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seward(1363) vs. ericking(1428) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 20+0, 2008-08-26

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:06) cxd4 (0:06) 3.Qxd4 (0:03) Nc6 (0:02) 4.Qd1 (0:07) e5 (0:11) 5.Nc3 (0:04) Nf6 (0:03) 6.Nf3 (0:06) Be7 (0:24) 7.b3 (0:16) Qc7 (0:12) 8.Bd3 (0:06) O-O (0:05) 9.O-O (0:06) Nd4 (0:25) 10.Bb2 (0:13) a6 (0:24) 11.Nd5 (0:03) Nxd5 (0:39) 12.exd5 (0:04) Bf6 (0:01) 13.Nxd4 (0:41) exd4 (0:07) 14.Bc4 (0:09) Be5 (0:19) 15.h3 (0:30) d6 (0:24) 16.Re1 (0:28) Bxh3 (0:38) 17.gxh3 (0:09) Qe7 (0:56) 18.Bxd4 (0:32) Qg5+ (0:06) 19.Kf1 (0:04) Bh2 (0:22) 20.Qg4 (0:25) f6 (1:29) 21.Qg2 (0:21) Be5 (0:16) 22.Qxg5 (0:11) fxg5 (0:14) 23.Bxe5 (0:02) dxe5 (0:09) (23...dxe5 (0:09) 24.Re2 (0:07) Seward requests to take back 1 half move(s). EricKing accepts the takeback request.) 24.Rxe5 (0:08) Kh8 (0:19) 25.Rd1 (0:22) Rf4 (0:21) 26.Rxg5 (0:17) Raf8 (0:11) 27.Rd2 (0:11) h6 (0:03) 28.Re5 (0:10) Rh4 (0:10) 29.Re3 (0:23) b5 (0:48) 30.Be2 (0:18) Rhf4 (0:20) 31.Bg4 (0:10) Rd8 (0:10) 32.Red3 (0:10) Rdf8 (0:08) 33.d6 (0:07) h5 (0:05) 34.Be6 (0:11) Kh7 (0:29) 35.d7 (0:13) Rd8 (0:18) 36.b4 (0:21) Rf6 (0:06) 37.Bb3 (0:17) Rb6 (0:15) 38.a4 (0:19) Rb7 (0:09) 39.axb5 (1:14) Rxb5 (0:11) 40.Bc4 (1:03) Rxb4 (0:29) 41.Bxa6 (0:04) Rb1+ (0:02) 42.Kg2 (0:07) Re1 (0:31) 43.Rd6 (0:13) Re5 (1:11) 44.R2d5 (0:16) Ree8 (0:25) 45.dxe8=Q (0:13) Rxe8 (0:01) 46.Rxh5+ (0:05) Kg8 (0:05) 47.Bc4+ (0:21) Kf8 (0:02) 48.Re6 (0:22) Rxe6 (0:19) 49.Bxe6 (0:03) g6 (0:02) 50.Rd5 (0:03) Kg7 (0:03) 51.c4 (0:06) Kf6 (0:02) 52.Bg4 (0:09) g5 (0:02) 53.c5 (0:03) Kg6 (0:02) 54.c6 (0:02) EricKing resigns 1-0


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