irwinkoh(1976) vs. chumby(2287) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2013-09-08
Chumby(2287) kibitzes: This is GNU Chess 5.50-32-b6a13904691a3030 1.e4 (0:00)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: c7c5 score=1 1...c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: d7d6 score=171 2...d6 (0:00) 3.d4 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: c5d4 score=166 3...cxd4 (0:00) 4.Nxd4 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: g8f6 score=159 4...Nf6 (0:00) 5.Nc3 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: a7a6 score=98 5...a6 (0:00) 6.Bg5 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: e7e6 score=23 6...e6 (0:00) 7.f4 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: d8b6 score=15 7...Qb6 (0:00) 8.Qd2 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: b6b2 score=11 8...Qxb2 (0:00) 9.Rb1 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: b2a3 score=7 9...Qa3 (0:00) 10.e5 (0:02)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: d6e5 score=6 10...dxe5 (0:00) 11.fxe5 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: Bookmove: f6d7 score=6 11...Nfd7 (0:00) 12.Ne4 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=1.58 time=33.91 node=253338 speed=7470 pv=Qxa2 Nc3 Qa5 Be2 Qxe5 Bf4 Qc5 Nb3 Qa7 Be3 Bc5 Nxc5 Nxc5 12...Qxa2 (0:34) 13.Rb3 (0:29)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=1.38 time=64.36 node=506635 speed=7871 pv=h6 Bh4 b5 Be2 Qa1+ Bd1 Bb7 Nxe6 Qxe5 Nxf8 Kxf8 13...h6 (1:05) 14.Qc3 (0:42)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=1.78 time=32.38 node=257688 speed=7958 pv=Nc6 Nxc6 hxg5 Na5 Qa4 Bd3 Bc5 Nxb7 Bd4 Nbd6+ Kf8 Qb4 14...Nc6 (0:33) 15.Nxc6 (0:07)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=11 score=1.90 time=37.09 node=288967 speed=7790 pv=hxg5 Na5 b5 Nd6+ Bxd6 exd6 Rh4 Bd3 b4 Qc6 Qa1+ Kd2 15...hxg5 (0:37) 16.Na7 (0:19)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=1.24 time=25.83 node=233875 speed=9054 pv=Qa4 Bd3 Rh4 Nd6+ Bxd6 exd6 Qf4 Ke2 Rxh2 Rxh2 Qxh2 Nxc8 16...Qa4 (0:26) 17.Bd3 (1:26)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=1.32 time=35.38 node=305476 speed=8634 pv=Rh4 Nd6+ Bxd6 exd6 Qf4 Kd1 Qg4+ Kc1 Qxg2 Rf1 Rxh2 Nxc8 Nf6 17...Rh4 (0:36) 18.Nd6+ (0:45)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.70 time=22.19 node=207449 speed=9348 pv=Bxd6 exd6 Qf4 Kd1 Qxd6 Nxc8 Qc5 Qxg7 Rxc8 Rxb7 Rb4 Rxb4 Qxb4 18...Bxd6 (0:22) 19.exd6 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.56 time=20.08 node=176264 speed=8778 pv=Qf4 Kd1 Qxd6 Nxc8 Qc5 Qxg7 Rxc8 Rf1 Rf4 Rxf4 gxf4 Rxb7 Qg1+ Kd2 19...Qf4 (0:20) 20.Kd1 (0:46)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.78 time=31.14 node=280328 speed=9002 pv=Qd4 Nxc8 Nc5 d7+ Nxd7 Qxd4 Rxd4 Nb6 Nc5 Ra3 Nxd3 cxd3 20...Qd4 (0:31) 21.Nxc8 (0:13)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.38 time=19.31 node=185160 speed=9588 pv=Nc5 Nb6 Rd8 Qxd4 Rxd4 d7+ Ke7 Rb1 Nxd7 Nxd7 R8xd7 Rf1 21...Nc5 (0:20) 22.d7+ (0:30)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.18 time=25.62 node=242644 speed=9470 pv=Nxd7 Qxd4 Rxd4 Nb6 Rd8 Nxd7 R8xd7 Ke2 Kd8 Ke3 b5 Ra1 22...Nxd7 (0:26) 23.g3 (0:06)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=11 score=0.61 time=22.71 node=215835 speed=9503 pv=Qxc3 Rxc3 Rd4 Rc4 Rxc4 Nd6+ Ke7 Nxc4 Rh8 Ke2 b5 Ne3 Nc5 h3 Rd8 23...Qxc3 (0:23) 24.Rxc3 (0:02)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=12 score=0.56 time=22.67 node=202474 speed=8931 pv=Rd4 h4 gxh4 Rxh4 Rxh4 gxh4 Rb8 Be4 b6 Nd6+ Ke7 Nc8+ Kf6 Nd6 Ke5 Rd3 24...Rd4 (0:23) 25.h4 (0:14)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=12 score=0.65 time=28.46 node=257780 speed=9057 pv=gxh4 Rxh4 Rxh4 gxh4 Rb8 Ke2 Kd8 Nd6 f5 Ke3 Nf6 Rb3 Kc7 Nc4 Nd5+ Kd4 25...gxh4 (0:29) 26.Rxh4 (0:06)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=13 score=0.63 time=28.05 node=246806 speed=8798 pv=Rxh4 gxh4 Rb8 Ke2 Kd8 Nd6 f5 Ke3 Nf6 Kd4 Ng4 Nf7+ Ke7 Rc7+ Kf6 Nd6 26...Rxh4 (0:28) 27.gxh4 (0:02)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=12 score=0.49 time=20.37 node=182436 speed=8956 pv=Rb8 Ke2 f5 Ke3 Kd8 Nd6 Nf6 Kd4 Kd7 Nf7 Nd5 Ne5+ Kd6 Rc5 27...Rb8 (0:21) 28.Be4 (0:08)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.67 time=19.53 node=164970 speed=8447 pv=b5 Na7 Ne5 Ra3 Rd8+ Ke2 Rd6 Bb7 Nc4 Rxa6 Rxa6 28...b5 (0:20) 29.Bb7 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=11 score=0.81 time=26.51 node=223620 speed=8435 pv=a5 Nd6+ Ke7 Nc8+ Kd8 Nd6 f5 Kd2 Ke7 Nc8+ Kf6 Nd6 Rh8 29...a5 (0:27) 30.Ba6 (0:03)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.52 time=44.25 node=363390 speed=8212 pv=b4 Rc7 Kd8 Ra7 b3 cxb3 Rb4 Kc2 Rxh4 Nd6 f5 30...b4 (0:44) 31.Rc7 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.39 time=13.47 node=117340 speed=8711 pv=Kd8 Ra7 b3 cxb3 Rb4 Kc2 Rd4 h5 e5 Kc3 Nc5 Ne7 Ne4+ Kb2 31...Kd8 (0:14) 32.Ra7 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.21 time=13.10 node=122571 speed=9356 pv=b3 cxb3 Rb4 Kc2 Rd4 h5 Rd5 Bc4 Rxh5 Nd6 32...b3 (0:13) 33.cxb3 (0:07)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=11 score=-0.15 time=35.34 node=298795 speed=8454 pv=Rb4 Kc2 Rd4 h5 Rd5 Bc4 Rxh5 Nd6 Rh2+ Kc3 Rh3+ Kd4 Rh4+ Ne4 33...Rb4 (0:36) 34.Kc1 (1:13)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.00 time=34.66 node=294105 speed=8485 pv=Rd4 h5 f5 Ra8 Kc7 Ne7 Kd6 Nc8+ Kc7 34...Rd4 (0:35) 35.h5 (0:48)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=0.00 time=35.55 node=296091 speed=8328 pv=f5 Ra8 Kc7 Na7 Kb6 Nc8+ Kc7 35...f5 (0:36) 36.Ra8 (0:12)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=11 score=0.00 time=19.60 node=163370 speed=8335 pv=Kc7 Na7 Kb6 Nc8+ Kc7 36...Kc7 (0:20) 37.Ne7 (0:06)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-0.05 time=12.77 node=106878 speed=8369 pv=Kd6 Nc8+ Kc7 Kc2 f4 Na7 Rd5 Bc4 Rxh5 Nb5+ Kb6 Bxe6 37...Kd6 (0:13) 38.Ng6 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-0.16 time=11.03 node=94616 speed=8578 pv=a4 Bc4 axb3 Bxb3 e5 Rg8 Nf6 Rxg7 Nxh5 Ra7 f4 38...a4 (0:11) 39.Bc4 (0:06)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=11 score=-0.30 time=18.42 node=161018 speed=8741 pv=axb3 Bxb3 e5 Ra6+ Kc5 Be6 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxh5 Nd7+ Kb4 Rb6+ Ka4 39...axb3 (0:19) 40.Bxb3 (0:03)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-0.36 time=9.78 node=83768 speed=8565 pv=Nf6 Ra6+ Kc5 Nf8 Rh4 Bd1 Nxh5 Nxe6+ Kb5 Be2+ Kb4 Rb6+ Ka3 Bxh5 40...Nf6 (0:10) 41.Bd1 (0:09)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=8 score=-0.58 time=20.17 node=167526 speed=8305 pv=Rc4+ Kd2 Rd4+ Kc2 Kc5 Bf3 Ne4 Ra7 Rc4+ Kd3 41...Rc4+ (0:20) 42.Kd2 (0:03)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-0.68 time=12.98 node=118061 speed=9095 pv=Rd4+ Kc2 Re4 Ra7 Nd7 Bf3 Re3 Ra6+ Kc5 Rc6+ Kb4 Rd6 42...Rd4+ (0:13) 43.Ke1 (0:07)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-0.68 time=18.05 node=158454 speed=8778 pv=Rc4 Be2 Rc6 Kd2 Nd5 Bf3 Rc4 Ra7 Rc7 43...Rc4 (0:18) 44.Bf3 (0:10)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-1.70 time=33.53 node=307636 speed=9174 pv=Rc3 Ra6+ Kc5 Kf2 Rc2+ Kg3 Rc3 Kf4 Rc4+ Ke5 Ne4 Rxe6 44...Rc3 (0:34) 45.Ra6+ (0:18)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-1.88 time=8.32 node=75085 speed=9024 pv=Kc7 Ke2 Rc2+ Kd3 Rh2 Nf4 e5 Ne6+ Kc8 Nxg7 e4+ Kc4 Nd7 Bd1 Rd2 Ra8+ Kb7 45...Kc7 (0:09) 46.Ke2 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-1.88 time=9.97 node=97625 speed=9791 pv=Rc2+ Kd3 Rh2 Nf4 e5 Ne6+ Kc8 Nxg7 e4+ Kc4 Nd7 Bd1 Rd2 Ra8+ Kb7 46...Rc2+ (0:10) 47.Kf1 (0:03)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=8 score=-1.43 time=10.89 node=94461 speed=8674 pv=Rc3 Be2 Nd5 Kf2 Rc2 Nf8 e5 Ne6+ Kd7 47...Rc3 (0:11) 48.Kg2 (0:03)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-1.64 time=11.75 node=114017 speed=9703 pv=Rc2+ Kf1 Rc3 Be2 Nd5 Kf2 Nf6 Rxe6 Ne4+ Ke1 Kd8 48...Rc2+ (0:12) 49.Kg3 (0:03)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=11 score=-1.75 time=10.81 node=104167 speed=9636 pv=Rc3 Kg2 Rc2+ Kf1 Ng4 Bxg4 fxg4 Rxe6 g3 Re7+ Kd6 Rxg7 Rh2 49...Rc3 (0:11) 50.Nf4 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-1.14 time=14.83 node=131905 speed=8894 pv=Kd7 Ra7+ Kd6 Ne2 Rd3 Kg2 Nd7 Nf4 Rd2+ Kg3 e5 50...Kd7 (0:15) 51.Kg2 (0:08)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-1.03 time=17.02 node=151160 speed=8881 pv=Rc2+ Kg3 e5 Ne6 e4 Nxg7 exf3 Rxf6 Rg2+ Kxf3 51...Rc2+ (0:17) 52.Kh3 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-1.05 time=7.91 node=75355 speed=9526 pv=e5 Ne6 Ne8 Nf8+ Kc7 Ra8 Rc3 Rxe8 Rxf3+ Kg2 e4 Ne6+ Kd6 52...e5 (0:08) 53.Ne6 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-0.96 time=15.10 node=137994 speed=9138 pv=Rc3 Kg2 e4 Bd1 Nd5 Ba4+ Ke7 Nxg7 Nf4+ Kf1 Rf3+ Ke1 Re3+ Kd2 Rd3+ Kc2 53...Rc3 (0:15) 54.Kg2 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-0.96 time=38.24 node=340013 speed=8891 pv=e4 Bd1 Nd5 Ba4+ Ke7 Nxg7 Nf4+ Kf1 Rf3+ Ke1 Re3+ Kd2 Rd3+ Kc2 54...e4 (0:38) 55.Be2 (0:06)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=8 score=-1.19 time=5.76 node=50835 speed=8825 pv=Rc2 Kf1 Ng4 Nxg7 Rc1+ Kg2 Rc2 Nxf5 Ne3+ Nxe3 Rxe2+ Kg3 55...Rc2 (0:06) 56.Kf1 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-1.48 time=14.12 node=125274 speed=8872 pv=Nd5 Nxg7 Ne3+ Ke1 f4 Ra7+ Kd6 h6 f3 Ne8+ Ke5 Re7+ Kd4 56...Nd5 (0:14) 57.Nd4 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-1.79 time=11.54 node=103823 speed=8996 pv=Rc1+ Kf2 Ne7 Ne6 Nd5 Nxg7 f4 Bb5+ Kc8 h6 57...Rc1+ (0:12) 58.Kf2 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=8 score=-1.69 time=8.06 node=73632 speed=9135 pv=f4 Rg6 Rh1 Bg4+ Kc7 Rxg7+ Kd6 Kg2 Rc1 h6 58...f4 (0:08) 59.Bg4+ (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=8 score=-1.60 time=11.94 node=101137 speed=8470 pv=Kc7 Rg6 Rb1 Rxg7+ Kb6 h6 Rh1 Nf5 Nf6 Be2 59...Kc7 (0:12) 60.Bf5 (0:09)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=7 score=-0.42 time=5.53 node=46529 speed=8413 pv=e3+ Ke2 Rh1 Rc6+ Kb8 h6 gxh6 Kf3 60...e3+ (0:06) 61.Kg2 (0:15)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-1.06 time=19.79 node=178546 speed=9022 pv=Nf6 h6 e2 Nxe2 f3+ Kxf3 Rf1+ Kg2 Rxf5 Ra7+ Kd6 Rxg7 61...Nf6 (0:20) 62.Bg6 (0:06)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=7 score=-1.17 time=8.01 node=65374 speed=8161 pv=Kb7 Ra4 Re1 Ne6 Re2+ Kh3 f3 Nxg7 62...Kb7 (0:08) 63.Ra5 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=8 score=-1.17 time=7.68 node=66476 speed=8655 pv=Rd1 Ne2 Kb6 Re5 Nd5 Be4 Rd2 Rxd5 63...Rd1 (0:08) 64.Ne2 (0:19)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-2.25 time=17.44 node=174263 speed=9992 pv=Kb6 Re5 Nd5 Be4 Nf6 Nxf4 Rd2+ Kf3 Rf2+ Kg3 Kc7 Bd5 64...Kb6 (0:18) 65.Re5 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-2.60 time=12.14 node=128468 speed=10582 pv=Nd5 Be4 Nf6 Nxf4 Rd4 Nd5+ Nxd5 Bxd5 Rd2+ Kf3 Kc5 65...Nd5 (0:12) 66.Be4 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-3.71 time=18.61 node=190588 speed=10241 pv=Kc5 Kf3 Rd2 Bxd5 Rxd5 Rxd5+ Kxd5 Kxf4 Kc4 Kxe3 66...Kc5 (0:19) 67.Nxf4 (0:40)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-2.89 time=5.70 node=60038 speed=10532 pv=Rd2+ Kg3 Kd4 Re6 Nc3 Bf3 Ra2 Re7 Rf2 Rxg7 67...Rd2+ (0:06) 68.Kg3 (0:02)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-3.62 time=4.46 node=47803 speed=10718 pv=Kd4 Re6 Nc3 Bf3 Rb2 Ng2 Nd5 Rd6 Rb5 68...Kd4 (0:05) 69.Re6 (0:07)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-3.85 time=8.27 node=81942 speed=9908 pv=Nb4 Bf3 Nc2 Re7 Kc5 Rxg7 Nd4 Rg5+ Kd6 h6 69...Nb4 (0:09) 70.Bg6 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-3.90 time=4.78 node=55694 speed=11651 pv=Nc2 Rd6+ Kc3 Rc6+ Kb2 Re6 Kc3 Bxc2 Rxc2 Kf3 Kd4 Rd6+ Ke5 70...Nc2 (0:05) 71.Re7 (0:04)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=7 score=-4.94 time=4.63 node=49881 speed=10773 pv=Kc4 Rxg7 Nd4 Re7 e2 Kf2 Kc5 71...Kc4 (0:05) 72.Bxc2 (0:08)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-5.99 time=9.79 node=102730 speed=10493 pv=Rxc2 Rc7+ Kb3 Rxg7 Rc8 Re7 Kc4 Rxe3 Kd4 Kf3 Rc6 Ne6+ Kd5 72...Rxc2 (0:10) 73.Rc7+ (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-6.01 time=8.29 node=87721 speed=10581 pv=Kb3 Rxg7 Rc6 Kf3 e2 Kxe2 Rf6 Ke3 Kc4 Rc7+ Kb5 73...Kb3 (0:09) 74.Rb7+ (0:02)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=8 score=-5.42 time=4.49 node=48299 speed=10757 pv=Kc3 Rxg7 Kd4 Rd7+ Ke4 Re7+ Kd4 h6 Rc6 Rd7+ Ke5 h7 74...Kc3 (0:05) 75.Rxg7 (0:06)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-5.97 time=4.81 node=49572 speed=10306 pv=Ra2 Kf3 Kd4 Rd7+ Kc4 Kxe3 Ra6 Ke4 Kb5 Kd4 Rb6 75...Ra2 (0:05) 76.h6 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=8 score=-6.24 time=4.27 node=44156 speed=10340 pv=Ra8 Re7 Kd4 h7 Rc8 Kf3 Ra8 Re4+ Kc5 Re5+ Kc4 76...Ra8 (0:05) 77.h7 (0:01)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=9 score=-6.64 time=5.90 node=61405 speed=10407 pv=Rh8 Kf3 Kb4 Kxe3 Kc5 Kf3 Kc6 Ke4 Re8+ Kf5 Rf8+ Ke5 77...Rh8 (0:06) 78.Ng6 (0:05)
Chumby(2287) whispers: depth=10 score=-9.83 time=9.00 node=110956 speed=12328 pv=e2 Kf2 Ra8 h8=Q Rxh8 Nxh8 e1=R Kxe1 Kd4 Rd7+ Ke5 Ke2 Chumby resigns 1-0
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