anisiobr(1796) vs. execomp(2671) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2020-01-11
exeComp(2671) whispers: This is Stockfish 110120 1.d4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:03) Bb4+ (0:00) 3.Bd2 (0:04) Qe7 (0:00) 4.a3 (0:05) Bxd2+ (0:00) 5.Nxd2 (0:04)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=26 score=0.39 time=149.72 node=35995665 speed=240419 pv=e5 5...e5 (2:30) 6.d5 (0:15)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=20 score=0.43 time=9.11 node=2254684 speed=247495 pv=d6 e4 f5 Bd3 f4 Ngf3 Nh6 O-O O-O b4 Nf7 Qc2 b6 c5 bxc5 bxc5 Nd7 c6 Nc5 h3 a5 Rfe1 Ng5 Rab1 Nxf3+ Nxf3 Ba6 Bc4 Bxc4 Qxc4 Rab8 6...d6 (0:09) 7.e4 (0:03)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=22 score=0.31 time=36.67 node=9002624 speed=245503 pv=Nd7 b4 Ngf6 Ngf3 O-O Bd3 Rd8 O-O Nf8 Re1 Ng6 Qc2 c6 Rac1 Nf4 Bf1 h6 dxc6 bxc6 c5 Bg4 cxd6 Qxd6 Nc4 7...Nd7 (0:37) 8.Nb3 (0:23)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=20 score=0.70 time=24.14 node=5857450 speed=242644 pv=Nh6 Bd3 O-O Ne2 f5 Nc3 fxe4 Nxe4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Bxe4 Bf5 Nd2 Bxe4 Nxe4 Qh4 f3 Nf5 Re1 Nd4 Rc1 Rad8 Qd2 Nb3 8...Nh6 (0:24) 9.Be2 (0:10)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=22 score=1.33 time=49.22 node=12239345 speed=248666 pv=a5 Bd3 a4 Nd2 Nc5 Bc2 O-O Ne2 f5 Nc3 Qg5 O-O f4 f3 Bd7 Qe2 Qh5 b4 axb3 Nxb3 Nxb3 Bxb3 Nf7 Qf2 Rfc8 Kh1 h6 a4 Ng5 a5 9...a5 (0:49) 10.a4 (0:13)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=22 score=1.19 time=32.76 node=8314903 speed=253812 pv=O-O Nf3 b6 h3 f5 exf5 Nxf5 O-O Nc5 Nxc5 bxc5 Bd3 Nd4 Nxd4 cxd4 Qc2 g6 Ra3 Rf7 Be4 Bf5 Rf3 Raf8 Bxf5 Rxf5 Rxf5 gxf5 Qd2 Rb8 Qxa5 Rxb2 Qa8+ Kg7 10...O-O (0:33) 11.Nh3 (0:26)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=18 score=2.24 time=7.56 node=1933714 speed=255782 pv=Nb6 Bd3 Bxh3 gxh3 f5 Rg1 Qh4 Qc2 Qxh3 O-O-O fxe4 Bxe4 Nf5 Kb1 g6 Rg5 Kh8 Bxf5 Rxf5 Rxf5 Qxf5 Qxf5 gxf5 Nd2 Nxa4 Kc2 Nc5 11...Nb6 (0:08) 12.O-O (0:14)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=20 score=2.32 time=12.69 node=3438349 speed=270949 pv=Bxh3 gxh3 f5 f3 Nf7 Kg2 Qh4 c5 Nd7 Qe1 Qg5+ Qg3 Qe3 Bc4 dxc5 Rae1 Qh6 d6 cxd6 Rg1 f4 Qg4 Nf6 Qe6 12...Bxh3 (0:13) 13.gxh3 (0:06)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=21 score=2.66 time=8.65 node=2418919 speed=279643 pv=f5 f3 Nd7 Kh1 Qh4 Qe1 Qxh3 Nd2 Nc5 Ra3 Nf7 Rg1 Qh6 Bf1 Nh8 Nb3 Ng6 Nxc5 dxc5 Rb3 b6 13...f5 (0:09) 14.f3 (0:39)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=19 score=2.61 time=8.97 node=2447511 speed=272855 pv=Nd7 Kh1 Qh4 Nd2 Qxh3 Rg1 Nc5 Ra3 fxe4 Nxe4 Nxe4 fxe4 Qh4 Bf3 Rf4 c5 Raf8 cxd6 cxd6 Rg3 14...Nd7 (0:09) 15.Kh1 (0:14)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=21 score=2.77 time=11.98 node=3389816 speed=282956 pv=Qh4 Nd2 Nc5 Nb3 Nxb3 Qxb3 fxe4 fxe4 Qxe4+ Bf3 Qh4 Qxb7 Qxh3 Bg2 Qh4 Qxc7 Ng4 h3 Nf2+ Rxf2 Qxf2 Qxd6 Qxb2 Rg1 Qd4 Qe6+ Kh8 c5 Qxc5 15...Qh4 (0:12) 16.Qe1 (0:45)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=21 score=2.84 time=9.24 node=2464534 speed=266724 pv=Qxh3 Nd2 fxe4 Nxe4 Qh5 Ra3 b6 Ng3 Qh4 Bd3 Nc5 Ne4 Qf4 Qg3 Qxg3 hxg3 Nf5 Rfa1 Nxe4 Bxe4 Nxg3+ Kg2 16...Qxh3 (0:09) 17.Qg3 (0:05)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=25 score=2.67 time=22.24 node=7212591 speed=324307 pv=Qxg3 hxg3 fxe4 fxe4 Nf6 Nd2 Nf7 Bd3 Ng5 Rf5 h6 Raf1 Nd7 Nb3 Rfe8 Rc1 Nf6 Nd2 Ng4 Rff1 Rf8 Kg1 Ne3 Rxf8+ Rxf8 c5 Ng4 cxd6 cxd6 17...Qxg3 (0:22) 18.hxg3 (0:03)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=23 score=3.02 time=8.61 node=2855597 speed=331660 pv=fxe4 fxe4 b6 Rxf8+ Rxf8 Rf1 Rb8 Nd2 Nc5 Bd1 Rf8 Kg2 Nd3 b3 Nf7 Bc2 Nc5 Rb1 Ng5 b4 axb4 Rxb4 h6 18...fxe4 (0:09) 19.fxe4 (0:14)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=26 score=3.35 time=26.02 node=8923864 speed=342961 pv=b6 Rxf8+ Rxf8 Rf1 Rb8 Bd1 Nc5 Nxc5 bxc5 b3 g6 Kg2 Kg7 g4 Nf7 Bc2 Ng5 Kg3 h6 Kh4 Nh7 Kg3 Ra8 Rf3 Nf6 Bd3 Rb8 Bc2 g5 Rf1 Kg6 Rf3 h5 gxh5+ Nxh5+ Kg2 Nf4+ Kg3 19...b6 (0:26) 20.Rxf8+ (0:04)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=25 score=3.36 time=9.92 node=3441209 speed=346896 pv=Rxf8 Rf1 Rb8 Nd2 Nc5 Bd1 Rf8 Kg2 Nd3 b3 Nc5 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Nb1 Nxe4 Bc2 Ng5 Nc3 Ng4 Bd3 Ke7 Ne4 Ne3+ Kf2 Nd1+ Ke2 Nxe4 Bxe4 Nc3+ Kd3 Nxe4 Kxe4 20...Rxf8 (0:10) 21.Rf1 (0:11)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=28 score=3.18 time=21.90 node=7476114 speed=341375 pv=Rb8 Nd2 Nc5 Ra1 Kf8 Kg2 Ke7 Bd1 Rh8 Ra3 Ng8 Re3 Nf6 Bc2 Ng4 Re2 Rf8 Nf3 g6 Nd2 h5 Nf3 Kf6 Nh2 Nxh2 Kxh2 g5 Kg2 Kg6 Re3 h4 gxh4 gxh4 21...Rb8 (0:22) 22.Kg2 (0:09)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=24 score=3.69 time=9.82 node=3365085 speed=342676 pv=Nc5 Nxc5 bxc5 Rb1 Kf7 b3 g6 Rh1 Kg7 Bd1 Ng8 Kf3 h5 Ke3 Nf6 Rg1 Ng4+ Ke2 Rf8 Rf1 Nf6 Bc2 g5 Rf2 Rh8 Rf5 Kg6 Rf2 Rb8 Rf1 Rf8 Ke1 Rh8 Kf2 h4 gxh4 22...Nc5 (0:10) 23.Nxc5 (0:29)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=28 score=3.54 time=14.16 node=5225206 speed=369011 pv=bxc5 Rb1 Nf7 Bd3 g6 Bc2 Ng5 Bd3 Rb4 b3 Rb8 Rb2 Kg7 Bb1 h5 Bd3 Rf8 Rf2 Rxf2+ Kxf2 Nh7 Ke3 g5 Kf3 Kg6 Kg2 Nf6 Kf3 g4+ Kg2 Kg5 Bc2 h4 gxh4+ Kxh4 Bd3 23...bxc5 (0:14) 24.Rb1 (0:03)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=27 score=3.89 time=12.44 node=4667158 speed=375173 pv=Nf7 Bd1 Ng5 Bc2 g6 Kf2 Rb4 b3 Rb8 Ke3 Rf8 Rg1 Rf3+ Ke2 Kg7 Rg2 h5 Rg1 Rf8 Ke3 Nh7 Bd1 Nf6 Bf3 g5 Kd3 Rb8 Kc2 Rh8 Rh1 h4 gxh4 Rxh4 Rxh4 gxh4 24...Nf7 (0:12) 25.Bg4 (0:15)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=22 score=4.48 time=13.38 node=4687113 speed=350307 pv=Ng5 b3 Nxe4 Re1 Nd2 Be6+ Kh8 Re2 Nxb3 Rf2 Nd4 Rf7 h6 g4 e4 Bf5 e3 Re7 e2 Bd3 Kg8 Bxe2 Nxe2 Rxe2 Rb4 Re4 Rxa4 Kf3 Ra3+ Kf4 Kf7 g5 hxg5+ Kxg5 Rf3 Kg4 25...Ng5 (0:13) 26.Bf3 (0:28)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=21 score=5.87 time=11.66 node=3956284 speed=339303 pv=Rb3 Bd1 Rd3 Be2 Re3 Bd1 Nxe4 g4 Kf8 Rc1 Re1 Ra1 Ke7 Rc1 Kf6 Ra1 Kg5 Rc1 g6 Kf3 Nf6 Kf2 Re4 Be2 Nxg4+ Bxg4 Kxg4 Kf1 h5 Kf2 Rf4+ Ke2 26...Rb3 (0:12) 27.Be2 (0:28)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=21 score=7.03 time=13.94 node=4844159 speed=347500 pv=Nxe4 Bf3 Nd2 Bd1 Rb4 Ra1 Nxc4 Kh3 Ne3 Bf3 Rxb2 Ra3 Nc2 Rc3 Nd4 Bd1 Kf7 Bf3 Nxf3 Rxf3+ Kg6 Re3 Rb4 g4 Rxa4 27...Nxe4 (0:14) 28.Bf3 (2:23)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=26 score=10.23 time=24.17 node=13521637 speed=559438 pv=Rxf3 Kxf3 Nd2+ Ke3 Nxb1 Ke4 h5 Ke3 g5 Kf2 Nd2 Kg1 Nxc4 b3 Ne3 Kf2 Nxd5 Kf3 Nf6 Ke3 d5 Kf3 Ne4 Kg2 Nd2 Kf2 Nxb3 Kf1 28...Rxf3 (0:24) 29.Kxf3 (0:36)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=24 score=10.43 time=10.60 node=6240756 speed=588750 pv=Nd2+ Kf2 Nxb1 Kg1 Nd2 Kf2 Nxc4 b3 Nb6 Kg2 Nxd5 Kf3 Nc3 Ke3 h5 g4 hxg4 Kf2 Ne4+ Ke2 Ng3+ Ke3 Nf5+ Kd3 Nd4 Kc3 g3 Kc4 g2 29...Nd2+ (0:11) 30.Kg4 (0:02)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=26 score=11.27 time=11.50 node=6784257 speed=589935 pv=Nxb1 Kf3 Nd2+ Ke2 Nxc4 b3 Nb6 Kd2 Nxd5 g4 Kf7 Ke2 Nf4+ Ke3 Kg6 Kf3 Kg5 Kg3 Ne2+ Kf3 Nd4+ Ke3 Kxg4 Ke4 h5 Kd3 Nxb3 Ke3 d5 Ke2 c4 Kd1 Nc5 Kc1 Nxa4 30...Nxb1 (0:12) 31.Kf5 (0:01)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=30 score=13.67 time=12.56 node=7555530 speed=601554 pv=Nd2 b3 Kf7 Kg4 Nxb3 Kg5 Nd2 Kf5 Nxc4 Ke4 Kg6 Kd3 Nb2+ Kc2 Kg5 Kxb2 Kg4 Kb3 Kxg3 Kc4 h5 Kb5 h4 Kc6 h3 Kxc7 h2 Kxd6 h1=Q Kxc5 Qf3 31...Nd2 (0:13) 32.Ke6 (0:03)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=25 score=32.45 time=10.17 node=5962952 speed=586327 pv=e4 Kd7 e3 g4 e2 Kxc7 e1=Q Kc6 Qg3 b4 axb4 a5 b3 g5 b2 g6 Qxg6 a6 b1=Q Kd7 Nxc4 32...e4 (0:10) 33.Kd7 (0:01)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=27 score=67.92 time=14.99 node=7848733 speed=523597 pv=e3 Kxc7 e2 Kd7 e1=Q g4 Qg3 b4 axb4 a5 Nxc4 Kc7 Qh4 a6 Qe7+ Kc6 Qe8+ Kc7 Qa8 g5 Qa7+ Kd8 Qxa6 Kc7 Qb6+ Kc8 Qa7 g6 33...e3 (0:15) 34.Kxc7 (0:01)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=28 score=99.63 time=16.08 node=7959066 speed=494966 pv=e2 Kxd6 Nxc4+ Kc6 Nxb2 d6 e1=Q d7 Qe7 g4 Nxa4 Kc7 Qe5+ Kb7 Qf6 d8=Q+ Qxd8 Kc6 Qe7 Kd5 Qd7+ Ke5 Qxg4 Kd6 Qd4+ Ke6 Nc3 Ke7 Qd5 Ke8 Na4 Ke7 34...e2 (0:16) 35.Kxd6 (0:01)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=28 score=99.71 time=11.87 node=6052461 speed=509895 pv=Nxc4+ Kc6 Nxb2 Kxc5 e1=Q Kd4 Qxg3 Ke4 Qd6 Kd4 Qf4+ Kc3 Qb4+ Kc2 Qd4 d6 Nxa4 d7 Qxd7 Kc1 Qd6 Kc2 Qd4 Kc1 Qb2+ Kd1 Nc3+ Ke1 Qe2# 35...Nxc4+ (0:12) 36.Kxc5 (0:06)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=31 score=99.75 time=11.67 node=6047316 speed=518193 pv=Nxb2 d6 e1=Q Kd5 Qxg3 d7 Qd3+ Kc6 Nxa4 Kc7 Qc3+ Kd6 Qd4+ Kc6 Qc5+ Kb7 Qb6+ Kc8 Qc6+ Kb8 Qxd7 Ka8 Nc5 Kb8 Qb7# 36...Nxb2 (0:12) 37.d6 (0:03)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=32 score=99.79 time=12.66 node=6601344 speed=521433 pv=e1=Q Kd5 Qd1+ Kc6 Qd4 d7 Nxa4 d8=B Qxd8 Kb5 Qd4 Kxa5 Nc3 Ka6 Qc5 Kb7 Nd5 g4 Qb6+ Kc8 Qc7# 37...e1=Q (0:13) 38.Kc6 (0:04)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=34 score=99.85 time=12.29 node=6741411 speed=548528 pv=Qe6 Kc5 Qe5+ Kc6 Nc4 Kb7 Qxd6 g4 Qd7+ Ka6 Qc6+ Ka7 Qc7+ Ka6 Qb6# 38...Qe6 (0:12) 39.Kc7 (0:06)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=41 score=99.89 time=10.29 node=6152090 speed=597870 pv=Nc4 g4 Qxd6+ Kb7 Qd7+ Ka6 Qc6+ Ka7 Qc7+ Ka6 Qb6# 39...Nc4 (0:10) 40.d7 (0:03)
exeComp(2671) whispers: depth=245 score=99.97 time=0.07 node=25088 speed=358400 pv=Qb6+ Kc8 Nd6# 40...Qb6+ (0:00) anisiobr resigns 0-1
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