1.Nf3(0:00)f5(0:00) 2.e4(0:08)fxe4(0:04) 3.Ng5(0:03)Nc6(0:49) 4.d3(0:07)e3(0:04) 5.Bxe3(0:25)e5(0:05) 6.Qh5+(0:10)g6(0:08) 7.Qf3(0:24)Nf6(0:17) 8.Nc3(0:24)Bg7(2:10) 9.Nd5(2:09)O-O(0:48) 10.Nxf6+(0:11)
Doubleletter(1880) whispers: QxN
10...Bxf6(1:57) 11.Qd5+(0:27)Kg7(0:07) 12.Ne4(0:23)
Doubleletter(1880) whispers: white is in blitz mode :-o Doubleletter(1880) whispers: if I were black I would play Nb4 and then "figure it out". I mean, you're not supposed to think in these situations. counter attack, damn the consequences! but that's why I'm rated lower than RiceFarmer ;)
12...d6(3:16) 13.Nxf6(0:33)Qxf6(0:17) 14.Qb3(0:11)
Doubleletter(1880) whispers: nd4, tempt an exchange Doubleletter(1880) whispers: then f2 is weak
Doubleletter(1880) whispers: yeah, baby
Doubleletter(1880) whispers: c5 smallblackcat(2324) whispers: is he thinking about offering the c7 pawn?
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: seems like he can: Be6 Qxc7+ Rf7 Qc3 Rc8 Doubleletter(1880) whispers: all I know is my gut tells me I would like to be black in this position. smallblackcat(2324) whispers: I agree with your gut ricefarmer(1965) whispers: a pawn sac Doubleletter(1880) whispers: if george bush can trust his gut, I can play chess with my gut
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: not sure that lead to great decision making... smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Bxa2 might be possible here
ricefarmer(1965) whispers: he didnt fall for it :) smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Bxa2 b3 a5 Qb2 a4 Qxa2 bxa3 was interesting smallblackcat(2324) whispers: at the very least that was 3 pawns for the piece
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Bxa2 again! smallblackcat(2324) whispers: stops c3 smallblackcat(2324) whispers: and stops b3 in fact smallblackcat(2324) whispers: oh Bxa2 Bxd4 is critical smallblackcat(2324) whispers: looks like you can dig the bishop out in time smallblackcat(2324) whispers: hmm, I'm ignoring white's threat of Bh6+ smallblackcat(2324) whispers: really not sure what to make of that, in some ways its a relief if white gives up his DSQ bishop for the Rf8 smallblackcat(2324) whispers: hard to argue with something like Kh8 though
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: downside is that white can now play c3, but that is not a straight forward choice ricefarmer(1965) whispers: all my games get into this violent bloodbaths - i would like to play some quiet positional chess or endagmes :)
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Qf7, simple and good smallblackcat(2324) whispers: force white to create a weakness
18...Qf7(0:55) 19.b3(0:35)a5(0:12)
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: a5 a4 b5!? smallblackcat(2324) whispers: attack plays itself
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: very tempting to sac on b3 smallblackcat(2324) whispers: issue is that there aren't a lot of pieces left to deliver mate smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Bxb3 axb3 Qxb3+ is only an attack with two pieces, and one of them is unstable smallblackcat(2324) whispers: a-pawn is threatening though
20...Nf5(5:05) 21.Be2(1:31)a4(0:07) 22.c4(0:28)
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: open a-file should be death for white
22...axb3(0:22) 23.axb3(0:02)
mcstorytaller(1824) whispers: hi Cat!!! smallblackcat(2324) whispers: hello mcstorytaller(1824) whispers: wanna play? smallblackcat(2324) whispers: o smallblackcat(2324) whispers: *no mcstorytaller(1824) whispers: ok
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: yeah I mean, this is a very straight forward position
Doubleletter(1880) whispers: bxc and then Rfb8 smallblackcat(2324) whispers: that seemed more direct, yes smallblackcat(2324) whispers: I think RF is trying to create a double threat
Doubleletter(1880) whispers: eating too much rice does that to you ;)
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: yeah so now f2 hangs in some lines
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: can never have too much rice, imo Doubleletter(1880) whispers: you surprise me. I'm a bread man.
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: nice intermezzo there
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: well, rice is versatile
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: every move has a threat Doubleletter(1880) whispers: I liked the threats on the a file Doubleletter(1880) whispers: or is it 'rank'. who cares. its all squares smallblackcat(2324) whispers: file smallblackcat(2324) whispers: numbers are ranks ricefarmer(1965) whispers: when the hangover clears i hope my d pawn will prevail smallblackcat(2324) whispers: good point, RF actually has a long term plus here too smallblackcat(2324) whispers: so white could survive the attack and still lose the endgame Doubleletter(1880) whispers: type: 'moves'. white has taken an average of 30-60 seconds to think per move. Jammes(1669) whispers: kc2 doesnt stop bxc4 smallblackcat(2324) whispers: its a crushing position Jammes(1669) whispers: yes, didnt look that bad a few moves ago. white went down fast Doubleletter(1880) whispers: there's bd5 but it cedes the center ... smallblackcat(2324) whispers: black had a lead in development out of the opening, which he turned into a lasting initiative Doubleletter(1880) whispers: fun position. material is equal yet black is winning smallblackcat(2324) whispers: judging the value of an initiative is really hard smallblackcat(2324) whispers: but here black has already created long term trumps so his initiative is almost just a bonus Doubleletter(1880) whispers: if white had used his time earlier in the game rather than now, perhaps he would be in a better position... Jammes(1669) whispers: i see nothing that stops bxc4 Jammes(1669) whispers: becides kc1 but that allows just rxb3 Doubleletter(1880) whispers: there is 'resign' ricefarmer(1965) whispers: my Q is in a skewer if Bd5 smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Bd5 is the one way to deal with the main threat, it just happens to convert to a clearly lost endgame Doubleletter(1880) whispers: Rc1 Bxc4 Rxc4 Qxc4 Bc1.... smallblackcat(2324) whispers: ok, that's not a bad defensive try smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Bd1 rather than Bc1 I assume smallblackcat(2324) whispers: unfortunately Rxf2 is not quite working there smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Rxf2 Qxf2 Qc3+ Kb1 Ra8 there is Qb2 to hold smallblackcat(2324) whispers: but I guess just Qc3+ to trade queens and then take on f2 is sufficient to win Jammes(1669) whispers: awfull position to start using your time :) Doubleletter(1880) whispers: I think that's the only realistic line for white
28.Bd5(11:55)Bxd5(0:19) 29.cxd5(0:03)
Doubleletter(1880) whispers: c4 first would be fun smallblackcat(2324) whispers: hmm, maybe the deflection sac on f2 works somewhere here smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Qxd5 Qc2 Rxf2+ Qxf2 Qxb3+ Kc1 Qb1+ Kd2 Rb2+ Ke1 (only move) and at worst you are liquidating into a three pawn up rook endgame ricefarmer(1965) whispers: i dont see any tricks yet smallblackcat(2324) whispers: Rxf2 isnt check of course, but you get the idea Jammes(1669) whispers: i prefer qx. why allow complications
29...Qxd5(2:11) 30.Qc2(0:11)
smallblackcat(2324) whispers: yes Rxf2 is rather unnecessary here, but it does appear to lead to a forced win smallblackcat(2324) whispers: c4 is the no risk way Jammes(1669) whispers: does rxb3 work too :) smallblackcat(2324) whispers: ah, reversing the idea! Jammes(1669) whispers: im not sure smallblackcat(2324) whispers: doesnt look so clear, but I guess Rxb3 Qxb3 Rxf2+ Ka3 Qa8+ Qa4 Ra2 is queen for two rooks Jammes(1669) whispers: rxb3 qxb3 no my qa8 move doesnt work because queen is pinned smallblackcat(2324) whispers: ah, good spot ricefarmer(1965) whispers: c4 looks like a simple win smallblackcat(2324) whispers: I stand by my Rxf2 idea, but c4 is the simple choice
CarlosKerber(1677) whispers: hellows smallblackcat(2324) whispers: carlos
CarlosKerber(1677) whispers: catie Jammes(1669) whispers: so many good choices again
31...Rxb3+(0:33)brunftbert resigns 0-1
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