araszek(1673) vs. freefal(1588) *

standard 45+45, 2015-05-12

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:02) c6 (0:08) 3.e3 (0:06) Bf5 (0:31) 4.Nc3 (0:04) Nf6 (0:06) 5.Nf3 (0:32) e6 (0:31) 6.a3 (3:41) dxc4 (4:08) 7.Bxc4 (2:46) Bd6 (1:07) 8.Bd3 (5:38) Bg6 (2:33) 9.Ne5 (4:06)
araszek(1673) whispers: I feel not so comfortable as I thought, when I saw then I have white pieces ;)
9...Bxe5 (1:42)
araszek(1673) whispers: very rare played with his LSB on this diag and usually I was an initiative
araszek(1673) whispers: *I have
10.Bxg6 (0:58)
araszek(1673) whispers: played too fast :(
10...hxg6 (3:42) 11.dxe5 (0:51) Qxd1+ (0:00) 12.Nxd1 (2:52) Ng4 (0:28) 13.f4 (4:07) Rxh2 (0:43)
araszek(1673) whispers: ugly pos, I have a plan to limit his knight after exchange on h2
14.Rxh2 (1:36) Nxh2 (0:00) 15.Nf2 (0:02)
araszek(1673) whispers: he can take it but it costs doubled pawns - a little compensation
araszek(1673) whispers: and I should think about Q side - he has an advantage there
15...f5 (1:39) 16.Bd2 (3:49)
araszek(1673) whispers: Ke2 Rh1 to force exchange on g4
16...Nd7 (3:29)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: 0-0-0 isnt a bad idea either
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: same idea
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: once that g4 is traded the g4 pawn will be very week..and then the g6 pawn will hurt after g4 falls..its gonna be tough
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: weak*
milpat(2093) whispers: K will pick up triple pawns
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: I guess the question currently is Ke2 or 0-0-0
milpat(2093) whispers: ah, Ne4 will get rid of the Nf2
milpat(2093) whispers: not sure thats better than the triple g though
BuyJupiter(1649) whispers: which is probably why he is thinking Ke2 instead of 0-0-0... keeps it a little closer to the g file.
17.Ke2 (2:58)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: i'd rather a knight over a bishop in this ending, but the rook seems it'll do the most damage
milpat(2093) whispers: after b6/c5 the bishop will look silly
17...Ng4 (1:37)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: sigh
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: now Rh1 comes with tempo
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: Nx Nx Rh1 ke7 Rh4
milpat(2093) whispers: 0-0-0 for black?
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: i prefer ke7
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: to protect g6
18.Nxg4 (1:05) fxg4 (0:00)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: via kf7
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: or maybe just hte immediate kf7 after Rh1
milpat(2093) whispers: :)
19.Rh1 (1:21)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: heres a sneaky idea
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: Kf7 Rh4 g3 Rg4?! (Kg3 would be better) Rh8 Rx Rh1
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: with a really active rook
19...Kf7 (0:43)
freefal(1588) whispers: where is watchbot?
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: he got bored
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: he'll prolly come back ;)
stevelco(1771) whispers: We can't set a record for most comments if Watchbot isn't here
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: :(
BuyJupiter(1649) whispers: GuestYXKF is the Watchbot helper
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: black can def draw this
20.Rd1 (2:21)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: woah lol
stevelco(1771) whispers: White's rook wants to get in amongst 'em
araszek(1673) whispers: I'm not sure if last move was correct - when he place his rook on h file and N on e4 that it may be not good for me
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: my idea is playing c5-c4 with a6 and b5 to follow and then putting the N on d3..i was going to suggest c5!? after Rh4 but this changes things
20...Ke7 (2:09)
araszek(1673) whispers: but I didn't want to use my rook to take only 1 pawn and waste few tempos
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: smart oberservation! the g pawn will fall whenever you want it to fall
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: but how to progress on the queen side is not suggested
stevelco(1771) whispers: Now Pat's idea is stronger ... King to capture tripled pawns
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: Kf2 b5 Kg3 c5 Kx a5....all those tempi..
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: a5 would be super accurate..prolly c4 instead but still
21.Kf2 (3:45)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: wouldnt*
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: that knight needs to be aggressively placed asap..and the d5 square isnt the needs to utilize the light squares
araszek(1673) whispers: without g4 pawn his N on e4 will be easy to chase
21...Rd8 (6:38)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: kg3 Nb6
milpat(2093) whispers: Kg3 Nb6 Bb4+
milpat(2093) whispers: ends on d6
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: Kg3 Nb6 Bb4+ Ke8 Rx Kx Ba5..and i think white can win that king pawn ending
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: actually..Kf7 might be sneaky
milpat(2093) whispers: Kg3 Nc5 perhaps, since Bb4 would not be check
milpat(2093) whispers: so B is pinned and Ne4+ forks
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: oooh nice as well
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: i was was thinking Kf7 with Nxe5+ ideas
22.Bb4+ (7:06) c5 (0:14)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: ...welp not sure f this was good for white
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: but Nc5 ideas are gone lol
milpat(2093) whispers: provoke b6 and how the N progress?
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: c4 Nc5-d3
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: eventually*
milpat(2093) whispers: c4 B back to b4
araszek(1673) whispers: should I exchange ?
DMjJMD(2022) whispers:
milpat(2093) whispers: B for pawn?
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: i hope not lol
milpat(2093) whispers: :)
stevelco(1771) whispers: Maybe Rxd7 Rxd7 Bxc5
23.Bc3 (3:24)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: phew lol
stevelco(1771) whispers: that's a better idea
araszek(1673) whispers: I'm not sure - I think with exchange I will fight only for draw
23...Nb6 (0:40)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: lol welp
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: Rx Kx Ba5 with a questionable but likely winning king pawn ending
milpat(2093) whispers: Kc7 would be far from kside weakie indeed
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: and on Rx Kx Ba5 Kc7 just Kg3
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: after Kxg4 the e passer is fast after e4-f5
24.Rxd8 (3:14) Kxd8 (0:00)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: im calcing lines..its actually kinda murky
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: basically after trades on f5 the black king will have the d5 square and the white king wont have the f6 square
25.Ba5 (0:44)
milpat(2093) whispers: Ke7
25...Ke7 (0:33)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: actually i think their may be some merit with Kc7
milpat(2093) whispers: nah, too far from crucial action
freefal(1588) whispers: for a guy with 30 mins on his clock, I am making terrible endgame moves
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: sample line Kc7 Bx Kx Kg3 c4 Kxp Kc5 e4 b5 f5 gx ex ex Kx Kd5 e6 Kd6..
milpat(2093) whispers: Kc7 u dont Bx
26.Bxb6 (1:14) axb6 (0:00) 27.Ke2 (0:02)
milpat(2093) whispers: let him waste move
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: ah yes
freefal(1588) whispers: think that was a bad mistake right there
freefal(1588) whispers: if he played a4 he could have locked down my pawn majority
araszek(1673) whispers: I'm safe on K side but cannot left his K side pawns alone
27...b5 (1:07)
araszek(1673) whispers: maybe e5 f5 break after
28.b3 (0:45)
stevelco(1771) whispers: Now that was definitely a mistake
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: well....
freefal(1588) whispers: hmm...think I was locked down anyway because of the doubled pawns
araszek(1673) whispers: should be hard ending and he has an time advantage
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: this is looking closer to a draw
araszek(1673) whispers: *a
freefal(1588) whispers: not sure why he isn't just mopping up my pawns on the king side
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: i only say that because now this past pawn sitch looks sketch
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: white literally cant go get the g pawn now
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: e4-f5 just loses a pawn
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: if im black i go on the offensive...cuz i doubt black can lose here with accurate play
freefal(1588) whispers: this should literally be calculatable to an outcome I think
araszek(1673) whispers: I was wrong - I'm not so safe at Q side as I thought - he has g5 and his king is in the game
araszek(1673) whispers: maybe I should play e4 which allow to play f5 after that
araszek(1673) whispers: or .. g5 x. g3 and after that e4
araszek(1673) whispers: no, this is wrong line ;)
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: g5 is actually an interesting idea
DMjJMD(2022) whispers: but im not sure how strong it is
araszek(1673) whispers: I can close Q side when I take on g5 and place my pawns on g3 and e4, so looks not so wrong
SamuraiGoroh(1778) whispers: g5 here is stockfish's prefered move
SamuraiGoroh(1778) whispers: Worth for about -1.10 though
28...c4 (17:01)
milpat(2093) whispers: c4 premature
29.b4 (2:01)
milpat(2093) whispers: oh my
milpat(2093) whispers: c4 was perfect then
SamuraiGoroh(1778) whispers: g3 is the move now according to stockfish
milpat(2093) whispers: stop ur comp move pls
araszek(1673) whispers: this line gives not so much chances to win, but taking also was risky
araszek(1673) whispers: now he shouldn't has an easy way to invade with his king
freefal lost connection; game adjourned *

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