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gaelleg(2154) vs. sonareclipse(1947) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-03-08

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:11) e6 (0:24) 3.Nc3 (0:56) Nf6 (0:28) 4.Nf3 (0:06) Be7 (0:53) 5.Qc2 (1:08) O-O (0:29) 6.Bg5 (0:11) Nbd7 (4:44) 7.cxd5 (0:45) exd5 (0:36) 8.e3 (0:08) c5 (3:19) 9.Bd3 (0:53) Re8 (3:09)
milpat(1841) whispers: c4 was annoyig?
10.O-O (0:38)
GreatSachin(1736) whispers: ah strong play boring opening too ;)
milpat(1841) whispers: haha
milpat(1841) whispers: u rock, no castle is more exciting :P
GreatSachin(1736) whispers: i consider blacks c4 as threat so i always go dxc and nd4
10...c4 (4:37) 11.Be2 (0:14)
milpat(1841) whispers: match is 1.5 to 1.5
GreatSachin(1736) whispers: it comes finally after two moves wait :)
11...Nf8 (0:48)
milpat(1841) whispers: mmm
xivarmy(1909) whispers: hm, Bxf6 Bxf6 e4 seems like a good idea. or maybe just e4 directly
12.b3 (0:37)
milpat(1841) whispers: Nd2 and e4 also
12...cxb3 (0:19) 13.Qxb3 (0:06)
milpat(1841) whispers: anyway, c4 not known to be so "strong move" , we see why
xivarmy(1909) whispers: seems only way to hold d5 is to give up b7
mindlin(2195) whispers: hmmm... tough choices
milpat(1841) whispers: e8 rook has no squares in some lines
mindlin(2195) whispers: yeah with Bb5 in the air too
13...Be6 (6:55)
milpat(1841) whispers: so need piece on d7, remove Q for defend d5
xivarmy(1909) whispers: yea, the Be6 line could have Bb5 and back to Nd7 instead of grabbing b7.
14.Bb5 (0:26)
milpat(1841) whispers: $ !!
milpat(1841) whispers: :D
milpat(1841) whispers: i was 2150 in other life :)
xivarmy(1909) whispers: even a blind pig gets a truffle occasionally :)
milpat(1841) whispers: haha
Myob(1693) whispers: :))
14...Ne4 (2:39) 15.Bxe8 (0:38)
xivarmy(1909) whispers: this is probably better than the alternative of N8d7 which lost d5 yet again
milpat(1841) whispers: wow
milpat(1841) whispers: he calculate tis too fast for me
15...Bxg5 (0:27)
milpat(1841) whispers: ah
16.Bb5 (1:16)
xivarmy(1909) whispers: simply Bb5 should be a permanent advantage for white though
xivarmy(1909) whispers: still, slightly more hope than losing d5 ;)
milpat(1841) whispers: yes was more simple than i thought
gaelleg(2154) whispers: though i would got the d5 but the rook is good enough
milpat(1841) whispers: yea, after all, black sac a rook to save d5 :)
milpat(1841) whispers: (which will probably fall anyway later)
xivarmy(1909) whispers: no, it should hold now. but black has a tough job ahead of him preventing rook penetration on the c-file
gaelleg(2154) whispers: my rook have to manage the only free column now
16...Be7 (5:55) 17.Rac1 (0:13)
xivarmy(1909) whispers: trade off the c3 knight, post a bishop on d6 to make c7 off limits, and hope for the best i guess
17...Ng6 (2:58) 18.Bd3 (0:35) Bd6 (2:19)
milpat(1841) whispers: Nb5
milpat(1841) whispers: black should have listen u xiv
xivarmy(1909) whispers: hm i definitely didn't think that was still an option, Qxb7 is worth it just to get a second open file for rooks i think
xivarmy(1909) whispers: Nb5 Bb8 with a6 to follow might be ok
19.Nb5 (1:38)
milpat(1841) whispers: Bb8 enclose unique black rook
xivarmy(1909) whispers: mm, i guess not Bb8 Qc2
gaelleg(2154) whispers: column is mine now
xivarmy(1909) whispers: not permanently, but there are immediate tactical concerns after Bb8
gaelleg(2154) whispers: as i check well
19...Bb8 (2:14)
Diboss(2136) whispers: hey everyone
milpat(1841) whispers: yo db
xivarmy(1909) whispers: Bb8 Qc2 Nd6!? Nc7 Bxc7 Qxc7 Rxc7 should be enough for white
20.Rc2 (0:27)
milpat(1841) whispers: Rc2 nice too
milpat(1841) whispers: show him what it is have 2 rooks :)
xivarmy(1909) whispers: well it does give black time for a6 or Nd6
Diboss(2136) whispers: why not a6 and b5 here?
milpat(1841) whispers: a6 Qa4?
20...Nh4 (1:33)
Diboss(2136) whispers: doesn't do anything, just move the bishop
Diboss(2136) whispers: oh no squares
milpat(1841) whispers: :)
Diboss(2136) whispers: maybe just Bd7 then
milpat(1841) whispers: was my next question
milpat(1841) whispers: where :)
xivarmy(1909) whispers: specifically a6 Qa4?? axb5 Qxa8?? Bxh2+ ;)
milpat(1841) whispers: ouch
Diboss(2136) whispers: lol
Diboss(2136) whispers: that's better :)
milpat(1841) whispers: a bit
mindlin(2195) whispers: seems like a6 was a good choice what about this Nh4?
Diboss(2136) whispers: maybe to weaken h2? or take the knight to f5 to strengthen d6
FDog(2057) whispers: looks like white can block the diagonal with Nxh4 Qxh4 Nc7 or f4
xivarmy(1909) whispers: i'm not so sure about it. it's very bold of black to ignore the coming Nc7 threat which will lead to a R on c7
Diboss(2136) whispers: I agree with both of you, black's trying to get something out of nothing
FDog(2057) whispers: but a6 Nc3 doesn't help black much--just another weakness for white to target
FDog(2057) whispers: got to move somewhere though :)
gaelleg(2154) whispers: why should i avoid his queen to come,..
Diboss(2136) whispers: he needs to get that bishop and rook into the game, and the knight's stopping it all
21.Nxh4 (4:49)
Diboss(2136) whispers: Rc2 prevents a lot of drawing ideas :)
21...Qxh4 (0:23)
Diboss(2136) whispers: soft looking back rank
FDog(2057) whispers: Nc7 Bxc7 Rxc7 Nd2 Qxb7
Diboss(2136) whispers: after protecting h2, Qxd5 is a threat
22.Nc7 (1:19) Bxc7 (0:32) 23.Rxc7 (0:06)
milpat(1841) whispers: Nd2 fails Qxb7 i suppose
FDog(2057) whispers: yes, and then Rfc1
xivarmy(1909) whispers: at the very least it doesn't gain anything ;)
gaelleg(2154) whispers: maybe i should have eaten his b pawn earlier
xivarmy(1909) whispers: Nd6 covers a lot of sore points in black's camp but i have to think the queenside pawns will break any fortress ideas once f3+e4 gets played
23...b6 (2:21) 24.Qc2 (0:45)
gaelleg(2154) whispers: avoiding the fork in d2
24...Nf6 (1:34)
milpat(1841) whispers: Bf5?
gaelleg(2154) whispers: this cut the Q from his weak back rank, i waited a pawn pushed
milpat(1841) whispers: piece on f5 eyes c8
xivarmy(1909) whispers: Bf5's an interesting idea but black doesn't need to take, and Bxe6 fxe6 would fix the back rank anyways. that said black's only hope is to crack open white's kingside and find a perp at this point. and getting rid of the bishop removes one more piece that might help with that
Diboss(2136) whispers: I support Bf5
FDog(2057) whispers: I'm not sure there's a real attack for black here
FDog(2057) whispers: Ng4 h3 and the diagonal is blocked
Diboss(2136) whispers: e6 will be weak, so will c8, and the queenside pawns, and the black queen is misplaced
milpat(1841) whispers: yea, after Bxe6 fx Rc8 comes
25.Bf5 (6:48)
FDog(2057) whispers: no reason to be fancy I suppose :)
milpat(1841) whispers: now h3 is less scary to be played
milpat(1841) whispers: witouth Bxh3 stuff
milpat(1841) whispers: without*
25...Ne8 (3:13) 26.Rc6 (0:39)
Diboss(2136) whispers: hoping to close the c-file by getting to c4
milpat(1841) whispers: all with be close, is books i think :)
milpat(1841) whispers: will*
Diboss(2136) whispers: I don't see how black can make this work
xivarmy(1909) whispers: Rxe6 is cute
Diboss(2136) whispers: it is
xivarmy(1909) whispers: (unnecessary, but perhaps more pleasant being up two connected passers than an exchange
26...Rd8 (2:20) 27.Bxe6 (0:17) fxe6 (0:04) 28.Rxe6 (0:03)
FDog(2057) whispers: this is over now--black has no play and no hope
Diboss(2136) whispers: true
28...Qg4 (1:04)
milpat(1841) whispers: Qc6?
29.Qc6 (0:13) Kf7 (1:00)
milpat(1841) whispers: Re5 i suppose
Diboss(2136) whispers: yeah
30.Re5 (0:37)
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: nice move
Diboss(2136) whispers: but then Nf6
30...Nf6 (0:14)
Diboss(2136) whispers: but the other rook can come in now
Diboss(2136) whispers: h3 first
Diboss(2136) whispers: just to be safe, with tempo
31.h3 (0:41)
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: puter says f3 first
Diboss(2136) whispers: that's why we don't listen to them :P
31...Qc8 (0:51)
StrategyMaster(1928) whispers: what engine? Acconio
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: we you mean 2000 club :) poor mortal listen :)
32.Rc1 (0:23)
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: i was considering only trade, but double rook is better!
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: ah sorry houdini
Diboss(2136) whispers: I think a great way to learn more stuff is actually here in TL. I love listening to comments from people like Funkmaus
milpat(1841) whispers: to learn how to move pieces back? :P
StrategyMaster(1928) whispers: oh, is it much better than fruit?
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: Rc1 is the move that kills black hopes
Diboss(2136) whispers: Qa6...but this is pointless
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: now W can simplify or control the C file
xivarmy(1909) whispers: shrug, Qa6, it's not good of course. but it keeps the queen alive, which affords some feint hope if white does something silly
32...Qd7 (2:24)
StrategyMaster(1928) whispers: always play on diboss, your opponent might have a heart attack or something.
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: that's why f3 would be better setting free the rook with 1 tempo faster, f3.. e4 then the rook is free
33.a4 (1:24)
Diboss(2136) whispers: black's only hope right now strategy...
33...h6 (0:21)
milpat(1841) whispers: black hope was white to mistake
xivarmy(1909) whispers: free of what? it's fine on e5
milpat(1841) whispers: and from long time
34.f3 (0:12) g6 (0:04)
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: houdini 1 humans 0 :)
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: anyway im on 32 bit 1 core so not that strong
Diboss(2136) whispers: he's just doing it to walk his king up
xivarmy(1909) whispers: and it's not like f3 vs h3 was crucial earlier anyways ;)
35.Qb5 (1:35)
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: in my opinion W shoud manage to put the rook ahead in the file to increase the pressure on c7
Diboss(2136) whispers: he will try
35...Qxb5 (1:33)
Diboss(2136) whispers: ahh, Rc6-e6
Diboss(2136) whispers: so the trade seems the lesser evil
36.axb5 (0:40) Rd6 (0:05)
FDog(2057) whispers: a7 is dominated now
Diboss(2136) whispers: what
Diboss(2136) whispers: Rc7
37.Rc7+ (0:10)
FDog(2057) whispers: hmm, losing pawn
37...Nd7 (0:02) 38.Rxa7 (0:10)
Perkl(1401) whispers: pretty clever :)
Diboss(2136) whispers: trying to trap the rook
Diboss(2136) whispers: but it's still winning
Diboss(2136) whispers: the fun part about being up that much material
38...Kf8 (0:36)
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: e4 is coming now?
Diboss(2136) whispers: you can give a lot away
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: ouch
39.Ra8+ (0:14)
Diboss(2136) whispers: Rc7
39...Kf7 (0:07) 40.Ree8 (0:03)
Diboss(2136) whispers: it's not an ouch, not hard for white
Diboss(2136) whispers: and just like that...
Perkl(1401) whispers: spirited defence anyway, those are always a good thing
AcCoNcIo(1581) whispers: :) im a boor blayer :)
FDog(2057) whispers: looks like another lost pawn after Rh8
Diboss(2136) whispers: now resign?
milpat(1841) whispers: or Rad8 Re+
sonareclipse resigns 1-0


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