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groundcontrol(1897) vs. organicchess(2023) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-18

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:10) Nf6 (0:18) 3.e3 (0:13)
wmahan(1989) whispers: so much for d4 f5...
3...Bg4 (0:33) 4.Be2 (0:33)
piorgovici(1521) whispers: go OC
4...e6 (1:08) 5.h3 (0:43) Bh5 (1:52) 6.O-O (1:30) Bd6 (0:36) 7.c4 (0:48) c6 (2:11) 8.Nc3 (1:23) O-O (0:45)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Go GC!
9.b3 (1:32)
wmahan(1989) whispers: go for the win OC!
milpat(1799) whispers: go OC man!!!
9...Nbd7 (1:54)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: two many bishops, not enough pawns
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: in the crowd, that is
wmahan(1989) whispers: :)
pchesso(1759) whispers: i can be a pawn for a break :)
10.Bb2 (1:31)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: I feel like a rook today.
pchesso(1759) whispers: btw, thx for your kind wishes the other day, wmahan! (my game had started and console window collapsed...)
10...Ne4 (2:03)
wmahan(1989) whispers: no problem...I am on your side unless you are playing my teammate :)
pchesso(1759) whispers: :)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Are they still in book? And if so which book?
wmahan(1989) whispers: I don't have anything after 5.h3
11.Nxe4 (3:21) dxe4 (0:07) 12.Nd2 (0:09) Bxe2 (0:59) 13.Qxe2 (0:04) f5 (0:43)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: My DB has this through 8....O-O
wmahan(1989) whispers: I think OC's dutch tendencies are coming out
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: these guys aren't big on theory, I think
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: natural players, you might say
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Does your database say which opening it is considered to be jab?
wmahan(1989) whispers: definitely in OC's case
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: The opening was rather tame, from white's part at least
jaberwock(2082) whispers: and through transposition, 13...f5 is in there, too
14.f4 (2:32)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: f3 is indicated; similar to an Alekhine-Maroczy game, I think
14...Nf6 (1:48)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: that would suggest that black should avoid exf3, as he has done
jaberwock(2082) whispers: agreed
jaberwock(2082) whispers: hard to activate the Bb2, with all the white pawns on dark squares
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: black can play for a kingside attack later
wmahan(1989) whispers: I think this is OC's kind of position...he was probably happy to trade off his LSB
jaberwock(2082) whispers: if white tries to clamp with c5, then d5 is a square that would make Tchigorin drool.
15.a3 (3:01)
pchesso(1759) whispers: perhaps Qe8, Nh5(-g3)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: I guess q-side expansion is white's best bet for counterplay.
milpat(1799) whispers: maybe Qe8?
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: hi
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Qe8 would certainly fit in with black's foprementioned Dutch incliantions.
pchesso(1759) whispers: hello alpha
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: Qd7, Kh8, Rg8, g5 is a long-term plan here
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: how does white cope with g5 push?
15...b6 (5:30)
pchesso(1759) whispers: i have been thinking about g5 too, but aren't you afraid of the Bb2 ?
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: maybe white should march king over to Q side and prepare for g4 push himself
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: well maybe it needs more preparation
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: like Rg8 and Rf8 first, to solidify the Nf6
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Petrosian-like strategy, sbc!
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: I don't really see the point of b6. black should want white to push c5.
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: if you shifted the f5 pawn over to d5, I would say black has a big advantage
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: but maybe its just equal here
16.b4 (4:04)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: with d5, the Bb2 is useless, here its potentially quite good
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: I agree with Pawnadian, black shouldn't induce white to improve the prospects of the b2 bishop
16...Bc7 (1:57)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: I suppose b6 does deny the c5 square to the WN.
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: the more I look, the more I think white's queenside strategy is stronger
17.Nb3 (1:57)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: but...black will always have a better bishop, so I still think its even-ish
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: If white can push d5 his B will be good too.
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: maybe white should transfer the bishop a la Bc3-e1-h4?
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: black should be able to stop d5
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: though how black can improve his position is not clear to me
pchesso(1759) whispers: perhaps Rad1, Ba1, Qb2 and push k-side pawns ?
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: d5 has the added bonus of giving d4 to the WN, from which it hits nice squares in the black camp.
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: d5 opens d4 square for white knight - opens bishop diagonal too
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: yes, maybe d5 works as a sac, eventually
17...Qe7 (4:01)
pchesso(1759) whispers: perhaps black wants to counter d5 with e5
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: Rad1 Rad8 d5 exd5 cxd5 Nxd5
18.Rfd1 (1:21)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: and can answer Nd4 with c5
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: though maybe not straight away
18...Rfd8 (0:23)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Rd1Rd8 d5 exd5 Nd4!
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: ah yes, good!
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: much better for white if black has a pawn on d5
19.Rd2 (1:00)
pchesso(1759) whispers: black can defend square c6 (after Nd4) with Rac8 and Bb8 (but that would mean the B had lost a tempo)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: perhaps Qf8 to cover f5, g7 and avoid a fork on c6?
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: ah, fork on e6 instead, nvm
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: f5 pawn might also be hanging to N/d4
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: pchesso's Rac8 seems necessary
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: with d5 cxd5 Nd4 Bb8
19...a6 (3:34)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: I imaginge GC will play Rad1 first though
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: It looks like the battle has shifted to the center. For a while it looked like each player was going to play on a wing.
pchesso(1759) whispers: if white simply manages to close the center, then i believe he can play g4 and gets his heavy pieces on the k-side first: g4, Qh2, Rg2, Kf2, Rh1. and then we are back on the wing
GroundControl(1897) whispers: thinking of chasing the knight with g4
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Hmm. That a6 pawn might hang to the WQ in some variations if the R/a8 moves as we expect it will.
GroundControl(1897) whispers: otherwise after b5 it will have d5
20.g4 (4:34)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: maybe this gives black counterplay too
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: I think I see white's idea. Kick the BN off f6 before it can get to d5.
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: it can come via e8-c7 though
xivarmy(1904) whispers: that's a much slower route though
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Yes, but that will take several moves. By then maybe white can execute his plans in the center.
20...Qf7 (4:31)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: the b2 bishop is getting ominous
21.g5 (1:27)
Koff(1992) whispers: thx for teaching me a new word :)
21...Nd7 (2:33)
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: okay, now white doesn't have to worry about g5 at least
xivarmy(1904) whispers: and Nd7 seems to be on the wrong tour. but how can white setup a favorable opening of the position?
22.Rad1 (3:22)
piorgovici(1521) whispers: Nf8 seems good
22...a5 (2:56)
pchesso(1759) whispers: perhaps instead of g4-g5 i would have liked g4xf5 better, because white can easier access the open g-file with heavy pieces. now at least on the k-side i do not see how to make progress
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: I think his progress will be in the center.
23.bxa5 (2:05) bxa5 (0:10)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: the problem with g5 (in my view) is that it gives black an opportunity to generate kingside counterplay at a crucial moment
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: right now white's pieces are well-placed to support the king, but as he makes progress in the centre his heavy pieces will be drawn into the black position and away from his own king
Jammes(1842) whispers: i like white here
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Of course the black pieces are nowhere near the WK either.
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: true
24.Nc5 (3:15)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: I'm only saying that it gives black a chance at counterplay later, so he won't just get squashed in the centre
Jammes(1842) whispers: didnt expect that but perhaps good idea
GroundControl(1897) whispers: it's hard to protect the knight so i figured this was best
xivarmy(1904) whispers: i expected black to force that with a4, didn't expect white to volunteer it
unsophisticated(1729) whispers: doesn't that enable black to get rid of the knight on the road to nowhere and crate 2 weak pawns in the process?
24...Nxc5 (1:36)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: the pawns aren't really weak
25.dxc5 (0:04) Qe7 (0:11)
wmahan(1989) whispers: yes, but white's bishop looks great after Nxc5
xivarmy(1904) whispers: i do think black has almost equalised now though
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: black can't easily attack them, and they control some important squares
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: like here, R all trade on d8 Qe2 Bc7 Kf2 Qxc5 Qd7
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: *Qd2 not Qe2
26.Rxd8+ (1:42) Rxd8 (0:07) 27.Rxd8+ (0:08)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: If the WQ can get to the a1-h8 diagonal it could be dangerous.
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: indeed
27...Qxd8 (0:49)
xivarmy(1904) whispers: not so sure about that - i think black can hold by passive defense
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: Kf2 seems right here, unless its bad to cutoff the queens lateral movement
28.Qc2 (1:01)
wmahan(1989) whispers: I feel white let black of the hook somehow
wmahan(1989) whispers: off*
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: well if he did, it was with Nc5
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: but I dunno if white could really claim a big edge before that
piorgovici(1521) whispers: e5 nice
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: what about striking in the centre with e5 here?
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: I think d5 was preferable to Nc5.
wmahan(1989) whispers: I guess Qc3 comes next regardless
28...e5 (2:02)
wmahan(1989) whispers: good call piorgovici
piorgovici(1521) whispers: of course OC cant miss this
piorgovici(1521) whispers: I use comp....
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Qc3 Qd3!
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: better Bc1 ?
wmahan(1989) whispers: maybe, but that just shows how good e5 was
pchesso(1759) whispers: h4 ?
29.Qc3 (2:40)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: h4 loses f4 pawn
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Qd3 now
xombie(1888) whispers: so how is org. doing here
wmahan(1989) whispers: hmm, Qd3 vs. Qd1
wmahan(1989) whispers: he's looking good now I think
29...Qd1+ (2:31)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: actually Qd1 may be stronger
wmahan(1989) whispers: Qd3 fxe5 might have been ok for white
30.Kg2 (1:30) Qf3+ (0:45) 31.Kh2 (0:24) Qf2+ (0:21) 32.Kh1 (0:05)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Now black has perp if he wants it.
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: But I suspect he doesn't
wmahan(1989) whispers: hard to find something more though
32...Qg3 (0:32)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Qg3 looks good
xivarmy(1904) whispers: think that's all he has here. hard to see a way to defuse the g7 threat without offering a Q trade
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: for a second I thought it was zugswang, but white has Ba1
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: wins pawn at least
milpat(1799) whispers: Go OC!!!!!
wmahan(1989) whispers: nice, OC
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: I guess win the pawn and get the queen back to d3
GreatSachin(1793) whispers: is oc winning? I will still say go oc!
wmahan(1989) whispers: well he just turned down a perp so it can't be bad :)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: another reason to play Ba1, I think
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: and if fxe then also takes g5 pawn - gets connected passers on g and h
xivarmy(1904) whispers: i suppose black can walk the king to h5 and then play exf
33.h4 (1:58)
smallblackcat(1993) whispers: interesting idea
33...Qxh4+ (0:27) 34.Kg2 (0:03)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: e6 should be safe enough for black king no?
34...Qg4+ (0:50)
milpat(1799) whispers: Qg4 and d3
35.Kf2 (0:16)
GroundControl(1897) whispers: i was wondering when i played g4 if king safety would kill me, it looks like it
35...g6 (1:15)
wmahan(1989) whispers: Qf3+ Qd1+ and Qd3, was that your idea pat?
pchesso(1759) whispers: i still believe g5 was the problem, not g4
wmahan(1989) whispers: or maybe Qd1 immediately because of Qf3 Ke1
Fashion(1859) whispers: pxp and then a push... Isn't
wmahan(1989) whispers: hmm, that eliminates the king-walking ideas
36.Ke1 (2:02) Qg1+ (0:43)
xombie(1888) whispers: can this be perped out?
GroundControl(1897) whispers: can't go to b3 because of a check on d3
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: g6 looks wrong to me maybe h5 was stronger?
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: What was wrong with fxe5 Qxg5 e6?
37.Ke2 (1:05)
Fashion(1859) whispers: i considered that only
wmahan(1989) whispers: I was wondering the same thing
37...Kf7 (1:34)
Fashion(1859) whispers: even now that would work
Twikki(2036) whispers: I thought Kf7 was simpler than g6... respond to fe with Ke6
milpat(1799) whispers: but now black has Ke6, no?
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: No. Now after e6 Kxe6 and white has nothing.
wmahan(1989) whispers: maybe fxe Ke6
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: black sitting pretty now
38.Ba1 (1:40)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qb3 is still complicated
milpat(1799) whispers: yea wil, xe5 Ke6 and grand diago is blocked
xombie(1888) whispers: what a mess
wmahan(1989) whispers: you and pawnadian beat me to it pat
xombie(1888) whispers: looking a lot more comfortable for black now
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qb1 looks pretty good now
wmahan(1989) whispers: I was thinking Ke6 to meet fxe with Qh2+
xombie(1888) whispers: Ke6 is okay too
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Yes. fxe5 doesn't work with BK on f7. He had to do it earlier.
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Ke6 is better I think - Q still eyeing g5
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qb1-d3+ should be basically over
wmahan(1989) whispers: that does make a lot of sense
38...Qg4+ (3:56)
piorgovici(1521) whispers: Ke6 block all white threat
39.Ke1 (1:09)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Twikki is also right actually
wmahan(1989) whispers: Qg1-b1 still seems ok
39...Qh4+ (1:05)
Twikki(2036) whispers: black's main concern with trading the qs off is the a pawn
40.Ke2 (0:10)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Ke6 and what has white got?
Twikki(2036) whispers: but it looks like the tempos would work out in his favor
wmahan(1989) whispers: these checks seem pointless to me
xivarmy(1904) whispers: setting up h6 maybe. it also looks like it should lead to a win in some moves
Twikki(2036) whispers: the checks gain thinking time but probably not much else
milpat(1799) whispers: ...or too much scientific for me Wil :)
GroundControl(1897) whispers: Ke6 and exf works?
wmahan(1989) whispers: :)
40...h5 (1:39)
GroundControl(1897) whispers: maybe Kd7 first, but i run out of checks?
41.gxh6 (1:34)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Ba1 made things harder for white... now the queen can't go to b3 because of the checks winning the B
41...Qxh6 (0:09)
Fashion(1859) whispers: black can play ..a5 and ...Ba4
milpat(1799) whispers: now fxe5 less atrractive :)
xivarmy(1904) whispers: won't be much choice soon, black can force a passer
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: now liquidate everything on e5 - such a pivotal square!
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Ke6 then Qh2+
42.Kd1 (2:03)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: White had to play fxe5 right after black played g6. Now it is too late.:(
Fashion(1859) whispers: now pxp and black has it
42...Qh2 (1:41)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: After pxp white might have a perp with qf6+
43.Ke1 (1:07)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Ke6 first it can get away via d7 c8 b7
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: Maybe Qa2! - b1 - e3
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: d3
wmahan(1989) whispers: if black is making waiting moves anyway I don't see why not play Ke6
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: After Ke6 now, black can reply Bxe5 to fxe5
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: That seems to offer some needed simplification
wmahan(1989) whispers: yes, and maybe g5 next
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: Also Ke6 looks goog
Fashion(1859) whispers: no there was no perpetual...
wmahan(1989) whispers: your idea is good Luar but he didn't see it before
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: But getting the queen to e3 must be good for black
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: d3:)
wmahan(1989) whispers: yes, Twikki pointed that out earlier
43...Ke6 (2:04)
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: finally!
xivarmy(1904) whispers: with threat of Qh4+ and exf without giving up a check
44.Bb2 (0:38)
pchesso(1759) whispers: now Qg3+ and g6-g5 ?
wmahan(1989) whispers: yeah, that works in either order
Twikki(2036) whispers: ef is probably playable, but I wouldn't do it :P
44...Qh8 (2:04)
wmahan(1989) whispers: the Qh4 idea seems to win a pawn, as long as it doesn't expose the black king too much
wmahan(1989) whispers: strange
xivarmy(1904) whispers: yea second look at Qh4+ K~ exf4 Qg7! seemed troubling
xombie(1888) whispers: any thoughts on black's winning plan?
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Maybe Q is going to d3 via d8
xombie(1888) whispers: ha, nice
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: That's what I suspect
wmahan(1989) whispers: that's the only reason I can think of
xombie(1888) whispers: thats a beautiful manoeuvre
milpat(1799) whispers: there's not 2 like OC.... :)
wmahan(1989) whispers: I guess the point is white is paralyzed
45.Kf2 (1:36)
Fashion(1859) whispers: some useless moves... ?
xombie(1888) whispers: indeed
xombie(1888) whispers: need to rub it in a little
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: The b1 route seemed more natural, but I guess all roads lead to Rome
xombie(1888) whispers: perhaps white should have realligned Q and B in reverse order
wmahan(1989) whispers: OC doesn't take the obvious path :)
xombie(1888) whispers: in which case the capture on e5 would have been possible
Twikki(2036) whispers: there are some cheap ideas with Qd8 and a4 too
45...Qd8 (1:36)
piorgovici(1521) whispers: Qh4+ then exf4
LaurentiuI(1767) whispers: finally!
wmahan(1989) whispers: nice idea, fashion's Ba5
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Twikki had it some 10 moves ago
Twikki(2036) whispers: I think he wants to force the K to g3 before playing ef
xombie(1888) whispers: ah, does Kd2 have any effect?
wmahan(1989) whispers: if you look back twikki usually sees things long before the rest of us
xombie(1888) whispers: yes, need to consult twikkipedia
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: After Kd2 Qd3 Qd3 ed3 Kd3 ef4 black is just winning.
xombie(1888) whispers: if we may pardon the pun :)
Twikki(2036) whispers: i owe it all to a lifetime of beer drinking
46.fxe5 (2:11)
Twikki(2036) whispers: Qd1 and Bd8 might lead to a cheap mate
46...Qh4+ (0:29)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Theme for the game - get pawns out of the way of your bishop
Fashion(1859) whispers: little soda could have made you an im
wmahan(1989) whispers: maybe wanting Qh2+ and Bxe5
xombie(1888) whispers: very unusual game this
Twikki(2036) whispers: yeah, I think Kg2 is forced
xombie(1888) whispers: all the diagonal action
Pawnadian(1957) whispers: Now black will get his Q to g3 or h2 and then play Bxe5 to force everything off.
Fashion(1859) whispers: twiki used to paint beer can as pawns and pieces and used to play to his floor checker :-) ... Am i right
GroundControl(1897) whispers: i lose the bishop or e3, time to resign
GroundControl resigns 0-1


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