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smallblackcat(1969) vs. lostillusion(1705) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-08-13

1.c4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: somehow this has turned into a must-win game
2...Nf6 (0:05) 3.Nf3 (0:04)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: huh? a draw will draw the match
3...d5 (0:49) 4.cxd5 (0:04) Nxd5 (0:03) 5.e4 (0:05)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: lets go for this potentially crazy line
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: if he takes on c3 I just have to grind, but Nb4 leads to fun stuff!
5...Nb6 (1:03)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: hmm, that's a new one for me
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: against Nc7 I could have just played d4 and simplified, probably that works here too
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: a4 is the other candidate
6.a4 (4:41)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: don't think a5 is an option for him
6...Bg4 (4:41)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: ok that looks good I guess
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: a5 Nd7 Qb3 Bxf3 Qxb7 can he even allow that to happen?
7.a5 (2:17) N6d7 (0:41)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: if he has to cover b7 then Qb3 looks great to me
Mahog(1777) whispers: Qb3still Bxf3?
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: maybe just Be2 is fine
Mahog(1777) whispers: yeh - u can castle faster than he for sure - maybe worth a bit
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: no then Nc6 is clamping down on d4
Mahog(1777) whispers: I reBe2 Nc6 0-0
8.Qb3 (8:12)
Mahog(1777) whispers: I preferred Be2
Mahog(1777) whispers: symmetrical English is a sranger to me tho'
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: I'm already slightly regretting not playing d4 when I had the chance
Mahog(1777) whispers: yeh I see white needing Be2 0-0 and d4 then moving Q
Mahog(1777) whispers: Black maybe pondering Bxf3 here or something else necessary, like e6? g6?
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: Qc8 looks best for him here, when I think I just have to play Be2 and get on with development
8...Nc6 (6:41)
Mahog(1777) whispers: ok so maybe he plays Nc6
Mahog(1777) whispers: hehe
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: that I did not expect
Mahog(1777) whispers: stops the Qxa8 thingy?
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: ok Bc4 e6 Qxb7 Nb4 0-0 might just be ok
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: except my queen is probably trapped there
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: ok so Ne2 instead of Qxb7 and I can finally try to get d4 in
Mahog(1777) whispers: and there's still Bxf3
Mahog(1777) whispers: Ne2 slows castling moreso
9.Bc4 (6:04) e6 (0:48) 10.Ne2 (0:53)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: vert artificial, this is what I get for not playing the simple 6. d4
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: there goes a white pawn
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: and bishop pair
StefanGER(1820) whispers: yeah last move was bad
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: point of Ne2 is mostly just to cover d4
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: prevent some nasty Nd4 from black
10...Nxa5 (2:04)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: but I missed that...
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: might be worth sacking the exchange, just so I can finally play d4
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: but it doesn't work, so forget that
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: but...Qc3 Nxc4 Qxc4 BXf3 gxf3 Ne5 and Nd3+ is awful
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: i was wondering how he was going to play d4 with the queen on a5,lol
jaberwock(2063) whispers: of course after 0-0 ;)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: hmmm white first seeked for complications and then tried to revert to a solid position I guess that was problem...
Mahog(1777) whispers: Black's Nd4 was always easily refuted with Nxd4
Mahog(1777) whispers: IF Be2 in the first place
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: I think I'm just dead lost already
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: now we know why the guidline dont move your queen out to early is good,lol
Mahog(1777) whispers: yeh
Mahog(1777) whispers: Qb3 looked sus
jaberwock(2063) whispers: There are different levels of dead
11.Qc3 (5:22)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: least bad option I think
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: well Qb3 wasnt as bad, it was the fact that he didnt stick with his plan for playing Qb3
Mahog(1777) whispers: k
jaberwock(2063) whispers: Sometimes it is a matter of taste, or in this case distaste.
StefanGER(1820) whispers: exactly
Mahog(1777) whispers: ouch
Mahog(1777) whispers: maybe White will find some little compensation
Mahog(1777) whispers: after being ransacked
jaberwock(2063) whispers: A player with such optimism always has hope. :)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: I hope not, it's against my team after all ;)
Mahog(1777) whispers: right
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: i always try to make the game as complicated as i can, if im losing and if im winning, just keep it simple :D
Mahog(1777) whispers: Black has won a pawn will take the B with N and open g file exposing WKing - so what's the bad news?
11...Nxc4 (3:15) 12.Qxc4 (0:00) Bxf3 (0:04) 13.gxf3 (0:03) Ne5 (0:04)
Mahog(1777) whispers: so gotta watch f3 now
14.Qc3 (0:30) Nd3+ (0:22)
Mahog(1777) whispers: getting better
15.Kf1 (0:22)
Mahog(1777) whispers: Nd3+ was the bad news spose
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: black has to remember about his g pawn, sometimes a player can forget about such a simple thing
Mahog(1777) whispers: yeh right - a glimmer of hope
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: well, i have seen many players make worse mistakes
Mahog(1777) whispers: d4 looing harder to achieve.....
Mahog(1777) whispers: I do them daily
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: lol
Mahog(1777) whispers: clangers
Mahog(1777) whispers: to offset my brilliant moves
15...b5 (2:41)
Mahog(1777) whispers: so Black canot simply castle
Mahog(1777) whispers: has to mind g7 - cannot play g6
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: looks like accepting the exchange sacrifice would have been better
16.Rg1 (3:29) e5 (2:32) 17.b4 (1:40) c4 (0:14)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: I think black wanted to play c4 anyway, so that was just convenient
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: gah, even worse
18.Ba3 (0:58)
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: yea, white is slowly running out of moves here
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: I am quite tired, but even so I should not be missing these obvious moves
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: this position is completely lost now, I am even tempted just to resign already
BlindSmirdo(2079) whispers: well i could understan that decision
Mahog(1777) whispers: f4?
BlindSmirdo(2079) whispers: especially if black plays a5 now
Mahog(1777) whispers: wow
18...a5 (4:55)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: hmm, that makes me almost hopeful
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: i think smallblackcat is seeing ghosts here
Mahog(1777) whispers: there's that hope word again
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: bxa5 Qxa5 Bb2 Qxc3 Rxa8+!
BlindSmirdo(2079) whispers: bxa5 b4
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: cause if i was white, a5 would make me tip my king over
StefanGER(1820) whispers: I'd tip my king over if black castled, sbc maybe thinking the same way
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: or bxa5 b4 Qxc4 bxa3 no I guess that is just awful ;)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: mind you, I get a check in on c6
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: piece down, but some attack maybe
Mahog(1777) whispers: go for it
Mahog(1777) whispers: tip the king later
Mahog(1777) whispers: if need
19.bxa5 (3:38)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: better than just allowing axb4 anyway
BlindSmirdo(2079) whispers: after qc6 ke7 when he realizes he has no attack at all
19...Qxa5 (0:29)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: wow
BlindSmirdo(2079) whispers: this is a bad b movie, is it?
20.Bb2 (0:30)
BlindSmirdo(2079) whispers: still white is pretty bad after qd8
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: why Qd8
Mahog(1777) whispers: Rxa1
Mahog(1777) whispers: a8*
Mahog(1777) whispers: ?
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: black can simply take the rook
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: Bb4 might be still good for him, dunno
wmahan(1977) whispers: Bb4 Rxa5, no?
20...Qd8 (2:45)
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: no Qxa1
wmahan(1977) whispers: Qxa1 did look fine too
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: yea
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: Bb4 comes next, and white cant defend a1
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: there is just that ;)
LostIllusion(1705) whispers: dang
21.f4 (3:20)
Mahog(1777) whispers: Kg2?
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: Gorgonian, did you manage to pull of a draw in your game
21...Bb4 (3:38) 22.Qc2 (0:16)
Gorgonian(1580) whispers: nope
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: :(
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: he seemed like a real solid player
Gorgonian(1580) whispers: yep. made him work for it at least
Gorgonian(1580) whispers: was happy with my middlegame until the pawn break. didnt handle that very well
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: i missed that part, i showed up at the endgame
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: he can win d2, seems totally logical too
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: when is your next tl game
Gorgonian(1580) whispers: dont know. im a sub so it depends on others
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: hopefully someone picks me up soon
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: even castling looks good
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: i finally have a tl rating
wmahan(1977) whispers: Nxb7 Qxb2 Rxa1 Qxa1 Bxd2 looks safe enough for black
wmahan(1977) whispers: Nxb2 rather
22...exf4 (4:33)
wmahan(1977) whispers: never mind, there was Qxe5+
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: yea but that is one powerful knight
infowarrior(1646) whispers: 0-0 for black now looks impossible now with the rook and bishop eyeing g7, unless he plays g6
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: g6 would lose a rook
infowarrior(1646) whispers: very true
23.Rxa8 (2:40) Qxa8 (0:08)
wmahan(1977) whispers: Rxg7 Qxe4 I guess
infowarrior(1646) whispers: gotta watch for Qa2 also
wmahan(1977) whispers: good point
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: damn, he can mate me after Bxg7 Qxe4
Mahog(1777) whispers: Qe1
Mahog(1777) whispers: f3?
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: Bxg7 Qxe4 Qb1 might hold...
wmahan(1977) whispers: f3 Qa2
infowarrior(1646) whispers: yep
Mahog(1777) whispers: I meant f3 as a black move later
Mahog(1777) whispers: sbc said mate
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: but if I don't play BXg7 then Qa2 is winning
Mahog(1777) whispers: was just wondering how
24.Bxg7 (5:08)
wmahan(1977) whispers: I thought just Rg8 here
Mahog(1777) whispers: yeh
Mahog(1777) whispers: Qxe4 Bxh8 ofc
wmahan(1977) whispers: Qxe4 and Qf3 maybe was the mate
infowarrior(1646) whispers: qxe4 followed by f3?
Mahog(1777) whispers: k
Mahog(1777) whispers: thx
wmahan(1977) whispers: oh yeah, f3 looks better
infowarrior(1646) whispers: perhaps Rg4 if Qxe4 to prevent f3?
wmahan(1977) whispers: now f3 Bxh8 Kxe2 Qxe4 mates too I think
infowarrior(1646) whispers: nope king could run to d1
wmahan(1977) whispers: Kd1 Qf3 is mate, no?
Mahog(1777) whispers: how?
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: where are you getting kxe2
infowarrior(1646) whispers: very true wmahan
wmahan(1977) whispers: sorry I left out a move, f3 Bxh8 fxe2 Kxe2 Qxe4
Mahog(1777) whispers: and there's mate at Qe1
infowarrior(1646) whispers: if f3 possibly Rg4 and sac the N?
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: well black doesnt have to play fxe2
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: he can play Qxe4 first
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: and leave the pawn on f3
wmahan(1977) whispers: I was thinking either one wins, and Rg8 too
infowarrior(1646) whispers: but Rg4 prevents Qxe4
Mahog(1777) whispers: Rg4 Qxe4
infowarrior(1646) whispers: I know but i'm saying if f3 then Rg4
Mahog(1777) whispers: k
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: Rg8 seems to win too, cos of the Qa1+ threat
24...Rg8 (7:18)
wmahan(1977) whispers: if f3 Rg4 fxe2 then white might as well resign since he goes down a piece
infowarrior(1646) whispers: yeah but I don't see anything better though
wmahan(1977) whispers: you may be right...it looks totally lost I'm afraid
Mahog(1777) whispers: e5?
Mahog(1777) whispers: hehe
wmahan(1977) whispers: e5 Qa1 is unfortunate
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: Bf6 Rxg1 Nxg1 Qxe4 Qa2 maybe something
Mahog(1777) whispers: yeh spose
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: no, he has Qe1+ and Qxf2
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: Nc3 might be the only move
wmahan(1977) whispers: Nc3 Qa1+ also
Mahog(1777) whispers: Qb1?
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: Nc3 Qa1 Qb1 Bxc3 Qxa1 Bxa1 Bxa1 Rxg1 Kxg1 and I lose the ending
Mahog(1777) whispers: after Qa1+ I mean
infowarrior(1646) whispers: if Nc3 why not BxN, dxB then Qa1?
wmahan(1977) whispers: sbc explained that better than I could
wmahan(1977) whispers: I guess Qxc3 info
infowarrior(1646) whispers: looks right
infowarrior(1646) whispers: even Bxc3 might work then
infowarrior(1646) whispers: I also see black playing f3 and Qa7 threatening mate at f2
wmahan(1977) whispers: I would consider f3 as white
25.Bc3 (8:34)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: BxB best move
StefanGER(1820) whispers: :P
Mahog(1777) whispers: Rxg8+?
infowarrior(1646) whispers: nope then Rxg8
wmahan(1977) whispers: :)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: it was a joke...
Mahog(1777) whispers: hehe
infowarrior(1646) whispers: lol
Mahog(1777) whispers: I fell for it
NBZ(2073) whispers: black should be close to winning here
infowarrior(1646) whispers: don't see anything besides RxR
wmahan(1977) whispers: well black was totally winning before, so maybe that's an improvement
Mahog(1777) whispers: hehe
StefanGER(1820) whispers: but honestly, I am not too happy of what black has done in the last 7 moves.
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: you want sbc to win, Stefan?
StefanGER(1820) whispers: after 7 moves in such a dominating position he could have turned the game into such a boring matter that noone would discuss combinations anymore
StefanGER(1820) whispers: no I dont want sbc to win
25...Rxg1+ (4:02) 26.Nxg1 (0:03)
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: nice, im on a team now:)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: and obviously black is doing fine, I just think there are safer ways to finish a game. (after all if a5 wouldnt have been played sbc might have already resigned)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: no real hope
wmahan(1977) whispers: Bxc3 Qxc3 Qxe4 Qh8 Ke7
infowarrior(1646) whispers: its just a question of how fast black can win this
NBZ(2073) whispers: no need to play Bxc3, just Qxe4 right away keeps control
wmahan(1977) whispers: ok
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: where did sbc mess up in the opening? For example, was there something wrong with 9.Qxb7?
26...Qa7 (2:43)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: Qxb7 was okay, Ne2 was bad
27.Nh3 (0:21)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: which team is it Josh?
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: 186 the one and only MotleyCrew!
infowarrior(1646) whispers: smallblackcat(TheUsualSuspects) vs. LostIllusion(LastPawns_A)
27...Bc5 (2:26)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: oh that one... with the killer chickens... and stuff!
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: 186 hehehe is that how you perceive us - ok np
NBZ(2073) whispers: still think Qxe4 was simplest, why not take a free center pawn that puts your queen in a dominating central sqaure
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: Killer Chickens sounds dangerous:D
28.f3 (1:26)
StefanGER(1820) whispers: is dangerous!
28...Qe7 (2:33) 29.Qa2 (0:48)
wmahan(1977) whispers: I wonder if there is a perp after Qh4
29...f5 (1:13)
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: black is closing in on time trouble, while the won position can still be misplayed
infowarrior(1646) whispers: what? f5?
30.Qa8+ (0:32)
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: Qa6 getting the queen active seemed quite okay too
30...Kf7 (0:06) 31.Qd5+ (0:07)
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: I reckon white is okay now
infowarrior(1646) whispers: omg is a perpetual
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: yea
Mahog(1777) whispers: wow
Mahog(1777) whispers: I left for ten minutes thinking black has won
wmahan(1977) whispers: Qe6 isn't possible now so this looks interesting
31...Ke8 (0:59)
infowarrior(1646) whispers: queens must come off to end it and then idk
NBZ(2073) whispers: ending is still not good for white, since the b-pawn promotes
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: I think Qxf5 is reasonable as well
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: if not going for a perpetual
32.Qg8+ (1:47) Kd7 (0:22)
wmahan(1977) whispers: why not Qa8 again
33.Qd5+ (0:14)
NBZ(2073) whispers: and that, children, is why you should grab free central pawns when you have the chance :)
infowarrior(1646) whispers: idk
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: glol
xivarmy(1895) whispers: Qd8 looked to lead to an escape from the perp with Ke7 eventually
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: *lol
Mahog(1777) whispers: ok
infowarrior(1646) whispers: Qd6 now right?
33...Kc7 (0:24)
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: the queen stands better on e7 than d6 though
infowarrior(1646) whispers: ooo Be5+
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: Nxe5, info
infowarrior(1646) whispers: nope
34.Ba5+ (0:22)
infowarrior(1646) whispers: thnks
Mahog(1777) whispers: I smell mate
Mahog(1777) whispers: from White
infowarrior(1646) whispers: Bb6?
NBZ(2073) whispers: bb6 Qxb5
Mahog(1777) whispers: yeh
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: I reckon Kb8 (Bb6 runs into Qxb5 if I'm not mistaken)
infowarrior(1646) whispers: yeah
infowarrior(1646) whispers: goes to show if your losing to never give up
34...Kb8 (1:57)
Mahog(1777) whispers: true - almost
wmahan(1977) whispers: Kb8 Qg8 Ka7
NBZ(2073) whispers: maybe Qx6 here?
wmahan(1977) whispers: maybe Bd8?
NBZ(2073) whispers: Bd8 Qa7 looks okay for black
wmahan(1977) whispers: I'm not sure what after Qxf5 Qh4
Mahog(1777) whispers: can't smell mate anymore
arunsingh(1751) whispers: Bd8 Qd6
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: this is why we should learn strategy
Mahog(1777) whispers: prolly didn't before
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: win a won game
35.Qxf5 (2:35)
infowarrior(1646) whispers: lost the scent
Mahog(1777) whispers: hehe
Mahog(1777) whispers: yeh
Mahog(1777) whispers: if it was there
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: Qh4 is interesting now
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: we generally lose ourselves in tactics and dont bother to work out a detailed gameplan
35...Qh4 (0:42)
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: oh
smallblackcat(1969) whispers: missed Qe1+
infowarrior(1646) whispers: how you picked up the scent Mahog?
NBZ(2073) whispers: should be all over now
xivarmy(1895) whispers: Bc7+ could still lead to perp
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: xivarmy, won't Bc7 Kxc7 Qf7+ run into Qe7, and black is pretty much a safe piece up to add to the pawns?
xivarmy(1895) whispers: nah nm, just gets blocked back with Qe7 and now down a bishop
36.Kg2 (1:40)
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: qd7 qe1+ kg2
wmahan(1977) whispers: Qd7 doesn't work due to Qe1 Kg2 Qe2
infowarrior(1646) whispers: Ne1+?
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: Qe1 threatening mate?
xivarmy(1895) whispers: Qe1 here and Bc7 might work since the queen no longer gets in the way, Ne1+ Kh1 is also not immediate mate, and opens up a e5 for checking
infowarrior(1646) whispers: is there a perpetual though?
wmahan(1977) whispers: still Qe1 looks good
infowarrior(1646) whispers: yeah I don't see a perpetual even if you sac the B
Madmansreturn(2001) whispers: hmm, Qe1 Bc7+ Ka7, what is the continuation?
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: qc7
36...Qe1 (2:18)
infowarrior(1646) whispers: e5 and f8 are blocked for checks
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: qc7 and no checks
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: i mean d7
wmahan(1977) whispers: I don't suppose Nxf4 works?
NBZ(2073) whispers: maybe Ng5 here
xivarmy(1895) whispers: Ka7 Bb6+, either diverts B or brings K to 6th
Mahog(1777) whispers: need the Nat h3
infowarrior(1646) whispers: yeah
infowarrior(1646) whispers: I don't see a good check for black next move
xivarmy(1895) whispers: but Ka7 Bb6+ Kxb6 and a check on the 6th doesn't work for the perp, so no, i guess Bc7+ doesn't work out overall
37.Nxf4 (1:40) Qxd2+ (0:06)
Mahog(1777) whispers: Bg1+ wooda worked
RiceFarmer(1911) whispers: uh oh
JoshPruett(1998) whispers: what
wmahan(1977) whispers: omg
LostIllusion resigns 1-0


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