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nham(1777) vs. donpachi(2008) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2017-12-10

12...Nxe4 (1:32) 13.O-O (0:05) Nf6 (1:08) 14.Bg5 (0:28) h6 (1:14) 15.Bf4 (0:34)
trebejo(1963) whispers: oh i liked Rad1 instead of Bf4
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: I was looking at 15. Bxf6 Qxf6 16. Be4 Nc6 that I think just holds for black
15...Bb7 (2:00)
trebejo(1963) whispers: well there's no pressure after Bf4 that i can see
trebejo(1963) whispers: then again if white lands Nf5... someday...
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Engine preferred 15. Bh7+ Kh8 16. Be4 with around +1.25 to white
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: looking at long term after Bf5 black queen is low on squares after Rad1 as c7 is covered by Bf4
trebejo(1963) whispers: i guess there's long term issues for black against those healthy bishops. Nimzowitsch would be outraged
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: although Nh5 leaves Bf4 short of squares but Qc1 and sacc on h6 is probably viable
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: I don't like nimzo-indian as it's too passive and black can easily end up in trouble
trebejo(1963) whispers: The quickest way to quit chess is to be on the bad side of a bad nimzo. It is a horrible horrible way to lose a chess game
16.Nd2 (4:47) Qc8 (1:49) 17.Rfe1 (0:57)
trebejo(1963) whispers: a white pawn on f3 sure kills a lot of dreams
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: I've been on bad side of a bad nimzo a few times and held on for a draw... although that's just as painful as I figured that with a better opening I'd win
trebejo(1963) whispers: There is a rule in chess that one cannot capture one's own pawns. A bad Nimzo makes me question the wisdom of such a rule
17...Nbd7 (1:49)
trebejo(1963) whispers: the white pieces are arguing with each other over who gets to move into that lovely apartment over on f5
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Words like minority attack aren't things black likes to hear
18.a4 (4:44)
trebejo(1963) whispers: i guess there will never be a white rook on d1 now
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: well black can force one on d1 but it costs the e file
18...Qc6 (3:36) 19.f3 (1:13)
trebejo(1963) whispers: Holey d6 Batknight
trebejo(1963) whispers: should black feel obliged to play a7-a5 then someday there may be a knight on b5 via a3, unless it decides to sit on e4 for a quick cup of hemlock
19...Nf8 (7:17) 20.Nb3 (2:05)
trebejo(1963) whispers: if it was legal i would play a4-a6 here
trebejo(1963) whispers: i like Nd2 here :)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Nd2-f1 might be a good plan for white
20...Rxe1+ (4:02) 21.Rxe1 (1:23)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: a4 is hanging
trebejo(1963) whispers: i forgot that something might be hanging, maybe i'm not the only one
21...Qxa4 (0:25)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Well Nb3 was a multipurpose move
trebejo(1963) whispers: now that's not very nice :) btw the rook can check out e7 now
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: I had a good idea of 22. Re7 Re8 with idea of 23. Rxb7 Qa1+ 24. Kf2 Qe1# or Re1+ if a block comes but Nb3 saved the day
22.Qb2 (4:08)
trebejo(1963) whispers: Well now Qa1+ is definitely impossible
22...Qd7 (2:14)
trebejo(1963) whispers: the sneaky thing here is nxc5. the other sneaky thing here is Bb1-Qc2. The other sneaky thing is the one i can't see at all
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Black has a big plus but it's kind you can only convert in endgame when everything is traded as passed a7 pawn is hard to advance
trebejo(1963) whispers: maybe Rd1 now? I feel like I am trying to get my child into a good school and the school masters won't hear of it
23.Bb1 (2:39)
trebejo(1963) whispers: i knew i shoulda given him piano lessons
23...Re8 (1:32)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: giuoco piano lessons are the basics if you want kid to do well...
trebejo(1963) whispers: what, and teach him how to beat the old man at chess? that can't be good advice
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: all you need to do is avoid playing them and when you have a match and need a strong top board kid comes in handy
trebejo(1963) whispers: true, that has the merit of making the kids do all the work, hadn't thought of that
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: if kid is good enough you can become their manager and watch them become world champion
trebejo(1963) whispers: sounds like a magnusficent plan
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: best thing is they can get sports scholarships saving you money
trebejo(1963) whispers: btw Emanuel Lasker's parents were adamantly opposed to letting their kids play chess. Unfortunately, they managed to kill off their child's chess career because of it
24.Rxe8 (6:41)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: That's a shame, I know Morphy didn't adapt to non-chess life well
trebejo(1963) whispers: fortunately the younger child (Emanuel) managed to sneak off and play enough chess
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: As an aside 24... Qxe8 threatens 25... Qe1# although it won't happen
trebejo(1963) whispers: but the older brother could only manage a medical degree after beating his younger brother
24...Qxe8 (1:27)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: I wasn't sure if Edward Lasker and Emmanuel Lasker were related
trebejo(1963) whispers: they were distant cousins. I forgot the name of Emanuel's older brother, but there is only one game in the database between them and Emanuel lost
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: That sounds like I remembered since I didn't think they were brothers
25.Qd2 (1:23)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Black looks good now as doubled c pawns are weak and Nb3 is passive
trebejo(1963) whispers: eventually Emanuel humored his parents by going to math school and getting a math phd for generalizing the notion of prime numbers via primary ideals. then he quit goofing off and went back to chess for some serious work
trebejo(1963) whispers: white has a nice pair of bishops except for that pesky rule about having to find a target
25...Qa4 (2:46)
trebejo(1963) whispers: the white knight has some nice squares awaiting... b5, d5, e4, f5, d6...
26.Bc2 (1:19)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: c4 falls now
trebejo(1963) whispers: i was thinking mebbe qd2-a2 instead but it probably fails. this looks bleak for white now
trebejo(1963) whispers: seems like there could be a battery on a6-c4 if white allows it
26...Qxc4 (3:26)
trebejo(1963) whispers: this is a nice comeback for black, he had to put up with some uncomfortable positions on the way here but he dealt with it
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: with 2 knights on f8 and f6 I think it's hard to get a perpetual after Bxh6 ideas
trebejo(1963) whispers: Nd5 needs to be addressed by white... this looks pretty bad now
27.Nc1 (8:43) Qd5 (3:38)
trebejo(1963) whispers: whisper Qe2-Bb3-Nd3-Ne5 if he can get it
trebejo(1963) whispers: but black may have moves to make as well :)
28.Qe2 (6:17) Ne6 (1:46) 29.Bg3 (3:05)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: black's initiative has died down a bit so it's hard to find moves. However at least he's still 2 pawns to the good
29...c4 (2:58)
trebejo(1963) whispers: Nc5 escorts the a-pawn all the way to a4... and then...
trebejo(1963) whispers: Qe5 (say) qxe5 bxe5 nd7 holds everything and then the a-pawn starts its march. allowing the black queen to sit on that lovely square doesn't seem effective either
30.Bf2 (3:20) g6 (6:38) 31.Na2 (0:26)
trebejo(1963) whispers: This is the Queen's Gambit Declined, Mouse Slip variation
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Black is in time trouble
31...Nh5 (6:17)
trebejo(1963) whispers: the clock is an unexpected participant
32.Nb4 (0:41) Nhf4 (0:30)
trebejo(1963) whispers: white should exchange ladies here, hmmm?
33.Qe1 (1:40)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Exchange leads to a losing position but every position is losing without a blunder from black
trebejo(1963) whispers: Qg5 is unusually headachey here
trebejo(1963) whispers: nxg2 is extremely headachey too
33...Qg5 (1:12) 34.Bg3 (0:16)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: a5 hurts now
trebejo(1963) whispers: h5 h4 qxg3 :)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: 34... a5 35. Na2
trebejo(1963) whispers: or push the a pawn. looks like we're getting our finalists here
34...a5 (1:03) 35.Na2 (0:41)
trebejo(1963) whispers: qb5-qb2
trebejo(1963) whispers: there's too many good options for black here
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Nd3 might be OK too
35...h5 (0:53)
trebejo(1963) whispers: the only danger for black is spending too much time picking the best move :)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: this works too with simplification idea
36.Nc1 (1:05)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: h4 now wins
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: well Bxf4 is possible
36...h4 (0:42)
trebejo(1963) whispers: h4 bxf4 nxf4 looks overwhelming
37.Bxf4 (0:19) Nxf4 (0:11)
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: well Nh3+ threatens a lot
trebejo(1963) whispers: and of course Nc1 is also hanging
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: Qf1 might be forced
38.Qf2 (0:51)
trebejo(1963) whispers: Congratulations MKM, you are in the finals
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: this loses queen
Mayors(1844) whispers: omg
38...Nh3+ (0:10)
Mayors(1844) whispers: lost queen
nham resigns 0-1


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