organicchess(2007) vs. hypermagnus(2134) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-04-24
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: I probably shouldn't have been drinking
hugozver(1951) whispers: maybe Orgie is drunk too ;) 1...Nf6 (0:00)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: so no From. Pity 2.Nf3 (0:26)
Bombassa(1998) whispers: when you have 16 pawns something is wrong
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: let's go for the boring Colle instead (yuck) 2...e6 (0:41) 3.Bg5 (0:43)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: this evening's multitask: I'll be reading a book on Song dynasty's beauty standards 3...d5 (2:10) 4.e3 (0:07) Bd6 (0:57) 5.Bd3 (0:14) Nbd7 (0:22) 6.O-O (0:07) O-O (0:14) 7.Nc3 (0:08)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: obviously going for e4 7...c5 (4:28) 8.Nb5 (0:32)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: hmm 8...Bb8 (1:41) 9.c4 (0:53)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: as if this position wasn't complicated enough
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: maybe there's something with the a6-b5 pawn push
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: a6 Kc3 cxd4 maybe 9...a6 (3:50) 10.Na3 (0:32)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: what an interesting player this guy is 10...dxc4 (2:06) 11.Nxc4 (0:32)
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: b5
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: or cxd? 11...h6 (3:41) 12.Bh4 (0:17) cxd4 (0:13) 13.Nxd4 (0:07)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: hmm
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: I was convinced he will go for exd4
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: can I untangle myself a little now?
jaberwock(1985) whispers: I love black's Stenitizn bishops 13...Ne5 (2:00)
cytrus(1943) whispers: b5 Nc6 Qc7 Nxb8 Qxb8 14.Nxe5 (0:26) Bxe5 (0:07) 15.Be2 (0:01)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: does he always play so fast?
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: g5!
xivarmy(1961) whispers: what's the idea? g5 Bg3 and?
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: BxB
xivarmy(1961) whispers: which would favor white wouldn't it?
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: to open castle :)
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: and free the Queen 15...Qb6 (4:08)
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: mmmm if now f4?
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: forced Bxd4 16.f4 (1:26)
xivarmy(1961) whispers: don't know about forced Bxf6 gxf6 isn't all bad
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: there's only one thing I can think about this move and it's wtf??
RxR(1684) whispers: Bd6 or Bc7 or Bb8 are unthinkable?
cytrus(1943) whispers: BxN exd4 Nd5
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: so Bxf6 is very hard
xivarmy(1961) whispers: it's sharp - but i don't think it's bad for black
sirpicha(1864) whispers: a trade would unconnect the pawns
RxR(1684) whispers: although Bxd4 looks OK
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: should take Iguess
xivarmy(1961) whispers: Bxd4 is fine, maybe += though 16...Bxd4 (3:01) 17.Qxd4 (0:08)
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: Qxd4
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: oh you want an endgame? fine with me 17...Qxd4 (0:31) 18.exd4 (0:03)
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: Nd5 18...Nd5 (0:59)
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: position is + or - equal 19.Rac1 (1:26)
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: b6 to stop Rc5 19...Bd7 (0:40) 20.Bc4 (0:28)
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: Ne3! fork
sirpicha(1864) whispers: ohh well
sirpicha(1864) whispers: not at all
sirpicha(1864) whispers: but eliminate the pair of bishops
xivarmy(1961) whispers: the opposite bishop ending after Ne3 is fine for white - though probably just =, i don't see a way to take initiative
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: so it's pretty much over if I let him exchange the bish for knight
xivarmy(1961) whispers: Ne3-Nf5 might be interesting though if black wants to continue the game
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: Magnus is thinking ok :) 20...Rac8 (4:20)
xivarmy(1961) whispers: Ne3 Re1 Nf5 Bf2 Bc6 and it's still dynamic 21.Bxd5 (0:26)
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: can't win here
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: specially with -25 minutes
sweetarianna(2032) whispers: Magnus wants echange 21...exd5 (0:09) 22.Rfe1 (0:05) Rxc1 (0:08) 23.Rxc1 (0:04) Rc8 (0:03)
hugozver(1951) whispers: yeah, draw 24.Rxc8+ (0:19) HyperMagnus offers a draw. 24...Bxc8 (0:04)
hugozver(1951) whispers: orgie declines :D
xivarmy(1961) whispers: and spends 52 minutes thinking now!
hugozver(1951) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2134) whispers: this is ridiculous Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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