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introspection(1844) vs. lno(1913) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2025-03-16

1.e4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.e5 (0:08) Nd5 (0:03) 3.c4 (0:07) Nb6 (0:03) 4.d4 (0:04) d6 (0:03) 5.f4 (0:04) dxe5 (0:08) 6.fxe5 (0:05) Bf5 (0:03)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: hello
7.Nf3 (5:03) e6 (0:18) 8.Nc3 (1:22) Nc6 (1:45) 9.Be2 (1:42) Be7 (0:43)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: chessable knows only 9.Be3
herrahuu(1780) whispers: i wonder why
10.O-O (2:51) O-O (0:39) 11.Be3 (0:05)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: is it some kind of preference because engines?
11...a5 (5:55) 12.d5 (4:11)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: there were 4 games with position after a5. d5 was one of the 4 different moves played there
herrahuu(1780) whispers: so i think Lars succeeded in taking Kevin out of theory
12...Nb4 (2:00)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: in the previous game with d5 ex cx Nb4 was played
13.Qd2 (2:17)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: black has four attackers and white has three defenders
13...exd5 (2:46)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: with Bxb6 Kevin might take out one of the defenders
herrahuu(1780) whispers: i would think that is critical move
14.Bxb6 (9:37) cxb6 (0:30) 15.cxd5 (0:05) Bc5+ (0:44) 16.Kh1 (0:06)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: white has significant control of the center
Guyus(1763) whispers: hello herrahuu, long time no see
herrahuu(1780) whispers: hello!
Guyus(1763) whispers: :)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: how are you?
Guyus(1763) whispers: I'm good brother, how are you?
16...Nc2 (3:14) 17.Ne1 (0:09) Ne3 (5:17) 18.Rf3 (3:06) Qg5 (0:57)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: white must be winning or close to winning
19.a3 (12:04)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: i don't see the idea of a3
herrahuu(1780) whispers: it takes b4 from bishop but it wasn't going there anyway as far as i can see
19...Qe7 (5:29)
Guyus(1763) whispers: this seems like a blunder
herrahuu(1780) whispers: n4 amd ax amd a pawn is pinned to the rook
herrahuu(1780) whispers: b4 not a4
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Rxe3
herrahuu(1780) whispers: wins two pieces for a rook
Guyus(1763) whispers: yeah that's what I was thinking
20.Rxe3 (1:33) Bxe3 (0:08) 21.Qxe3 (0:04)
Guyus(1763) whispers: then after Qxe3 d5-d6 is rolling
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Lars must have seen this
herrahuu(1780) whispers: so i wonder what was the idea with Qe7
Guyus(1763) whispers: LSB belongs on b5
21...Rfe8 (0:45)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Lars is playing without his rooks and Kevin is playing without his rook
herrahuu(1780) whispers: so other rook is in the game!
Guyus(1763) whispers: maybe black knew that he couldn't hold the knight and saw his queen was hanging so decided to cut his losses and retreat
herrahuu(1780) whispers: yeah
Guyus(1763) whispers: Nf3 looks intuitive here
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Nf3!`
herrahuu(1780) whispers: :D
Guyus(1763) whispers: Nf3, Bb5, Rd1 and push the d-pawn...1-0
22.Nf3 (2:08)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: what is it that you like about b5? it can not be kicked around by pawns?
Guyus(1763) whispers: and that it supports d7 for the pawn push
herrahuu(1780) whispers: aha
22...f6 (1:43)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: bt d6 and e pawn is pinned to the queen
herrahuu(1780) whispers: so you can win pawn with Qxd6
Guyus(1763) whispers: yeah could definitely be an issue at some point
Guyus(1763) whispers: queen is maybe better on a square like f4 or g3
herrahuu(1780) whispers: what happens after e6?
herrahuu(1780) whispers: e6 makes d6 idea more difficult
Guyus(1763) whispers: Bc4 tactics stop the pawn on e5 being captured immediately
herrahuu(1780) whispers: ok. so let's say Rd1 here
herrahuu(1780) whispers: what happens after fxe5?
Guyus(1763) whispers: I'd try to prevent fxe5 if possible...it's useful to keep both centre pawns alive when one is passed
herrahuu(1780) whispers: fxe5 Bc4 aand white is threatening d6+
Guyus(1763) whispers: I'd play Bc4 first probably
23.Qf4 (4:04)
Guyus(1763) whispers: Bc4 Rac8 Ba2 Kh8 e6 maybe
herrahuu(1780) whispers: now fx comes with tempo
herrahuu(1780) whispers: lol
herrahuu(1780) whispers: and i am hanging a bishop there
23...Bg6 (0:50)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: ex!?
24.d6 (1:08)
Guyus(1763) whispers: this is a good move, but I still like Bc4 first
24...fxe5 (0:17)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: yeah i liked your Bc4 idea
herrahuu(1780) whispers: under 9 minutes after 24 moves is little bit stressful
herrahuu(1780) whispers: but with 45 second increment and this position white should be fine
25.Qc4+ (1:57)
Guyus(1763) whispers: I'm sure spending 12 minutes to play a3 was worth it tho ;) that's the kind of thing I would do
herrahuu(1780) whispers: nice!
25...Qf7 (0:19)
Guyus(1763) whispers: maybe just simplify the position now is good for white
herrahuu(1780) whispers: or improve
herrahuu(1780) whispers: but i am struggling to see how to improve white pieces now
herrahuu(1780) whispers: blakc has passer on e5
Guyus(1763) whispers: now black has a passed pawn of his own I'd consider stopping its advance with a move like Ne4
herrahuu(1780) whispers: how about d7?
26.Qc7 (3:03)
Guyus(1763) whispers: creative way to trade
Guyus(1763) whispers: I think I would rather keep the pawn on the d file than the c file in princple tho, because the promotion square is not the same colour as the bishop
herrahuu(1780) whispers: c8 is light square, no?
Guyus(1763) whispers: yeah I mean black has a bishop that can protect the promotion square
herrahuu(1780) whispers: right!
Guyus(1763) whispers: black seems forced to trade queens now or suffer the Bc4 pin
herrahuu(1780) whispers: yeah Bc4 is serious move
26...Qxc7 (3:09) 27.dxc7 (0:04) Rac8 (0:28)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: now white can protect from Nb5
Guyus(1763) whispers: now is it black's turn to start pushing or should he put all his firepower into stopping white's pawn
herrahuu(1780) whispers: and threaten Nd5
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Nd6 sorry
28.Nb5 (0:31) e4 (0:36)
Guyus(1763) whispers: bro says "take one of my rooks!"
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Nd6 exf3
29.Nh4 (1:10)
Guyus(1763) whispers: this can't be the best square for the knight :(
herrahuu(1780) whispers: it forces exchanges though
29...Bf7 (1:38)
Guyus(1763) whispers: why not Nfd4 tho?
30.Nd6 (0:23) Be6 (0:14) 31.Nxc8 (0:40)
Guyus(1763) whispers: Nxe8 Rxe8 Rd1
31...Bxc8 (0:02)
Guyus(1763) whispers: I would have taken the other rook but obviously this is still good
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Rd1 idea still stands
32.g3 (1:23) g5 (0:06) 33.Ng2 (0:14)
Guyus(1763) whispers: white should win now with careful play
33...Kg7 (0:15)
Guyus(1763) whispers: for an exchange of one of black's pieces for the pawn
34.Ne3 (0:16) Kg6 (0:11)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Nd5!?
herrahuu(1780) whispers: or Nc4
Guyus(1763) whispers: I wonder when he will develop his rook
35.Rc1 (0:38)
Guyus(1763) whispers: :D
35...h5 (0:07)
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Rd1 still seems like the way to go
36.Rd1 (0:17)
Guyus(1763) whispers: LOL
herrahuu(1780) whispers: :D
36...Rf8 (0:13)
Guyus(1763) whispers: last move a mouseslip?
Guyus(1763) whispers: or he's reading chat!
herrahuu(1780) whispers: Kg1!?
37.Rd8 (0:30) Rf2 (0:12)
Guyus(1763) whispers: this should be gg
Guyus(1763) whispers: pawn on b2 is irrelevant
Guyus(1763) whispers: Bb5, a4 seems safe
38.Bxh5+ (0:53) Kxh5 (0:10) 39.Rxc8 (0:05) Rxb2 (0:08)
Guyus(1763) whispers: R+ and Q next turn gg
herrahuu(1780) whispers: and now just Rh8+ and promotes
herrahuu(1780) whispers: you're speaking my mind :D
40.Rh8+ (0:35) Kg6 (0:03) 41.c8=Q (0:09) Rb1+ (0:01) LNO resigns 1-0


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