1.e4(0:00)c5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:15)Nc6(0:10) 3.Bb5(0:31)a6(0:16) 4.Bxc6(0:35)bxc6(0:28) 5.c4(0:18)e6(0:15) 6.O-O(0:13)g6(0:25) 7.Nc3(0:11)Bg7(0:13) 8.d3(0:17)h6(0:19) 9.Qc2(2:18)d6(1:23) 10.Be3(1:03)Nf6(0:04) 11.h3(0:06)O-O(0:54) 12.Rfd1(1:32)Bb7(2:03) 13.Qd2(1:09)Kh7(0:55) 14.e5(2:21)dxe5(3:20) 15.Nxe5(0:23)Ng8(0:06) 16.Ng4(0:43)f5(0:50) 17.Nh2(0:29)Qe7(0:19) 18.Na4(0:33)Bd4(0:07) 19.Nf3(0:21)e5(0:27) 20.Re1(0:21)Rad8(2:43) 21.Rab1(8:24)a5(6:20)
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: is Qxa5 ok here? or does center have a problem if white does that? BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: oh duh BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: Ra8 loses knight Bionchess(2216) whispers: black just put a5 in jeopardy BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: maybe Nb6 followed by Qxa5 next? Bionchess(2216) whispers: Q d6 was a better move BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: agree BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: cuz maybe white has some funny stuff with that d4 possibly Bionchess(2216) whispers: the center holds for the moment..
Bionchess(2216) whispers: black can't afford to lose a5 pawn
23.Bxd4(0:45)exd4(10:02) 24.Re5(1:37)Rde8(1:31)
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: double?
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: then c5 will fall to knight?
25...Rxe5(0:29) 26.Rxe5(0:06)
Bionchess(2216) whispers: yeah..
26...f4(1:50) 27.Nxc5(0:49)Bc8(0:04)
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: Qxa5 now
28.Ne4(0:51)Qc7(0:38) 29.Qxa5(1:02)Qd7(1:35)
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: Qc5 Rxd4 BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: oops mean Qc5 Rf5 Nxd4
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: just totally dismantling the pawn front
31.Rxf5(3:00)gxf5(0:06) 32.Nd6(0:26)Qe7(1:21) 33.Qxd4(0:37)
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: Qxd4 BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: yeah
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: Qxf4
BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: Nxf5 BOTCHvinik(1996) whispers: Nxf5 Nh5 Qxh6+!
35.Nxf5(3:05)Miltie resigns 1-0
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