jaberwock(2025) vs. organicchess(2024) *
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-06
jaberwock(2025) whispers: So much for my preparation on the Latvian... 3.Bb5 (0:25) Nf6 (0:18)
JoshuaR(1619) whispers: long-ish think. black did pass on a6, heh 4.O-O (4:01) Bc5 (0:51) 5.c3 (1:59) Qe7 (2:15)
wmahan(1972) whispers: hmm, OC didn't play the latvian gambit 6.d4 (2:03)
milpat(1801) whispers: jaberwock(2025)[151] whispers: So much for my preparation on the Latvian...
JoshuaR(1619) whispers: lol! 6...Bb6 (0:26)
wmahan(1972) whispers: hehe
milpat(1801) whispers: OC plays latvian 99% of times ... bad luck u fall on the 1% Jab :P 7.Bg5 (2:35) h6 (1:49) 8.Bxf6 (2:08) Qxf6 (0:03) 9.Bxc6 (1:58) bxc6 (0:03) 10.Nxe5 (0:21) O-O (0:50)
wmahan(1972) whispers: hmm, it doesn't look like OC has much compensation for the pawn
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: classical ruy.....interesting...
wmahan(1972) whispers: he has the B pair but the position isn't open enough for that to be an advantage yet 11.Nd2 (5:13)
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: personally...i remain suspicious of the ruy defenses without a6....but thats me
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: :-)
milpat(1801) whispers: c5 any good? 11...Re8 (2:55)
wmahan(1972) whispers: c5 did look interesting, but I guess he thought Ndf3 cxd cxd just strengthens white's center
milpat(1801) whispers: ...or Ndc4, well ok u right
wmahan(1972) whispers: or maybe even dxc5 eliminating the B pair...I'm not sure to be honest
milpat(1801) whispers: Ndc4 kills the pair actually, no?
wmahan(1972) whispers: oops, that wouldn't necessarily get rid of the B pair
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: well he does not want to straighten pawns either 12.a4 (4:19)
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: is my wild guess...
wmahan(1972) whispers: yeah, I think it did pat
milpat(1801) whispers: now a5 will save it
wmahan(1972) whispers: Ba6 didn't seem to help
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: Nc4 -- NxB bails out that ugly bastard anyways
wmahan(1972) whispers: a5 and a6 seem like the only moves
milpat(1801) whispers: a5 Ba7? Nc4
milpat(1801) whispers: mm a5 Nc4 Ba7? (better order)
wmahan(1972) whispers: so you think a6 is better pat?
xivarmy(1891) whispers: d6 might be playable. d6 Nxc3 Bb7
wmahan(1972) whispers: good point
milpat(1801) whispers: maybe a6 better than a5, cuz a5 would hang after Nc4 Ba7
wmahan(1972) whispers: a6 and a5 both look awkward
wmahan(1972) whispers: a6 prevents Ba6, if that's any good
xivarmy(1891) whispers: a5 looks like the better of the two as black's light bishop might still like the a6 square
milpat(1801) whispers: white plays a5 next move if black does nothin
xivarmy(1891) whispers: also not totally out of the question: Rxe5
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: i was thinking that...as black is clearly behind in my book
milpat(1801) whispers: already a pawn down may discourage some Rxe5, maybe
xivarmy(1891) whispers: i think black actually has a really good shot to fight for equality after Rxe5. the two bishops have a good chance to get the exchange back eventually
wmahan(1972) whispers: it does have some appeal, albeit in a desperate sort of way
xivarmy(1891) whispers: but overall a5 is probably objectively 'best'
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: true..
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: doubt N is moving
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: could try and set up Rx
shivaroxxx(1698) whispers: better
wmahan(1972) whispers: maybe black could even play Ba6 first, to pressure f2
xivarmy(1891) whispers: that's actually a neat idea. Ba6 Re1 Rxe5!
wmahan(1972) whispers: it would work if the rook had to move, but I guess white can just play c4 or something
xivarmy(1891) whispers: true
milpat(1801) whispers: but better see c4 than Nc4 from black point of view, no?
milpat(1801) whispers: well c4 Bxd4...
xivarmy(1891) whispers: well... Ba6 c4 forces Rxe5 and now you don't get the f2 shot
xivarmy(1891) whispers: oh i guess true
xivarmy(1891) whispers: d4 is cut out, but Ba6 Nc4 is still ok 12...c5 (11:02)
milpat(1801) whispers: ok, a5 cxd4 axb6? Ne5 falls too
milpat(1801) whispers: i tought this was losing a piece for a moment
xivarmy(1891) whispers: hm... a5 cxd4 axb6 Qxe5 Rxa7 does not look appealing to me... does black have a better intermediate move in there somewhere
wmahan(1972) whispers: wow
wmahan(1972) whispers: I don't see anything other than your line xiv
xivarmy(1891) whispers: maybe i'm just misevaluating it - perhaps black can win the a-pawn after trading rooks on a7
arunsingh(1693) whispers: Bishop pair vs Centre control 13.Ng4 (4:51)
milpat(1801) whispers: a5 cxd axb6 dxc3? is that possilble?
xivarmy(1891) whispers: ah, i guess this might just simply win a piece instead
wmahan(1972) whispers: oh, this looks even better for white
milpat(1801) whispers: seems to kill the counterplay
wmahan(1972) whispers: nice move...suddenly it seems lost :(
xivarmy(1891) whispers: black can still get 3 pawns for the piece maybe, could keep the game interesting
xivarmy(1891) whispers: maybe... no only counting 2 in most lines, which leaves him only 1 pawn up, not so interesting :(
wmahan(1972) whispers: I guess black could try Qg6 a5 d5 and if the Ne5, Bh3
xivarmy(1891) whispers: Qf4, Ba6, and h5 perhaps
wmahan(1972) whispers: oh nvm, Ne5 attacks Qg6
xivarmy(1891) whispers: could Rxe5 and Bh3 there if it lead to anything, but g3 returning the ex seems to always be an option
wmahan(1972) whispers: and if Ne3 then cxd frees the bishop I think
milpat(1801) whispers: why N would move Wil?
xivarmy(1891) whispers: because the bishop opens up on it when black moves the d-pawn 13...Qg6 (6:21)
wmahan(1972) whispers: yeah I was thinking after a5 d5 pat
wmahan(1972) whispers: or d6, not sure
wmahan(1972) whispers: oh, d6 stops Ne5 14.a5 (1:05)
wmahan(1972) whispers: d6 Ne3 cxd cxd and the B is still trapped :(
xivarmy(1891) whispers: perhaps just a5 d6 axb6 Bxg4 f3 14...d6 (0:35)
milpat(1801) whispers: ok i see now 15.f3 (0:22)
milpat(1801) whispers: i knew something was missing to me
xivarmy(1891) whispers: or just f3 keeping the bishop trapped
wmahan(1972) whispers: h5?
wmahan(1972) whispers: but then Nf2!
xivarmy(1891) whispers: Nf2 available now, he will get to pick up the bishop, and Nf2 covers h3 to boot
wmahan(1972) whispers: a good effort by OC but it looks like white has covered all the bases
xivarmy(1891) whispers: i do believe black's run out of resources 15...cxd4 (4:25) 16.axb6 (0:40) dxc3 (0:08) 17.bxc3 (0:33)
xivarmy(1891) whispers: yea, just the 2 pawns for the piece. if by some miracle black can win c3 we'd have a game again
wmahan(1972) whispers: hmm, I thought Rxa7 looked interesting 17...Bxg4 (0:42) 18.fxg4 (0:08) axb6 (0:17)
wmahan(1972) whispers: maybe Bxg4 then
milpat(1801) whispers: this let white withe strange pawns structure..
wmahan(1972) whispers: if OC hadn't been down a pawn already it wouldn't be so dire 19.h3 (1:35)
xivarmy(1891) whispers: but the pawns are all mostly covered and black has no minors left to complicate matters
milpat(1801) whispers: i do believe this is black best play, (since c5 commitment)
wmahan(1972) whispers: maybe Qg5 to threaten Rxa1
wmahan(1972) whispers: but I don't think white will mind trading rooks at all 19...Rxa1 (1:44)
xivarmy(1891) whispers: worth a shot - also threatens Qc5+ to pickup c3 20.Qxa1 (0:04) Qg5 (0:01)
wmahan(1972) whispers: this way c3 is covered unfortunately
wmahan(1972) whispers: Qa2 defends the N and comes with a threat of its own
wmahan(1972) whispers: but then c3 is weak again... 21.Qe1 (2:19)
milpat(1801) whispers: Qc5 and c3 falls?
wmahan(1972) whispers: not after Qf2 :(
milpat(1801) whispers: if c3 goes , i will start like the bunch of black pawns 21...Qc5+ (1:14)
wmahan(1972) whispers: that forces a Q trade I think 22.Qf2 (0:16)
milpat(1801) whispers: qf2 threat qf7 oops
arunsingh(1693) whispers: queen exchange forced
wmahan(1972) whispers: nice trap by white...not much hope for black now
xivarmy(1891) whispers: Re5 Qxc5 Rxc5 gives black some activity... hard to see how he turns it into a pawn though 22...Qxf2+ (2:10)
wmahan(1972) whispers: Re5 Qxf7+
xivarmy(1891) whispers: Q was pinned on f2. 23.Kxf2 (0:09)
milpat(1801) whispers: not possible wil
wmahan(1972) whispers: ah yes, thanks
wmahan(1972) whispers: maybe that was better then
milpat(1801) whispers: idea was nice xiv
xivarmy(1891) whispers: better is subjective here - both tries lost 23...Ra8 (1:00)
wmahan(1972) whispers: you have to admire OC's fighting spirit jaberwock lost connection; game adjourned *
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