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thatgirl(1764) vs. stefanger(1773) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-09-12

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:42)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Hmmmm is she really studying the veresov attack?
2...Bf5 (2:45)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: It's pretty fun if you follow the theory.:-) I have thought about looking into it as an alternate for shits and giggles.
3.Bg5 (0:27) h6 (1:59) 4.Bh4 (0:07) Qd7 (2:43)
thatgirl(1764) whispers: as usual i begin a team league in a wierd manner
5.f3 (0:22)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Well like I said.. in case you read your whisper file. Veresov is DANGEROUS in the right hands.
5...e6 (1:51) 6.e4 (0:36)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: It's kind of like the Trompowsky Attacks direct cousin..
thatgirl(1764) whispers: damn whats the spelling of weird
6...Bg6 (3:40)
Myob(1672) whispers: w e i r d
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Spelling doesn't matter it's usage.:-) Watch..
7.Nh3 (2:37)
thatgirl(1764) whispers: i am playing fischerandom chess duh
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Sllepnig deons't mttear i'ts uasge. :-)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: If you keep the first and last letters in the same place, you can mix up the middle and still say the same thing and people would/can understand.
7...Bb4 (3:39)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Here is where I got it incase you read your comment file.. HAHAHA http://www.ecenglish.com/learnenglish/lessons/can-you-read
StefanGER(1773) whispers: Hello, sorry I am kinda tired so no comments yet. I am not totally convinced that my opening here was/is sound
8.Bd3 (5:12)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Naw you are lost. Resign now.:-P
8...Ne7 (5:18) 9.O-O (4:14) Nbc6 (6:06)
Mahog(1801) whispers: I like Bxe7
10.Nf4 (4:32)
Mahog(1801) whispers: followed by exd5
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I think theory suggests Bf2.
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok - I've heard of that - theory
Kisch(1535) whispers: Nxd4
Takhisis(2069) whispers: You have?
Mahog(1801) whispers: is why i liked Bxe7
Mahog(1801) whispers: Nxe7 stops d4 threat
Mahog(1801) whispers: and or Qxe7 exd
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Well I think the bishop is really important in this.
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok
Takhisis(2069) whispers: The potential for the position opening is high. I am not knocking the suggestion though.
Mahog(1801) whispers: and now Nxd4?
Mahog(1801) whispers: thx
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Probably.. Nf4 is probably too ambitous.
Mahog(1801) whispers: mmmmmm
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Or dxe4 with Qxd4+
Mahog(1801) whispers: yeh
Mahog(1801) whispers: Black seems to have the tricks
10...O-O-O (4:41)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: The question is if he sees it.:-) Which seems likeno.
Mahog(1801) whispers: right
tjradd(2108) whispers: don't love this
Mahog(1801) whispers: I dont like this 0-0-0
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Now Nxg6 and Bf2 is good for white.
Mahog(1801) whispers: Nxg6 dissolves a good Nf4?
Mahog(1801) whispers: what about a3?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Oh to open the b file? Maybe.
Mahog(1801) whispers: start a pawn storm yeh*
Takhisis(2069) whispers: But still Nxg6 is probably called for.
Mahog(1801) whispers: or open b
Mahog(1801) whispers: either way c3 is good
Takhisis(2069) whispers: If she doesn't play Nxg6 then why sac the pawn in the first place.
Mahog(1801) whispers: think Nxg6 would be detrimental
Mahog(1801) whispers: better stuff to do
Takhisis(2069) whispers: For black?:-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: no
Mahog(1801) whispers: imo
Mahog(1801) whispers: exd5 not so bad either
Mahog(1801) whispers: Ne7 pinned
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Hmmm.. Dunno Nxg6 gets rid of the bishop, and it might actually stop or deter dxe4.
Mahog(1801) whispers: even tho white B is dull?
tjradd(2108) whispers: what happens here on ed5
Mahog(1801) whispers: Ne7 pinned ofc
Mahog(1801) whispers: to rook
StefanGER(1773) whispers: probably quite easy to make O-O-O look stupid :/
tjradd(2108) whispers: ed5 Bd3? dc6
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Hmmm
Kisch(1535) whispers: Na4 - c3?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I think it should be a candidate move.
Mahog(1801) whispers: exd5 Bxd3 Qxd3?
tjradd(2108) whispers: I think dc6 just wins immediately
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Honestly I think most of the suggestions should be a good candidate move.
Mahog(1801) whispers: yeh
Mahog(1801) whispers: true
milpat(1878) whispers: Nxg6 1st?
Mahog(1801) whispers: but why pat?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Ya I would put Nxg6 first and exd5 second.
Mahog(1801) whispers: hehehe
tjradd(2108) whispers: I don't like either hmm
Mahog(1801) whispers: a3
milpat(1878) whispers: arent N born to kill bishops?
11.Bb5 (6:50)
milpat(1878) whispers: :)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I like a3 a lot too.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Bb5 I don't like.:-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: 3 good suggestions ignored by white
tjradd(2108) whispers: can black win a pawn with pxp
Mahog(1801) whispers: a6 gives Black's dark B an escape hole
Takhisis(2069) whispers: He could a few moves ago too.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: since he missed it last time, he has a higher chance of missing it again.
tjradd(2108) whispers: threat is? BxNc6 to weaken pawns?
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok yeh maybe
Takhisis(2069) whispers: But it doesn't weaken pawns.. The Q can take safely.
Mahog(1801) whispers: then Bxe7
Mahog(1801) whispers: ah Bxe7 again
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Bishop at the moment is guarding.
Mahog(1801) whispers: sorry
tjradd(2108) whispers: just not sure that I love the resulting structure (a3 Bc3 bc3)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I guess there could be a possibility of tricking black into a3 Ba5 and then Bxc6.:-P
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Well that has to favor white right?
Mahog(1801) whispers: u'd think
11...Bh7 (3:35)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: a6 probably was best.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Probably proves the bishop move was terrible.
Mahog(1801) whispers: bit precious with the Bat h7
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I do like the bishop now.
Mahog(1801) whispers: at h7?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: See Nxg6 was good.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Ya.. It's not like it's biting on granite you know. It is doing something.
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok
Mahog(1801) whispers: white may show us what we're missing now
Takhisis(2069) whispers: There is a threat of g5 now too.
Mahog(1801) whispers: yeh good call
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Bf2 maybe.
Mahog(1801) whispers: game over if White misses the g5 threat
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I don't think so.. She is pretty good tactically. But she misses basic positional themes..
Mahog(1801) whispers: she plays great
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Makes her dangerous if the person doesn't calculate well.:-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: right - like me when she beat the pants off me
Mahog(1801) whispers: so could just Bxe7 or Bf2?
tjradd(2108) whispers: Bf2 doesn't have much future
Mahog(1801) whispers: or Nd3?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: exd5
Mahog(1801) whispers: yes
Mahog(1801) whispers: looks good
tjradd(2108) whispers: yeah I think ed5 and Bg3 is better
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Bf2 has more future if you maintain the tension.;-) Come on, don't down the move that much.
Mahog(1801) whispers: right
Mahog(1801) whispers: Bf2 seems logical also
Takhisis(2069) whispers: As long as the pawns remain in contact and white doesn't initiate the trade there is still prospects.
Mahog(1801) whispers: exd5 maybe the best
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Tactically sound at least.:-)
Kisch(1535) whispers: go thatgirl go
Mahog(1801) whispers: thatgirl gogo?
tjradd(2108) whispers: my impression is that Bf2 is bad because white has no resolution, he can only wait for black's
Mahog(1801) whispers: big move coming up
tjradd(2108) whispers: it's not neutral or positive tension, it's negative tension
Takhisis(2069) whispers: It's valid. You could say the same about Bxe7.
tjradd(2108) whispers: if black is fine if he never takes e4, then the B/f2 is trash -- that's an expensive use of a bishop
Mahog(1801) whispers: avoiding g5 threat but still not creative or sticking to plan?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I don't think black can really do much without expanding on the QS or taking in the center though.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: So I think you are being a bit unfair to Bf2.
Mahog(1801) whispers: bit sensitive mate on the Bf2 thang?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Naw.
Mahog(1801) whispers: Black plays dxe4 reveals Qxd4+?
Mahog(1801) whispers: wins a pawn as was said above
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I think that is stopped by Bxc6
Takhisis(2069) whispers: But I really do not like Bb5.
Mahog(1801) whispers: me nudder
Mahog(1801) whispers: plus it was a second move for same piece.. after Nf4.....
Mahog(1801) whispers: too elaborate
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Oh yeah.. those guidlines are good to understand.:-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: without beingg elaborate
12.Bxe7 (14:09)
Mahog(1801) whispers: Bxe7 is all good stuff?
tjradd(2108) whispers: I'm sorry - my intent was only to debate, no hostility intended :)
Mahog(1801) whispers: hehehe
Mahog(1801) whispers: we're all chess lovers here
Takhisis(2069) whispers: There shouldn't be hostility in debate tjradd.
Mahog(1801) whispers: no hand to hand combat exactly going on
Takhisis(2069) whispers: But you can't really expect someone to let go of an idea just because someone else has a decent reason. You have to consider maybe that persons reason is just as good as yours. Logically until you can refute it right?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: :-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: right
Mahog(1801) whispers: unless its God who tells u the best move
Mahog(1801) whispers: or Fischer's ghost
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Well 2600 GM's to me are gods.
Mahog(1801) whispers: is there much to consider here? Bxe7 surely?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Well..
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I don't think so.
milpat(1878) whispers: is there other option than BxB?
tjradd(2108) whispers: I never meant to offend you or anyone. I intended to express why I disliked Bf2.
Mahog(1801) whispers: so Qxe7 Bxc6 then?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: He could be in the refridgerator though.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: tjradd, Sir.. Why would you feel like you offended anyone?
12...Qxe7 (4:54)
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok so I was wrrrrrrrr....... Qxe7 huh?
13.Bxc6 (0:24)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: You can't expect to express an opinion without someone possibly expressing a rebuttle. I am just saying maybe you are being unfair.
Mahog(1801) whispers: bxc6 Qd3?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: No..
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok
13...bxc6 (0:29)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Bxc6 and a3.:-)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Or Nd3.
14.e5 (0:11)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Yucky..
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Is e5 any good at all?
Mahog(1801) whispers: saw it and wondered
Mahog(1801) whispers: then really saw it
Mahog(1801) whispers: scared of dxe4?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Seems like it completely ignores the demands of the pawn structure.
Mahog(1801) whispers: wants to keep out both bishops
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Ya... but...
Mahog(1801) whispers: but c5 can come
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Now the bishop on h7 is alive.:-)
milpat(1878) whispers: yea
Mahog(1801) whispers: well can see better - but f5 only square for now
Takhisis(2069) whispers: And now the king can run to d7 maybe if he wants.
Mahog(1801) whispers: yes*
milpat(1878) whispers: she gave a B instead kill a B... might regret later
Takhisis(2069) whispers: It's obvious the thought process.
Mahog(1801) whispers: which is?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: She seems to be looking at "I trade the bishop and place pawns on the color of that bishop"
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Ignores the fact that it creates huge weaknesses.
Mahog(1801) whispers: she traded both Bishops
evilcoyote(2081) whispers: 79 I thought the concept was to place the pawns on the same color as the opposite bishop to cover both complexes of squares
Takhisis(2069) whispers: :-) knights favor closed positions is another way to look at the proccess.
tjradd(2108) whispers: I think black has a great game after c5
Mahog(1801) whispers: which colour she choose for pawns then Black?
tjradd(2108) whispers: little hard for stefanger to talk himself into pushing pawns in front of his king, but
14...c5 (5:10)
Mahog(1801) whispers: good call
tjradd(2108) whispers: nice :)
tjradd(2108) whispers: I thought he'd be hesitant :)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I don't know.. c5 seems natural ..
15.a3 (0:23)
tjradd(2108) whispers: (based on personal knowledge of the player)
Mahog(1801) whispers: cxd4?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Oh..
Takhisis(2069) whispers: No...
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok
15...Bxc3 (0:28) 16.bxc3 (0:04)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Ba5.. the other one would just open too much.
evilcoyote(2081) whispers: 79 maybe just Ba5
Mahog(1801) whispers: k
Takhisis(2069) whispers: and Bxc3 just killed c5's counter play I think.
Mahog(1801) whispers: yeh spose cxd4 Nxd5
16...c4 (0:41) 17.Qb1 (0:07)
tjradd(2108) whispers: I think that tension should definitely have been kept :)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Well even cxd4 axb4 dxc3... would you like the rook looking at your a pawn in that way?:-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: now Black needs to defend
tjradd(2108) whispers: I liked this position lots, Kb8 instead of c4
milpat(1878) whispers: why black open b-file?
tjradd(2108) whispers: but now this closes everything in
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Looking at Qb4?
Mahog(1801) whispers: c4 sukked
Mahog(1801) whispers: Qb5 I thought
tjradd(2108) whispers: is c6 almost forced
Mahog(1801) whispers: and Rb1...
17...Kd7 (1:55)
tjradd(2108) whispers: think this loses a pawn
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Qb5 now?
Mahog(1801) whispers: have to now or never
milpat(1878) whispers: check, why not
Mahog(1801) whispers: after Ke8 King safe
Mahog(1801) whispers: and Nh5 looks ok soon
Mahog(1801) whispers: Qb5+ forces c6?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Qb5 and Qc6 maybe? Try for a mating net? No I guess Bxc2 works.
tjradd(2108) whispers: I like Qb5 and clip c6
Mahog(1801) whispers: c2 loose after Qb5 momentarily
tjradd(2108) whispers: I think Qb5+ Kc8? loses quickly to Qc6 and Rb1 (Bc2 play it anyway)
18.Qb5+ (2:13)
Mahog(1801) whispers: Bh7 looks dull to me
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Oh you can sac the exchange for the attack you think?
tjradd(2108) whispers: eh sure :p
tjradd(2108) whispers: white would have at least a perp?
Mahog(1801) whispers: c6 now
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Maybe...
18...c6 (1:17)
Mahog(1801) whispers: Kc8 wld be scary
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Qb7 and Qxc6 now.
Mahog(1801) whispers: yeh
Mahog(1801) whispers: but then what Nh5?
Mahog(1801) whispers: cos Bxc2
Mahog(1801) whispers: no huge drama in that
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Maybe Qb7 and then Rb1.:-)
19.Qa4 (1:14)
Mahog(1801) whispers: now thats odd imo
Mahog(1801) whispers: got a pawn after check anyway
Takhisis(2069) whispers: She is afraid of losing c2.
Mahog(1801) whispers: Ke8
Mahog(1801) whispers: give c2
Mahog(1801) whispers: wants a rook on b file ?
Mahog(1801) whispers: prefers, I mean
Mahog(1801) whispers: Qb7+ seemed like sold
Mahog(1801) whispers: and Qxc6+ again
19...Ra8 (2:03)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Rab1!!
Mahog(1801) whispers: yeh
Mahog(1801) whispers: right rook too
20.Rfb1 (0:37)
Mahog(1801) whispers: hehe
Mahog(1801) whispers: but adavancing a pawn could be later
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I don't think it matters much, I say A because it's closer and the F rook might still have prospects over there if black doesn't defend properly.
20...Rhc8 (0:51)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I guess it's just difference in intuition in that case.
Mahog(1801) whispers: k
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Rb7 has to be played I think?
Mahog(1801) whispers: yes
Mahog(1801) whispers: then Rc7
Mahog(1801) whispers: then Rb1
Mahog(1801) whispers: maybe
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Then mate in 1000?:-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: hehe
milpat(1878) whispers: :)
StefanGER(1773) whispers: I should be more dead than this
tjradd(2108) whispers: is Nh5 going somewhere
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Looks like black might be making himself think he was dead.
Mahog(1801) whispers: he was
Takhisis(2069) whispers: That is the worst way to continue playing a position.
21.Rb7+ (2:53)
Mahog(1801) whispers: reckon white was slow
Mahog(1801) whispers: missed Qb7+
21...Rc7 (0:10) 22.Rab1 (0:01)
Mahog(1801) whispers: this may work
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I don't think it blew black off the board though.. Surely it only gave a +- advantage.
Mahog(1801) whispers: Qb7+ u mean?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: ya.
Mahog(1801) whispers: ok
tjradd(2108) whispers: how is Ke8
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Pretty much what you have here, just less accurate is this one I think.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I think Ke8 Qa6 might be pretty devistating?
Mahog(1801) whispers: u mean Qa5?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: No Qa6.:-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: no sorry
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Qa5 loses a rook.
Mahog(1801) whispers: yeh
tjradd(2108) whispers: what is the threat with Qa6
Mahog(1801) whispers: Ke8 Rb8+?
thatgirl(1764) whispers: hmmmm
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Penetration.
tjradd(2108) whispers: example line please, Ke8 Qa6 Bc2 and
Mahog(1801) whispers: there's that word again
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Get the second rook to b7.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Rxc7 and Rb7
22...Qd8 (4:14)
tjradd(2108) whispers: is that critical?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: It's more probably more critical than the Bxc2.
tjradd(2108) whispers: I don't agree
Takhisis(2069) whispers: The thing is Nh5 is still in the cards.
tjradd(2108) whispers: I am not sure what white has after Qc8 there
tjradd(2108) whispers: and the point of Ke8 is Kf8 :)
Mahog(1801) whispers: Nh5 is a little slow?
Mahog(1801) whispers: unless Ke8
Takhisis(2069) whispers: The point of Qa6 is domination of the b file.
tjradd(2108) whispers: Ke8 Qa6 Bc2 Rc7 Qc7 Rb7 Qc8 hmm not sure white has anything
Takhisis(2069) whispers: You might not like it, but you can't deny that white has control of the b file.
tjradd(2108) whispers: I agree, white dominates b-file in that line
tjradd(2108) whispers: I am not sure that it is worth a pawn
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Dunno.. I have seen this attack before. It's pretty standard.
tjradd(2108) whispers: black will have c5 and a passer
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I don't think so. c6 should fall.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Well maybe not now, but the Ke8 line it should.
tjradd(2108) whispers: Q/a6, R/b7, q/c8, r/a8, not sure :)
Mahog(1801) whispers: how about Qb4
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Now Nh5 is probably good.
Mahog(1801) whispers: looking at d6+
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I was talking about the move Ke8 not Qd8 sir.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: The queen can't reach c8 in the Ke8 line.
23.Qb4 (4:02)
Mahog(1801) whispers: hahaha
Mahog(1801) whispers: my move boys
Mahog(1801) whispers: so might be bad
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I don't know might be good.:-)
Mahog(1801) whispers: hehe
thatgirl(1764) whispers: i am getting tired losing strength hope i can hold on for my team's sake
Mahog(1801) whispers: hold girl
tjradd(2108) whispers: I was looking at 22. ... Ke8 Rc7 Qc7 Rb7 Qc8 Qa6 Bc2
Mahog(1801) whispers: this is what its all about - stamina
Mahog(1801) whispers: this looks good - Qe7 would be big blunder
thatgirl(1764) whispers: thankfully Qg5 never materialised
23...Ke8 (2:05)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: I was looking at Ke8 Qa6! probably forces Rxb7, Rxb7 then queen is forced back somewhere, and maybe Qxc6
24.Nh5 (0:21)
Mahog(1801) whispers: Nh5
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Nh5!
tjradd(2108) whispers: OK. (Ke8 Qa6 Bc2, doesn't it commute?)
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Thats what I mean.
Takhisis(2069) whispers: domination of the b file is probably worth the pawn.
24...f6 (0:53)
tjradd(2108) whispers: OK, I didn't think it was, because I had c5 ideas etc, but is interesting :)
Mahog(1801) whispers: ?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Esspecially when the knight can still attack the g7 pawn at will.
Mahog(1801) whispers: Nxg7+ for sure
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Yeah. that is why I was thinking we were looking at two different lines.
StefanGER(1773) whispers: that doesnt make sense :)
Mahog(1801) whispers: what f6?
Mahog(1801) whispers: Nxg7+?
Mahog(1801) whispers: what else?
milpat(1878) whispers: looks dangerous
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Nxg7 just wins.
25.exf6 (1:27)
Mahog(1801) whispers: crikey
Mahog(1801) whispers: no free pawn
symeonis(1989) whispers: ef gf Nf6+!
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Well this is still okay
25...Rxb7 (0:41)
Mahog(1801) whispers: Qxf6?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Nxf6 is interesting.
milpat(1878) whispers: Qb7 aims everything
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Qxb7 has to be good.
thatgirl(1764) whispers: christ
Mahog(1801) whispers: only move now
Mahog(1801) whispers: white missed Nxg7+
26.Qxb7 (0:50)
Mahog(1801) whispers: heavy still
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Now gxf6 and Nxf6 is crazy deadly.
tjradd(2108) whispers: gf QxB even
Mahog(1801) whispers: yeh
Takhisis(2069) whispers: Oh yeah forgot about that.
26...Bg6 (0:50) 27.Nxg7+ (0:11)
milpat(1878) whispers: Qxc6+ g7+ xe6+
Takhisis(2069) whispers: fxg7?
Takhisis(2069) whispers: :-)
27...Kf8 (0:13) 28.Nxe6+ (0:05)
tjradd(2108) whispers: was just calculating fg Bf7
StefanGER resigns 1-0


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