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albertaszi(1751) vs. lno(1869) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-01-31

12.Qd2 (5:18) 12...Ng8 (0:18) 13.Na3 (3:33)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Na3 just weakens pawn structure or am I wrong?
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: no, guess black needs to protect dark squares so bishop cannot be swapped
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Maybe I would not give my bishop
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: a6 is logical counter, although Nc2 comes next
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Be6 if Kn b5 then B f8?
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: need not play a6 before Kn e7 block the for the B
13...Be6 (4:16)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: That s it!
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Seems he keeps cool
Miltie(1811) whispers: white as two knights on the side of the board
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: he also has better time!
Miltie(1811) whispers: bxn weakens white pawn formation but that knight will scramble probably
14.Nb5 (4:16)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: keep the B
Miltie(1811) whispers: yes put it on e7 attacking the h knight
Miltie(1811) whispers: then play a6
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Knc should have e7
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: then play c6
14...Bf8 (2:08)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: That s it!
Miltie(1811) whispers: even better
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: I guess he is stocking up Psychological advantage
Miltie(1811) whispers: lol
OldRaptor(1910) whispers: should look at kicking the N with a6 almost no matter what white plays
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: It depends on haw flexible white is
Bombassa(1970) whispers: if only re8 could get back to h8
Miltie(1811) whispers: as OldRaptor would say that's wasted tempo for white
anandkvs(2015) whispers: black is a bit passive, perhaps exchange a few pieces to ease the tension
evilcoyote(2103) whispers: I want to play Bf4
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Qd7 Kn e7 and Bf5?
15.Bf4 (3:39)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Bf
15...Rc8 (0:20)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Bf4 forces Rc8?
OldRaptor(1910) whispers: might have looked at Re2
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: is g5 something?
OldRaptor(1910) whispers: no what he played was correct
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: His time gets even better
Miltie(1811) whispers: and white has some issues here as well
Miltie(1811) whispers: white may have missed opportunity to push the f pawn
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Kn h4 must return?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: at the moment, g5 is met by Bxc7
anandkvs(2015) whispers: but a6 next move forces Nxc7
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Good trade?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: no, I don't think so
Miltie(1811) whispers: for who?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: for white
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Oh I thought so
OldRaptor(1910) whispers: 2 pieces for a R&p certainly
Miltie(1811) whispers: good for black you mean?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: 2pieces are generally stronger than R + p
OldRaptor(1910) whispers: yes and yes
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Hopefully that s what he is contemplating
evilcoyote(2103) whispers: this particular position the two minors would be better than the rook.
OldRaptor(1910) whispers: but that won't happen, because he should Kick the N first
anandkvs(2015) whispers: well, black is threatening a6 and if N retreats, g5
OldRaptor(1910) whispers: well still happen, but the g pawn stays put
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: so why is he thinking?
Bombassa(1970) whispers: he needs a plan perhaps
16.Nf3 (9:45)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: his time really shrinks
anandkvs(2015) whispers: black's king knight and king-bishop are funnily placed but black is fine
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Now a6
Miltie(1811) whispers: modern version of the rope a dope
anandkvs(2015) whispers: I would play a6 and Bg4
anandkvs(2015) whispers: trade a few pieces to ease the cramp
16...a6 (1:27)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Nice
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: and hope for...
17.Na3 (0:39)
Miltie(1811) whispers: thus the wasted tempo
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: No
Miltie(1811) whispers: well defended by LNO
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: yes he wated a tempo
anandkvs(2015) whispers: Qd7 and Bf5 is also a possibility
anandkvs(2015) whispers: well not yet, since c7 is hanging
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: I would rather play black now
17...Qd7 (2:22)
Miltie(1811) whispers: and the first quenn move of the match for black
18.Re2 (1:13)
anandkvs(2015) whispers: Bg4 now is possible
milpat(1946) whispers: yea
Miltie(1811) whispers: yes
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Maybe Bxa3 could come into consideration in due time?
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Bg4!
Miltie(1811) whispers: black is set to take the offensive
milpat(1946) whispers: i would not liberate that Na3 from its miserable life
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Hope he keeps cool
Miltie(1811) whispers: good point
milpat(1946) whispers: what on Bg4?
milpat(1946) whispers: how u avoid Bxf3 gx?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: well one way is Rxe8 and Be2
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Then Bf5?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: Qe6 maybe
Miltie(1811) whispers: yes on bg4 and yes on not relieving the knight on a3 from its position
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: I would say knight on c6 is a bit misplaced although there isn't an evident path to activation
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: If the knigt hangs on the possibility should be considered
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: But not now
18...Nd8 (7:37)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Nd8-f7 is maybe only way but it's a bit slow
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: is he frreeing c-pawn?
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: that along with fact that it gets c pawn out of bishop's sights and that knight was attacking and defending no useful squares as f6 pawn covers e5 and d4 is as solid as a rock
milpat(1946) whispers: c5 will shake up taht center
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: black currently isn't developed enough to open up centre
Miltie(1811) whispers: knight heading for f7
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Maybe the kn could go to e6?
19.Rae1 (2:45)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: e6 looks a better square, although Bf7 might leave white in control of e file
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Bg4?
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: drops a rook
milpat(1946) whispers: Bg4 Rxe8
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: yes of course
19...Nf7 (1:36)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: well it could go to d6
20.Nc2 (0:43)
Miltie(1811) whispers: good demonstration of patience required to play chess at this level
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: agree
20...Nd6 (2:00)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: nice!
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Actually I'd say it's reverse and it's more a demonstration of principle that when you have advantage you have to attack or your advantage will evaporate
Miltie(1811) whispers: yes from white's perspective definitely
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: you mean whies advantage is gonwe?
anandkvs(2015) whispers: I do not think white had much of an advantage
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: From 10. Nh4 onwards all of white's moves have been largely pointless
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: remember.. a draw for black is a good result for our team... so LNO can afford to be conservative
anandkvs(2015) whispers: a bit more space for white, but space in itself is nothing much
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: yes
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: and of course... pounce on any mistake
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: having provoked g6 weakness correct way to play it is to try to get something like h5 in and prise it open. Instead he's lost too many tempi and I think black is now ok
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: I think LNO will probably win as I think white lacks a plan so hopefully rating gap should tell
21.h4 (3:33)
anandkvs(2015) whispers: Bg4 still possible
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Bg4 is move here covering h5, right plan but far too late
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: lno is higher rated now than i was on tuesday (smile)
Miltie(1811) whispers: even more so now since queen can follow attack bxn
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: unsure since Bxd6 undefends rook
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: i think LNO is in a position to pin the N and trade a lot of material should he want to
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: if the black queen stays put Bx d6 is good for black
21...Nc4 (3:57)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: white attack isn't a threat after Bg4 and if anything black has better pawn structure, Nc4 feels bad
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: i thought the same KRMCHESS, we will see
22.Bxc4 (0:56)
Miltie(1811) whispers: he's trying to get rid of the white bishop
22...dxc4 (0:03)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: 22. Bxc4 pxc4 22. Ne3 and Bg4 is impossible and d5 is nasty threat
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: well, black wins the mini exchange
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: d5 now is crushing
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: bf5-d3?
23.Ne3 (1:35)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: bd5 Knxb rxr
23...Bf7 (1:32)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: i think just retreat the w B and take command of the e file
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: like that
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: b5
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: position feels equal again, it's a shame he missed Bg4 on move 21 but I think he should be ok for draw
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: b5 isn't essential as bishop covers c4 but does leave c5 weak
24.Qc2 (2:09)
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: but d5 interferes
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: same idea now... with the R on the efile
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: god.. efile makes me think of taxes... lol
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: c6 might be better if d5 is worry
Miltie(1811) whispers: white trying targeting c4 pawn
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: yes
24...c6 (1:34)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: strange..
Miltie(1811) whispers: Bd6 soon to attack white's bishop
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: well yes, but better before the pawn push
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: bishop is good on f8 as e8 to e6 is controlled by bishop pair
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: i would have looked for c5 at some point, using only one tempo, not 2
25.Nd2 (2:29)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: it's tempting but problem is that I think c5 is met by d5 so onless you can effectively blockade d5 it's not good
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: perhaps he is looking toward the endgame and getting his ps one white squares
25...b5 (0:27)
Miltie(1811) whispers: exactly
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: if you look at position e file is well controlled and d5 break is well restrained so white's attack shouldn't be too dangerous. Omitting c6 is risky imo even if it gains a tempo
26.b4 (2:13)
Miltie(1811) whispers: white getting into time constraints now
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: not sure how to evaluate this now, but at the moment black should be better in the endgame
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: b4 was unexpected and feels dodgy
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: xe.p.
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: seems safe, crafty prefers axb3 in response although I assumed Nxb3 trying to get to a5/c5 is main plan
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: keep open for the bishops?
26...Re7 (2:28) 27.Ne4 (0:25)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: black seems drifting all of a sudden
milpat(1946) whispers: N heading to c5 looks nice
Miltie(1811) whispers: and black's knight is out of play for the momment
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Re7 wasn't good, now knight ends up on c5/d6 and black has to sac bishop for me
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: for knight at least
Miltie(1811) whispers: yep
27...Rce8 (2:47)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: double R's
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: like that
28.Nc5 (0:21)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Nd6 was stronger imo
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: although Qa7 isn't exactly desirable for black
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: although at least a5 is easy to play
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: i like Qc8 i think... or maybe Qd8
evilcoyote(2103) whispers: maybe Nd6 Rxe3?
evilcoyote(2103) whispers: oh Nxe8+
evilcoyote(2103) whispers: doesn't work
28...Qd8 (2:23)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: well a6 pawn is getting targetted and personally I prefer to have queen 2 squares diagonally from knight
29.Nxa6 (0:26)
milpat(1946) whispers: i thought h5
evilcoyote(2103) whispers: that would be two pieces lol I should analyze
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Qa7 I think dropped exchange to Bd6 so black was in trouble either way
BethanyGrace(1690) whispers: Go Albertas!
29...Re4 (1:17)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: oh! unexpected
Jammes(1905) whispers: nf5!?
30.Bg3 (0:38)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Bg3 neutralises it, although time trouble might get something
Jammes(1905) whispers: thought that was winning
Jammes(1905) whispers: nf5
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: f5-f4?
Jammes(1905) whispers: argh
Jammes(1905) whispers: yes
Jammes(1905) whispers: its covering the bishop
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Ne5+ refutes
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: *Be5+
30...f5 (0:37)
Jammes(1905) whispers: the rook
31.Nf1 (0:37)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: activate N
31...Nf6 (0:37)
Miltie(1811) whispers: yes
32.Nc5 (0:43) Bxc5 (0:41) 33.bxc5 (0:04) Bd5 (0:51) 34.Be5 (0:29)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: Kg7??
milpat(1946) whispers: Rxe2 Qx
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: f7 i mean
milpat(1946) whispers: Ng3 next
34...Kf7 (3:19)
Miltie(1811) whispers: and black's king enters the battle
35.Bg3 (1:45)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: time might be a factor for white, LNO is a speed player, sor 45 sec inc is plenty for him
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: f4?
Miltie(1811) whispers: Nh5?
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: f4 Bh2 f3
35...Rxe2 (2:21) 36.Rxe2 (0:10)
milpat(1946) whispers: Bd3 will be like well planted
Miltie(1811) whispers: Ne4
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: b:s of differnt colours means tricky play
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: Be4-d3 followed by Nd5
36...Rxe2 (2:25) 37.Qxe2 (0:04) Ne4 (0:08)
Miltie(1811) whispers: even better
milpat(1946) whispers: Qa5 should get a pawn
Miltie(1811) whispers: yes
JasSch(2105) whispers: Yea. Instead of the double tap on e2, 35....f4 and 36....f3 would've been nice. Exposes all sorts of kingside weaknesses
milpat(1946) whispers: would look equal if white N was on e5
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: blacks king needs circumspection
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: well black is a pawn down although c3 is weak
PawnPawn(1783) whispers: would look equal if White's N were anywhere else but f1 ;)
milpat(1946) whispers: :)
Miltie(1811) whispers: that's the same knight that came from a3
milpat(1946) whispers: lol
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: Whites dsb could be nasty to him
milpat(1946) whispers: quite a career, transit twice via a3 and now on f1
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Qa5 could be strong
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: opposite Bs, so still drawish possibilities for both sides albertaszi offers a draw.
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: take draw is my opinion
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: lol, he must have read my notes
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: but white should make a move
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: lno will decline
38.Qc2 (5:25)
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: Qa5 is better for black
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: now Qa5 LNO declines the draw request.
38...Qa5 (0:32)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: the draw offer was time pressure i
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: i'm sure
39.Bf4 (1:00)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: black should take with Q and get them off the board
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: time pressure must be affecting his moves, Qe3 was stronger than Qc2 but hard to see
gubbengraa(1858) whispers: whites queen should go for dark squares around the black king
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: yeah, game has swung in black's favour although I have no idea how or why :P
JasSch(2105) whispers: Queen takes. The endgame is almost winning....
39...Qxc3 (0:29)
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: forking the a & d pawn (with K check)
JasSch(2105) whispers: As the a pawn also falls
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: forking pawn and e2
Mekk(1865) whispers: Hello everybody. Looks rather nice...
PawnPawn(1783) whispers: if i were white, i would have been all over those dark squares ages ago, a la , dark vs. light squares in Stean's book Simple Chess
KRMCHESS(1913) whispers: bishop is better than d pawn
OldRaptor(1903) whispers: or better forking a pawn & B with K check
BethanyGrace(1690) whispers: oh my
albertaszi forfeits on time 0-1


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