1.e4(0:00)e5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:03)Nc6(0:20) 3.Bb5(0:10)Nf6(0:06) 4.O-O(0:10)Nxe4(0:05) 5.Re1(0:06)Nd6(0:03) 6.Nxe5(0:11)Be7(0:04) 7.Bf1(0:54)Nxe5(0:10) 8.Rxe5(0:05)O-O(0:04) 9.d4(0:18)Bf6(0:05) 10.Re1(1:20)Re8(0:04) 11.Rxe8+(0:14)Nxe8(9:34) 12.c3(3:58)d5(2:23) 13.Bd3(1:01)c6(1:50) 14.Bf4(1:53)Bg5(2:28) 15.Be5(4:05)Nd6(1:17) 16.Qc2(2:26)Nc4(2:45) 17.Bxh7+(2:40)Kf8(0:07) 18.Bd3(5:17)Nxe5(3:29) 19.dxe5(0:00)Bf4(0:06) 20.Nd2(8:25)Bxe5(0:10) 21.Nf3(1:35)Bf6(0:10) 22.Re1(1:49)Qd6(1:24) 23.h4(5:49)Bd7(3:19) 24.Ng5(3:39)Bxg5(2:47) 25.hxg5(0:07)g6(2:26) 26.c4(1:57)dxc4(3:18) 27.Bxc4(1:57)Bf5(0:24) 28.Qc3(0:25)Kg8(1:42) 29.Qb3(2:26)Qd7(2:36) 30.Rd1(3:55)Qe7(0:14) 31.Qg3(2:02)Re8(1:59) 32.Qh4(2:20)Qe4(5:38)
GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: w has a forced draw with bxp ch
Plebusan(1928) whispers: gots spots the draw quickly
GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: I do not care for Ws position
34.Rd8+(0:57)Kg7(0:16) 35.Bb3(1:45)
GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: r e7 - why is he waiting?
35...Re2(2:56) 36.Ra8(0:28)
GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: b has a nice q side majority, w has nothing. why screw around? GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: f7 will be a problem Guyus(2024) whispers: before the queen trade I thought it was drawish but now after a6 Ra7 Rxb2 Rxb7 I like my position with the firepower on f7 GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: wrong b still needs to retreat to e7 after a6. Guyus(2024) whispers: I suppose he can play Bc8 instead of Rxb2 actually then if Ra8 Re8...maybe not so good for me
Guyus(2024) whispers: a6 Rb8 b5 Rb6 then Guyus(2024) whispers: or this... GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: error
GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: huh? Guyus(2024) whispers: oh right...I don't know why I didn't think of this Guyus(2024) whispers: still up a pawn though, after trades? GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: cause its bad?
38.Rxb7(1:26)Bxb3(0:10) 39.axb3(0:18)
Guyus(2024) whispers: might be best for him to play f6 to bring his king into the game
Guyus(2024) whispers: I will keep rook on b7 to prevent f6 and focus on geting my king in Guyus(2024) whispers: hmmm Guyus(2024) whispers: or do I play c7 and trade pawns Guyus(2024) whispers: that seems like the safe play Guyus(2024) whispers: Rc7 I mean GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: w can not avoid exchsnging Q side pawns with a dead draw
40.Rc7(2:58)Rxb3(0:13) 41.Rxc5(0:07)Rb4(0:56)
Introspection offers a draw.
Guyus declines the draw request.
GotreksAxe(2145) whispers: if it were a normal 3 on 2 R ending dead draw, with doubled pawns more so
Guyus(2024) whispers: I think he has to play Rg4 here Guyus(2024) whispers: if he doesn't and I get to play Kg2 I think I have okay winning chances
Guyus(2024) whispers: damn he found it ;)
44.Rc5(0:11)Ra4(0:04) 45.Kg2(0:18)Rb4(0:31)
Guyus(2024) whispers: now Ra7 seems best for him
Guyus(2024) whispers: now I guess I just centralize my king and try to force a rook trade
Guyus(2024) whispers: build a bridge?
47.Kf3(0:30)Ra3+(0:39) 48.Ke4(0:17)Ra4+(0:36)
Guyus(2024) whispers: I'm so rusty at endgames Guyus(2024) whispers: I don't want my king all the way on the queenside Guyus(2024) whispers: I might retreat back to g2, reposition my rook and start over
Guyus(2024) whispers: which is better Rd7 or Re7....
Guyus(2024) whispers: I think Rd7 mabe so I don't have to worry about Kf8
Guyus(2024) whispers: Kf8 Kf3 Re8 is still annoying though Guyus(2024) whispers: Ke8 I mean, not Re8 Introspection(1849) whispers: wow where did this crowd come from?
52.Kf3(1:02)Rb3+(0:20) 53.Ke4(0:59)Rb4+(0:17) 54.Rd4(1:03)
Guyus(2024) kibitzes: yolo
54...Rb1(0:11) 55.f3(0:42)Re1+(0:21) 56.Kf4(0:08)Re2(0:56) 57.Re4(0:26)Ra2(0:23) 58.Rd4(0:33)Ra5(0:32) 59.Ke4(1:40)
Guyus(2024) whispers: oh.... Guyus(2024) whispers: oh dear
Guyus(2024) whispers: :D Guyus(2024) whispers: what an emotional rollercoaster those few seconds were for me
60.f4(1:03)Ra5(0:58) 61.g4(0:35)Rb5(1:04) 62.Rd5(0:57)Rb4+(0:31) 63.Rd4(0:08)Rb5(0:11) 64.f5(0:14)gxf5+(0:12) 65.gxf5(0:02)Rb1(0:28) 66.Rd3(0:42)Re1+(0:34) 67.Kf4(0:13)Rf1+(0:31) 68.Ke5(1:11)Re1+(0:17) 69.Kf4(0:45)Rf1+(0:29) 70.Kg4(0:42)Re1(0:28) 71.Kf4(2:22)Rf1+(0:06)Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2
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