ismarck(2006) vs. organicchess(2021) *
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-08-26
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: Archbishops dont wanna share ;)
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1.e4 (0:00)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: OC
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: go 1...e5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:08) Nf6 (1:05)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: blunder variation?
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I am quite familiar with both Nc3 and the classical Ne5 here
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: but you want to try d4 im sure :D
Ismarck(2006) whispers: But which one?
wmahan(1959) whispers: go Orgi!
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: damn im hungry
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: hoping for a cochrane gambit
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I think I'll flip a coin. Heads Nc3 Tails Ne5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: And for the almost impossible neither, I resign :) 3.Nc3 (3:34)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: i like resign
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Heads it was 3...Nc6 (0:14) 4.Bb5 (0:06)
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: and now its everything but not petroff 4...Bb4 (0:15)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: four knights main variation 5.O-O (0:20)
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: I would liked to see d4, schotch-line or belgrader Gambit... but no 5...O-O (1:06) 6.d3 (0:11)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: d6
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: lol 6...d6 (0:22) 7.Bg5 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: BG5 Bg4 Bc6 Bc3 Bb7 Bb2 Ba8 Ba1 Qa1 Qa8 Bf6 Bf3 Bg7 Bg2 Bf8 Bf1 Qf1 Qf8 draw :D
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Been a while since I've played a serious long game with e4 e5 classical lines
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: in what speed you typed that nonsence, ismir
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: thats no nonsense
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: thats one of my favoroite trade evrything make drawe lines
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: didnt knew you have ones :p 7...Bxc3 (1:56) 8.bxc3 (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: oh i do have some
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: for special nights with close friends 8...Bd7 (1:19)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: Bg4 was sure stronger 9.Rb1 (0:25)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I have to win this game- so that's the disadvantage of spanish 4 knights- bit drawish 9...Qe7 (0:43)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: On the other hand, this may be a good surprise to my opponent- most likely he would have expected Ne5
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: after bg4 he had the idea Qe7 and Nd8-e6-f4-g6 and h6
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: a6 of black forces trade
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: a6 seems to be the only idea 10.Re1 (2:30)
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: good enough, can BxB and dont spoil pawns
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: whit can play Bc4 or Ba4
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: Nh4-Re3 lift to 3rd rank, Nf5
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: white will attack
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: I probably miss that all its too late
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: honestly i feel like black is already dead
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: Ba4 or Bc4, b5, Na5, c5... 10...a6 (1:58)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: yea
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: I feel like black is in good shape to draw 11.Ba4 (0:58)
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: Used to play such positions in my e4-e5 time
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: ok now its ok
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: b5 and Nd8-e6-f4-g6
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: you mean that attack? 11...b5 (1:17) 12.Bb3 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: b5 and Nd8-e6-f4-g6 12...h6 (1:12) 13.Bh4 (0:14)
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: now Ne6 does not win a tempo anymore :( 13...Rad8 (0:35)
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: h6 is necessary sometimes to avoid Nh4-f5
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: tho, I dont like it here
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: its nopt necesary Nh4-f5 was no real threat
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: Ismir, you have to live with a fact that your teammate is not going with you :(
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: seems like it
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: you need this manouvre to neutralize the bishop
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: if black trades LSB of white for Knight or Bishop (Na5/Be6) he can allow g5
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Here I am thinking a4
Ismarck(2006) whispers: or just d4
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: a4 Na5 is ok for black
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: d4 bg4 either
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: white should not change the structure in these ways
Ismarck(2006) whispers: first maybe h3 to stop Bg4
Ismarck(2006) whispers: ive got lots of time
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: yeah, and since the time is going to be used here - I cant stay on anymore, too late
Ismarck(2006) whispers: time as in the position
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: People, comment! - to review watchbot tomorrow
Funkmaus(2170) whispers: good luck Orgi ;) See ya all
Ismirdochegal(2065) whispers: h3 be6 maybe 14.h3 (5:59)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Be6 possible but then simply d4 i think
wmahan(1959) whispers: good night funk...go OC
Ismarck(2006) whispers: I'm sure white has a small edge here due to black's passivity, but I don't have a lot of experience in these positions. Most of my time is spent on the sicilian responses :)
Ismarck(2006) whispers: Playing on simple logical play, which im sure is correct here
Ismarck(2006) whispers: But I do find these positions a trifle dull Ismarck lost connection; game adjourned *
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