1.e4(0:00)c5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:31)e6(0:46) 3.d4(0:04)cxd4(0:04) 4.Nxd4(0:00)a6(0:02) 5.Bd3(0:03)Bc5(0:07) 6.Nb3(0:03)Be7(0:07) 7.Nc3(0:09)d6(3:11) 8.Be3(0:40)Nf6(0:18) 9.a4(6:32)b6(1:22) 10.O-O(1:15)Nbd7(1:01) 11.Qe2(1:15)Bb7(1:11) 12.Rae1(0:55)O-O(3:09) 13.f4(2:21)Nc5(4:43) 14.Bd4(9:25)Nxb3(3:19) 15.cxb3(0:42)Nd7(5:12) 16.Qh5(9:41)
Amaterasu(2110) whispers: e5 now? Amaterasu(2110) whispers: e5 fxe5 dxe5 bxe5 nxe5 qxe5 bc5+ and qxd3 wins a piece i think
16...e5(5:40) 17.Be3(2:24)
Amaterasu(2110) whispers: exf4 and Ne5 looks good or not?
17...Nf6(4:24) 18.Qh3(1:05)
Amaterasu(2110) whispers: hmm, Nf6 doesn`t look attractive to me
Amaterasu(2110) whispers: but maybe i am wrong, i don`t know these kind of positions well
19.f5(3:05)Bb7(5:36) 20.g4(1:32)d5(0:44) 21.exd5(7:33)Nxd5(0:30) 22.f6(0:29)
smallblackcat(1982) whispers: ouch evilcoyote(2025) whispers: Nxf6 Rxf6 Qxd3 smallblackcat(1982) whispers: ah nvm, Nxf6 Rxf6 Qxd3 defends, yes MeleeStorm(1429) whispers: Nxf6 Bxb6 maybe?
MeleeStorm(1429) whispers: nevermind evilcoyote(2025) whispers: Qxb6 is with check MeleeStorm(1429) whispers: yeah missed haha wmahan(1977) whispers: Rd1? evilcoyote(2025) whispers: not sure how I defend against that Will smallblackcat(1982) whispers: g6 looks forced
wmahan(1977) whispers: Bxg6 looks possible but maybe there is better smallblackcat(1982) whispers: g6 Bxg6 Qc8 Rxf6 fxg6 looks like end of attack for white smallblackcat(1982) whispers: black queen can swing to c6 quickly too, where it attacks and defends wmahan(1977) whispers: maybe Bxg6 Qc8!? Bf5
smallblackcat(1982) whispers: open g-file might end up helping black though
wmahan(1977) whispers: Rxf6 hxg6 Rxb6 maybe, but not much time smallblackcat(1982) whispers: Rxb6 Bc5 seems to win something
wmahan(1977) whispers: maybe this is better smallblackcat(1982) whispers: yeah the threat is renewed smallblackcat(1982) whispers: this wouldn't be possible after Qc8 wmahan(1977) whispers: indeed Twikki(2062) whispers: looks rough for black
evilcoyote(2025) whispers: what about an exchange sac to get the e4 pawn? Twikki(2062) whispers: what's wrong with g5? evilcoyote(2025) whispers: wanted to sac an exchange:)
Twikki(2062) whispers: :P evilcoyote(2025) whispers: my exchange does not work since b on c2 would be hangin
26...Ne8(1:52) 27.Rd7(0:35)
Twikki(2062) whispers: 26 Rxf6 Bxf6 Nxe4 seemed ok too, since Qxc2 Nxf6+ didn't look good for black because of Bd4 evilcoyote(2025) whispers: R on d1 would be hanging as well Twikki(2062) whispers: minor detail :D
evilcoyote(2025) whispers: :p
evilcoyote(2025) whispers: but Rf1 may be good there
28...Bxe4(0:41) 29.Nxe4(0:30)
Twikki(2062) whispers: I wonder about white playing g6 soon
29...Ra7(1:53) 30.g6(0:48)
Amaterasu(2110) whispers: impressive play by white Amaterasu(2110) whispers: with so less timeon the clock to be so cool to find always the right moves
evilcoyote(2025) whispers: lets start with fxg6 Rxf8+ Bxf8 Qxh7#, fxg6 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Qh6+ Rxa7
evilcoyote(2025) whispers: f6 looks like only move Twikki(2062) whispers: Ng7 is no good? MeleeStorm(1429) whispers: f6 Ng5 maybe? wmahan(1977) whispers: what if Ng7 evilcoyote(2025) whispers: I was thinking Qh6 f6 have to find continuation there Twikki(2062) whispers: ah, Ng7 Qh6
MeleeStorm(1429) whispers: Ng7 Qh6 f6 Ng5 evilcoyote(2025) whispers: well Rxa7 there for starters:p
Twikki(2062) whispers: f6 Ng5 looks better than Rxa7... avoids the Qg4+ lines wmahan(1977) whispers: dead
32...f6(1:30) 33.Ng5(0:05)
wmahan(1977) whispers: wow, he's fast wmahan(1977) whispers: I guess it helps when you can threaten mate every moveOutposter resigns 1-0
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