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spoonerbj(1849) vs. organicchess(2019) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-04

StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: Go OrganicChess!
pgg(1676) whispers: go :(|)
1.f4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.fxe5 (0:06) d6 (0:02) 3.exd6 (0:03) Bxd6 (0:03) 4.Nf3 (0:09) Nf6 (0:06) 5.g3 (0:28) Nc6 (0:10) 6.d3 (0:33) Bf5 (0:13)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: maybe Be6 was better
7.e4 (0:41) Qe7 (0:09)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: oh I see
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: organic is a tactics player
pgg(1676) whispers: so hes a bit of a chip of the old block, StrategyMaster ;)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: From's gambit seems very popular to combat the Bird :)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: I've never played a gambit in my entire life
8.Nc3 (4:38)
pgg(1676) whispers: you must have declined a good few though, surely?
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: not even Queen's Gambit?
Myob(1820) whispers: don't think i'd know a gambit if it chopped my legs off and glued them to my elbows
zulugodetia(1497) whispers: :))
8...O-O-O (1:39)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: I don't play openings that lead to gambits
Aneirin(1757) whispers: hehe
Aneirin(1757) whispers: I play f4 myself regularly, but when I get 2. e5, I often go gambitty myself with 2. e4
Aneirin(1757) whispers: I thought 4. .. g5 was the main agressive line, though
GaraE(1457) whispers: Haha transitioning to KG huh.
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: it is
Aneirin(1757) whispers: Funkmaus once showed me a gazillion-move-refutation of it
Myob(1820) whispers: i think i remember a tv series called Gambit
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: well, black could fight back in the gambit war playing 2.- d5 vs 2.e4 ;)
Myob(1820) whispers: think i'd go Be3 here
Aneirin(1757) whispers: haha, yes, is that the falkbeer? it's annoying for white :)
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: Be3 looks good
9.Be2 (5:00) Nxe4 (2:32)
wmahan(2016) whispers: yes!
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: whoa!
Myob(1820) whispers: Bg3+ and Rd1 coming?
wmahan(2016) whispers: yep
wmahan(2016) whispers: so he can't really take
10.Nxe4 (1:11) Bxe4 (0:07)
wmahan(2016) whispers: with the pawn I mean
11.O-O (0:56)
Twikki(2036) whispers: this looks better for white
Twikki(2036) whispers: er, it did before o-o
Twikki(2036) whispers: 3 pieces for the q was fine
wmahan(2016) whispers: yeah, this seems ok for white too
11...Rhe8 (1:28) 12.Ng5 (0:39)
Koff(1944) whispers: hmm
Twikki(2036) whispers: Bc5+ looks over
Aneirin(1757) whispers: whooooops
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: Bc5+ now?
Aneirin(1757) whispers: yes
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: yay!
12...Bc5+ (1:27)
pgg(1676) whispers: :(
Myob(1820) whispers: dog-gone diggety-dangit :(
wmahan(2016) whispers: that was quick
castleden(1708) whispers: quite a nice pair...
StrategyMaster(1819) whispers: now Rf2
13.Rf2 (2:53) Bxf2+ (0:10) 14.Kxf2 (0:02)
wmahan(2016) whispers: Bxd3 possible?
wmahan(2016) whispers: oh Bxd3 sorry
14...f5 (0:48)
wmahan(2016) whispers: I guess OC wants to open the f-file if Nxe4
GaraE(1457) whispers: Also some possibility of having a passer e-pawn.
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: I think black is going for the enchilada here (kinghunt)
15.Qf1 (5:59) Bd5 (2:06)
wmahan(2016) whispers: Qc5+ Be3 Qxe3 and Bg2+ is a crazy idea but probably not great
16.Bd2 (4:25) Qc5+ (0:14)
Aneirin(1757) whispers: oh dear
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: this looks over after Ke1 and Nd4
17.Ke1 (1:17) Nd4 (1:05)
Aneirin(1757) whispers: quite a bit of murder.
milpat(1776) whispers: wow OC feels agressive today!
wmahan(2016) whispers: nothing white can do
SpoonerBJ resigns 0-1


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