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organicchess(2035) vs. jaberwock(2101) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-25

1.d4 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Here is a show coming, gl players!
jaberwock(2101) whispers: I am convinced that organicchess is humanly impossible to prepare for, having seen him play 1.d4, 1.e4, 1.Nf3, 1.f4...
1...Nf6 (0:00)
milpat(1797) whispers: yea, expecting good show
milpat(1797) whispers: 2nd game between them (u2000 drr)
2.c4 (0:44) c6 (0:29) 3.Nf3 (0:59) d5 (0:04)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: First one gone to Jaber. Sweet revenge today?
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: In Slawish-Queens-Gambit
4.e3 (0:37) Bg4 (1:11) 5.Nc3 (0:53) e6 (1:26) 6.h3 (1:16) Bxf3 (0:37) 7.Qxf3 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Its not a surprise that all caro-players pick this line :D
7...Nbd7 (2:29) 8.Bd2 (1:49) Bb4 (6:11)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Here is noone commenting... Guess 2 reasons: first its still book, 2. the other game is very trilling
wmahan(1967) whispers: pretty much...go OC!
9.Be2 (2:40) O-O (1:36) 10.a3 (3:14) Ba5 (3:32) 11.b4 (0:36) Bc7 (0:05) 12.O-O (0:45)
milpat(1797) whispers: x 300 dont be materializm lady , king safety counts
milpat(1797) whispers: wrong game
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: :D
milpat(1797) whispers: yea, was to u
milpat(1797) whispers: :)
12...Qe7 (5:49) 13.Rfd1 (3:03) dxc4 (1:27) 14.Bxc4 (0:09) e5 (0:12) 15.Bb3 (6:01) exd4 (1:45) 16.exd4 (0:39) Qd6 (3:47) 17.Be3 (2:03) Qh2+ (4:04) 18.Kf1 (0:04)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: hi folks
wmahan(1960) whispers: yo ismir
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: im a bit worried about OC here
18...Nb6 (3:05)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: but maybe hes ok after g4
19.b5 (0:29) Rfe8 (9:58) jaberwock offers a draw.
wmahan(1956) whispers: take it OC!
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: yea
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: unfortunately i may not tell him
wmahan(1956) whispers: yeah, we can't tell him anything
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: ill get draw in my game and we win the match
wmahan(1956) whispers: but there's no rule against hoping reall hard :)
milpat(1797) whispers: 1.5 to 0.5 for you, take it OC! OrganicChess declines the draw request.
20.bxc6 (1:20)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: way too risky to play on
20...bxc6 (0:04)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: oh no :(
milpat(1797) whispers: wow!
Aneirin(1728) whispers: haha, brilliant
milpat(1797) whispers: no fear!!
Aneirin(1728) whispers: respect.
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: this is just foolish, sorry
21.Qxc6 (0:58) Rac8 (0:14) 22.Qf3 (0:10)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: incidentally, crafty gives white a small plus.
wmahan(1956) whispers: haha, I think ane just likes to be contrary
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: yea, but u agree, that his position is very shaky, dont you?
milpat(1797) whispers: Nc3 hangs undirectly
Aneirin(1728) whispers: the guy just likes a good game of chess :)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: yea, but we are a team
Aneirin(1728) whispers: it's not mathematics alone..
22...Bb8 (2:57)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: (also note that if he can pull this off into a win, it could be useful for the GP-number, which acts as a tie-breaker and has often been decisive for play-off qualifications in the past)
23.Rac1 (1:04)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: yea, i get your point
wmahan(1956) whispers: I agree with ismir but of course it's OC's decision
Aneirin(1728) whispers: I think you can hardly blame someone for playing chess on a chess server, really. :')
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: yes it is
Aneirin(1728) whispers: (that said - a draw did look wise)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: go OC!
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: how's jab doing here?
Aneirin(1728) whispers: black is also quite low on clock.
23...Bd6 (2:47)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: that's normal
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: jab and I belong to the same school of time trouble addicts
Aneirin(1728) whispers: yeah, I'm up there as well, I'm afraid.
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: maybe Nb5 now
24.a4 (1:13) Ba3 (1:41) 25.Rc2 (0:20) Qh1+ (1:06) 26.Ke2 (0:14) Qh2 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: a5 maybe
jaberwock(2101) whispers: reminds me of an old Dzinzi quote: "Now I have a pawn AND the position" - for white here, obviously.
27.Re1 (6:23)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: that may have given black back some compensation
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Bb4 now
27...Bb4 (1:36)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: Rec1
28.Kd3 (0:31)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: oh wow
28...Qd6 (0:26)
wmahan(1959) whispers: if you try to guess OC's moves, he'll usually prove you wrong
29.Rec1 (1:03)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Rcd8?
wmahan(1959) whispers: the white K looks exposed but hard to see how to exploit it
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: the white king should really return to f1
29...Rxc3+ (2:08) 30.Rxc3 (0:03) Bxc3 (0:01) 31.Rxc3 (0:01) Nbd5 (0:32) 32.Rc5 (4:52)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Nxe3 and Qa6+
32...Nxe3 (1:18) 33.fxe3 (0:25)
wmahan(1959) whispers: Qa6 does look annoying
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: im worried again
wmahan(1959) whispers: I never stopped worrying, but stili says we should have more faith in OC
33...h6 (4:19)
jaberwock(2101) whispers: My opponent completed a 30 km cycling before our game; I may need to consider purchasing a bike ;)
34.Kc2 (1:52)
wmahan(1959) whispers: was h6 necessary? Qa6 covered c8 so I didn't see any immediate back rank threat
Aneirin(1728) whispers: get a motorbike, it makes the 30km much less of an effort.
34...Re7 (1:02)
piorgovici(1520) whispers: better swimming 5 km !!!
wmahan(1959) whispers: Qf5 g6? Qxg6
35.Rc8+ (1:45) Kh7 (0:20) 36.Qf5+ (0:54) g6 (0:14) 37.Qc5 (0:03) Qd7 (0:12) 38.Rc6 (1:35) Kg7 (0:25)
wmahan(1959) whispers: take your time OC
hugozver(1888) whispers: Kd2
wmahan(1959) whispers: haha
39.Rd6 (2:39)
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: d5 playable?
piorgovici(1520) whispers: d5 advance 1 pawn, rotect e pawn and release d4 field
piorgovici(1520) whispers: protect*
39...Qb7 (1:00)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: jab keeps finding compensation
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: then OC snuffs it out, and he finds it again
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: btw d5 Ne4 here
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: oh then Qd4+ Kh7 R moves somewhere, still unclear
milpat(1797) whispers: is Rc6 forced?
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: its neither forced, nor good imo
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: d5 might hold on
milpat(1797) whispers: d5 Rc7 Rc6... mmm unclear to me
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: hmm, d5 Ne4 Qd4 Kh7 Rc6 Ng3-f5
RxR(1694) whispers: Qc6 looks good until you see Rc7
40.d5 (3:52)
milpat(1797) whispers: Rc7 Ne4 and Qxg2+ were threathen...
milpat(1797) whispers: Qb7 very strong move
40...Ne4 (0:36) 41.Qd4+ (0:09) Kh7 (0:04) 42.Rc6 (0:16)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: ok, what is white doing on Ng3 here
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: Rc3 can't be good
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: in fact just Ne2
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: what about Qf4 vs Ng3. Forcing the knight to return if I'm not mistaken
42...Ng3 (1:56)
smallblackcat(2018) whispers: why not Nf5 there?
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: Qd3 looks ok
43.Qc3 (2:24) Ne4 (0:28) 44.Qc4 (0:27) Qd7 (0:56)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: maybe he can evacuate his king to a3
45.Qd4 (1:11) Ng3 (0:47)
MateinSixteen(1885) whispers: is qf6 playable?
MateinSixteen(1885) whispers: maybe its too dangerous
46.Qf4 (1:29) Nf5 (1:10) 47.Kd2 (0:21) Rxe3 (1:08)
wmahan(1959) whispers: hmm, did OC blunder?
48.Rc7 (0:49)
ShakaZahn(1980) whispers: seeing as he moved his king there I don't think so
48...Qe8 (0:28) 49.Bc2 (0:09) Re2+ (0:33) 50.Kc1 (0:10)
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: wasn't c3 better than c1?
50...Rxg2 (1:22)
wmahan(1959) whispers: I hope he wasn't counting on Bxf5
51.Qe4 (1:24)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: he might have been - and then noticed its subtle downside.
51...Rg1+ (0:37)
ShakaZahn(1980) whispers: ah yes, i see now why you wanted the king on c3 ;)
52.Kd2 (0:11) Qf8 (0:38) jaberwock offers a draw.
Aneirin(1728) whispers: I'd accept it now if I were him :)
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: yea
Aneirin(1728) whispers: he was a bit better before, but not this time.
Ismirdochegal(2066) whispers: i dont understand why jaber offered
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: a bit low on time is my guess
ShakaZahn(1980) whispers: Jaber's time needs to win one of the last two games though
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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