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boedi(1922) vs. organicchess(2046) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-08-16

1.e4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.exd5 (0:11)
Boedi(1922) whispers: not again :P
2...Qxd5 (0:07) 3.Nc3 (0:04)
LaurentiuI(1776) whispers: go go go!
3...Qa5 (0:37) 4.d4 (0:04) Nf6 (0:25) 5.Nf3 (0:08) Bf5 (0:16) 6.Bc4 (0:45) e6 (1:20) 7.Bd2 (0:36) c6 (0:49) 8.O-O (1:36) Nbd7 (0:30) 9.Re1 (0:35) O-O-O (1:52) 10.Ng5 (2:56) Bg6 (1:18)
Boedi(1922) whispers: thinking about Nd5 right now, Qa4 forced then b3 Qa3 and then I go Nf4 looks ok
11.Nd5 (2:02) Qa4 (1:02) 12.b3 (0:07) Qa3 (0:10) 13.Nf4 (0:06) Qe7 (1:16) 14.a4 (1:41)
Boedi(1922) whispers: since I am up in the development I think my pawns will be faster
Boedi(1922) whispers: but dont know for sure though ;-)
ankushT(1804) whispers: I think your pieces are also better placed
14...Re8 (2:02) 15.a5 (1:56)
Boedi(1922) whispers: I see no reason why I wouldnt keep on pushing wood :)
ankushT(1804) whispers: heh, don't be so cocky; you never know in chess!
15...Qd6 (1:00) 16.c3 (2:06) Nd5 (3:26) 17.g3 (2:09)
Boedi(1922) whispers: I like g3 ;-) I can take on g6 now cause before H2 was hanging
Boedi(1922) whispers: so nxg6 is my threat :)
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: the white king hunt seems to have lost pace
17...e5 (3:52) 18.dxe5 (7:25) Rxe5 (0:14) 19.Nxg6 (0:22)
Boedi(1922) whispers: I think I win d5 pawn here at least I have attacking chances
19...Qxg6 (3:20)
ankushT(1804) whispers: ~o)
Boedi(1922) whispers: Qxg6 bxd5 exd5 rxe5 nxe5 Bf4 is the Line I calcualted and I get d5 then cause he cant cover with his queen
20.Bxd5 (0:39)
Boedi(1922) whispers: if R takes Re8 should give me attack
20...Rxd5 (0:30) 21.Re8+ (0:27) Kc7 (0:06)
Boedi(1922) whispers: hmm maybe I should have spent more time on calculating rxd5 instead of cxd
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: this looks pretty bad
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: cant he just Qe2 here though
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: maybe its not as bad as it looks
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: Gorgonian, Qe2 looks fine (there might be better moves though). I reckon white has a significant advantage here
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: yeah i was assuming Bf4 was coming when i said it looks pretty bad. he just needs to get the queen out of there
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: Bf4+ looks awful as you said. Bd6 and black has all pieces in play
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: yep. his statement about getting an attack threw me off.
tjradd(2207) whispers: a6 is interesting
22.a6 (11:34)
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: interesting as in black better improve his magic skills so he can draw a rabbit out of the hat to escape this?
FLORkarpov(1655) whispers: Qd3 intersting
tjradd(2207) whispers: yes:)
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: FLORkarpov, Qd3 is answered by Bf4+
tjradd(2207) whispers: Qd3 Bf4 doesn't seem a problem
tjradd(2207) whispers: Ra8 is serious, after b6
FLORkarpov(1655) whispers: Ne5 too
tjradd(2207) whispers: Qe2 stuck in there is good
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: tjradd, maybe b5 is better than b6?
tjradd(2207) whispers: ok
tjradd(2207) whispers: you're right
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: i dont see how Qd3 Bf4 is no problem
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: i mean, unless the king on line b6 is no problem
tjradd(2207) whispers: I had imagined Ba5 lines being deadly mad, but maybe RxB and Bb4
Madmansreturn(1983) whispers: tjradd, I don't think b5 is particularly good, only better than b6
tjradd(2207) whispers: position is very complicated
22...b5 (8:20)
danijelo(1993) whispers: is b5 vornuble to c4 later?
danijelo(1993) whispers: opening up even more
tjradd(2207) whispers: yes, but lethally vulnerable to Ra8 lines
Knoeier(1734) whispers: Ra8?
tjradd(2207) whispers: with or without Qe1/e2 first
danijelo(1993) whispers: ahh nice.. ra8 later is a problem
23.Ra8 (2:04) Kb6 (0:40)
tjradd(2207) whispers: how about your c4 now:)
danijelo(1993) whispers: :)
tjradd(2207) whispers: Ba5 cuteness
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: wasbout to recommend Be7 to sack the exchange but c4 looks nice now
24.c4 (0:46)
tjradd(2207) whispers: Be7 instead of Kb6 may have given black some hope
tjradd(2207) whispers: this looks like a shooting range
Gorgonian(1652) whispers: lol
tjradd(2207) whispers: tactics book, white to play and win:)
Boedi(1922) whispers: Kb6 was a blunder I think
fernbap(1750) whispers: e4 d5 = 1-0 :P
OrganicChess resigns 1-0


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