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khokhlova(2410) vs. tlcommunity(0) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 120+30, 2016-01-17

25...bxc4 (0:21) 26.Rd1 (4:39)
ghambo(2010) whispers: Rh5 now
ghambo(2010) whispers: weakening king
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: c5 or rd5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: another tactic is Bc3 Qxb7 (queen sac) in order to get Rd8# in
ghambo(2010) whispers: and we can choose later what we want
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: good point schach
schachbjm(2243) whispers: c5 does not work
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: oh gmae back on and noone told me
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Bcc3 and we have to retreat our rook all the way back in order to prevent this mate
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: niiice
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: Rd5
ghambo(2010) whispers: i respect u schac
ghambo(2010) whispers: ;)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: thx
ghambo(2010) whispers: nad ur crazy lines
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Ready to vote?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i am with botch
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: what's the move?
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: rd5
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: vote Rd5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I am okay with it
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: you voting Rd5 nimzo?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: interposing rh5 first?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: the resulting endgame is slightly worse, but i am optimisiic that we would ave fiar drawing chances
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but does not seem to archive much
schachbjm(2243) whispers: there is always Bc3
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 Rd5, 1 Rh5 (maybe?) anyone else?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: wait
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: doesn't look all that good tbh
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: Rh5 loses tempo whenits time for kings to move
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: more votes please
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: she blocks our pawns and sets up a QB attack on the diagonal
floare(1917) whispers: Rd5
pchesso(1915) whispers: we need not forget the threat Qxb7
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Bc3 Qxb7 is in the air. Rh5 and we have to play an ugly looking move like f6
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: vote c5
pchesso(1915) whispers: we need not forget the threat Qxb7 Qxb7 Rd8+ Kg7 Bc3
schachbjm(2243) whispers: c5 does not work
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: c5 Bc3
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i gave a sample line
ghambo(2010) whispers: oh yes
ghambo(2010) whispers: we cant play Rh6
schachbjm(2243) whispers: c5 Bc3 Re8 (forced, ugly)
ghambo(2010) whispers: but what to do?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Rd5 seems to be only choice here
ghambo(2010) whispers: whats are candidate moves?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Rd5 Rx px Bc3, how do we counter Qd4?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Rd5, Rh5 (not working), c5 (not working)
ghambo(2010) whispers: Bc3 is pain in...
schachbjm(2243) whispers: let us move Rd5, there are not any sensible options and we can take her time
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Ok, recount. Vote now--counting starting with schach
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Rd5
ghambo(2010) whispers: Rd5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Rd5 and if takes, take straight away
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yes
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: go
schachbjm(2243) whispers: premove cxd5
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Rd5 wins
ghambo(2010) whispers: maybe shell add us some time?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: vote on premove yes or no
schachbjm(2243) whispers: y
26...Rd5 (7:36)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: vote premove
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yes vote takes premove
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: yes
herrahuu(1686) whispers: premove
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, done
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: and no, we only have the time we have. If we run out, we lose
ghambo(2010) whispers: she dont wants to take
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: hey!
schachbjm(2243) whispers: let us take in mind, that we have a passed c-pawn, which might be useful after the rooks diappear from the board
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: i dont see that time ticking down
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: wow my bad
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I am afraid we just have to run with the king
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: craptor
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: because there is no way to prevent Bc3 and Qd4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: rc1 qd7 rxc4? rd1 kf1 qd3+
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Booby bitte uebersetz das mal
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: we win in that line :)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Koennen wir verhindern, dass die Dame vor dem Laeufer steht, sodass die Diagonale kein Problem darstellt
schachbjm(2243) whispers: sry, for the german
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i cannot explain it in english
schachbjm(2243) whispers: hopefully, pchesso or booby can translate it in a proper way
ghambo(2010) whispers: noting we have google translate
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: can we hinder that the queen is placed ahead of the bishop?
ghambo(2010) whispers: :D
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: so that the diagonal causes us no problems
pchesso(1915) whispers: schach is asking if we can hinder the Bc3/Qd4 setup
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes
Raph(1915) whispers: tell in your native language
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Jawohl
schachbjm(2243) whispers: maybe even for a pawn in order to generate play with the c-pawn
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: ich mochte das auch wissen!
27.Rxd5 (3:50) cxd5 (0:00) 28.Qd4 (0:00)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: thx for translating
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bc3 first was more precise!
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: why?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Qe7 and f6
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: if she takes with queen
schachbjm(2243) whispers: @hyper: maybe she saw a trick like i suggested
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: it's dead drawn
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what do we do now?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qe7 +f6
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: which trick? there was no d4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: it is not
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: only defence
ghambo(2010) whispers: if we exchange Qs now
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: or Ke8 Ke7
ghambo(2010) whispers: we maybe have advantage at Q side
herrahuu(1686) whispers: passer <3
herrahuu(1686) whispers: but yeah =
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Vote now please
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Qe7 and f6. if she doesn't take, we play Qe5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Qe7
ghambo(2010) whispers: ok
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Qe7
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: the other plan with ke8 and so on does look risky
ghambo(2010) whispers: and we have strong centre
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: anyone else voting?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 Qe7s
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: qe7 ok
schachbjm(2243) whispers: abstention
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qe7
ghambo(2010) whispers: Qe7
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: why, schach?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok Qe7 wins
28...Qe7 (3:33)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: on Bc3 f6
Raph(1915) whispers: 1 0
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: no discussion needed as it's only move
29.Bc3 (0:24)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i am not sure about the resulting endgame, Qe7 is sensible and we do not have more time, so it is fine with me
schachbjm(2243) whispers: f6
schachbjm(2243) whispers: forced
ghambo(2010) whispers: f6 only move
herrahuu(1686) whispers: f6
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: f6
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok f6 wins
29...f6 (0:20)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: premove
schachbjm(2243) whispers: we gained 10 secs :D
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: take back
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: lol
30.Qb6 (0:15)
ghambo(2010) whispers: oho i love endgames
herrahuu(1686) whispers: interesting!
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: see, she doesn't tale
herrahuu(1686) whispers: interesting!
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kf7, not much to think about
ghambo(2010) whispers: she dont wante it
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: alternative d4?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: plan bd4-c5?!
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: d4
ghambo(2010) whispers: d4?
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: followed by Qe4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: d4 looks interesting
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: takes with queen
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qe4 immediately does not work, right?
ghambo(2010) whispers: but thsn f3
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Qe4 looses for us?
ghambo(2010) whispers: we cant take at e3
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: exch queens and Bxf6
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: two pawns is too much
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kf7 Bd4 c3!?
floare(1917) whispers: Kf7
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes well loose in endgame
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kf7 only move i think
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kf7 or kg7
ghambo(2010) whispers: we must defend
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Ok, time to vote. Vote now!
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: what about Kg7
ghambo(2010) whispers: why to pin at g7?
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kf7 Bxf6, don't like it
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: or no, just Qd7 and if Bc5 Qc6
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: maybe kg7 better so that later she cannot go for qh8
schachbjm(2243) whispers: me neither
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: ah right
schachbjm(2243) whispers: a4 is another possible move
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: wait
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kg7 Bxf6 Qxf6 Qxb7 Kh6, we threaten mate
schachbjm(2243) whispers: wait
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2243) whispers: did we have discussed Qe4 in depth?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: no
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Qe4!?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Qe4 h3
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: we get a runner out of that hypes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: ah d4
ghambo(2010) whispers: Qe4?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ae4, Qd8+Kg7 Qxf6 right?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: *Qe4
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: yes, fails
ghambo(2010) whispers: Qe4 Qd8+ to risky
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qe4 qd8+-xf6
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: we need to vote...time is ticking
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kg7 is the move, right?
ghambo(2010) whispers: Qxf6
floare(1917) whispers: Qe4? Qd8+ and our bishop can be lost
herrahuu(1686) whispers: we want to mate
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qe4Qd8+ Kf7 Qxe3+ Ke8 Qh8+ Kd7 Qxh7 Kd6 ...
schachbjm(2243) whispers: and there is no check
schachbjm(2243) whispers: we are threatening d4 and mate
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 2 votes Kg7 (Hyp and Botch I think) anyone else?
floare(1917) whispers: Oh, yes, right, schach
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: hum
herrahuu(1686) whispers: shoot
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: wait
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: checking schach line
schachbjm(2243) whispers: g3 fails due to d4 with mate threats along the diagonale
ghambo(2010) whispers: its to risky buddys
ghambo(2010) whispers: but we must check that line
schachbjm(2243) whispers: f3 loses the e3-pawn with check
herrahuu(1686) whispers: schach is looking at it...
schachbjm(2243) whispers: followed by icking up the bishop
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: w she interposes h3 at some point
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Be1 might be a problem?
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: schach and hypes what are your votes?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: tentively Qe4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: we get the c3b and she gets the b7bishop
schachbjm(2243) whispers: risky
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I wanna try Qe4, even if we lose
herrahuu(1686) whispers: if schach votes Qe4 i vote Qe4
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: ok
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: otherwise we will just lose on time
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: Qe4vote
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 1 Kg7, 3 Qe5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: the Ke8 is interesting
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 4 Qe4
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: go
ghambo(2010) whispers: :))
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: moving at 13 if not outvoted
ghambo(2010) whispers: go schack go
ghambo(2010) whispers: ur our only hope
herrahuu(1686) whispers: whoooeee
30...Qe4 (7:38)
ghambo(2010) whispers: we are in zeitnot
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: solid!
31.Qd8+ (0:12)
herrahuu(1686) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kf7 go go go
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kf7
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kf7
schachbjm(2243) whispers: go
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kf7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: all for Kf7?
ghambo(2010) whispers: dont wait time pls
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Kf7
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: yes, and after Qxf6 Ke8
31...Kf7 (0:21) 32.Qxf6+ (0:03)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Ke8 in case of Qe3+
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kg7 was mate
Raph(1915) whispers: now resign
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ke8
ghambo(2010) whispers: now wait
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes Ke8 only move
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Ke8 only move
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kg8 Qg7#
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Ke8
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Ke8 only move
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: ke8
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: go
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: anyone else? otherwise Ke8 wins
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: go
schachbjm(2243) whispers: go
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: go
ghambo(2010) whispers: Ke8!
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: go
32...Ke8 (0:33)
herrahuu(1686) whispers: only move
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: FFS
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ke8!!
33.Kf1 (0:10)
herrahuu(1686) whispers: :D
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
ghambo(2010) whispers: oho
ghambo(2010) whispers: :D
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: d4 perhaps
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: Kd7
ghambo(2010) whispers: shes carefull
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: d4
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: or Qd3
herrahuu(1686) whispers: there is so much adrenaline in my blood i will never get to sleep :D
floare(1917) whispers: d4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qb1+ Qd3+ with repetition? Or am i overlooking sth
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Be1
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: good idea
ghambo(2010) whispers: no ur right
schachbjm(2243) whispers: d4 is fine
floare(1917) whispers: she has Bd2
ghambo(2010) whispers: am calcing this too
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Ok. Vote now please.
schachbjm(2243) whispers: wait
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: d4, what does she do?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: we have to calculate it
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: d4 f3?
herrahuu(1686) whispers: it's ok to wait since probably we repeat
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: or she lets us hit g2
herrahuu(1686) whispers: can we repeat once?
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: d4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: triarius help us pls
milpat(2071) whispers: why not Qd3?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Qd3 Ke1
ghambo(2010) whispers: Qits same as Qb1+
milpat(2071) whispers: then Qb1
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: d4 then
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: then Kd2
pchesso(1915) whispers: after Qd3 the K may end up at a3, and we run out of checks milpat (if i counted correctly)
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: we gunna flag?
Azubuike(1621) whispers: qb1+
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qd3 Ke1 Qb1+ Kd2 Qd3+ Kc1 and the king escapes
pchesso(1915) whispers: better first Qb1+
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: there is too much to calc
milpat(2071) whispers: ok :(
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: play intuitively, I would try to activate bishop
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 2 Qb1 (azu and pchesso) anyone else?
ghambo(2010) whispers: because GMs hate queen endgames
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: d4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: vote d4
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: d4
ghambo(2010) whispers: to much to calc
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: vote d4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: too complex
schachbjm(2243) whispers: with little time
herrahuu(1686) whispers: d4
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: go
schachbjm(2243) whispers: pure intention
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 5 d4, 2 Qb1
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: d4 wins
ghambo(2010) whispers: and no theory works
33...d4 (3:39)
herrahuu(1686) whispers: :D
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: if Qh8, where do we go?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd7?
floare(1917) whispers: d4 does not win, since she has perpetual
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: schach?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qxg2+ if Qxd4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: where do we go if Qh8 check
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kd7 maybe
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: if Qxd4 then Qd3+
Triarius(2267) whispers: what after qh8 now
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Ke7 preventing Qxd4+
ghambo(2010) whispers: Ke7 correct
herrahuu(1686) whispers: can we go Qh8 Ke7 no voting?
Triarius(2267) whispers: seems logical
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: yes, best
schachbjm(2243) whispers: logical, but extremly complex
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok vote now on premove Qh8 Ke7 Yes or No
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: we should stay on e7/e8
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Yes
ghambo(2010) whispers: no voting
herrahuu(1686) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: if Qxh7 Ke6 Qh3+ wins
ghambo(2010) whispers: Qh8+ ke7
ghambo(2010) whispers: all agree?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, I will move ke7 immediately if Qh8
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: then if takes, Qe8 I guess
Triarius(2267) whispers: if q takes d4 now, q:g2
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd6 instead of Ke6 preventing any checks
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: if Bxd4 Qb1 is perp
schachbjm(2243) whispers: vote immediate move Qxg2 after Qxd4
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Yes or No on schach's suggestion please
herrahuu(1686) whispers: will beth have it all :)
herrahuu(1686) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: yes
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yes
ghambo(2010) whispers: yup
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yes
Triarius(2267) whispers: agree with schach
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, I have Qxd4 Qxg2
ghambo(2010) whispers: zeitnot is zeitnot
schachbjm(2243) whispers: perfectly
Triarius(2267) whispers: and qh8 ke7
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: vote offer draw now
schachbjm(2243) whispers: she will decline
floare(1917) whispers: draw offer
ghambo(2010) whispers: for shure
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: too sonn she will decline
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: draw offer
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: soon
schachbjm(2243) whispers: let us wait until it is a draw or she offered it
herrahuu(1686) whispers: i don't think it's good etiquette
schachbjm(2243) whispers: agree with herrahuu
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: after she makes her move I will ask for a vote on draw
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: who cares, I have a bad reputation anyway
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: if not one of the premoves
milpat(2071) whispers: llol
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes we already in zeitnot
34.Qh8+ (5:04)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Ke7
34...Ke7 (0:04)
ghambo(2010) whispers: and draw offer will not be good
35.Qxd4 (0:04)
ghambo(2010) whispers: Qx
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: been practicing tactics, no etiquette
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qxg2
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: it's way past midnight in Russia, let's wear her off ;)
herrahuu(1686) whispers: lol
Triarius(2267) whispers: well, not i guess its time for qg2 ke1 qe4 and draw offer
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: no
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qxg2+!
herrahuu(1686) whispers: <3
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: just 23 h
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ghambo what do you want the q to x?
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: and she is night bird
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Qxg2+
floare(1917) whispers: Qb1+
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: vote Qxg2
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes Qxh2
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: we can get f-pawn
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: dont worry sge just started tto live
ghambo(2010) whispers: as schac vote
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: perhaps
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok Qxg2 winning the vote
ghambo(2010) whispers: sorry g2
ghambo(2010) whispers: Qxg2
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Vote YES or No on draw offer after that
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: move Qxg2
schachbjm(2243) whispers: let us keep in mind that the queen has to stay on the diagnale in order to have Bf3+ as an option after Ke2
herrahuu(1686) whispers: no
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: no
schachbjm(2243) whispers: no
35...Qxg2+ (1:20)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: yes @schach, please bear that in mind
36.Ke1 (0:16)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I vote Qh1 after Ke1
herrahuu(1686) whispers: it is ok to repeat the moves for me
herrahuu(1686) whispers: as a draw
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: more votes please
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: can we try Bf3?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: or wait
pchesso(1915) whispers: if we threaten to run out of time, may one of us (the highest rated blitz player?) play it out alone?
Triarius(2267) whispers: i vote for qe4 and draw offer
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Qh1 Kd2 Bd5
floare(1917) whispers: Qg8+
floare(1917) whispers: Qg1+
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: is qe4 really draw?
ghambo(2010) whispers: dont know
schachbjm(2243) whispers: vote Qe4
Triarius(2267) whispers: imho absolutely
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qh1 Kd2 does not seem to lead to anything
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Qd5
herrahuu(1686) whispers: k. Qe4
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: exchange queens
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: qe4
Triarius(2267) whispers: HM got my point
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Some people keep changing votes. Please re-vote now. Only ONCE!
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Qe4
pchesso(1915) whispers: i like Qh1+ Kd2 Qd5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qe4 > Qd5 due to limited options for white
Triarius(2267) whispers: Qe4
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: qe4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qe4
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: qe4 wins then
ghambo(2010) whispers: but this exchange is not forced for her
Triarius(2267) whispers: draw offer too
36...Qe4 (2:07)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: but Qe4 Qg7!
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I don't support this move!
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: draw offer Yes or No
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Qd5 Qh4+ does not look better
herrahuu(1686) whispers: no
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: no yet
ghambo(2010) whispers: i think no
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Qh1 first! then Qd5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: abstention
ghambo(2010) whispers: clock is a part of game
Triarius(2267) whispers: qg7 ke8 qh8 ke7 looks like the line we had to check previously before taking on g2
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: and if Ke2 there it's m2 after Bf3
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: @ghambo you lear lesson for mindcrime :))
herrahuu(1686) whispers: i think she was good sport to take the challenge. in poor position on time i think it would be bad sportmanship to offer draw
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes
herrahuu(1686) whispers: if she does offer draw that's fine
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: if clock goes really bad for us we may have to do pchesso's suggestion and have one of us blitz it...so let's try to vote quickly
ghambo(2010) whispers: and it was ur decision to ask him it
ghambo(2010) whispers: not mine
schachbjm(2243) whispers: and Qe4 keeps the ption of Qb1, so our pawns are rotected indirectly
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: we will be able to pull a draw with this time
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: if we run under 3 min schach should play it out
37.Kd2 (1:56)
pchesso(1915) whispers: Qd5
Triarius(2267) whispers: swaaaapp and draw
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes i agree
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: indeed
herrahuu(1686) whispers: take queen
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: QxQ unanimous?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: yes
37...Qxd4+ (0:25) 38.Bxd4 (0:12)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: how do we protect c pawn?
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kd6
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Be4 Bd3?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: or Bd5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd6
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Kd6
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: more votes please
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: go
Triarius(2267) whispers: e6, white square
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: go
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Ke6
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: keep it on white
schachbjm(2243) whispers: change Ke6
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I would goBe4 even
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Ke6
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: if we play kd6-d5 she plays kc3 , f3+e4
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok Ke6 wins
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yeah ke6
38...Ke6 (0:59)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: no
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: shit
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Booby was right, I was looking at it
39.Kc3 (0:18)
Triarius(2267) whispers: wont change much but its like animal instinct :p prefer to avoid walking on the bishops' colour
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: now if Kc3 we have to play Bd5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: ok it's okay
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bd5
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Bd5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: fast
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bd5
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: go
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: unanimous?
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: bd5
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: go
39...Bd5 (0:37)
Triarius(2267) whispers: the pawn wasn't enprise
Triarius(2267) whispers: kc4 bd5+ move king and b:a2
40.a4 (0:14)
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kf5
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kf5?
ghambo(2010) whispers: we arent loosing?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes kf5 go for the h-pawn
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: he has e4 if we dont
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: no
herrahuu(1686) whispers: we have light squares still
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: he can sac e4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: What about Bc6
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 Kf5...more votes please
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: sorry 2 Kf5
ghambo(2010) whispers: Bc6 is great move
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bc6 looks fantastic
ghambo(2010) whispers: Bc6!
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Bc6
ghambo(2010) whispers: go dont waist time
herrahuu(1686) whispers: did it win?
Azubuike(1621) whispers: Bc6
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: bc6 wins 3 to 2
ghambo(2010) whispers: if takes we take at a
40...Bc6 (1:40)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but she can play f3+e4
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: premove xa4 if Kxc4?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: yes Beth
herrahuu(1686) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kf5 was my choise
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: we need king in the center
41.a5 (0:36)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i am not sure about Bc6. I was unsure between Kf5 and Bc6
ghambo(2010) whispers: now we improve litally
herrahuu(1686) whispers: ya ya interesting
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bd5
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bd5
ghambo(2010) whispers: she has backward pawn
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: keep the bishop on the diagonal
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: then kh5-g4-h3
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 2 Bd5. More votes please
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Bd5 looks fine
schachbjm(2243) whispers: wait
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bd5
ghambo(2010) whispers: Bd5
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: go bd5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Bd5 b5!
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: a pawn is a runner
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: schach, it doesn't do anything
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: no we control a8
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: bd5 looks like it wins. go?
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: well yes for now
herrahuu(1686) whispers: i wish i saw what schach sees :/
schachbjm(2243) whispers: ok, when you are sure
ghambo(2010) whispers: and what schak we can stop it with bishop
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: ok Bd5 go
41...Bd5 (1:15)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: please consider what our next move will be
schachbjm(2243) whispers: king invades probably
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: when our king goes to h2 she play be5(g3) so we must come with h5-h4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: and i wont give up the bishop for one pawn if possible
Khokhlova(2410) whispers: why not Bb5?
ghambo(2010) whispers: now we can Kd5 as bobby told?
herrahuu(1686) whispers: khokholova comments :D
schachbjm(2243) whispers: khokhlova is not allowed to vote. I was not allowed either
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: lol
herrahuu(1686) whispers: :D
schachbjm(2243) whispers: in my game
schachbjm(2243) whispers: :D
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: she want to help us ..but seems too late
ghambo(2010) whispers: :))
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: and when she play the bishop to the e5 h2 diagonal her king is bind to c4 pawn
ghambo(2010) whispers: :((
schachbjm(2243) whispers: vote premove axb5
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yup
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: yes
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yes
ghambo(2010) whispers: yup
herrahuu(1686) whispers: yes
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, I have it
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2243) whispers: thx
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: :D
Triarius(2267) whispers: why not taking into account the possibility of blocking that pawn chain on the black squares and keep the king in the center to block the other chain f2-e3
herrahuu(1686) whispers: i think she calculated this to the part where she opens the champagne that was on the ice
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Triarius, where were you to give suggestions before?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: she has 90 mins to do so, then she ll loose on time :D
herrahuu(1686) whispers: well isn't that the general idea to win this triarius?
Triarius(2267) whispers: dont think so, this might be drawn even 2 pawns down
ghambo(2010) whispers: :D
herrahuu(1686) whispers: no, not win, draw, sry
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: hindsight is a fantastic thing
pchesso(1915) whispers: hyp anyone can hop on and off when they feel like it
ghambo(2010) whispers: oposite collors bishops almost draw
schachbjm(2243) whispers: complex endgame, white is better, nevertheless i do not see a way to convert it, probably there is no way (hopefully)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: well she can get the pawn to a7 and force our bishop to stay on the diagonal
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: well if this is bullet probably she would win ...so it is not ..we will pull a draw
ghambo(2010) whispers: we must be in defence
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: we will lose b5 and eventually c4
Triarius(2267) whispers: i always suggest kasparov - natsis game of malta ol 1980 to see how white can win it
schachbjm(2243) whispers: good example
ghambo(2010) whispers: if we go offence we loose i think
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: if she setups with bg3+h4 then playing e4 bxc4 and she takes on c4 then b5 she wins
herrahuu(1686) whispers: there is not much offence we try to hold her pawns on dark squares... as far as i understand
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: what if she push e4?
ghambo(2010) whispers: wich game titarus
ghambo(2010) whispers: can u give link?
herrahuu(1686) whispers: i think that looks like a good quesrtion
pchesso(1915) whispers: btw. it seems Triarius is our strongest blitz player
ghambo(2010) whispers: i cant search with opp bishops
herrahuu(1686) whispers: what if e4?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bxe4 :)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: no looking at games while playing to help with this one. look after
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: (that would be outside assistance
herrahuu(1686) whispers: can ve prevote e4 Bx?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: triarius is our strongest positional player here
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: well yes booby ..but that looks bad for u
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: us
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i look for tactics
ghambo(2010) whispers: noway BethanyGrace
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: why?
herrahuu(1686) whispers: *we
ghambo(2010) whispers: newer mind
Triarius(2267) whispers: well kasparov-natsis game would be her outside assistance, not ours :P since white won
42.b5 (7:13)
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :))
ghambo(2010) whispers: :))
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: good one
schachbjm(2243) whispers: take
42...axb5 (0:08)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bc6
43.Kb4 (0:06)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bc6 go go go
ghambo(2010) whispers: c6
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: more votes please
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kf5
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Bc6
ghambo(2010) whispers: Bc6
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Bc6 wins
43...Bc6 (0:25)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Bc6 Kc5
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: c'mon Novak!!!!!!.. who can not sllep tonight at 04 am can watch brutal domination !aleeeeeeeeeee
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd7
44.Kc5 (0:11)
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kd7
herrahuu(1686) whispers: Kd7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: more votes?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd7, set up defense on light squares
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: or 22 pm server time :)
herrahuu(1686) whispers: shoot
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 Kd7, anyone else?
ghambo(2010) whispers: how sh can improve now?
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kd7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, moving
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kd7
Triarius(2267) whispers: lets hold kd7
schachbjm(2243) whispers: let us play it
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: go
44...Kd7 (0:47)
herrahuu(1686) whispers: i think se calculated it
herrahuu(1686) whispers: she
schachbjm(2243) whispers: probably h4 or f4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bc3 probably next
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: didn't see your comment in time, Triarius
herrahuu(1686) whispers: who runs out of useful moves first
schachbjm(2243) whispers: at least there is no f3 with zugzwang :D
Triarius(2267) whispers: now she has to prove she knows the right moves until forced win and on should play them on the spot
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kb6 b4! :)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I wish we could set up Kc7 and Be8 here
herrahuu(1686) whispers: booby <3
schachbjm(2243) whispers: she has more than 1 hr
ghambo(2010) whispers: maybe time to smoke?
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: it is bad for her ,,she dont like to think too much :))
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: she will miss then
herrahuu(1686) whispers: thanks this was best. i really have to go now :(
ghambo(2010) whispers: what u think schak is it draw?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: hard to say
Triarius(2267) whispers: i don't really know how can one play b4 and then sit this way, tbh
Triarius(2267) whispers: *b4-b5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: f4 h4 with zugzwang?
45.a6 (3:26)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: ask 2200 +
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 1800ers can vote too ;)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: :)
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yes i will copy paste
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: afte of course
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: g5?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: then f4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: pawns on dark squares may become weak and theree are zugzwang ideas with h4 and f4
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: think quickly folks
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: f4 will be problem in anyway
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: g5 f4 g4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: we have to give up the b5 pawn
schachbjm(2243) whispers: we cannot move the b- and c-pawn here
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: g5 from Hyp. any other votes?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: be4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: moving the king is impossible, too or at maximum one time
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 1 g5, 1 Be4. Get your votes in please
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: g5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: g5
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 2 g5
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok that wins if no one else votes
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: have to move
schachbjm(2243) whispers: move g5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: we have no time
45...g5 (2:35)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Booby, we always have time to give up the b pawn
schachbjm(2243) whispers: she will be able to generate zugzwang
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: true
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i calcuated some lines and i doubt that we can hold it objectively. But, it is a practical game
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Vote Yes or No on handing it over to 1 player to give the moves if we get down to 2 minutes
46.a7 (0:48)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: she has to show us a winning line
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: g4
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: first vote a move
pchesso(1915) whispers: yes
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: g4 go
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 2 g4, anyone else?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: g4 is fine
pchesso(1915) whispers: g4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: move
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: g4
46...g4 (0:39)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: g4, we might be able to hold this!!!
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: come on people!
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, yes or no if time down to 2
47.Be5 (0:13)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: h5
pchesso(1915) whispers: yes, if time down to 1 minute
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 1 h5, anyone else?
Triarius(2267) whispers: h5
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: go h5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: h6
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: h6 to spare a tempomove
pchesso(1915) whispers: h6
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: h5 3 to h6 3
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: ok h6
47...h6 (0:43)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: we should be able to play h4 g3 in some lines!
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: but okay
schachbjm(2243) whispers: triarius would you like to move if 1 min or hyper?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i am a bit tired
48.Bc3 (0:48)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: h5
pchesso(1915) whispers: h5
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: go
Triarius(2267) whispers: kc7?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: h5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kc7 extra move
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: wait
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 h5, 2 Kc7 and a wait
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kc7 loses
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kc7 here works
floare(1917) whispers: Kc7
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kc7 Kb7 Be8
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Kc7 appears to win
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: vote Kc7
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but only if we follow up with kb7
Triarius(2267) whispers: h5 is fine too anyway
schachbjm(2243) whispers: move
48...Kc7 (1:02)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: who will take over if we're down time?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Triarius
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: triarius
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: resitenza is here
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: you good with it Triarius?
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: he is master
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: btw
schachbjm(2243) whispers: no Kb7
schachbjm(2243) whispers: loses the bishop
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd7 is forced
schachbjm(2243) whispers: !!
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: that was what i meant
pchesso(1915) whispers: if Be5+ then NOT Kb7? a8Q+
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: see, I am also tired
49.Bd4 (0:56)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
Triarius(2267) whispers: kc7-kd7 looks like a fortress
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd7
ghambo(2010) whispers: go Triarius go
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kd7
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kd7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: kd7 wins
ghambo(2010) whispers: schack wil help in nedded
49...Kd7 (0:24)
ghambo(2010) whispers: :)
Triarius(2267) whispers: now she left control of b4, if she enters b6 with king then we have b5-b4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kb6 b4 kc5!
schachbjm(2243) whispers: vote h5 if pawn is attacked
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: and if bishop moves away form a1-h8 diagonal, we play c3
schachbjm(2243) whispers: c-pawn is fast enough
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Booby, it gives us time
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: we could try to bring h-pawn to h3
schachbjm(2243) whispers: vote b4 if Kb6
50.Be5 (1:43)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: agree with schach
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: h5 now
schachbjm(2243) whispers: h5
Triarius(2267) whispers: h5
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: go
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: h5
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: h5 unanimous ok
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: h5
50...h5 (0:22) 51.Bf6 (0:02)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: we are close to zugzwang
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: h4
Triarius(2267) whispers: kc7
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kc7
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kc7
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kc7 bd8*
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: kc7 looks like it has most
ghambo(2010) whispers: how perfectly she plays every move
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: bd8+
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: wait
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd7 then
schachbjm(2243) whispers: her DSB has to stay on the diagonale, otherwise our pawn will run
ghambo(2010) whispers: shes great player
Triarius(2267) whispers: i dont care
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: kc7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: kc7 wins
51...Kc7 (0:42)
ghambo(2010) whispers: classical moves!
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Bd8+ Kd7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: vote yes or no on schach's line
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: if Bd8 then kb7 and then we get to push c3
52.Bd8+ (0:18)
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd7
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: vote Kd7
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kd7
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kd7
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: go
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: kd7 wins
52...Kd7 (0:16)
ghambo(2010) whispers: classical and gracefull
53.Ba5 (0:23)
Triarius(2267) whispers: h4
schachbjm(2243) whispers: h4
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: h4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: h4
53...h4 (0:13) 54.Kb6 (0:14)
ghambo(2010) whispers: Bravo Daria Bravo!
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
Gorgonian(2002) whispers: get a room
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: h3
ghambo(2010) whispers: ia na tvaiom storone
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd6 maybe?
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: what bravo we will pull a draw ?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: wait
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd6
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: ?
Triarius(2267) whispers: she cant go forward
ghambo(2010) whispers: no i root her
ghambo(2010) whispers: ;)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd6
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :))
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Kd6 is the vote?
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kd6
54...Kd6 (0:43)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd7 if Bb4+
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: offer draw
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: vote yes or no on schach's line please
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yes
55.Bc3 (0:28)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: can we try Ba8 and Kd5 to untangle?
Triarius(2267) whispers: bc3 kd7 we're on the road of draw maybe
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kd7
ghambo(2010) whispers: nimzo
schachbjm(2243) whispers: wait
ghambo(2010) whispers: our team has great player
ghambo(2010) whispers: ;)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 2 Kd7, anyone else?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd7 Bb4 and it is close to zugzwang
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: kd7
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kd7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: kd7 is the vote?
55...Kd7 (0:46)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: if we come in zugzwang we sac b5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bb4 h3,
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: and she has no good moves
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: yes or no on hyp's line
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: yes
crazyblue(2128) whispers: wow, what a game
schachbjm(2243) whispers: amazing, the best one so far
Triarius(2267) whispers: yes agreed
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yes
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, have it
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: this is because I am on the team
schachbjm(2243) whispers: excellent team communication
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: :D
schachbjm(2243) whispers: :D
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes i didnot like middlegame
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: sweer suffer :)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: we fight back, everything is fine
ghambo(2010) whispers: but it become very interesting in endgame
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what else might she move?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I had an idea to sac b5 and try to run with the king for the f2 pawn
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: but prolly loses
ghambo(2010) whispers: now we can ask draw
schachbjm(2243) whispers: it is draw or zugzwang
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yes..but leav that decision to her
pchesso(1915) whispers: agreed nimzo
56.Bb4 (2:55)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: she has to play precisely and there are fair chances to achieve a zugzwang here, but maybe i am wrong
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: move h3
56...h3 (0:04)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what will be next?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: we see
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: what she playes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kc5 Kc7
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd7 probably, if possible
schachbjm(2243) whispers: and Kc5 Kc7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: vote on line Kc5 Kc7. Yes or No
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: if bishop moves, Kd6
floare(1917) whispers: it's drawish
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kc5 Kc7
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yup
schachbjm(2243) whispers: that is a new comment record for sure
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 yes on Kc5 Kc7. if no objections, will be done
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: she has to play a8 at some point
57.Kc5 (1:25) Kc7 (0:04) 58.Ba5+ (0:08)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: then we trade our b and c-pawns vs her a-pawn
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd7
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: more votes please
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kd7
floare(1917) whispers: kd7
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kd7
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok
58...Kd7 (0:20)
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: Kings dance their last tango
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: and then play bf3
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :D
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i think it is draw
floare(1917) whispers: me too
ghambo(2010) whispers: how she can improve?
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yes but in next game :))
ghambo(2010) whispers: :))
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what do we do if Bb6?
floare(1917) whispers: her bishop can't cover c3 and c7 at the same time
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: c3
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kc7
schachbjm(2243) whispers: c3 should work
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ah, ok
schachbjm(2243) whispers: the DSB has to prevent c3 all the time
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: I did find a zugzwang I think
schachbjm(2243) whispers: that is the reason why she has limited options
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bc3 Kc7 Bb2 Kd7 Be5
schachbjm(2243) whispers: i am not, but there is sth.
59.Kb6 (1:53)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd6
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd6 only move
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: everyone agree?
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: resistenza what you mean ..it is clear draw ?
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd6?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: more votes please
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: kd6
59...Kd6 (0:43)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: move Kd6, no sensible alternative
60.Bb4+ (0:16)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kd7
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd7 draw offered
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kd7
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd7 draw? check the position please
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Kd7 ok. yes or no on draw please
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes
ghambo(2010) whispers: yes
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yes
60...Kd7 (0:33) TLCommunity offers a draw.
ghambo(2010) whispers: what else? Khokhlova declines the draw request.
61.Bc3 (0:15)
crazyblue(2128) whispers: can she give check from e5 in 2 moves?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, where do we move?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd6
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: i told you to leav that to her
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kc6
schachbjm(2243) whispers: we saw the position the second time
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd6
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kd6
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: i know my player
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :))
ghambo(2010) whispers: :))
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 Kd6 1 Kc6
61...Kd6 (0:31)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd6
Triarius(2267) whispers: yes the first was before pushing the h pawn sorry
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd6 Be5 Kd7 Kc5. we are in zugzwang at last ;)
ghambo(2010) whispers: good work boss
ghambo(2010) whispers: ;)
62.Be5+ (0:11)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd7
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd7
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kd7
62...Kd7 (0:13) 63.Kc5 (0:01)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Zugzwang :(
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but still draw
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
ghambo(2010) whispers: now resign
ghambo(2010) whispers: Ba8?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: why resign?
ghambo(2010) whispers: just kiiding
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Ba8 perhaps
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: it is draw
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Ba8
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 Ba8, anyone else?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: looks lost to me now
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: maybe... :)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: probably ...
schachbjm(2243) whispers: let us play on
ghambo(2010) whispers: Ba8
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: yes
63...Ba8 (1:40)
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: only move
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kxb5
64.Kxb5 (0:05)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: where do we move our king
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Ke6?!
Triarius(2267) whispers: ke6-d5?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: does make sense
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: vote Ke6
schachbjm(2243) whispers: move pls
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 ke6, anyone else?
64...Ke6 (0:48)
crazyblue(2128) whispers: Ke6
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: we sac our b for the a-pawn while heading to the pawns
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: then we take h2 or play c3
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: doesn't work
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what after Kxc4?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: white has Bg3
65.Bd4 (0:20)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kd5
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: then c3
Triarius(2267) whispers: kd5
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd5
65...Kd5 (0:18)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: maybe we are one tempo down to draw
schachbjm(2243) whispers: she has still more than 50% of her time :((
66.Bc3 (0:39)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Bc6+?!
Triarius(2267) whispers: bc6
crazyblue(2128) whispers: can we go for f2 pawn with out king?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Bc6
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: and she played bullet on ICC during the game :((
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: or wait
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 3 for Bc6
Triarius(2267) whispers: then a8
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: anyone else?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: wait wait
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Ke4 works here
schachbjm(2243) whispers: sure?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: she cannot protect f2
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ke4 maybe
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, recount. vote now
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kxc4-d3-e2
schachbjm(2243) whispers: abstention
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ke4 kxc4 kf3
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Ke4 Kxc4 Kf3 what then?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Be1 Ke2
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: votes please
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Ke4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ke4
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: ke4
ghambo(2010) whispers: Ke4
Triarius(2267) whispers: ke4 kc4 kf3 kd3 opposition
66...Ke4 (1:39)
ghambo(2010) whispers: ke4 kxc4 kf3
67.Kxc4 (0:10)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: then we have g3
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kf3
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kf3
crazyblue(2128) whispers: we have to keep an eye on e-pawn too
Triarius(2267) whispers: so f5 here
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kf3
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: kf3 wins I guess
67...Kf3 (0:20) 68.Be5 (0:04)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kf3 does not work, or?
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what now?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Kxf2 and the e-pawn is assed
schachbjm(2243) whispers: Ke4
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: well seems same variation she have adventage ...in any case
schachbjm(2243) whispers: probably best
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: has*
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: 1 ke4, anyone else?
ghambo(2010) whispers: now she will pushh e pawn soon
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kxf2
crazyblue(2128) whispers: Kxf2 and back to f3 covering e4 twice
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kd4 Kf3
floare(1917) whispers: Kxf
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kxp
68...Kxf2 (0:58) 69.Bf4 (0:03)
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: now what?
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kf3
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: Kf3
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: quick
Khokhlova(2410) whispers: GOT YOU!
ghambo(2010) whispers: Kf3
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: g3
69...Kf3 (0:16)
schachbjm(2243) whispers: :D
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: kf3
crazyblue(2128) whispers: uh oh
70.Kc5 (0:04)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: no
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :((
schachbjm(2243) whispers: vote resign
ghambo(2010) whispers: Khokhlova(2410): GOT YOU!
ghambo(2010) whispers: :))))))))))))))))))))))))))
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :))
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: what do we do?
ghambo(2010) whispers: resign!!!!
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: bullet girl ...well
schachbjm(2243) whispers: resign
Triarius(2267) whispers: probably resignable
crazyblue(2128) whispers: oh her bishop has the correct color to promote on h8 :p
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: anyone object to resign?
pchesso(1915) whispers: g3
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: congrats
ghambo(2010) whispers: we are in zungzwang
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: she has rigth coloured bishop
schachbjm(2243) whispers: well played, congrats
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: g3
crazyblue(2128) whispers: otherwise g3 was possible
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: i am proud captain
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: g3
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: move g3?
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: move g3
70...g3 (0:52)
BOTCHvinik(1753) whispers: gj khokh
schachbjm(2243) whispers: premove Kxe3
71.Bxg3 (0:07)
crazyblue(2128) whispers: but we didnt have enough time to figure that out i think
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: kxe
pchesso(1915) whispers: Kx
71...Kxe3 (0:07) 72.Kd6 (0:04)
HyperMagnus(2224) whispers: ok it's lost
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: resign
Triarius(2267) whispers: thats the right bishop for her
floare(1917) whispers: yup
schachbjm(2243) whispers: yes
floare(1917) whispers: lost
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: anyone have a move? or are we done?
schachbjm(2243) whispers: amazing game
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: we are toast
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: we can run and hide
schachbjm(2243) whispers: well done khokh
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :))
schachbjm(2243) whispers: tl will be hard :D
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: ok, good game--thanks all for playing. And thanks Khokhlova!
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: biibu
BethanyGrace(1760) whispers: Will resign now if no objections
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: must prepear well
ghambo(2010) whispers: we are like football team with to many stars schac
schachbjm(2243) whispers: thx for the tons of fun
schachbjm(2243) whispers: and managing
NimzoLegacy(1801) whispers: :))
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: damn
ghambo(2010) whispers: wich cant play as it should
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i think we were close
ghambo(2010) whispers: ;)
TLCommunity resigns 1-0


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