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organicchess(2050) vs. lingye(1968) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-08-05

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:04) e6 (0:07) 3.Nf3 (0:04) b6 (0:11) 4.Nc3 (0:27) Bb4 (0:54) 5.Bg5 (0:27) Bb7 (0:22) 6.e3 (0:10) h6 (1:29) 7.Bh4 (0:45) Bxc3+ (0:32) 8.bxc3 (0:02) d6 (0:38) 9.Be2 (0:44) Nbd7 (1:01) 10.O-O (2:01) O-O (0:39) 11.Qb3 (1:39) c5 (1:22) 12.Rad1 (2:29) Qc7 (1:57) 13.Nd2 (0:48) g5 (6:34) 14.Bg3 (0:44)
GreatSachin(1722) whispers: tx wil! Go oc!!!!
14...g4 (1:55) 15.Bh4 (2:38) Kg7 (2:14)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: go OC!
16.Bd3 (3:05) Rh8 (3:40)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: open the f file with f3
17.e4 (3:10) Nh5 (1:34)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: f3! go OC
18.f4 (2:55)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: e5
18...Nf8 (2:39)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: e5!
19.e5 (2:52) Ng6 (1:58) 20.Bxg6 (1:06) fxg6 (1:06) 21.d5 (0:27) dxe5 (1:40) 22.fxe5 (0:20) g5 (0:14) 23.Bf2 (0:44) Nf4 (2:37) 24.Be3 (1:59)
alphafoxtrot(1766) whispers: .. Nd3
24...Qxe5 (7:22) 25.Rde1 (1:28) Qf5 (2:10) 26.Bxf4 (0:51) gxf4 (0:18) 27.Rxe6 (0:26)
florkarpov(1655) whispers: White is ok
florkarpov(1655) whispers: black in trouble
27...Rae8 (1:24) 28.Rfe1 (1:14) Rxe6 (0:20) 29.Rxe6 (0:32) f3 (2:28)
gile(1719) whispers: what if Re7+?
30.gxf3 (6:27)
wmahan(1888) whispers: I guess if he grabbed b7 then f2+ and if Qf1 Qd3+
wmahan(1888) whispers: Kf1*
30...gxf3 (2:32)
KiranY(1963) whispers: maybe qd1
tjradd(2202) whispers: Qd1 Qg4+ and Qg2+ looks kinda.. disasterous:)
31.Kf2 (4:00) Qh3 (4:02) 32.Nxf3 (1:03) Rf8 (1:15) 33.Qd1 (1:32) Qxh2+ (0:33) 34.Ke3 (0:13) lingye lost connection; game adjourned *


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