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maras(2231) vs. opinel(2491) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-05-08

1.Nf3 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: gooo dear GM!
2.h3 (0:27)
CrazyHunter(1883) whispers: maras wants to play black?
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Hahaha
Opinel(2491) whispers: Alekhine's Revenge game
Opinel(2491) whispers: and my dear opponent is playing weird moves already
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Seems maras wants get you fastout of book
Opinel(2491) whispers: taking me out of book i assume
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: lol, h3
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: gotta love Maras, he always mixes it up in the opening
Opinel(2491) whispers: although i have to calculate some g4 lines now
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: In which black opening h3 would be a uselless move?!
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: a sicilian?
milpat(1776) whispers: ??
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: or an English
Opinel(2491) whispers: basically, i feel i should build a normal centre and try to castle queen side.
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: actually I guess it is useful in a sicilian
2...d5 (2:27) 3.g4 (0:08)
milpat(1776) whispers: how can white can play e4 to reach ur sicilian sbc?
milpat(1776) whispers: ...after Nf6
cytrus(1947) whispers: a sbc gambit e4! :)
Opinel(2491) whispers: since maras is a player i respect a lot and like watching i'm reluctant to say it, but it does look like rubbish =)
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: I wasn't thinking that far ;)
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: but I do think that 2...c5 was solid and good
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: of course d5 is more natural
Opinel(2491) whispers: i'm considering Nc6 or c5 or h6 for these reasons:
Opinel(2491) whispers: c5 g5 Ne4 d3 Nd6 and d4 is not good for him
Opinel(2491) whispers: Nc6 g5 Ne4 d3 Nd6 and i'm ready to play e5
Opinel(2491) whispers: h6 just to stop g5, but i'm not sure i should stop it at all
Opinel(2491) whispers: otherwise he has d4 in one go
Opinel(2491) whispers: i think i prefer Nc6 with the original plan
3...Nc6 (6:18)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: hmm... I d ignore g5
Opinel(2491) whispers: of course, if i manage to play h6 / e5 / development he is in trouble alright
Opinel(2491) whispers: i would prefer not to play h6 if i don't have to. would rather prepare h5 especially if he plans on 0-0 which just look suicidal to me
Opinel(2491) whispers: i think that g5 is the only move to keep his idea going, but probably Bg2 and trying to play either d4 or d3 with Bf4 can somewhat justify his development
4.Bg2 (5:13)
Opinel(2491) whispers: i'm trying to see whether Bg2 e5 d4 Bd6 works for me
Opinel(2491) whispers: maybe Qd6 right away, trying to 0-0-0 quicker and stopping Bf4 after d4
Opinel(2491) whispers: mainly, i need to decide whther i'm going to develop the BLB by playing e5 or g6, two different plans
Opinel(2491) whispers: BSB*
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Go with something, he just wants you to think!
milpat(1776) whispers: fics ECO dosent give so much... hehe
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Its a Maras-Opening :p
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: so what is this? A Grob by transposition?
4...Qd6 (5:31)
milpat(1776) whispers: almost it seems...what u say Jen?
Opinel(2491) whispers: the problem with e5 was d4 Bd6 g5 Ne4 Nxe5 nxe5 dxe5 Bxe5 and Bxe4 which will result in the exchange of queens and i will not be able to castle. that will only help him
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: I was thinking the same thing Opinel just said
Opinel(2491) whispers: if he plays d4 now i think i'll just play h5 right away!!?
Opinel(2491) whispers: mainly because after g4 Ne4 i'll have Bf5
Opinel(2491) whispers: g5*
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: well... g4 d5 Bg2 Nc6 is bad cause of c4! I wonder if that be grob
5.d3 (4:11)
Opinel(2491) whispers: i think Qd6 is a nice move, unless i'm missing tactical ideas it'a a very useful move indeed. stops Bf4 supports e5 give way to 0-0-0 etc
Opinel(2491) whispers: so now i can't play h5 g5 Ne4 anymore
Opinel(2491) whispers: but i do have e5
Opinel(2491) whispers: only question is should i play h6 before or not
Opinel(2491) whispers: the nice thing here is that g5 Nh5 isn't that bad for me. the knight is ok on h5 and stopps Bf4 as well as planning to jumpt there himself
5...e5 (3:04)
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: I guess Bg5 is met by h5 here
Opinel(2491) whispers: i'm wondering abour Na3 / c4 for him
6.O-O (3:14)
Opinel(2491) whispers: mmm?
Opinel(2491) whispers: he is either very well prepared or having a suicidal morning
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: rofl
Opinel(2491) whispers: don't even have to think here. Be6 / 0-0-0 / h5 etc
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Its a new way of defence, he provokes your attack!
6...Be6 (1:49)
Opinel(2491) whispers: perhaps Na3 is still best for him. or a more modern approach with c3/b4 attack
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Ng5 Bd7 followed by h6 or just 0-0-0?! If just 0-0-0 then Na3, Nb5 threatened
7.Nc3 (5:32)
Opinel(2491) whispers: i just spilled water all over my laptop
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: that sucks
Opinel(2491) whispers: what is he going to do after d4?
Opinel(2491) whispers: Nb5 Qd7 with a6 coming
Opinel(2491) whispers: then i have the Q and B on the h3-c8 diagonal only making h5 stronger and i can also play Bd5 if i need to exchange the B
Opinel(2491) whispers: i suppose c4 a6 Qa4 might be trouble some. i'll need to check this line
Opinel(2491) whispers: hard to say and time is running out so i think i'll play 0-0-0, but there is a very good chance d4 is much better
7...O-O-O (5:45)
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: in Opinel's line
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: after Qa4 Rd8 Na3 black must be better
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: then h5 g5 Bxh3! I think
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: meeting gxf6 with gxf6 then Rg8 winning for sure
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: maybe Nxe5 is playable there instead of gxf6 though
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: is Ng5 and Nxe6 a viable idea for white here to lessen the threat of a sacrificial attack?
8.Ng5 (5:14)
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: of course
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: black must still be better though...recapture with queen is probably best
Opinel(2491) whispers: actually, this is probably his best move
Opinel(2491) whispers: i also have to worry about Nb5
Opinel(2491) whispers: and h5 now is not as effective after NxB
Opinel(2491) whispers: i'm not sure whether fxe6 is good for me
8...Kb8 (4:20)
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: qxe6 is fine
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: whats kb8 good for
Opinel(2491) whispers: if he allows me tp prepare Bc8 my position will be very dangerous
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: defends a7 for later, also gets out of the way of a retreat square for bishop so basically forces nxe6
Opinel(2491) whispers: but that won't happen
XJamesX(1317) whispers: frees up the knight that was defending a7 pawn
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: to be fair
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: Bc8 is not playable for a bit
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: because of Nxf7
XJamesX(1317) whispers: from Nb5 checking queen and then taking and checking king
Opinel(2491) whispers: anyway, Kb8 Nb5 isn't effective in view of Qc5
XJamesX(1317) whispers: ahh
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: don't see a good way to prep Bc8 now that he mentions it
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: probably he will just play h6 or Be7 in the event of white not taking e6
Opinel(2491) whispers: NxN and i need to decide ... Qx or fx
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: fe:
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i cant see a NxN how farr ahead are you looking lol
Opinel(2491) whispers: NxB*
XJamesX(1317) whispers: what would be the disadvantage of Queen taking?
9.a3 (5:33)
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: maybe Qx is better queen is better plced there and u can develob black bishop where u want
Opinel(2491) whispers: the idea being b4 with an attack but also to stop my future Bc5
9...h5 (0:58)
Opinel(2491) whispers: let's get this game rolling then
10.Nxe6 (0:17)
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: h5 is risky
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: rock and roll
caga(1549) whispers: Oooooooooh, GM vs. IM THis is a game to see! :)
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: maras is FM
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: i like h5 more and more now
caga(1549) whispers: Still a game to see :)
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: no more Qx option
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: i guess nh7 is really strong
cytrus(1947) whispers: a TM vs GM :)
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: with be7 to come
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: obviously analyzing 10...Qxe6 11.g5 Nh7 with Be7 coming
Kyuuketsuki(2203) whispers: time for me to get off work...Opinel wins in my prediction
Opinel(2491) whispers: hard to decide
10...fxe6 (2:23) 11.g5 (0:21)
Opinel(2491) whispers: one nuance here is that f4 for him is weaker with the fxe line
11...Nh7 (0:17)
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: yes cause u can take it and play e5
Opinel(2491) whispers: but i'm not sure it's better, there is a chance Qx was just better
12.e4 (1:13)
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: and now u also have f line
Opinel(2491) whispers: i'm quite convinced e4 is a mistake
Opinel(2491) whispers: just blocking his own B
Opinel(2491) whispers: and i hardly think Qxh5 is a good idea for him!
12...d4 (1:32) 13.Ne2 (0:18)
Opinel(2491) whispers: i suppose Ne2-g3 was his ide then
Opinel(2491) whispers: yes
13...h4 (0:29)
Opinel(2491) whispers: no h4 and no Ng3
Opinel(2491) whispers: and no Qxh =)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: that horse may aswell be taken
Opinel(2491) whispers: still, don't think f4 will be a good idea for him
XJamesX(1317) whispers: it cant move and its blocking Q
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: plenty thinghs that move does
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: h4 is great move!
Opinel(2491) whispers: although after blovking his own B and playing the N to e2 (king side) how much can b4 be dangerous now?
Opinel(2491) whispers: perhaps c3 to break the centre was his idea
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: Bd2 to prepare defending the g5 pawn with Qc1?
14.f4 (3:11)
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: no that looks strange
Opinel(2491) whispers: although it's hard for me to redeploy into active posts and it'll take me at least 6 tempi to do so i think i'm better here
Opinel(2491) whispers: mmm f4?!?
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: waht else sit out and wait for u to crush him slowly
Opinel(2491) whispers: ok i see, exf4 e5 with Bf4 idea
Opinel(2491) whispers: not if i can develop first!
14...Be7 (1:26)
Opinel(2491) whispers: he is in trouble now
15.g6 (1:33)
Opinel(2491) whispers: ?
15...Nf6 (1:24)
Opinel(2491) whispers: don't see the point of this move at all
Opinel(2491) whispers: Nh5-g3 is an idea
16.f5 (1:48) exf5 (0:10)
Opinel(2491) whispers: ???
17.exf5 (0:05)
Opinel(2491) whispers: what is he doing?
17...Nd5 (0:34)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: kings missing a few pawns
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: I'm probably too stupid to see how this is any worse than any other continuation after 14.- Be7 for white :-/
Opinel(2491) whispers: he will have to stop Ne3
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: To many weaknesses created - for a GM a technical win from now
XJamesX(1317) whispers: anyone here looking for lessons? My prices are reasonable
18.Be4 (3:51)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: yes, I don't doubt that but wouldn't the weaknesses been there anyway after 14.- Be7?
18...Qd7 (1:55)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: The first weakness was fixed with 13...h4!
Opinel(2491) whispers: eyeing h3 as well
milpat(1776) whispers: yes that h pawn is a spine
XJamesX(1317) whispers: no takers? well... keep me in mind the next time you lose a game
19.Kh2 (1:56)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: no takers in what, XJamesX?
19...Nf6 (0:33)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: XJamesX(1317): anyone here looking for lessons? My prices are reasonable
Opinel(2491) whispers: mid the check Mr Maras
Opinel(2491) whispers: mind*
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: I thought he copy-pasted someones notes :p
XJamesX(1317) whispers: in purchasing some chess lessons from myself
20.Rf3 (0:34)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: any other big TL games on tonight? is there a way to see the schedule?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: go to the homepage of tl
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: and check pairings
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: XJamesX, check pending games on the homepage of tl
cytrus(1947) whispers: www.teamleague.org
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: http://teamleague.org/pairings.php
Opinel(2491) whispers: not sure
XJamesX(1317) whispers: Ohhh
20...Rh5 (2:58)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: is that server time?
Opinel(2491) whispers: straightforward i know
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Every game is a big-game, XJamesX
Opinel(2491) whispers: was considering Na5 so that NxB dxN Nc4 but b3 stopped that
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: how does he make progress on the kingside? shouldn't play be directed on queenside?
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: yes all TL games are listed in server time
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: ur on Babas. Get Babas-Plugin (someone please link it) and if you set it correctly, you see sheduling in your time, and all standings at once
Opinel(2491) whispers: but anyway if he can't play Bg5 and develop his other pieces i might still figure out a winning variation. otherwise he might be able to draw
NoiroP(1824) whispers: time for queen side ?
21.Bd2 (2:31)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: that's what i think
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: games like these... it'd be nice to have a second time control
21...Bd6 (0:38)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: freeing square for Ne7
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: if black enough pressure on f5, no time and no pieces to create something on queensside for white
Jammes(1899) whispers: ne2 i a sad one
milpat(1776) whispers: can someone tell me what white is threatening?
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: nada
Aneirin(1732) whispers: he might be threatening to resign.
Opinel(2491) whispers: everything is help by a thread, once this position has depleted its moves and something will have to give my position will be ready to storm out. this very Nimzovigian way of looking at things, but it seems to work here. at least i think.
milpat(1776) whispers: not everybody r the Lucky Luke of resigning like u :P
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: @ milpat white is just trying to hold everything together
milpat(1776) whispers: b4 here?
Jammes(1899) whispers: i would wish to have the ne2 on g5. otherwise i want to cover d3 if nxe4. hmmm how to play to top the knight from stop all white developement squares
Jammes(1899) whispers: stop the kinght from sitting on all
Jammes(1899) whispers: nc1 b4 nb3 perhaps? i m worried black is way faster
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: uh oh...
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: coming up on a 10 minute think... in such time pressure >_<
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Blitz-battle coming
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: hope not disconnect
22.Qf1 (10:17)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: I thought I saw a news item the server will now adjourn games after 2 minutes absence instead of 20? :)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: What??????
Opinel(2491) whispers: held*
Opinel(2491) whispers: Ne7-d5 seems ok
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Ne7 - Ng8 - Nxe4 dxe4 Nf8 shows that overprotecting f5 with Qf2/Rf1 doenst help
Opinel(2491) whispers: i have been studying petrosian the last 2 mobths. which is partly why i started playing the CK. Studying Petrosian makes you look at positions differently. In the past i didn't have much respect for his play, now i learned that it was my a character flaw on my part not to see his genius!
Opinel(2491) whispers: months*
KHC(1438) whispers: is time 45/45
22...Ne7 (4:19)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: I can't possibly believe Opinel has a character flaw.
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: why won't he tell us who he is? I believe thats a character flaw
Opinel(2491) whispers: sorry for my english
23.Ng1 (0:44)
vipiu(2085) whispers: do you think he is famous ?
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: why he should do? For example, he can practice here anonym for OTB without giving opponents free preparation
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i think he is atleast known
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: wouldn't that invite more GM's to FICS?
vipiu(2085) whispers: he won against luckytiger
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: to at least check his games?
Opinel(2491) whispers: actually
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: and it'd be nice to see a GM openly advocating FICS for once
Opinel(2491) whispers: too many good moves to choose from!
XJamesX(1317) whispers: you can prep all the games he has played as opinel if you really wanted, which is more then you can find on someone threw FIDE
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: I dont think more GM s come to FICS if Opinel tells who he is. Here is not attractive place for GM s. and most good players on FICS play Blitz, Lightning and Bughouse, no Standard
23...Ned5 (2:09)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: ALL they play on ICC is blitz, FICS is better for standard
24.Re1 (1:09)
Jammes(1899) whispers: icc did start somethink compareable to teamleage too
24...Qb5 (1:31) 25.Bc1 (0:33)
Opinel(2491) whispers: i made a mistake
Opinel(2491) whispers: when his rook was on a1 i should of played Nxe4 now it's not good
25...Rhh8 (2:02) 26.Qe2 (1:06) Nh5 (0:26) 27.Qd1 (0:09) Rhf8 (1:06) 28.Ne2 (0:20) Qd7 (0:21)
Opinel(2491) whispers: he is playing good defence
Opinel(2491) whispers: but i think i can do this ;)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: prob can flag if nothing else
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Bg5?
29.Bg5 (1:10)
paire(1926) whispers: then be7 right?
29...Be7 (0:26)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: or Rde8
Jammes(1899) whispers: finaly the ne2 has some sence :)
30.Bc1 (0:40)
paire(1926) whispers: bxh4?
paire(1926) whispers: why not?
30...Ndf6 (0:44)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: did black buy himself a tempo?
vipiu(2085) whispers: too closed to use tempo
Opinel(2491) whispers: i should stop playing with the Rubix cube when i'm playing chess, doesn't help my concentration
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: that's not a nice thing to say... esp with Maras as an opponent
XJamesX(1317) whispers: rubix cubes are easy once you know the algarythims
paire(1926) whispers: hehe
31.Kg2 (2:07)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: once you know :( I never got it!
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i swear opinel is hungarian lol, all these signs point to it
NoiroP(1824) whispers: black knights are annoying
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: I m afraid black should trade one (Nxe4) if he wants make any progress
XJamesX(1317) whispers: 4x4 rubix cubes, those are a different story
31...Rfe8 (1:09) 32.Kh2 (0:12) a6 (0:30) 33.Kg2 (0:05) Rf8 (0:29) 34.Kh2 (0:03)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: I never managed more than 2 sides on a 3x3 Rubik's cube :(
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: ++ time manouvring!
Opinel(2491) whispers: there we go
34...Nxe4 (0:17) 35.dxe4 (0:06)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: off to the races we go
35...Qc6 (0:47)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: oh
36.Qd3 (0:39) Rh8 (0:17)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: Oen magyar?
Opinel(2491) whispers: i think i $%^$ the game, i had a win and i lost it! you see Jenny, i told you i'm playing bad chess lately
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: I thought Nf6 picked e4-pawn, but discovered Bg5
37.Bd2 (1:49)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Opinel has crush on Funk!
Aneirin(1732) whispers: I think so, too.
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Na na wtf... you never felt like drawing is playing chess. And your opponent is boring you with a draw
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: CrazyHunter(1857): Opinel has crush on Funk! :))
37...Bf6 (1:08)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Opi and Jenny were sitting in a tree...
vipiu(2085) whispers: why stronger players do not only score better in the chess gumes, but also....
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: !BCS->(suspense)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: he he he
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: . . and all of a sudden a rotten branch broke, and jenny went tumbling down
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: What?!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: :))
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: vipiu you are mistaken
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: . . . and at the last moment opinel steched out his arm, and saves jenny
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: the end
38.Rg1 (2:29)
vipiu(2085) whispers: Opinel can prove this
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Girls don't really dig chess-playing nerds
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: ouchhh
Aneirin(1732) whispers: I beg to differ. look at -me- !
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: and they lived happily together for many many centuries
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Carlsen is probably a virgin
vipiu(2085) whispers: no, Kasparov tought him!...he must be a man now
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: dude carlsen could get so much if he wanted
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: and had lots of pawns
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Yeah... Noone was commenting one game and now comes trash talk, girls come into play - and whole Observers wake up!
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: very clever pawns
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: sure girls dont grap chess-playing nerds!
38...Rd7 (1:20)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Well if I were him I'd pawn Muzychuk
Aneirin(1732) whispers: she is mine, thank you.
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: ha ha trash, yes hyper is a trash specialist
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: :))
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: ya started!
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: sanitary engineeer, thank you zulu
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: :))
39.Rff1 (0:55) Bd8 (0:12)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: which of the two Muzychuks, Aneirin?
40.Re1 (0:09)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: see both sides would reach their second time control now!
vipiu(2085) whispers: I prefer Kosintzeva
Aneirin(1732) whispers: the older one, Anna.
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: (although it didn't look like they would 20 moves ago)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: carlsen can have marya.
paire(1926) whispers: wow.. a draw?
Opinel(2491) whispers: it's either Ng3 or a draw
40...Ng3 (0:46)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: go big or go home!
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: No draw :D
Lethe(1357) whispers: ;)
olechos(1810) whispers: yeah
paire(1926) whispers: that seems really good, doesn't it?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: piece sack oh my
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: rybka doesn't like it
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: where is piece-sac?!
vipiu(2085) whispers: not even pawn sack
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: NxN hxN Rxg3 Bh4 fork
paire(1926) whispers: kxp, qxp, rxp, all is bad
cytrus(1947) whispers: Nc1
Opinel(2491) whispers: i think i missed my win before. move 23...Nxe4 was probably the way to go
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: good move for time-trouble, white is dead
41.Nc1 (1:51)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Nx hx Kg2
paire(1926) whispers: cytrus, he chose yours :)
cytrus(1947) whispers: of course he choosed my :P
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: yeah, crazy! That was better
paire(1926) whispers: hehe
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: maybe Magnus has a knack for Asian type
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: he could get one of the many Chinese girls
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: you mean yourself?!
41...Rh5 (1:31) 42.Rg2 (0:04)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: well Asian girls have a huge advantage
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: whys that?
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: they are loyal and hard-working
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: :))
42...Bg5 (0:18)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: and usually make good wives
Aneirin(1732) whispers: oh dear
Aneirin(1732) whispers: loyal and hard-working are perfectly boring. :)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: and you dont have a ginger kid with an asian wife
Aneirin(1732) whispers: GIIIINGEEERSS
XJamesX(1317) whispers: so safe in that catergory too
Aneirin(1732) whispers: love gingers :)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: so you can just sit home and watch TV and your wife will do everything for you
paire(1926) whispers: opinel has 78 losses, and 805 wins in standard
paire(1926) whispers: that's amazing
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: i died my hair red a week ago
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: XD
olechos(1810) whispers: asain girls are like you said untill they meet american womans;)
43.Bxg5 (1:08) Rxg5 (0:01) 44.Nb3 (0:08)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Aneirin, Anna Muzychuk, gingers, who else do you love? :)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Qd2!!!
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Hoegaarden?
Aneirin(1732) whispers: sure, I love my beers :)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: :)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: beerophile :)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Nd2 next - then Nf1 to get rid of Ng3
44...Rh5 (0:43)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: tell teamleague ctell beer tends to be terribly disappoining in bed, though, so I'll go with gingers if given the choice.
Aneirin(1732) whispers: oops :) now I'm getting all things mixed up :)
paire(1926) whispers: if 43., qd2, nxe4, rxg5, nxg5, qxd5, qxc2+ wins the knight
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: what about ales stouts and ciders?
Aneirin(1732) whispers: I like Guinness most. obviously, it's my native beer.
cytrus(1947) whispers: what are 3 most popular words in the world? :)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: 44. Qd2
vipiu(2085) whispers: sex sex sex
cytrus(1947) whispers: made in china Hyp :)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: god, love and sex? 'Hackers' !
45.Nd2 (1:45)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: the song, "under pressure" comes to mind watching this
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: is this draw
Aneirin(1732) whispers: as well as It's the final countdooooown
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: oh people... ur crazy! go get your sex somewhere else. Its a chess-server and we watch a game!
Aneirin(1732) whispers: haha Funkmaus.
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: (12:24)linuxchick: i was hiking with this older dude, and all he was doing was farting
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: who said you can't get sex off here
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: lol
45...Qf6 (0:54) 46.Nf3 (0:04)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: There's even a women's team now
Aneirin(1732) whispers: but they don't seem very interested in sex. :(
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: :(
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: offer draw maras...
Opinel(2491) whispers: i'm playing rubbish!
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: :))
XJamesX(1317) whispers: hence the chess server
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Set Kiblevel 2300!!!
Jammes(1899) whispers: back to the game. seems like white did equalize?
Aneirin(1732) whispers: oh come on.. a woman in a bar is not necessarily looking for a drink. why can't it be the same on a chess server. :)
46...Re7 (0:58)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: A woman in a bar is looking for sex, everyone knows it!
Aneirin(1732) whispers: my point.
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: you'd have to be pretty drunk to be looking for a drink at a chess server ;)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: hehe
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: c3 looks double-edged but interesting
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: ha ha madman
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Funk, I'm sorry but you just will have to deal with the fact that a chess server is a sex-craving nerd galore
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: you have to be pretty alientated to look for sex on chess server
47.Qc4 (1:06)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: I disagree!
paire(1926) whispers: nxp possible
paire(1926) whispers: right?
paire(1926) whispers: before
vipiu(2085) whispers: but we look for sex everywhere, so why a chess server would be different?
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: me too. love hides in the most surprising places
paire(1926) whispers: nxh4 worked?
paire(1926) whispers: before
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: hmm
vipiu(2085) whispers: what about Nxe4 sack?
vipiu(2085) whispers: now
47...Rh8 (0:55)
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: tsssk tsssk jenny, apologies for this male species, crude bunch
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Vipiu @ HM! Can I add some of your tells to my finger-note 10?
48.Rd2 (0:23)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: it's come far if ZULU has to apologise for us. :)
vipiu(2085) whispers: sure :)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: lol
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: :))
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: In fact, looking for sex on a chess server is much more reasonable than doing so on a math forum or scrabble server
48...Rf8 (0:23)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: or even checkers server
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: i sense a sac coming
Aneirin(1732) whispers: i heard those scrabble chicks were CRAVING for it.
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Funk, might as well
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: scarbble, ha ha, my gp is the number 1 scrabble player
vipiu(2085) whispers: I think Nxe4 before was interesting, not sure if correct but messy anyway
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: no 1 for sa
Aneirin(1732) whispers: I wonder what quotes she will pick. :)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: she picked mine :)
49.Qd5 (1:24)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: good choice :')
vipiu(2085) whispers: so this means she loves you more?
cytrus(1947) whispers: slowly pushing pieces forward :)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: or she sees the truth in it.
49...Nh5 (0:58)
vipiu(2085) whispers: she added mine also, but she truncated it
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: she picked vipiu's quote as well
vipiu(2085) whispers: 3some!
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: damn, it dont fit!
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: vipiu(2085): so this means she loves you more? ( i note that rating, and nerd state seems to correspond)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: eeeewww not the MMF
50.Rg1 (0:41)
Opinel(2491) whispers: his defecen play is much better than his opening or tactical play. really good defence
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: so im low rating = not nerd :)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: vipiu is now my competitor for Funk's love
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: you got competition... Opinel is also a competitor
Aneirin(1732) whispers: my rating has been dropping like a rock. I'm soon to be cool.
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: :))
50...Rh8 (1:12)
vipiu(2085) whispers: imagine how Opinel is
Aneirin(1732) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Yeah Opi, he's a strong competition
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: with that flashy rating of his
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: if funk prefers rating strength that is :D
vipiu(2085) whispers: what about women ? does this apply also ?
51.Rg4 (0:34)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: it's equivalent of having two Bentleys in your garage and a 7 figure sum in your account
cytrus(1947) whispers: when ends 50 move rule? :)
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: opinel is defensive GM
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: only been 7 moves since last take cytrus
51...Nf4 (0:56)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Ok, I managed to add both notes - thanks guys!
vipiu(2085) whispers: 3some is back :)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: You welcome
52.Qc4 (0:35)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: I will finger Funkamus often now :)
Aneirin(1732) whispers: :ooo
Aneirin(1732) whispers: oh, right;
52...Rhe8 (0:23)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: bait pawn
vipiu(2085) whispers: this game is a bit boring, they are not progressing
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: ha ha good stuff jenny :)
53.b4 (0:28)
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: no planning just pushing with no sense no harmony nothing is boring
53...Rd8 (0:26)
olechos(1810) whispers: that was good
54.a4 (0:08)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: maras is on the attack...
54...Red7 (0:23)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: guess he's got everything shored up on the kingside? but i wouldn't want to open up queenside
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: An amusing read awaits both players
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: give opinel a way in
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: yes d file seems to favour black now
vipiu(2085) whispers: I like black now
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: draw
vipiu(2085) whispers: sorry, I ment white
55.Ne1 (1:02) c6 (0:26) 56.Nd3 (0:24)
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: oh? very good block
MiniKarpov(1967) whispers: now white is better littlebit
56...Re8 (0:41)
vipiu(2085) whispers: Opinel is not whispering, he feels the danger
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Yeah :(
57.Nc5 (0:20)
GaraE(1457) whispers: Or he's jugglign two rubix cubes while typing in moves with his toes.
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Jenny has crush on Opinel! It's made to be!
57...Rde7 (0:39)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: What does it means to have crush on him? Check pstat, he crushes me how he wants
Aneirin(1732) whispers: hehe
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: hehehe
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: Opi and Jenny were sitting in a tree
58.Rd1 (1:04)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: c3 looked interesting... again
cytrus(1947) whispers: Opinel won`t comment anymore?
58...Rd8 (0:33) 59.Rb1 (0:41) Ka8 (0:57) 60.b5 (0:37)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: mistake...
Opinel(2491) whispers: what?
vipiu(2085) whispers: ?
cytrus(1947) whispers: cxb axb Rc7
vipiu(2085) whispers: going to beach for the first time this year :)
cytrus(1947) whispers: where?
60...cxb5 (2:21)
vipiu(2085) whispers: mediteraneean
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: should've stayed on the kingside defending maras
hugozver(1940) whispers: GO Maras!!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: was such a good game too
vipiu(2085) whispers: I still prefer white
hugozver(1940) whispers: I prefer Maras
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: weak c2 pawn
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: I wonder why Maras, who was worser whole time, finally when got a drawing position, started a winning action
61.axb5 (1:36)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: now I dunno who s better
61...Rc7 (0:03)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: semi-open b file
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: doesn't black win a piece here with Rc7 after the skirmishes fizzles out?
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: c file*
Leader(2010) whispers: that pin decides
Aneirin(1732) whispers: because, like Opinel, he doesn't think drawing is chess. :) it's better to try and lose than to hide and draw.
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Ok, thanks for the answer
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: while i completely agree with that sentiment
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: i think that playing a very bad position with a gm and finally getting to a draw, i would be very happy to get draw
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: b6 looks pretty forced now
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: and would hold it as one
olechos(1810) whispers: sad i was kibitzing maras
62.Qb4 (1:52)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Qd6
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: game over
62...Qb6 (0:41)
Opinel(2491) whispers: bad game
Opinel(2491) whispers: for both of us
GaraE(1457) whispers: Opponent ran out of time.
63.bxa6 (0:54) Qxb4 (0:35) 64.Rxb4 (0:07)
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: I would say Maras played very good for the last 40 moves, especially considering he was down to 3 minutes after his 22nd move
64...Rxc5 (0:09)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: pity
hugozver(1940) whispers: :-&
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: white shouldn't have went for b5
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: yeah great fighting play
zulugodetia(1505) whispers: opinel has more patience
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: b5 lost instantly
65.axb7+ (0:47) Kb8 (0:05)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: <<< called it
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: just wanted to point it out
66.Rg1 (0:17)
Funkmaus(2224) whispers: Maras blame you after the game for this! Log-out fast when game over!
66...Rxc2+ (0:23) 67.Kh1 (0:03) Ra2 (1:15)
eastorwest(1783) whispers: simpest way
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: of course opinel wouldn't miss the last trick...
68.f6 (0:38)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: and now desperation sets in
68...Ra3 (0:17) 69.fxg7 (1:24)
HyperMagnus(2140) whispers: dooo
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: and its over folks
Opinel(2491) whispers: ????
Aneirin(1732) whispers: aww
Opinel(2491) whispers: check mate
69...Rxh3# (0:31) Maras checkmated 0-1


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