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organicchess(2007) vs. jussu(1975) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-12

1.f4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:11) g6 (0:12) 3.d4 (0:30) Bg7 (0:15) 4.e3 (0:06)
wmahan(1924) whispers: I'm surprised black is thinking...the stonewall shouldn't be a surprise
4...Nf6 (1:16) 5.Bd3 (0:06)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: not something you necessarily have a prep for though
5...c5 (0:27) 6.c4 (1:15) O-O (2:04)
GreatSachin(1753) whispers: ah another stonewall go oc!
jaberwock(2082) whispers: castling cannot be criticized, but the Petrosian part in me says, isolate QP if possible
7.cxd5 (1:04) cxd4 (0:27) 8.e4 (3:58) e6 (0:14) 9.dxe6 (1:18) Bxe6 (0:34) 10.e5 (1:51)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Ng4 ready to sit on e3, or reposition on Nh6-f5
xivarmy(1887) whispers: yea, really don't understand why the rush for e5. surely white had more pressing matters. castling... developing the knight. recapturing the d-pawn before the N lands on e3
10...Nd5 (5:17)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: this might lead to same stuff
11.O-O (1:36)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: yes, e5 gave away squares to black; and white's development feels awkward to me. an eventual f6 by black may open things up if white fall behind
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Nc6; no hurry for Ne3 if the knight stands better on d5 than the Bishop on c1
11...f6 (4:30) 12.Re1 (5:00) Nc6 (1:56) 13.Qa4 (1:44)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: Ncb4 interesting
13...fxe5 (1:12) 14.fxe5 (0:32)
wmahan(1930) whispers: yeah, obviously Ncb4 Nxd4 doesn't work because of Qb6
14...Rxf3 (6:55)
wmahan(1930) whispers: hmm, I was thinking about this but didn't think he'd do it
evilcoyote(1947) whispers: lol i was thinking the same thing you wrote down
wmahan(1930) whispers: it doesn't seem bad...black gets a pawn and central control for the exchange
15.gxf3 (1:36) Qh4 (0:21)
wmahan(1930) whispers: scary
xivarmy(1887) whispers: and white's development is still sorry.
wmahan(1930) whispers: I was thinking Bd2 but maybe it's better to defend f3 with Qd1
16.Qd1 (4:26)
wmahan(1930) whispers: I wonder if black can give back the exchange after Bxe5
16...Bxe5 (1:19)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: i almost felt he had to. but i don't know that it helps
wmahan(1930) whispers: the only alternative I see is Qe2...well, Re2 looks awkward
wmahan(1930) whispers: Qe2 Ne3 Bxe3 dxe3 followed by Nd4 maybe
evilcoyote(1947) whispers: Qe2 Bxh2
wmahan(1930) whispers: oh, you're right
17.Re2 (2:56)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: and the trouble with Rxe5 is after Nxe5 black has diversion threats to land Qe1+
wmahan(1930) whispers: so maybe this was best after al
wmahan(1930) whispers: then again, it's possible all moves lose already
wmahan(1930) whispers: I'm not sure Ncb4 accomplishes much now
xivarmy(1887) whispers: Bf4 perhaps - can't quite see the end of the lines right now
wmahan(1930) whispers: Bf4 Bxf4 Nxf4 Rf2 looks too dangerous for white I think
evilcoyote(1947) whispers: wmahan's idea of Ne3 Bxe3 dxe3 ... followed by Nd4 looks strong
17...Rf8 (9:44)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: yes in that line Rf2 immediately drops the R wm ;) Rd2 is probably where it'd have to go - not sure the white king is safe though
xivarmy(1887) whispers: this poses the same where can the R go problem
wmahan(1930) whispers: Be4 maybe?
18.Be4 (5:04)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: think it's gotta be Ne3 time now. black's pieces seem to find themself overloaded one way or another in most other lines i see
xivarmy(1887) whispers: i guess Bf4 still kinda works too
18...Nf4 (7:41)
evilcoyote(1947) whispers: i am confused he spends about 10 minutes on Rf8 then thinks another 7 minutes on the next move
wmahan(1930) whispers: Bxf4 looks forced
maeniel(1854) whispers: what a mess
wmahan(1930) whispers: I prefer to say it's a very organic position
maeniel(1854) whispers: vegetable sex
pchesso(1752) whispers: hello all
maeniel(1854) whispers: alo
wmahan(1930) whispers: well black has found good moves, although my computer liked Ne3 more than Nf4
xivarmy(1887) whispers: Bxc6 might be playable... of course if i missed anything it might also get white mated
maeniel(1854) whispers: thats my definition of plyable too
wmahan(1930) whispers: looks possible to me, although I'm not sure what it helps
pchesso(1752) whispers: sharp position
xivarmy(1887) whispers: idea in a world where white's not fighting back would be Bxc6 bxc6 and Rxe5 - but i guess Qg5+ in there stops that
pchesso(1752) whispers: Bxc6 removes defender of Be5
wmahan(1930) whispers: true
19.Bxf4 (6:29) Bxf4 (0:25)
pchesso(1752) whispers: Bxc6 bxc6, and then Rxe6? fails to Bxh2 in my calc
xivarmy(1887) whispers: yea, Bxc6 definitely is not working here
20.Nd2 (3:42)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: Bxc6 Be3+!? Rxe3 fxe3 with looming threat of Qf2+ and e2 will still pick up the c6 bishop as white has to respond to other things first
pchesso(1752) whispers: perhaps activate the N? Nd2 maybe
wmahan(1930) whispers: amazing but true
wmahan(1930) whispers: mis
pchesso(1752) whispers: Be3 still has to be good, threat Bh3
20...Ne5 (2:19)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: threat of d3 when the rook has nowhere to go
maeniel(1854) whispers: interesting idea
wmahan(1930) whispers: maybe Bxb7 and give back the exchange after d3 Rg2 ?
21.Qe1 (2:53)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: well black can get a second pawn while reducing to an ending i think... whether or not that's a good idea is another matter
xombie(1882) whispers: it is abundantly clear that the rook is worthless
wmahan(1930) whispers: don't bring your rook-bashing into this game xomb
pchesso(1752) whispers: well it has safely guarded h2 for quite some moves now :)
xombie(1882) whispers: LOL
21...Be3+ (3:11)
xombie(1882) whispers: ugh
22.Kh1 (1:03)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: it's extremely frightening when you start hearing explosions in your backyard
pchesso(1752) whispers: :)
xivarmy(1887) whispers: (some kids setting off fireworks in the area behind us and the ash is spraying against the windows)
xombie(1882) whispers: better than feline cats spraying
22...Qf4 (3:20)
wmahan(1930) whispers: which in turn is better than non-feline cats
JoshuaR(1642) whispers: oh my gosh, cat talk again
xombie(1882) whispers: yes, i wanted to discriminate between the cat who runs the show here
xombie(1882) whispers: distinguish, sorry
23.Rg2 (1:41) Bh3 (0:54)
xombie(1882) whispers: seems like the exchange is toast
24.Re2 (0:36)
pchesso(1752) whispers: Bxd2 should grab another pawn, but maybe black has more?
xombie(1882) whispers: the question is, does black's attack dissipate after d3 and capture of material after that
xombie(1882) whispers: one possibility is Bxd2 Rxd2 Nxf3
xombie(1882) whispers: actually Nxf3 right away too
wmahan(1930) whispers: isn't Nxf3 Bd5+ possible?
xombie(1882) whispers: what after Kh8?
pchesso(1752) whispers: oh nice find, yes
wmahan(1930) whispers: I was thinking Nxf3
xombie(1882) whispers: ah yes
xombie(1882) whispers: so Bxd2 instead
24...Nxf3 (4:39)
wmahan(1930) whispers: hmm, if that works then OC's Rg2-Re2 maneuver will have been brilliant
pchesso(1752) whispers: Bd5+ Kh8 Nxf3 Bg4
xombie(1882) whispers: kinda sad for black if this doesnt work
wmahan(1930) whispers: yeah, in reality jussu probably saw this
evilcoyote(1947) whispers: what about Bxf3
25.Bxf3 (1:43)
xombie(1882) whispers: Bxf3 Bxd2
xombie(1882) whispers: wmahan's line seemed interesting
evilcoyote(1947) whispers: Bd5 followed by Rxd2
jussu(1975) whispers: stupid
wmahan(1930) whispers: good call coyote
wmahan(1930) whispers: this still uses the Bd5+ idea
pchesso(1752) whispers: don't be too critical with yourself, jussu!!! this is a good game
wmahan(1930) whispers: now time is on OC's side
wmahan(1930) whispers: I guess this was better than Bd5+ because of pchesso's Bg4
25...Bxd2 (2:01) 26.Bd5+ (0:56) jussu resigns 1-0


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