bskamat(2323) vs. execomp(2667) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2018-09-17
exeComp(2667) whispers: This is Stockfish 110918 64 BMI2 1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:06) d5 (0:00) 3.Nc3 (0:06) Nf6 (0:00) 4.Bg5 (0:06) dxe4 (0:00) 5.Nxe4 (0:04) Be7 (0:00) 6.Nxf6+ (0:06) Bxf6 (0:00) 7.Bxf6 (0:04) Qxf6 (0:00) 8.c3 (0:05) O-O (0:00) 9.Qf3 (0:06)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=28 score=-0.01 time=60.00 node=51083170 speed=851386 pv=Nd7 Qxf6 Nxf6 Nf3 b6 Ne5 Rd8 Bb5 Bb7 Bc6 Bxc6 Nxc6 Rd6 Ne5 c5 Nc4 Rdd8 dxc5 bxc5 Rd1 Nd5 h4 Rab8 Ke2 f6 h5 h6 Kf3 Rd7 g3 Kf7 Rhe1 Rdd8 Kg2 9...Nd7 (1:00) 10.Bd3 (0:13)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=26 score=0.00 time=9.52 node=7386584 speed=775901 pv=Qh6 Qg3 c5 Nf3 cxd4 cxd4 Nf6 Ne5 Bd7 Qe3 Rad8 Rc1 Qh4 g3 Qh3 Bf1 Qf5 Bd3 10...Qh6 (0:10) 11.Ne2 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=25 score=0.11 time=8.61 node=6298177 speed=731495 pv=e5 O-O exd4 Nxd4 Ne5 Qg3 Nxd3 Qxd3 c5 Nf5 Bxf5 Qxf5 Qc6 Rfe1 Rae8 h3 b6 Rad1 h6 Rxe8 Qxe8 Qg4 Qb5 Rd2 Re8 Qd7 Qxd7 Rxd7 Re2 c4 Rxb2 Rxa7 11...e5 (0:09) 12.O-O (0:10)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=29 score=0.09 time=12.31 node=11925031 speed=968727 pv=exd4 Nxd4 Ne5 Qg3 Nxd3 Qxd3 c5 Nf5 Bxf5 Qxf5 Qc6 Rad1 Rae8 Rfe1 b6 h3 Rxe1+ Rxe1 Rd8 Qf4 Qd7 a3 a5 b4 cxb4 cxb4 axb4 Qxb4 Qc7 Qe4 Qd6 Qe7 Qxe7 Rxe7 Ra8 Rb7 g6 Rxb6 12...exd4 (0:12) 13.Nxd4 (0:11)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=29 score=0.00 time=22.60 node=20770862 speed=919064 pv=Ne5 Qg3 Nxd3 Qxd3 c5 Nb5 Bg4 Rfe1 Rad8 Qg3 Be6 b3 Rd7 Rad1 Rd2 c4 Rxa2 Nc3 Ra3 Nb5 13...Ne5 (0:23) 14.Qe4 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=26 score=0.06 time=15.71 node=15156173 speed=964746 pv=Nxd3 Qxd3 Bd7 b4 Rfe8 Qg3 Rac8 Rfd1 Qb6 h3 Qd6 Kh2 Ba4 Re1 Qxg3+ Kxg3 f6 f3 Kf7 Kf2 Bd7 Rxe8 Rxe8 Re1 Rxe1 Kxe1 Ke7 Kf2 14...Nxd3 (0:16) 15.Qxd3 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=29 score=0.00 time=46.72 node=47351485 speed=1013516 pv=Bd7 Rad1 Rfd8 Rfe1 Qf6 b4 b6 Qc4 c6 h3 Re8 Qa6 Qd6 Qb7 Rxe1+ Rxe1 Rd8 Qxa7 c5 bxc5 bxc5 Nf3 f6 a4 Bc6 Re7 Bd7 15...Bd7 (0:47) 16.Rad1 (0:11)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=0.09 time=21.01 node=19961829 speed=950110 pv=Bg4 Rde1 c5 Nf5 Bxf5 Qxf5 Qd2 Qxc5 Qxb2 a4 b6 Qb4 Qxb4 cxb4 Rfd8 Re4 Kf8 b5 Re8 Rfe1 Rxe4 Rxe4 Rc8 g4 Rc2 Kg2 g6 Kf3 Ra2 Ke3 g5 Rd4 16...Bg4 (0:21) 17.Rde1 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=28 score=0.09 time=7.67 node=7005650 speed=913383 pv=c5 Nf5 Bxf5 Qxf5 Qd2 Qxc5 Qxb2 a4 b6 Qb4 Qd2 Rd1 Qa2 Ra1 Qe6 a5 bxa5 Qxa5 Rfe8 Qa6 Rec8 Rfc1 Qxa6 Rxa6 Rc7 h3 Rd8 c4 Rd2 c5 17...c5 (0:08) 18.Nf5 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=29 score=0.10 time=11.98 node=12221078 speed=1020123 pv=Bxf5 Qxf5 Qd2 Qb1 Qd7 Rd1 Qc6 Rfe1 Rfe8 h4 b6 h5 h6 Qf5 Rxe1+ Rxe1 Rd8 Qe5 a5 b3 a4 Qe7 Rd2 Qe8+ Qxe8 Rxe8+ Kh7 bxa4 Rxa2 Rb8 Ra1+ Kh2 Rxa4 Rxb6 18...Bxf5 (0:12) 19.Qxf5 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=0.09 time=11.12 node=10801932 speed=971396 pv=Qd2 Qxc5 Qxb2 a4 Rfc8 Qd5 Qa3 Qxb7 Qxa4 Ra1 Qc4 Rxa7 Rxa7 Qxa7 Qxc3 Qd7 g6 Rd1 Kg7 g3 h5 Kg2 Rc6 Qd5 Qf6 Qe4 Re6 Qd4 Qxd4 Rxd4 Kf6 Rb4 Re2 Kf3 Ra2 h4 Kg7 Ke3 19...Qd2 (0:11) 20.Rb1 (0:13)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=28 score=0.29 time=14.37 node=14826148 speed=1031743 pv=b6 Rfd1 Qe2 h3 g6 Qd5 Rae8 Rd2 Re5 Rxe2 Rxd5 Re7 Rd2 a4 a5 Rb7 Re8 Rxb6 Ree2 Rf1 Rxb2 Rb5 c4 Rc5 Rbc2 Rxa5 Kg7 Ra7 Rxc3 20...b6 (0:14) 21.Rfd1 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=28 score=0.25 time=17.54 node=17858531 speed=1018160 pv=Qe2 Re1 Qc4 a3 g6 Qd7 Kg7 g3 Rfd8 Qe7 Rd2 Qe5+ Kg8 b4 Rd5 Qe4 Qxe4 Rxe4 cxb4 axb4 Rd2 Kg2 Rc8 Rd4 Ra2 c4 Re8 Rbd1 a5 bxa5 bxa5 R1d2 Rxd2 Rxd2 a4 21...Qe2 (0:18) 22.Qd5 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=29 score=0.20 time=26.41 node=26422106 speed=1000458 pv=Rae8 b4 Re5 Qd2 Qc4 Re1 Rd5 Qe3 h6 Qe7 Qxc3 Qxa7 Qf6 bxc5 bxc5 Qe7 Qd4 Rb7 c4 Rc7 c3 Qa3 Re5 Rf1 c2 Rxc2 Qe4 Qb3 Rg5 g3 22...Rae8 (0:26) 23.Qd3 (0:12)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=29 score=0.36 time=19.03 node=20147337 speed=1058714 pv=Qxd3 Rxd3 Re2 g3 Rfe8 Rd7 g6 Rxa7 Rc2 b4 Ree2 Rf1 Rxc3 b5 Kg7 a4 Ra3 Ra6 c4 Rxb6 Rxa4 Rc6 Rb4 b6 c3 Rxc3 Rxb6 Kg2 Rd2 h4 Rbb2 Rc5 Re2 Kf3 Rbd2 Rc4 23...Qxd3 (0:19) 24.Rxd3 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=0.30 time=14.02 node=14368441 speed=1024853 pv=Re2 Rd7 Rfe8 Kf1 a5 Rb7 h6 Rxb6 Rc2 Re1 Rd8 Rb7 g6 Rbe7 Rxb2 Re8+ Rxe8 Rxe8+ Kg7 Re2 Rb1+ Re1 Rxe1+ Kxe1 Kf6 Ke2 Ke6 Kd3 Kd5 g4 h5 gxh5 gxh5 a4 h4 f4 c4+ Ke3 f6 Kf3 h3 Ke3 Kc5 24...Re2 (0:14) 25.Rd7 (0:11)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=31 score=0.29 time=36.36 node=41968196 speed=1154240 pv=Rfe8 Kf1 a5 Rb7 h6 Rxb6 Rc2 Re1 Rd8 Rb7 g6 Rbe7 Rxb2 Re8+ Rxe8 Rxe8+ Kg7 Re2 Rb1+ Re1 Rxe1+ Kxe1 Kf6 Ke2 Ke6 Kd3 Kd5 g4 a4 h4 g5 hxg5 hxg5 a3 c4+ Ke3 Ke5 Kf3 f5 gxf5 Kxf5 25...Rfe8 (0:36) 26.g3 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=31 score=0.27 time=28.85 node=33263885 speed=1152994 pv=g6 Kf1 a5 Rb7 Rc2 Rxb6 Ree2 Rf6 Rxb2 Rxb2 Rxb2 a4 Ra2 Rc6 Rxa4 Rxc5 Kg7 c4 Kf6 Ke2 Ke6 Rc6+ Ke5 Rc7 Ra2+ Ke3 Ra3+ Ke2 f6 Rxh7 Kd4 Rf7 f5 Rg7 Ra2+ Kf3 a4 26...g6 (0:29) 27.Rxa7 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=0.28 time=12.15 node=13943950 speed=1147650 pv=Rc2 b4 Ree2 Rf1 Rxc3 b5 c4 a4 Ra3 Ra6 Re6 Rc1 c3 Kg2 Kg7 Ra7 Re2 Kf3 Re5 Rc2 Re6 g4 h5 gxh5 gxh5 Rc7 Rxa4 R7xc3 Rb4 Rc6 Rxb5 Rxe6 fxe6 27...Rc2 (0:12) 28.b4 (0:11)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=32 score=0.33 time=23.35 node=26301087 speed=1126384 pv=Ree2 Rf1 Rxc3 b5 c4 a4 Ra3 Ra6 Re6 Rc1 c3 Kg2 Kg7 Ra7 Re2 Kf3 Re5 Rc2 g5 Kg2 Rxb5 axb5 Rxa7 Rxc3 Ra5 Rb3 Kf6 h4 gxh4 gxh4 h5 Rb4 Ke5 Kf3 f5 Ke3 f4+ Kf3 Ra3+ Ke2 28...Ree2 (0:23) 29.bxc5 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=32 score=0.09 time=36.93 node=40404943 speed=1094095 pv=bxc5 Rf1 Rxa2 Rxa2 Rxa2 Re1 Rc2 Re3 Rc1+ Kg2 h5 f3 Rc2+ Kh3 f5 g4 hxg4+ fxg4 Kf7 gxf5 gxf5 Kg3 Kf6 Rf3 Rc1 h4 Rg1+ Kf2 Rg4 Rh3 Kg6 h5+ Kh6 Rf3 Kg5 Rh3 Rf4+ Kg2 Kh6 Rh1 Rc4 Kg3 Rxc3+ Kf4 Ra3 Kxf5 Ra5 Ke4 Ra2 Kd3 29...bxc5 (0:37) 30.Rf1 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=33 score=0.09 time=11.75 node=11820734 speed=1006019 pv=Rxc3 a4 Ra3 a5 c4 a6 Rc2 Ra8+ Kg7 h3 Raa2 a7 c3 Kg2 Kf6 Kf3 Kf5 g4+ Kf6 Kg3 Ra3 Kg2 h5 gxh5 gxh5 Rb1 Rca2 Rb7 c2 Rc7 h4 Rac8 Rxa7 Rxc2 Rxc2 30...Rxc3 (0:12) 31.a4 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=36 score=0.09 time=31.19 node=33147796 speed=1062769 pv=c4 a5 Kg7 a6 Ra2 Ra8 Rcc2 a7 Kf6 h3 c3 Re1 Kg7 Rf1 Kh6 Kg2 Kg5 Kf3 h5 Ke3 Kf6 Kd3 Rd2+ Kxc3 Rd7 Rb1 Raxa7 Rxa7 Rxa7 Rb6+ Kg7 Kd4 Ra3 Ke4 h4 gxh4 Rxh3 Kf4 Ra3 Rc6 31...c4 (0:31) 32.a5 (0:13)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=37 score=0.09 time=13.44 node=14683318 speed=1092508 pv=Kg7 a6 Ra2 Ra8 Rcc2 a7 Kf6 h3 c3 Re1 Kg7 Rf1 Kh6 Kg2 Kg5 Kf3 Kf6 Ke3 Ra3 Rb1 Rca2 Rc1 g5 Rc8 Rxa7 R8xc3 Re7+ Kf3 Ree2 Rf1 h5 Kg2 Kg6 Rf3 f6 Rc1 Rec2 Rb1 Rab2 Rxb2 32...Kg7 (0:13) 33.Kg2 (0:07)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=0.09 time=12.14 node=12970081 speed=1068375 pv=Ra2 a6 Kf6 Ra8 Rcc2 a7 Kf5 h3 c3 Kg1 Kf6 Re1 Kg7 Rf1 Kh6 Kg2 Kg5 Kf3 Kf6 Ke3 Ra3 Rb1 Rca2 Rc1 g5 Rc8 Rxa7 R8xc3 Re7+ Kf3 Ree2 Rf1 h5 33...Ra2 (0:12) 34.a6 (0:12)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=33 score=0.05 time=29.88 node=33357601 speed=1116385 pv=Rcc2 Ra8 Kf6 a7 Kf5 h3 c3 Kg1 Kg5 Kg2 Kh6 Kf3 Ra6 Kg2 Kg7 Re1 Raa2 Rf1 h6 Kg1 Kf6 Kg2 Kf5 Kg1 h5 h4 Kg4 Kg2 f6 Rf8 Rxa7 Rxf6 g5 34...Rcc2 (0:30) 35.Ra8 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=0.09 time=12.83 node=13393863 speed=1043948 pv=c3 a7 Kh6 h3 Kh5 Kf3 Kg5 Ke4 Rd2 Ke3 Rd7 Rc8 Rdxa7 Rxc3 h5 Kf3 h4 Rfc1 f5 Kg2 Re2 R1c2 Rxc2 Rxc2 Rd7 gxh4+ Kxh4 Rc4+ Kh5 Rc6 Rd1 Rf6 35...c3 (0:13) 36.a7 (0:11)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=33 score=0.00 time=35.98 node=37838566 speed=1051655 pv=Kh6 h3 Kh5 Kf3 Kg5 h4+ Kh6 Ke3 Kh5 f3 Kh6 g4 Re2+ Kd3 Re7 Kxc3 Raxa7 Rxa7 Rxa7 Kd4 f6 Rc1 Ra4+ Kd5 Ra3 Ke4 Ra4+ 36...Kh6 (0:36) 37.Kf3 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=32 score=0.00 time=8.73 node=9805098 speed=1123149 pv=Kh5 h3 Kg5 h4+ Kh6 Ke3 Kh5 f3 Kh6 g4 Re2+ Kd3 Re7 Kxc3 Raxa7 Rxa7 Rxa7 Kd4 f6 Rc1 Ra4+ Kd5 Ra3 Ke4 Ra4+ 37...Kh5 (0:09) 38.h4 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=0.36 time=8.97 node=10770288 speed=1200701 pv=f5 Kf4 Rxf2+ Rxf2 Rxf2+ Ke3 Ra2 Kf3 c2 Rc8 Ra3+ Kg2 Rxa7 Rxc2 h6 Kf3 Ra3+ Kg2 Ra4 Kf3 Ra7 Rc5 Ra3+ Kg2 Rb3 Rc1 Rb2+ Kf3 Rd2 Rc3 Ra2 Rc8 Ra3+ Kg2 f4 gxf4 Kxh4 Rc6 Kh5 Rb6 Rd3 Kf2 Rc3 Kg2 38...f5 (0:09) 39.Ke3 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=0.36 time=56.60 node=62109897 speed=1097348 pv=Rcb2 Kf3 Rc2 Kf4 Rxf2+ Rxf2 Rxf2+ Ke3 Ra2 Kf3 c2 Rc8 Ra3+ Kg2 Rxa7 Rxc2 Rb7 Rc5 Rb3 Rc7 Ra3 Rc5 Ra4 Kf3 Ra7 Rc3 Rb7 Rc5 Re7 Rc6 Rd7 Rc3 Ra7 Kg2 Kh6 Rc5 Ra2+ Kf3 Rb2 Rc7 Rb3+ Kg2 Re3 Kf2 Re4 39...Rcb2 (0:57) 40.Rc1 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=24 score=1.34 time=5.95 node=7007696 speed=1177764 pv=Re2+ Kd4 c2 Rc8 Rxa7 R1xc2 Rd7+ Kc3 Rxc2+ Kxc2 Kg4 Rc3 Kh3 Ra3 Kg2 f4 Kh3 Kc1 Rd4 Kc2 Kg4 Kc1 Rd6 Kc2 Rd7 Kc1 Kh3 Kc2 Rd4 Kc1 h5 Rc3 Ra4 Kd2 Ra2+ Ke3 40...Re2+ (0:06) 41.Kd4 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=27 score=1.72 time=9.67 node=10860663 speed=1123129 pv=c2 Rc8 Rxa7 R1xc2 Rd7+ Kc3 Rxc2+ Kxc2 Kg4 Rc3 Kh3 h5 g5 Rc5 Kg4 Rb5 h6 Ra5 Rd6 Ra3 f4 gxf4 Kxf4 Rg3 g4 Ra3 Rd5 Ra7 Rxh5 Kd3 Rd5+ Ke2 h5 Rh7 Rb5 Kd3 41...c2 (0:10) 42.Kd3 (0:07)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=25 score=4.54 time=10.96 node=12839534 speed=1171490 pv=Rxf2 Rc8 Ra3+ Kd4 Rd2+ Ke5 Re2+ Kd6 Rxa7 R1xc2 Rxc2 Rxc2 Ra3 Ke5 Rxg3 Rc7 h6 Rh7 Re3+ Kf4 Re4+ Kf3 Rxh4 Re7 Kg5 Re1 h5 Rg1+ Rg4 Rc1 Rf4+ Kg3 h4+ Kg2 Rg4+ Kh2 Rg3 Ra1 42...Rxf2 (0:11) 43.Rc8 (0:12)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=25 score=5.16 time=11.59 node=13915973 speed=1200687 pv=Ra3+ Kd4 Rd2+ Ke5 Re2+ Kf6 Ra6+ Kf7 Rxa7+ Kf8 Kg4 Rc3 Rd2 Ke8 Kh3 Rh1+ Kg2 Rc1 Re2+ Kf8 Rb7 h5 gxh5 R1xc2 Rxc2 Rxc2+ Kxg3 Rc3+ Kg4 Rc1 f4 Rg1+ Kh4 Rf1 Kg5 Ke8 Ra7 Rg1+ Kf5 Kf8 f3 43...Ra3+ (0:12) 44.Kd4 (0:11)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=27 score=5.91 time=46.49 node=58260132 speed=1253175 pv=Rd2+ Ke5 Re2+ Kd5 Rxa7 Kd4 Rd7+ Kc3 Rg2 Rxc2 Rxg3+ Kb2 Kxh4 R2c4+ Rg4 R4c5 f4 Rf8 Rg2+ Kb3 g5 Kc3 Rg3+ Kc4 Re3 Rcf5 Kg4 Ra5 h6 Rb5 Rc7+ Kd4 Kg3 Rbf5 Rc1 Kd5 f3 44...Rd2+ (0:46) 45.Ke5 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=26 score=6.03 time=17.25 node=21629686 speed=1253894 pv=Re2+ Kf6 Ra6+ Kf7 Rxa7+ Kf6 Kg4 h5 Ra6+ Kf7 gxh5 Rc3 Rd2 Ke7 h4 gxh4 f4 h5 Ra2 Rg1+ Kf5 Rc5+ Ke4 Re1+ Kd4 Rc7 Ra5 Rd7+ Kc3 Rc7+ Kb2 Rb7+ Ka2 Rc1 f3 h6 45...Re2+ (0:17) 46.Kd6 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=27 score=6.03 time=12.84 node=16580540 speed=1291319 pv=Rxa7 Rc3 Ra2 Kd7 Kg4 Kd6 Rg2 Ke5 Rxg3 Rc4+ Kh5 Rc7 h6 Kf6 Kxh4 Rh1+ Kg4 Kxg6 h5 Rc4+ f4 Kf6 Kf3 Rc1 Rg2 Rf1+ Ke3 Rc3+ Kd4 Rc7 Ra6+ Kf5 Ra5+ Ke6 Ke4 Rc1 Kd3 46...Rxa7 (0:13) 47.R8xc2 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=26 score=7.05 time=11.06 node=15787803 speed=1427468 pv=Rxc2 Rxc2 Ra3 Ke5 Rxg3 Kf4 Rg4+ Kf3 Rxh4 Rg2 g5 Rg1 Rh3+ Kg2 Kh4 Rc1 f4 Rc4 Kg4 Kg1 Kg3 Rc2 f3 Rd2 h5 Rf2 Kh4 Rc2 Kg4 Rc5 Kf4 47...Rxc2 (0:11) 48.Rxc2 (0:07)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=28 score=7.39 time=7.88 node=12218726 speed=1550599 pv=Ra3 Ke5 Rxg3 Kf4 Rg4+ Kf3 Rxh4 Rc5 Kg5 Kg3 Rg4+ Kh2 Ra4 Rc3 Rh4+ Kg1 Kg4 Rc2 Rh3 Ra2 f4 Ra4 g5 Ra5 h6 Rc5 Kg3 Rc2 f3 Rg2+ Kh4 Ra2 g4 Rc2 Rg3+ Kf1 h5 Ra2 48...Ra3 (0:08) 49.Ke5 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=29 score=11.35 time=29.43 node=44533619 speed=1513204 pv=Rxg3 Kf4 Rg4+ Kf3 Rxh4 Rc5 Kg5 Kg3 Rg4+ Kh2 Ra4 Rc3 Rh4+ Kg1 Kg4 Rc2 Rh3 Rc4+ f4 Ra4 Kg3 Ra5 f3 Rg5+ Kf4 Rc5 g5 Ra5 Kg4 Rb5 Rh5 Rb2 Rh4 Ra2 Rh3 Ra5 Kf4 Kf2 Rh2+ Kg1 Rg2+ Kf1 g4 49...Rxg3 (0:29) 50.Rc7 (0:10)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=24 score=12.37 time=7.01 node=11107854 speed=1584572 pv=Kxh4 Kf4 Rg4+ Kf3 h5 Rc2 Kg5 Ra2 h4 Ke3 Rg1 Kd4 h3 Rh2 Kg4 Rb2 Rg3 Ke5 Kg5 Rc2 f4 Ke6 Kg4 Kf6 Rg2 Rc1 h2 50...Kxh4 (0:07) 51.Rxh7+ (0:07)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=21 score=67.12 time=7.38 node=11079675 speed=1501310 pv=Kg4 Ra7 f4 Kf6 f3 Ra2 Rg1 Rf2 Rg2 Rf1 f2 Rd1 Rg3 Kg7 Rg1 Rd4+ Kh3 Kh7 f1=Q Rd7 Kg4 Kg8 Rg3 Rd4+ Kh3 51...Kg4 (0:07) 52.Kf6 (0:15)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=29 score=153.86 time=7.09 node=10547684 speed=1487684 pv=f4 Rh2 f3 Rc2 Rg1 Rf2 Rg2 Rf1 f2 Rb1 Rg1 Rb4+ Kh3 Rb3+ Rg3 Rb1 Rf3+ Kg7 f1=Q Rxf1 52...f4 (0:07) 53.Ke5 (0:05)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=33 score=153.92 time=8.69 node=13514911 speed=1555225 pv=f3 Rf7 f2 Rf4+ Kg5 Rf7 f1=Q Rxf1 53...f3 (0:09) 54.Ke4 (0:04)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=44 score=153.94 time=7.78 node=13234371 speed=1701075 pv=f2 Rf7 f1=Q Rxf1 54...f2 (0:08) 55.Rf7 (0:07)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=53 score=153.95 time=8.20 node=15071100 speed=1837939 pv=f1=Q Rxf1 55...f1=Q (0:08) 56.Rxf1 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=36 score=153.96 time=43.32 node=69861023 speed=1612673 pv=g5 Ke5 Rf3 Rg1+ Kh4 Rh1+ Rh3 Rf1 g4 Kf4 Rh2 Ke3 Ra2 Rd1 Kg3 Rd3 Rf2 Rd4 Rf8 Ke2 Kh3 Rd5 Kg2 Re5 g3 Re6 Kg1 Rg6 g2 Rh6 Re8+ Kd2 Re4 Kd3 Re1 Rh8 Ra1 Ke2 Ra3 Rh7 Ra2+ Ke1 Ra8 Rh6 Ra1+ Ke2 Ra2+ Ke1 Ra8 56...g5 (0:43) 57.Rf7 (0:10)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=31 score=153.96 time=7.97 node=13546311 speed=1699662 pv=Rb3 Ke5 Rf3 Rg7 Kh4 Kd5 Ra3 Rh7+ Kg3 Rc7 g4 Ke4 Kh3 Kf4 Ra4+ Ke3 g3 Ke2 Kh2 Rh7+ Kg2 Rg7 Ra2+ Ke1 Ra3 Ke2 Kh2 Kf1 Ra1+ Ke2 Ra2+ Kf3 Rf2+ Ke3 Rf8 Rh7+ Kg2 Rh6 Rf3+ Ke2 Ra3 Rh4 Ra2+ Kd3 57...Rb3 (0:08) 58.Rg7 (0:07)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=28 score=153.96 time=71.84 node=122553177 speed=1705918 pv=Kh4 Rg6 g4 Kf4 Rf3+ Ke4 Kh3 Rh6+ Kg2 Rc6 g3 Rc2+ Rf2 Rc3 Kh2 Rc8 Kg1 Rh8 g2 Ra8 Rf6 Rd8 Rg6 Kd3 Rh6 Re8 Rh3+ Kc4 Ra3 Re5 Kh2 Rg5 g1=Q 58...Kh4 (1:12) 59.Kf5 (0:08)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=24 score=153.96 time=8.75 node=13993193 speed=1599222 pv=Rf3+ Ke5 g4 Rg8 g3 Rh8+ Kg4 Ke4 Rb3 Rh6 Ra3 Rg6+ Kh3 Rh6+ Kg2 Kd4 Kf2 Rc6 Rf3 Rc2+ Kg1 Ke4 Ra3 Rb2 Kh1 Rb5 g2 Rh5+ Kg1 Rh6 Kf2 Rf6+ Ke2 Rg6 Ra4+ Ke5 59...Rf3+ (0:09) 60.Ke5 (0:10)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=24 score=153.96 time=11.61 node=18539459 speed=1596852 pv=g4 Ke4 Kg3 Rg5 Ra3 Rg6 Kh3 Kf4 g3 Rg7 Kh2 Kg4 Rb3 Rh7+ Kg1 Rf7 g2 Ra7 Rb6 Rh7 Rb4+ Kf3 Kf1 Ra7 Rb3+ Ke4 g1=Q Ra1+ Kf2 60...g4 (0:12) 61.Ke4 (0:07)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=23 score=153.96 time=9.26 node=16119398 speed=1740755 pv=Kh3 Rb7 Ra3 Kf4 g3 Rb8 Kg2 Kg4 Ra4+ Kf5 Kg1 Ke6 g2 Kd7 Ra3 Kc8 Rc3+ Kd7 Re3 Kc6 Rf3 Rg8 Rc3+ Kd5 Kh2 Kd4 Rh3 Kc4 Rh4+ Kc3 g1=Q 61...Kh3 (0:09) 62.Rg5 (0:05)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=23 score=153.96 time=6.34 node=10762507 speed=1697556 pv=Rb3 Kf4 g3 Rc5 Kh2 Rh5+ Kg1 Kg4 g2 Rf5 Rb6 Kf3 Rh6 Ke4 Kh1 Rg5 g1=Q Rxg1+ Kxg1 Kd5 Kf2 Ke4 Rh4+ Kf5 Kg3 Ke6 Kg4 Ke5 Kf3 Kd5 Rh5+ Kd6 Kf4 62...Rb3 (0:06) 63.Kf4 (0:06)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=153.96 time=9.10 node=15380728 speed=1690189 pv=g3 Rc5 Kh2 Rh5+ Kg1 Kg4 g2 Rf5 Rb6 Rc5 Rh6 Kg5 Rh3 Kg4 Kh2 Rc2 Rg3+ Kf4 Kh3 Rc1 Rg4+ Kf5 g1=Q Rxg1 Rxg1 Ke5 Kg3 Kd6 Kf3 Kc5 Rg4 Kd6 Rg6+ Kd5 Rg5+ Kd4 Rg4+ Kd5 Ke3 Kd6 Rg5 Kd7 63...g3 (0:09) 64.Rg6 (0:06)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=28 score=153.96 time=3.47 node=5786560 speed=1667596 pv=Kh2 Rh6+ Kg1 Kg4 g2 Rc6 Re3 Rf6 Re8 Kg3 Rg8+ Kf3 Rh8 Ke4 Kh1 Rg6 g1=Q Rxg1+ Kxg1 Kd4 Rh5 Ke4 Kg2 Kf4 Rd5 Ke3 Rd8 Ke4 Kg1 Ke5 Kf2 Ke4 Ke2 Ke5 Kf3 Ke6 64...Kh2 (0:03) 65.Rh6+ (0:05)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=153.96 time=4.50 node=7604654 speed=1689923 pv=Kg1 Kg4 g2 Rc6 Rb8 Kg3 Rg8+ Kf3 Rh8 Rc1+ Kh2 Rc2 Rh3+ Ke4 Kh1 Rc1+ g1=Q Rxg1+ Kxg1 Ke5 Rh5+ Kf6 Kf2 Ke6 Ke3 Kd7 Ke4 Kd6 Re5 Kd7 Rg5 Kc6 Rf5 Kb6 Rh5 Kc6 Kd4 65...Kg1 (0:05) 66.Rf6 (0:05)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=99.41 time=41.37 node=75107423 speed=1815504 pv=g2 Kg4 Rb8 Kf3 Rh8 Rg6 Kf1 Rc6 Rf8+ Ke4 Re8+ Kd5 Rd8+ Ke6 g1=Q Rc1+ Kg2 Rxg1+ Kxg1 Ke7 Rd5 Ke6 Rh5 Kf7 Re5 Kf6 Re2 Kf7 Kf2 Kg6 Re4 Kg5 Kf3 Kf5 Re3 Kg5 Re5+ Kg6 Ke3 Kf7 Kf4 Kf6 Re2 Kg6 66...g2 (0:41) 67.Kg4 (0:05)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=30 score=99.45 time=6.06 node=10960508 speed=1808664 pv=Rb8 Kf3 Rh8 Rg6 Kf1 Ra6 Rf8+ Ke4 g1=Q Ra1+ Kg2 Rxg1+ Kxg1 Kd5 Kf2 Kd6 Ke3 Ke6 Ke4 Ke7 Rh8 Kd6 Rh3 Kc6 Kd4 Kd6 Rh6+ Kd7 Ke4 Kc7 Kd5 Kb7 Rh8 Kb6 Rb8+ Kc7 Rb2 Kd7 67...Rb8 (0:06) 68.Rc6 (0:09)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=34 score=99.55 time=5.17 node=9234687 speed=1786206 pv=Rh8 Kf3 Kh1 Rg6 g1=Q Rxg1+ Kxg1 Ke3 Kg2 Ke4 Kf2 Kd4 Kf3 Kd5 Rh5+ Kc6 Ke4 Kd6 Rh6+ Kc5 Rf6 Kc4 Rf5 Kc3 Ke3 Kc4 Re5 Kc3 Re4 Kc2 Rc4+ Kb2 Kd3 Kb3 Rg4 Kb2 Rb4+ Ka3 Kc3 Ka2 Kc2 Ka3 68...Rh8 (0:05) 69.Kf5 (0:06)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=41 score=99.61 time=8.47 node=15641598 speed=1846705 pv=Kh1 Rg6 g1=Q Rxg1+ Kxg1 Ke5 Kf2 Kd4 Kf3 Kd5 Ke3 Kc5 Rh5+ Kd6 Ke4 Kc6 Kd4 Kd6 Rh6+ Kd7 Ke4 Ke7 Kd5 Kf7 Ke5 Kg7 Re6 Kf7 Kf5 Kg7 Re7+ Kf8 Kf6 Kg8 Kg6 Kf8 Re3 Kg8 Re8# 69...Kh1 (0:08) 70.Rc1+ (0:05)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=41 score=99.65 time=5.01 node=9127621 speed=1821880 pv=g1=Q Rxg1+ Kxg1 Ke4 Kf2 Ke5 Ke3 Kd5 Rh5+ Kd6 Ke4 Kc6 Kd4 Kd6 Rh6+ Kd7 Kc5 Ke7 Kd5 Kf7 Ke5 Kf8 Kf6 Ke8 Rh7 Kd8 Ke6 Kc8 Kd6 Kb8 Kc6 Ka8 Kb6 Kb8 Rh8# 70...g1=Q (0:05) 71.Rxg1+ (0:07)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=41 score=99.69 time=8.79 node=17395902 speed=1979055 pv=Kxg1 Ke4 Kf2 Kd5 Ke3 Kc5 Ke4 Kd6 Rh4 Kc6 Ke5 Kc5 Ke6 Kc6 Rh5 Kc7 Rc5+ Kb7 Kd6 Kb6 Rh5 Kb7 Rb5+ Ka6 Kc6 Ka7 Kc7 Ka6 Rh5 Ka7 Ra5# 71...Kxg1 (0:09) 72.Ke4 (0:05)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=40 score=99.71 time=11.31 node=23951616 speed=2117737 pv=Kf2 Kd5 Rh5+ Ke6 Kf3 Kd6 Ke4 Kc6 Rd5 Kb6 Kd4 Kc6 Kc4 Kb6 Rd6+ Kb7 Kd5 Kc7 Kc5 Kb7 Rd7+ Kc8 Kc6 Kb8 Rd8+ Ka7 Re8 Ka6 Ra8# 72...Kf2 (0:11) 73.Kd5 (0:06)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=40 score=99.73 time=11.59 node=24654897 speed=2127255 pv=Rh5+ Ke6 Ke3 Kd6 Ke4 Kc6 Rd5 Kb6 Ke5 Kc7 Rc5+ Kd7 Rc4 Ke7 Rc7+ Kd8 Kd6 Ke8 Ke6 Kf8 Rb7 Kg8 Kf6 Kh8 Kg6 Kg8 Rb8# 73...Rh5+ (0:12) 74.Ke6 (0:19)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=40 score=99.75 time=13.13 node=29826707 speed=2271645 pv=Ke3 Kd6 Ke4 Kc6 Rd5 Kb6 Ke5 Kc7 Rc5+ Kd7 Rc4 Ke7 Rc7+ Kd8 Kd6 Ke8 Ke6 Kf8 Rb7 Kg8 Kf6 Kh8 Kg6 Kg8 Rb8# 74...Ke3 (0:13) 75.Kf6 (0:02)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=38 score=99.79 time=5.56 node=12590977 speed=2264564 pv=Ke4 Ke7 Rh6 Kd7 Ke5 Kc7 Kd5 Kd7 Rh7+ Ke8 Ke5 Kd8 Ke6 Kc8 Kd6 Kb8 Kc6 Ka8 Kb6 Kb8 Rh8# 75...Ke4 (0:06) 76.Kg6 (0:02)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=42 score=99.85 time=8.17 node=18131836 speed=2219318 pv=Rf5 Kh6 Kf4 Kg6 Kg4 Kh6 Rg5 Kh7 Kh5 Kh8 Kg6 Kg8 Rf5 Kh8 Rf8# 76...Rf5 (0:08) 77.Kg7 (0:06)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=45 score=99.87 time=3.31 node=6309673 speed=1906245 pv=Ke5 Kg6 Ke6 Kg7 Rg5+ Kh6 Kf6 Kh7 Rh5+ Kg8 Rh6 Kf8 Rh8# 77...Ke5 (0:03) 78.Kg6 (0:03)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=87 score=99.89 time=3.88 node=7622131 speed=1964466 pv=Ke6 Kg7 Rg5+ Kh6 Kf6 Kh7 Rh5+ Kg8 Rh6 Kf8 Rh8# 78...Ke6 (0:04) 79.Kg7 (0:02)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=110 score=99.91 time=4.90 node=7039874 speed=1436708 pv=Rg5+ Kh6 Kf6 Kh7 Rh5+ Kg8 Rh6 Kf8 Rh8# 79...Rg5+ (0:05) 80.Kf8 (0:04)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=127 score=99.97 time=0.07 node=13257 speed=189385 pv=Rg1 Ke8 Rg8# 80...Rg1 (0:00) 81.Ke8 (0:04)
exeComp(2667) whispers: depth=127 score=99.99 time=0.04 node=2414 speed=60350 pv=Rg8# 81...Rg8# (0:00) bskamat checkmated 0-1
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