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wilkbardzozly(1756) vs. albertaszi(1738) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-05-20

1.e4 (0:00)
BethanyGrace(1661) whispers: Go Albertas!
Nitreb(1472) whispers: Go wilk!
BethanyGrace(1661) whispers: Hi Nitreb! :)
1...c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:05)
BethanyGrace(1661) whispers: seems you're cheering for all the wrong people today... ;) jk
2...d6 (0:12)
Nitreb(1472) whispers: ;)
3.d4 (0:22) cxd4 (0:05) 4.Nxd4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:11) 5.Nc3 (0:05) e6 (0:06)
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: i was a little ill yesterday hope i manage this game
6.Be2 (0:29) Be7 (0:13)
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: fortunately need draw probably
7.Be3 (0:24) O-O (1:11) 8.O-O (0:06) d5 (1:29)
Boobyslegacy(2072) whispers: d5 at this early stage can' be good
Boobyslegacy(2072) whispers: unless albertaszi found a new way to liven up the sceveningen
Nitreb(1472) whispers: What would be the plan for W here? e4-f4-g4?
Nitreb(1472) whispers: *e5
Boobyslegacy(2072) whispers: yes, that's the genral plan
Boobyslegacy(2072) whispers: kingside attack
Boobyslegacy(2072) whispers: black in the sicilian usually strives to free his game with the move d5 later, but i can't believe that this early it can be good
Boobyslegacy(2072) whispers: both e5 gaining space and exd5 playing against the IQP should be good for white
9.exd5 (6:28) Nxd5 (0:21) WilkBardzoZly offers a draw. 10.Nxd5 (0:24)
Boobyslegacy(2072) whispers: if qxd5 bf3 and white has a nice position
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Bf3 c3 Qb3 Rad1 Re1white are solid albertaszi declines the draw request.
10...Qxd5 (2:06)
Nitreb(1472) whispers: The fight goes on ;)
11.Bf3 (0:47)
Boobyslegacy(2072) whispers: luckily
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: 11 Nb5 i dont consider Bf3 too fast
Exray(1525) whispers: Hi evryone
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: Hi Exray and congrats
Exray(1525) whispers: Thx
Exray(1525) whispers: look little bit better for white at this stage
11...Qc4 (8:13)
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: white does have better development
Exray(1525) whispers: seem that this move will initiate a queen hunt?
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: could be...but I don't think it's possible to trap her...chasing her might slow down black's development more though
Exray(1525) whispers: yes this what I think white could use this to have good development
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: b3 ? c3 ?
Exray(1525) whispers: like like b3 on Qc3 Nb5 and c4
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: I think if b3 black q probably should go home
12.c3 (6:11)
Exray(1525) whispers: go go Wilk
Exray(1525) whispers: Qc2 follow with Be4
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: go albertaszi, go! :) development needed now :)
12...Nd7 (6:21)
Exray(1525) whispers: Qc2
Exray(1525) whispers: and what's about a weird plan a4 follow by a5 and Ra4 after the push of the b and the c pawn
13.Be2 (6:45)
Exray(1525) whispers: but it's seem slow and very risky
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Be2 Qd5 Nb5 looks ok
Exray(1525) whispers: yes this good a7 seem weak
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: My guess is Qc7
Exray(1525) whispers: only move Qd5
Exray(1525) whispers: no Qc7 lose the a pawn no ?
13...Qc7 (3:00)
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: I don't think so since it's protected by rook
Exray(1525) whispers: beginning with Nb5
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: Nb5 does make Q run again...
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: Qd5 just bad practice
14.Nb5 (1:22)
Exray(1525) whispers: yes you have Qb8 to defend the pawn
14...Qb8 (0:55)
Exray(1525) whispers: but what a passive position
Exray(1525) whispers: on QQd5 you can follow with a6
Nitreb(1472) whispers: W is loosing time - should finish development and try to control the 2 open files
Exray(1525) whispers: now Qd2 with the threat of Bf4
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: i see Qd2 to prep for Bf4 maybe
Nitreb(1472) whispers: Go wilk!
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: sorry thats blitz move
Exray(1525) whispers: you're right
Exray(1525) whispers: I'm blitzing a bit now
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: anyway black looking awkward already
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: true
15.Nd4 (4:19)
Exray(1525) whispers: but now white need to control the d file
Exray(1525) whispers: to me this move lose a bit time
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: I'm thinking Nb6 or probably better Nf6 for black
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: also i been away from chess for a few weeks
15...Nb6 (2:27)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: much easier to see thins as an observer... relaxed ... a couple of beers nearby...
Exray(1525) whispers: yes Dodge it's more easy but to me after the game when you go see what people say during your could help a bit
Exray(1525) whispers: during your game I wana say
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: i trying to forget yesterday's game- otherwize i kill myself
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: hahahahahha
Exray(1525) whispers: so like here for me the plan for white seem obvious attack the king and at the same time treathning a and b pawn so now how to execute the plan
Nitreb(1472) whispers: Go wilk
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: well the plan is always to attack the king...
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: have to go work...hope Albertas comes out of this well :)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: :)
Exray(1525) whispers: ok bye
Nitreb(1472) whispers: See you BG
Exray(1525) whispers: so what about Qd3
16.Qb3 (9:25)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: dunno bout that
Nitreb(1472) whispers: Have to go too - Go Wilk! Bring the bacon home!
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: prob felt he needed to move his queen... then looked at the clock ...then decided ( where he was at the time) that that is what it gonna be
Exray(1525) whispers: to my eye it's seem that the black King here have not that much protection so I think the need to go on that side with the Black N on b6
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: eh 10 minutes probably for stupid move
Exray(1525) whispers: not stupid Wilk only a bit confuse
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: heheheh
16...Bd7 (3:58)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: i feel for wilk cos the damn clock -
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: i mean the queen had 4 realistic squares to choose from
Exray(1525) whispers: yes he maybe begin to stress a bit with this
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: it not bad on b3 ...
Exray(1525) whispers: Qb3 I really don't like this move more I see more I question this move
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: but now ba3 (blitz move)
17.Qc2 (4:28)
Exray(1525) whispers: it's only that I feel that yes Qc2 was better
Exray(1525) whispers: so now Qe4 Bd3 with an attack on the king
17...Rd8 (2:28) 18.Bd3 (0:19)
Exray(1525) whispers: h6
18...h6 (0:33)
Exray(1525) whispers: but now at least black react to your move go Wilk
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: good for white to blitz a bit her
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: * here just for clock
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: get his opp to think a while
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: and use his clock
Exray(1525) whispers: does we can sacrifice the black square bishop on h6 ?
Exray(1525) whispers: not like this but with the idea to bring the queen
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: ?
Exray(1525) whispers: begining with Nf3
Exray(1525) whispers: Qd2
Exray(1525) whispers: and sake the Bishop
Exray(1525) whispers: wow the clock run fast
19.c4 (4:22)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: well whites Q and B are back to front unless it for potential B for 2 king pawns
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: which by the way I would do...
19...Bf6 (1:24)
Exray(1525) whispers: wow wilk looking for move ?
20.Rad1 (0:12)
Exray(1525) whispers: Black come out of the bad position slowly
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: definitely i prefer tactic play not positional play
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: easier calc concrete lines for me
Exray(1525) whispers: go wilk
Exray(1525) whispers: so now the best plan for white is to go for end game but the clock will have a fate effect on the issue
Exray(1525) whispers: but dodge look at the clock of both player
20...Be8 (5:36)
Exray(1525) whispers: It's seem that we gonna have a blitz soon
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: hahahha don't panic bro
Exray(1525) whispers: go wilk b3
Exray(1525) whispers: wow b3 is a mistake
Exray(1525) whispers: no you have bishop + and take back the rook
Exray(1525) whispers: so b3
21.Bh7+ (3:46)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: maybe he been saving that check..
21...Kh8 (1:10) 22.Be4 (0:03)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: also for clock
Exray(1525) whispers: yes
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: cos blck thinking.. well why didn't he just Be4 in the first place...
Exray(1525) whispers: now albert need to take time on the clock in order to have a blitx :)
22...Qc7 (3:13) 23.b3 (0:34)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: easy choice
Exray(1525) whispers: he need to secure c4
Exray(1525) whispers: and give the clock to the opponent
Exray(1525) whispers: and now white can play Qc1 in order to sake the bishop or to provoke more weaknesses on the blavk king
23...a6 (2:55)
Exray(1525) whispers: ok see that Nf3 Rfd1 Bf4 Re3 and sake the B on h6
24.Qe2 (1:43)
Exray(1525) whispers: ok I'm a bit enthusiac
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: look at the 2 horsies
Exray(1525) whispers: ok tell me more
Boobyslegacy(2070) whispers: white's idea is to play bb1 +qc2
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: i'm a dreamer...?
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: hahahahah
Exray(1525) whispers: it's seem the White one is better then the Black one
24...Qe5 (3:12)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: well these are da things to look at
Boobyslegacy(2070) whispers: ouch
Exray(1525) whispers: wow
Exray(1525) whispers: B x b7
Boobyslegacy(2070) whispers: freepawn!
Exray(1525) whispers: it's seem
Boobyslegacy(2070) whispers: Black pawn down
25.Qf3 (1:31)
Exray(1525) whispers: ah withe don't like pawn
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: so white must also be surprises
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: sorry type too slow
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: but i already see he not panic
Boobyslegacy(2070) whispers: white feared bxb7 rxd4 maybe
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: that cos he got advantage now
Exray(1525) whispers: yes maybe but the B x R close the game
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: i will even say now.. well done wilk!
Exray(1525) whispers: sorry the opposite R x R
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: b7 is dead
Exray(1525) whispers: but black will lose a pawn
Exray(1525) whispers: the clock begin to push the decision ..
25...Qc7 (4:04)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: cos u must remember it a rook and a queen attack lowly horse
Exray(1525) whispers: take the pawn
albertaszi(1738) whispers: A mistake of mine.
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: so they both made incorrect queen moves in this game
Exray(1525) whispers: yes
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: luckily for white it was later when it was warmer
Exray(1525) whispers: I'm eager to see the finish...
Exray(1525) whispers: there is a + for white but time pressure will come soon
Exray(1525) whispers: take the b pawn Wilk
26.Bxb7 (3:08)
Exray(1525) whispers: yes down the tube
26...Rab8 (0:39)
Exray(1525) whispers: now the a pawn
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: yep
27.Be4 (1:30) Rd6 (1:13)
Exray(1525) whispers: ok I'm back
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: c5?
Exray(1525) whispers: ok the a pawn still alive
28.c5 (1:54)
Exray(1525) whispers: yes a good move
28...Qxc5 (0:47)
Exray(1525) whispers: it's gonna be blitz in 2 or 3 move
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: wow
Exray(1525) whispers: N f5
29.Nf5 (1:00)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: double
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: geh?
Exray(1525) whispers: black will have lost material on this
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: Nxe5 was double
29...Rxd1 (1:21) 30.Bxc5 (0:13) Rxf1+ (0:28) 31.Kxf1 (0:13)
DodgeBrother(1658) whispers: *e6
31...exf5 (0:29)
Exray(1525) whispers: wow
Exray(1525) whispers: go wilk
32.Qxf5 (0:15)
Exray(1525) whispers: g6 forced
Exray(1525) whispers: white get the full point here
Exray(1525) whispers: does Black resing here ?
Exray(1525) whispers: on Bb5+ Kg1 and the mate is inivitable
albertaszi(1738) whispers: Before 24. ... Qe5 black seemed to be doing quite fine. Alas, all collapsed in one move.
Exray(1525) whispers: yes ...bad move Albert
Exray(1525) whispers: but I agree you miss your chance
Boobyslegacy(2070) whispers: ..rd6 was the mistake
Exray(1525) whispers: yes
albertaszi resigns 1-0


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