funkmaus(2184) vs. hypermagnus(2100) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-07-10
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: urgh, hate disconnections
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: be glad u need not play me, hyp
fernbap(1669) whispers: i wouldn't miss this game for nothing. The fact that the european server for starcraft 2 is down means nothing
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: now the game file is going to be broken
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: watched your video, fernando, it was great
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: OK. You are bored of me playing stupid defensive chess?! I wanted play this game for a win, so, lets go!!! 9.O-O-O (4:00)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: woah
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Wow
milpat(1801) whispers: yea!!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this is insane
fernbap(1669) whispers: i only made one lowsy video :P
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: oh wow
tjradd(2240) whispers: imposter!
fernbap(1669) whispers: ah that one
fernbap(1669) whispers: epic battle
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: that starcraft video link u gave me, i mean
milpat(1801) whispers: nice to hear!!!
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: I told you O-O-O:)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: that promises a double-edged game
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Feel free to attack me, HM!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: tro say the least
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: b5!!
fernbap(1669) whispers: starcraft 2 is even more complicated
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: why?
fernbap(1669) whispers: ftl much more special abilities
fernbap(1669) whispers: that you have to command directly
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I'm thinking Qa5, first to escape a potential pin
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: with tempo
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: so much more micro management?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I am thinking Qa5 Kb1 b5
fernbap(1669) whispers: yea. You can watch this if this game gets too boring
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: if Nb3 I retreat to c7, and later can gain a tempo on the knight with a5 a4
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: I am for 5 minutes afk - gonna get a cold drink. its really hot here 9...Qa5 (3:31)
milpat(1801) whispers: 5 min going get drink, grand house :)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: palace
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: the best she can get is the least she deserves
milpat(1801) whispers: did i hear some violins around here?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: you did
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: so hot in here
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: 30C
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: set auto-outplay-opp 1
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I wish the weather will be like this on the 18th when we'll go boating after the conference
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: but knowing Latvia, it's probably going to be a friggin thunderstorm
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ah, a cold breeze just caressed my face :) 10.Kb1 (5:28) b5 (0:17)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Nc4 was interesting there, but probably not good for white 11.g4 (1:42)
RamMohan(1700) whispers: pawn sac?
RamMohan(1700) whispers: unless I'm missing something
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: what are u doing, jenny?
RamMohan(1700) whispers: oh ok, bishop on e7 hanging
RamMohan(1700) whispers: just looking at position..sorry
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this is totally crazy
milpat(1801) whispers: yo Ram :)
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: I m on the best way to destroy myself
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: what happened to the usual Jen?
RamMohan(1700) whispers: howdy milpat
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: it must be the heat
milpat(1801) whispers: u totally confuse him now Jen!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: why are u doing this? a drwa is tilkl better than being killed
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: b4 Nc4 Q-moves cxb4 Bxb4 Bxf6 Nxf6 g5 Nd7 h4 11...Re8 (2:00)
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: he has not to move b4 now, but a point is when he does, I can go Nc4
milpat(1801) whispers: c'mon Ismir, u destroy in 1 tell all those months we worked on her mind to make her attack!!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: i am sorry pat
milpat(1801) whispers: hehe
GaraE(1490) whispers: It was easy.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: but i love her usual style and this is really bad
GaraE(1490) whispers: Just say "Caro-Kann" and she'll immediately become immune to brainwashing. :P
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Is it that bad?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: this can't be bad as such
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Bxf6 BxB g5.. or Bxf6 Nxf6 Nxe5 Nxg4 Nxc6 - if its safe?! if yes, free pawn
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: in retrospect Qa5 probably wasn't so good after all
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: well, she could have played nicely positionally with 0-0
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: certainly no bad choice
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Maybe this game will convince her to try sharp stuff from time to time:)
shivaroxxx(1716) whispers: the good choice is...get them out of home prep !!
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: or Bxf6 NxB Nxe5 Bxg4 Nxg4 NxN Rg1 Nxf2 has to fail to Nb3
GaraE(1490) whispers: Qb6 guards f2
GaraE(1490) whispers: After Nb3
shivaroxxx(1716) whispers: maybe hyp brings it out in her...isn't the attack game on her web site hyp too ??
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: since this g4 pawn hanging, I have to calulate pretty much. Be6 is annoying after I do eat e5!
BMK(2109) whispers: Bxf6 NxB Nxe6 and I like Be6 there
GaraE(1490) whispers: Though it seems like the Nf2 has trouble extraditing himself when white plays Rd2.. there's Nh3, hrm.. 12.Rg1 (7:41)
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: too much time wasted - due to unabilility to look throught complications :(
Myob(1826) whispers: extraditing? what's the knight done wrong?
GaraE(1490) whispers: That was in some line Funk gave earlier.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Copying it, moment.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: it exists, thats bad enuff
GaraE(1490) whispers: :: or Bxf6 NxB Nxe5 Bxg4 Nxg4 NxN Rg1 Nxf2 has to fail to Nb3
GaraE(1490) whispers: Was saying after Nb3, black could play Qb6 Rd2 Nh3 and the knight escapes.
GaraE(1490) whispers: But that's moot now, Funk didn't dive into it.
BMK(2109) whispers: Be6 is much better than Bxg4 12...Bf8 (2:25)
BMK(2109) whispers: what's the point of Bf8?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Feared play against g7 I suppose.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Enough to embrace the setup. :/
BMK(2109) whispers: g7 is not under attack now, no?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: but maybe she play Nf3-h4-f5 13.h3 (1:58)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ???
milpat(1801) whispers: yep Nh4-f5 was nice looking
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: oh my
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I dont understand anything she does
BMK(2109) whispers: well, he could play Bf8 after Nf5 :)
Tysonx(1153) whispers: funkmas#
GaraE(1490) whispers: DarkFunkmaus is not to be understood. :P
Tysonx(1153) whispers: is a she
BMK(2109) whispers: Hyp said his plan is Qc7, a5
BMK(2109) whispers: I like it more than Bf8 :)
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: its not a mouse-slip really, just to cover pawn and square g4. Idea: Bg5-e3, g5
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: all a bit slow though
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: thinking about c5-c4 push
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: problem is, I dont understand this position, never seen anything similar, so i cant give sensible comments here
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: damn, my position is good, but really should have kept Q on c7
BMK(2109) whispers: then move it to c7 )
BMK(2109) whispers: what's the problem?
BMK(2109) whispers: Bf8 could be for g6-Bg7 too
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: after c5 I have a permanent d5 weakness
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: wonder if she can use it with Bg2 Nf1 Ne3
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: its still very positional
GaraE(1490) whispers: I'd say black is at a disadvantage unless he rectifies the situation.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Queen's sidelined and blocked by her own units.
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: not a simple opposite wing castling hack-attack kind of game
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nd7 is passive defender.
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: c5 Be3 Re6 g5 Ne8 followed by Ra6 force a3, then c4, Rb8 Be6 and sac something with b4
GaraE(1490) whispers: White's main issue seems to be her own version of the passive knight at Nd2.
GaraE(1490) whispers: She had problems with e4 and g4 but remedied the g4.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Since it's black turn to move, it should still be equal if he doesn't add another problem.
GaraE(1490) whispers: That is, he has to fix either queen, knight, or create a white weakness, to be equal.
BMK(2109) whispers: well, I like Qc7 since it doesn't make anything clear 13...Rb8 (12:05)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: let's see
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: wanna keep my options open for now 14.Be3 (1:54)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hmm how will she face b4 now??
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hmm, maus seems to have the clearer plan right now
BMK(2109) whispers: hmm, how about b4, c4, Nc5
GaraE(1490) whispers: She claimed to have Nc4 as a defense against Nc4.
GaraE(1490) whispers: er *against b4.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: well but with still on a8
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: I am outside my comfort-zone; hope my opp. too - and the game is complicated enough that he cant trash-talk it :)
Mahog(1745) whispers: b4?
BMK(2109) whispers: well, Hyp can keep his options open with Qc7 )
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: might be time for a direct move
Mahog(1745) whispers: kiss me
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: if you insist ;)
Mahog(1745) whispers: hehe
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: I do like b4 here
Mahog(1745) whispers: b4
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: but I don't like to calculate it, so I'll leave that to others
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: dont think b4 now is good idea for him - as i get square c4 to defend and c6 stays long term weakness
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hmm, reading our thoughts
Mahog(1745) whispers: yeh
tjradd(2240) whispers: b4 c4 line?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: a kiss on the hand might be quite continental, but diamonda are a girls best friend... ;)
Mahog(1745) whispers: that's beautiful
xivarmy(1892) whispers: diamonds are a marketing ploy ;)
Mahog(1745) whispers: a ring on the finger is worth two fingers in the bush
GaraE(1490) whispers: Let's not talk about that kind of material advantage.
Mahog(1745) whispers: hehe
BMK(2109) whispers: b4-c4-Nc5z
BMK(2109) whispers: Nc4 seems to be better
Mahog(1745) whispers: is this hypermaus v funkmagnus? 14...c5 (7:06)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: LOL
shivaroxxx(1716) whispers: o..m..g...that was hilarious
Mahog(1745) whispers: ook ook
Mahog(1745) whispers: If I could play this well - I'd never leave the house
xivarmy(1892) whispers: c4 here for white is interesting. it does open a file onto her king. but it blocks the dark bishop in and it's not easy to get a knight to d4
Fashion(1852) whispers: who sacrifeces first will have the chance
Tysonx(1153) whispers: no
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: g5 followed by RD5 maybe
Mahog(1745) whispers: love a sac
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: after Nb3 15.Nh2 (4:12)
Fashion(1852) whispers: c4 will put white under lots of pressure
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I think her play is a little too slow
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nh2 felt weak, but can black capitalize quickly enough?
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Yes, Nh2 is a bit too cautious
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Maybe planning for f4?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, figured that to be the purpose.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: of course his ply was a bit slow too, Re8 Bf8
GaraE(1490) whispers: It's still weak, as in her current position is weaker than black's if black has any way of exploiting it.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: maybe g5 Ng4
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: tho i like f4 too
GaraE(1490) whispers: Doesn't seem like black can do anything about white yet.
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: N@h5 is a good defender. have to get Be2 in before i go with g5
Mahog(1745) whispers: Be2 first?
Mahog(1745) whispers: Nf6 has nowhere to go
GaraE(1490) whispers: Doesn't want Nh5-Nf4.
Mahog(1745) whispers: after Be2 and g5 15...Kh8 (3:19)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, she'll have the time to play it.
Fashion(1852) whispers: max be for f4 but i think there were better move than this
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Strong!
GaraE(1490) whispers: That's nice though, momentary weakness is not much if the opponent can't do anything about it.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hyp is a real subtle player
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: This is like a Sicilian Dragon is slow motion:P
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Ok, i wait too ;) 16.Be2 (1:04)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this is like nothin g i ve ever seen before
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: shadow boxing
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Really nice move Kg8! I am out of cheap ideas 16...c4 (0:25)
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: g5 Ng8 - lol
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: g5 Ng8 f4!
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Maybe some caveman ideas
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: hehe, Ng8-e7-g6-f4
Mahog(1745) whispers: only 4 moves
xivarmy(1892) whispers: Nf1-g3-f5
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: white cant even construct a mate in 4
GaraE(1490) whispers: Then eliminate f4 immediately?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Play f4, taking on e5.
GaraE(1490) whispers: That could be done within those 4 moves.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Though f6 hrm.
xivarmy(1892) whispers: opening e sounds like a bad idea 17.g5 (3:10) Ng8 (0:05)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: this is snail vs turtle match 18.Ng4 (0:43)
GaraE(1490) whispers: The snail is smaller than the turtle!
wmahan(1978) whispers: jenny's pieces seem awkwardly placed but I guess she's good in such positions
xivarmy(1892) whispers: hyper's seem more awkward almost
Mahog(1745) whispers: h4................
wmahan(1978) whispers: yeah, not the most harmonious for either side
GaraE(1490) whispers: Somehow that looks as though someone misplaced their king and rook while setting up starting positions.
Mahog(1745) whispers: this is wild
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: chess 960
crazyblue(1972) whispers: yeah i jsut started watching and thought the same garaE ;)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: this is what fischer had in mind when he created fr
crazyblue(1972) whispers: :D
Fashion(1852) whispers: re6-a6 looks deadly
maeck(1888) whispers: the psychic octopus predicts a win for black
GaraE(1490) whispers: the eightball predicts a win for white
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: octopus paul decides for draw!!
xivarmy(1892) whispers: the psychic octopus has a more proven record than the eightball
Mahog(1745) whispers: Paul
GaraE(1490) whispers: :(
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: simple plan: h4-h5 g6 fxg6 hxg6 h6 and then sac something on h6
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Nf1-g3-f5 is not allowed - very slow
Mahog(1745) whispers: yeh - ya done enough a that stuff
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: the "simple plan" is not fast either
GaraE(1490) whispers: Offers impending pressure while on the move at least, whereas Nf1 and Ng3 don't pressure anything. 18...Qc7 (4:36)
GaraE(1490) whispers: That's the only minor difference.
Mahog(1745) whispers: too much fox-trotting 19.h4 (0:14)
maeck(1888) whispers: gets ready for b4
Tysonx(1153) whispers: who is winning
Mahog(1745) whispers: chess
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: this position looks sizilian-dragon like, where white misplaced N@d2 and Q@c2, but black missed more: played e5 and no fianchetto
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: now at last we see some real opposite-wing play
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Can I really hope my attack is faster?!
Fashion(1852) whispers: retreating queen was just a tempo loser
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Q is better on c7 for several reasons
maeck(1888) whispers: geez, i only just see what opening it was. didn't Hyper diss my Old Indian not too long ago?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: attacking (prepares b4) and defensive (can cover the g7 square after g6 fxg6 etc)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: he was probably just being an ass ;)
stalebread(1660) whispers: nice funky, slow but crunching
maeck(1888) whispers: well that explains all things Hyper, basically
Mahog(1745) whispers: f7 needs a white N on it
Tysonx(1153) whispers: who IS WINNING?
Mahog(1745) whispers: #
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: LOL
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: tysonx, no one knows 19...Bc5 (3:20)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: only octopus paul
Tysonx(1153) whispers: lol
Tysonx(1153) whispers: hw=e should be barbaqued
Fashion(1852) whispers: is anything wrong with R-e6-a6
lrzal(1864) whispers: does this move have a point? just h5 now
GaraE(1490) whispers: May have wanted to play Nf8.
GaraE(1490) whispers: Which is odd though.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Knights on f8 and g8 i am impressed
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: could be my game
GaraE(1490) whispers: Could it be that Hyper is worreid enough about the kingside attack that he's in full defense mode?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: no
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: maybe
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: cant believe he wants to trade on this square: Nxe3 - f5 or d5, think he just wants play Nf8
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: he's just trading his passive pieces
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: of course he'd prefer if white initiated the exchange, but that won't happen 20.h5 (2:33) Nf8 (0:16)
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: lol guessed!
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hmm, good move
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: what about Nf3 now :) ?
GaraE(1490) whispers: I like black's two knights hah. :P
wmahan(1978) whispers: I wish I could comment more but I don't understand what's going on at all
GaraE(1490) whispers: It's a strong barrier across the 6th rank on kingside, but the obvious disadvantage is their abilities aren't employed at the center.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: I dont understand either, wil
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: this is like a WC final
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: a toilet final??
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: long and boring
GaraE(1490) whispers: White will probably put her attack on hold and focus on center.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: do u have to go to the bathroom again, hyp??
xivarmy(1892) whispers: well no, WC finals are not so confusing. usually. perhaps a badly reffed WC final.
GaraE(1490) whispers: At least I wouldn't try keeping up the attack against that defense now. 21.Nf1 (2:48)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: if the queen were on h2 white would have a devastating attack
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: she tries to arrange that
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Ne6 g6 by the way
GaraE(1490) whispers: But arranging for it also means black can arrange for more defenders.
xivarmy(1892) whispers: well i think white will eventually have an attack... black seems more interested in staring at his own reflection than trying to make any sort of progress
Fashion(1852) whispers: white may plan to attack f7 or a sac on h6
lrzal(1864) whispers: I like this because white still has Nxe3 even if black removes the g4 knight now
stalebread(1660) whispers: BxB now i would say
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Pieces who defend dont attack me, so I got time to get Nd2 to f5, but via. e3 as he can BxN BxB Bxe3 fxe3 on Ng3
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: so, i have to trade on c5 myself if I want do this
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: lol, xiv
Tysonx(1153) whispers: It is a draw
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Fortunately we have time trouble to spice things up:)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: a5 perhaps?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: 'if in doubt, move a rook pawn'
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: and anyway, a5-a4-a3 is kinda useful 21...Be6 (2:32)
xivarmy(1892) whispers: useful is an argument against it this game ;)
unsophisticated(1679) whispers: it seems everyone is here to watch this game
sxsonar(1706) whispers: h6
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: oh foolishness, after a4 white just plays a3
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Tysonx: hi Tysonx: Are you better than dermandrian
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Wow that is alot of observers
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I guess the answer to that question is no
GaraE(1490) whispers: Tysonx, let's not disturb players with whispers while the game is ongoing. :(
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: t hypermagnus are u better than TysonX ??
sxsonar(1706) whispers: You just whipered that Gara
GaraE(1490) whispers: Or tells, rather. :P
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, confused terminologies, it's whispers in some mediums.
ShriLRG(1772) whispers: i dont think, players can see our whispers.l.
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: they cant
sxsonar(1706) whispers: Tysonx is Kasparov's online playing account
ShriLRG(1772) whispers: so, we cant disturb someone :) 22.Bxc5 (2:05) Qxc5 (0:03) 23.Nfe3 (0:01)
ShriLRG(1772) whispers: eiiiks :), lol
lrzal(1864) whispers: hypermagnus is telepathic, he sees all whispers..... I will now annoy him with a series of knock-knock jokes in whispers
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: LOL
GaraE(1490) whispers: Uhohs. What have I set off..
wmahan(1978) whispers: haha lrz
Tysonx(1153) whispers: this is a drawn posistion 23...Red8 (0:43)
ShriLRG(1772) whispers: lol, :)
ShriLRG(1772) whispers: you are true much :)
Fashion(1852) whispers: i think i am a better observer than a player
wmahan(1978) whispers: now both sides are starting to free their position
sxsonar(1706) whispers: TysonX is Kasparov's playing account
sxsonar(1706) whispers: He KNOWS when it is a draw
Tysonx(1153) whispers: coool
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Hm
sxsonar(1706) whispers: That's right Garry
Tysonx(1153) whispers: it is
sxsonar(1706) whispers: It is cool
Tysonx(1153) whispers: posistion wiser yes
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Maybe it's better to initiate the exchange as white
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: to get the rook out of the b file
Tysonx(1153) whispers: Blacks defended morer 24.Nf5 (1:44)
Tysonx(1153) whispers: I think Hypermagnus will win or Draw
lrzal(1864) whispers: imo the d file is more important than the b or g file right now
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: just throw anything on the black king
GaraE(1490) whispers: If black allows Nxe5 at any point, there's a lingering threat of Nxf7# hah. :P
GaraE(1490) whispers: So the queen and bishop are important in where they position themselves.
ShriLRG(1772) whispers: lol, thats much far.. i dont think, even Nxe5 is possible..
Tysonx(1153) whispers: no but queen is in the way
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, it all seems well covered. :(
Tysonx(1153) whispers: :) it a draw
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: white can brea with g6 at some point
Tysonx(1153) whispers: white are open more Black is not
BMK(2109) whispers: how about an unexpected counter-attack with a5?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: well the only who does not expect it is magnus himself :D
BMK(2109) whispers: it would be completely unexpected after Ng8-Nf8
Tysonx(1153) whispers: true
Tysonx(1153) whispers: still
Tysonx(1153) whispers: he has achance to se fende
stalebread(1660) whispers: anyone taking bets? What are the current odds?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: wwite win 1.5 draw 2.0 black wins 1.6
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: it's lost
xivarmy(1892) whispers: i'll bet 2 kittens for a white win ;)
GaraE(1490) whispers: uhohs.
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hmm, hyper feeling a lack of confidence
BMK(2109) whispers: too much apple beer
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: i bet a small black aristocat
GaraE(1490) whispers: Can black hold off if he plays g6 now?
GaraE(1490) whispers: And captures with f7? 24...a5 (6:52)
stalebread(1660) whispers: not uderstanding anything about the game, but judging my the nicks, my money goes on modest funk
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nice, the 'unexpected' :P
lrzal(1864) whispers: g6 looks like something i would have done but it kinda looks wrong, overthinking the position I guess so the simple a5 pawn push is probably better
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, the only reason I brought up g6 is because of Hyper's comment.
GaraE(1490) whispers: But rather than going fully defensive, seems he's settled on trying to win before his king is caught.
wmahan(1978) whispers: to me it's harder to see the attack for white
lrzal(1864) whispers: idea for black is b4-b3 no? perhaps white can land a knight on d5 and stop it then
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: in bughouse she would just crfy for pawns
Tysonx(1153) whispers: z
Tysonx(1153) whispers: mistel
Fashion(1852) whispers: what i feel is create chance for n x g7
lrzal(1864) whispers: does playing bughouse help to think in these types of pawn races? 25.Qc1 (3:29)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: certainly not
fernbap(1669) whispers: playing bughouse cripples your chess :P
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: i was just making silly jokes
BMK(2109) whispers: cmon, b4!
Fashion(1852) whispers: pawn race is trademark of opposite side castling
lrzal(1864) whispers: and I was just clutching at straws, hoping that a waste of time game was useful to me hehe 25...b4 (0:59)
BMK(2109) whispers: Qc1 was for Qe3? 26.Rxd8 (0:26)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: or f4 maybe 26...Rxd8 (0:06)
lrzal(1864) whispers: I think more due to the coming pawn to b3 bmk 27.Nge3 (0:04)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yes
lrzal(1864) whispers: qc1 allows b3 a3
KarottenHobbes(1500) whispers: go Funkmaus, go Funkmaus!
BMK(2109) whispers: but there were no b4 on 25th move
lrzal(1864) whispers: this is indeed a typical hypermagnus game, old indian defence, zeitnot and claiming that he will lose when the opposite will probably happen
BMK(2109) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: I play it out till Kings are Naked :D A draw is a loss for this match, its a strongest team in our group
wmahan(1978) whispers: both players seem very good at defense, which is frustrating for observers who want to see attacks
stalebread(1660) whispers: Rc8 perhaps
BMK(2109) whispers: cmon, Hyp, move smth, it's hard to ruin your position
sxsonar(1706) whispers: TIME 27...Nd7 (5:54)
stalebread(1660) whispers: now g6
BMK(2109) whispers: knights stopped ambushing
Tysonx(1153) whispers: Hold yuor breathe for an exsivite game 28.Rd1 (1:03) Rb8 (0:20)
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: he took so much time on calculating if I can eat c4. Not going to proove it, he is right ;)
Tysonx(1153) whispers: :)) 29.Bg4 (0:50)
lrzal(1864) whispers: it really annoys me when people talk of eating pawn (or prawns for that matter) in this context
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Nd6 Bxg4 Nxf7 Mate! 29...Nb6 (0:40) 30.Nd6 (0:36) Ne7 (0:36)
BMK(2109) whispers: Nc8 or Ne7?
Tysonx(1153) whispers: on
Tysonx(1153) whispers: no
Tysonx(1153) whispers: a3
stalebread(1660) whispers: g6
Tysonx(1153) whispers: how long has this game taken?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: 2 hours
Tysonx(1153) whispers: really
Tysonx(1153) whispers: wtf
lrzal(1864) whispers: nyes, rather
stalebread(1660) whispers: Nf5 ok?
stalebread(1660) whispers: N on 3 that is
lrzal(1864) whispers: it looks like BxB pxB h6 g6 Nf7+ Kg8 Nxg6 is close to what funkmaus had planned, whether it is good or not I do not know
fernbap(1669) whispers: h6
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: not sure where you get Nxg6 ther
lrzal(1864) whispers: ooops I meant g6 h6
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: I'm pretty tired already
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: might as well resign
lrzal(1864) whispers: apologies, g for white and h6 for black in that line
Tysonx(1153) whispers: dont
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: no, damn it, no!
lrzal(1864) whispers: it looks like BxB pxB g6 h6 Nf7+ Kg8 Nxg6 is close to what funkmaus had planned, whether it is good or not I do not know
BMK(2109) whispers: take a new bottle, hyp
Tysonx(1153) whispers: you will win
Tysonx(1153) whispers: hyper
Tysonx(1153) whispers: you will win hyoer
fernbap(1669) whispers: tic toc
Tysonx(1153) whispers: merly a toc
Tysonx(1153) whispers: offer a Draw 31.cxb4 (7:31)
fernbap(1669) whispers: what?
xivarmy(1892) whispers: white may be able to take c4 now with Bxe6 fxe6 cxb4 Nxc4 and using the back rank to wiggle out of rook annoyance 31...Qxb4 (0:51) 32.Nc2 (0:19)
wmahan(1978) whispers: I don't unrderstand your line does white play Nxg6 when the N is on f7?
stalebread(1660) whispers: QxN
lrzal(1864) whispers: Nxg6, sorry about all those typos
lrzal(1864) whispers: oops there I go again, nxh6 32...Qc5 (1:05) 33.Bxe6 (0:05)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: well is she going to beat me or what?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: that's where the telepathic keyboard would come in handy 33...fxe6 (0:06)
wmahan(1978) whispers: interesting idea, maybe we'll see it 34.Qe3 (0:06)
Tysonx(1153) whispers: DRAW
Tysonx(1153) whispers: draw
stalebread(1660) whispers: oh forgot about the rook for a sec.... I'm hopeless!
lrzal(1864) whispers: indeed sbc, make haste with that contraption of yours :P 34...Qc7 (1:29)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: I tried to patent it, but was told to get my head out of my a$$
wmahan(1978) whispers: how does white defend b2?
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Qa3 perhaps HyperMagnus offers a draw. Funkmaus declines the draw request.
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: lol
wmahan(1978) whispers: interesting
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: rejection can be cruel
fernbap(1669) whispers: specially from a woman 35.h6 (2:43)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: sorry - it was impolite - but it was a try
wmahan(1978) whispers: bold move 35...Na4 (0:45)
wmahan(1978) whispers: h6 was I mean
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: bold as in crazy? 36.hxg7+ (1:22)
wmahan(1978) whispers: we'll see.. 36...Kxg7 (0:33)
xivarmy(1892) whispers: well white can give up b2 without pain. so long as her attack comes through shortly thereafter
BMK(2109) whispers: h6 was an equalizer )
xivarmy(1892) whispers: but i really don't see it... 37.Qf3 (0:53)
wmahan(1978) whispers: hmm, I guess jenny is counting on the fork on e8
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: well-timed draw offer seems to have worked out
fernbap(1669) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Ng8
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: some advise making draw offers to better players when the position is unclear, cos it causes them to push harder for a win
BMK(2109) whispers: Ng8 seems to be the only move :(
fernbap(1669) whispers: i'll keep that in mind
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: so? its a good move
wmahan(1978) whispers: I wonder if hyper would admit Jenny is better
BMK(2109) whispers: I was too fast to say that h6 is an equalizer 37...Rf8 (2:25)
stalebread(1660) whispers: Qa5)
wmahan(1978) whispers: Qh5 ? 38.Qh3 (0:32)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: gah
stalebread(1660) whispers: Qh5 rxp ne8
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hyper won't be happy after this
LaurentiuI(1754) whispers: Qb6? 38...Qb8 (1:09)
fernbap(1669) whispers: drops a piece :P
NakedNous(1819) whispers: Nxc4? 39.Nxc4 (0:55)
NakedNous(1819) whispers: :)
BMK(2109) whispers: Rh1 is coming
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Rxf2 Rh1 Kf8?
fernbap(1669) whispers: why not qh6+ kg8 qxe6?
fernbap(1669) whispers: winning the knight 39...Rxf2 (0:55)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Kh8 instead of Kg8
fernbap(1669) whispers: small detail :P
BMK(2109) whispers: Rh1 Kf8 Qxh7 and g pawn is coming
wmahan(1978) whispers: tough position to play in time pressure 40.Qe3 (1:14)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Rh2? 40...Rf7 (0:46)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: or that 41.Ka1 (0:15)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hyper is hanging in there
Leader(2050) whispers: b3 is crushing
goladkin(1449) whispers: she could ve played b3 directly
Tysonx(1153) whispers: hurry 41...Ng6 (0:57)
Tysonx(1153) whispers: nooyes 42.b3 (0:11)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: b3 Qc7
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: no problem
BMK(2109) whispers: Rc7 is even better 42...Qc7 (0:34)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hmm not sure, h7 needs help 43.N2a3 (0:23) Nc5 (0:08)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: oh Nb6
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: *Nb5
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: and Nd6
BMK(2109) whispers: there is Nd6 with a tempo now
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: ok, Rc7 was better :) HyperMagnus offers a draw.
BMK(2109) whispers: hehe, I'm not so sure )
KarottenHobbes(1500) whispers: Nxd5 perhaps?
KarottenHobbes(1500) whispers: no not Nxd5 ;D
arunsingh(1693) whispers: nxd5 qxd5+ Funkmaus declines the draw request. 44.Nb5 (2:49)
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: No draw!
wmahan(1978) whispers: that's the fighting spirit jenny
Tysonx(1153) whispers: why 44...Qc6 (0:22) 45.Nbd6 (0:15)
naufal(2093) whispers: yeah you should be win funkmaus....go 45...Rf4 (0:24)
BMK(2109) whispers: Nxe5
wmahan(1978) whispers: Nxa5 possible? 46.Nxa5 (0:55)
BMK(2109) whispers: or Nxa5 Qb6 Nab7
BMK(2109) whispers: :(
Tysonx(1153) whispers: Draw
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: what a game
hugozver(1894) whispers: yea, what
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: lots of twists and turns
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Nxe5 been better?!
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Oh my god what has happened in the meantime?
BMK(2109) whispers: welcome back, Ismir
hugozver(1894) whispers: where did you go?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: had to drive my parents to a birthday party 46...Qb6 (1:39)
wmahan(1978) whispers: just in time for the finish
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: everything has happened, again and again
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yea Nab7 looks like a safe win 47.Nab7 (0:59)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nice
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: but well after Na4 its stzill complicated
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: or nd7
wmahan(1978) whispers: clever
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: no, not nd7
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nd7 loses to Ne8
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: or nf5
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: better
Tysonx(1153) whispers: go hyper
Tysonx(1153) whispers: it says you are hypetr 47...Nd7 (1:24)
arunsingh(1693) whispers: Rf4 was in correct
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hmm, does nf5 work? 48.Qxb6 (0:10) Nxb6 (0:01)
BMK(2109) whispers: hmm, Ismir, I think Nf5 works
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: now he can at loeeast put up some fight 49.Rc1 (0:32) Nf8 (0:20)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ND7 Kg6 etc 50.a4 (0:40)
xivarmy(1892) whispers: Rc6 picks up the N does it not?
BMK(2109) whispers: Hyp should enable his endgame spirit
BMK(2109) whispers: to save this game
hugozver(1894) whispers: it will be hard with those 2 passers 50...Kg6 (0:59)
arunsingh(1693) whispers: and no counter play
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hyper has worked the occasional miracle, but this must be beyond him 51.a5 (0:16) Nbd7 (0:03) 52.a6 (0:12) Nb6 (0:24)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Rough, faces a7 Nb6 Nc8
GaraE(1490) whispers: Na8 Nb6 53.a7 (0:10)
Tysonx(1153) whispers: DFraw
GaraE(1490) whispers: Well not Nb6 :P
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok this is abit deader than i thought 53...Nfd7 (0:42)
fernbap(1669) whispers: rc7
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: yes
xivarmy(1892) whispers: Rc8 works too
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: overload 54.Rc7 (0:21) Rf1+ (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: rc7 is even stronger 55.Kb2 (0:10) Nf8 (0:02)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Rc6-c8
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: hmm
Tysonx(1153) whispers: draw
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: rc8
Tysonx(1153) whispers: twi tired
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: immediately
hugozver(1894) whispers: why not Nc4?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Nc4 also working?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah. 56.Rc8 (0:59)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Too dead if several alternatives all work.
xivarmy(1892) whispers: the pleasures of so many winning moves 56...Kxg5 (0:13)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ok fight till death eat g5 and push h pawn
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nc4 is evil now
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: can also aim for a R+N vs R
GaraE(1490) whispers: Why do that, seems like he can outright keep her queen. 57.a8=Q (0:53) Nxa8 (0:01) 58.Rxa8 (0:01) h5 (0:00)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Oh. 59.b4 (0:01)
wmahan(1978) whispers: wow
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nc4 Nfd7 Na5 intending Nxb6 and Nc4! again :D
GaraE(1490) whispers: Guess the first queen was disposable. :P
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: so many lovely ladies at and on teh board today :)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: must be won, but its a sufficiently weird position to play on 59...h4 (0:36)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: twikki would love this
Tysonx(1152) whispers: draw 60.Nd8 (0:29)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: tysonx could u please stop spamming that comment
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: thank you
Tysonx(1152) whispers: queen
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: ah, h3 Ra3
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: simple
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nf7+
stalebread(1660) whispers: my money is on black now 60...h3 (0:41) 61.N8f7+ (0:10)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: oh I'm insane, Ra3 is crap
GaraE(1490) whispers: Was wondering.
wmahan(1978) whispers: I'd take that bet
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: ra8-xf8-h8
Tysonx(1152) whispers: draw
xivarmy(1892) whispers: well Ra3 might've worked all the same but this is certainly easier
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: 2Ns+2 vs R+s
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: R+2 61...Kg4 (0:37)
CrazyHunter(1926) whispers: the knight falls 62.Rxf8 (0:14) h2 (0:08)
GaraE(1490) whispers: And now disc.check winning Rf1 is at threat.
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Nh6+
Tysonx(1152) whispers: yes
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nxe5+ curtains
hugozver(1894) whispers: ouch
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: or Nxe5
NakedNous(1819) whispers: check!
fernbap(1669) whispers: urgh
Tysonx(1152) whispers: win
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: Nh6 also
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: might as well grab the pawn too
Tysonx(1152) whispers: draw
GaraE(1490) whispers: Funkmaus taking a breath first. :P
xivarmy(1892) whispers: Rh8 and sac the rook just because it's still a straightforward win ;) - walking the pawn down
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: grats jenny
wmahan(1978) whispers: great job jenny, assuming you find it in 7 minutes
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: do you have 1000 comments yet? :)
lrzal(1864) whispers: am I missing something or nxe5 wins?
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: a crazy game, but u got the upper hand
wmahan(1978) whispers: you're not missing anything
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Yes!! Its over, Nxe5
Funkmaus(2184) whispers: Sorry HM 63.Nxe5+ (1:20)
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: LOL
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: go to the bathroom now, Hm
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Well either way, good game, Funk
Ismirdochegal(2055) whispers: its over HyperMagnus resigns 1-0
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