4:14)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: this is losing for me now
wmahan(1959) whispers: ok thx
28...Nd3 (1:00) 29.Qc2 (0:06) Nxe1 (0:32)
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: loses e pawn
30.Qxg6 (0:07)
paire(1953) whispers: what happens if ismark wins? u2000 is over?
30...Nxf3+ (0:13)
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: Nxf3+
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: ouch
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: wow
milpat(1838) whispers: yeah!
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: worst case
Ismarck(2006) whispers: blundered
xombie(1911) whispers: well done OC
milpat(1838) whispers: it smells championship :)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: yes
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: white should not be blitzing
Ismarck(2006) whispers: ver bad- should have played Qe2
Ismarck(2006) whispers: after Nd3
Ismarck resigns 0-1


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