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onlytwinone(1708) vs. dstrout(1715) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-10-03

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2169) whispers: Guys enjoy the game! good skills
2.Nc3 (0:05) Nf6 (0:08)
Funkmaus(2169) whispers: A Veresow, whoa
pramado(1751) whispers: go team MFO
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: go onlytwinone! even if you're going to play strange Nc3 moves. ;)
3.Bg5 (0:06)
Funkmaus(2169) whispers: Bg5/e4
3...Bf5 (0:06) 4.Nf3 (0:16) e6 (0:05) 5.Nh4 (0:30) Bg6 (0:08) 6.Nxg6 (0:13) hxg6 (0:11) 7.e4 (0:13) dxe4 (0:16) 8.Nxe4 (0:04) Be7 (0:02) 9.Nxf6+ (0:15)
pramado(1751) whispers: wait, am i in a teamleague or a blitz match game? :P
9...Bxf6 (0:03) 10.Bxf6 (0:02) Qxf6 (0:06) 11.Bc4 (0:18)
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: looking drawish, haha
11...O-O (0:05) 12.O-O (0:02) c6 (0:19)
pramado(1751) whispers: seriously, the pieces just jumped off the board like they were on fire or something
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: i may have hesitated before OO, maybe consider action against the kside
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: though probably nothing there
pramado(1751) whispers: i'd just offer a draw (as either one) and call it a nice quick match and go watch some tv :P
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: hahaha
pramado(1751) whispers: but white has a bishop, a little lead in development, and better pawn structure.
pramado(1751) whispers: there are end game possibilities.
13.Qg4 (2:07)
pramado(1751) whispers: hopefully, more time will be spent on the second half of the game, and white can generate some advantage to a won end game.
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: yeah, white has the best winning chances
pramado(1751) whispers: i like c3, rad1 rfe1 for white
pramado(1751) whispers: and whatever happens make sure black doesn't get his knight on d5
pramado(1751) whispers: black probably needs to look at nd7-nb6-nd5
13...Rd8 (3:15) 14.Rad1 (0:12) Nd7 (0:05) 15.c3 (0:43) Nb6 (0:10)
pramado(1751) whispers: well, similar to what i said
pramado(1751) whispers: :P
16.Bb3 (0:54)
pramado(1751) whispers: i'd probably play bb3 nd5- bxn
16...Rd7 (0:11)
onlytwinone(1708) whispers: well that was fun
17.Rd3 (4:59) Qf5 (0:15)
Funkmaus(2169) whispers: This game is running very fast
onlytwinone(1708) whispers: I hate this position
onlytwinone(1708) whispers: Awesome, saves me from chasing the queen exchange I want
18.Qxf5 (0:36) gxf5 (0:16) 19.Re3 (0:59) Rad8 (0:10)
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: hm, with a light bishop, it doesn't really feel like the pawns are a weakness or anything. so maybe this will just be a simple draw
pramado(1751) whispers: yeah they are blitzing :P
pramado(1751) whispers: i'd consider trading the bishop for knight if given the chance
20.f4 (1:15) Nd5 (0:11) 21.Bxd5 (0:15) Rxd5 (0:02)
pramado(1751) whispers: definitely needs needs to trade now
pramado(1751) whispers: is re5 sound?
22.Re5 (0:43)
pramado(1751) whispers: well sound or not, white goes for it :P
22...Rxe5 (0:10) 23.fxe5 (0:06) g6 (0:05)
pramado(1751) whispers: i'd offer a draw here, i don't think there is enough advantage in this to get a win without someone blundering. but that may be more reason to continue playing too
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: hmm, Kg7 Rf8 f6 pushes possible to try to push the black pawns
24.g4 (1:41) fxg4 (0:17)
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: Evening all
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: They're playing a bit on the quick side aren't they?
25.Rf4 (0:34) Kg7 (0:05)
pramado(1751) whispers: yep
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: only a tad, good mr. tower. they won't both be over the hour at game's end i don' tthink
26.c4 (1:07)
pramado(1751) whispers: good ol blitz :P
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: lol
26...Rh8 (0:06) 27.Rxg4 (0:06) Rh3 (0:07)
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: oh wow, the position did change a lot since i last looked
pramado(1751) whispers: black is sacrifcing a pawn for the chance to get his rook in the back lines and wreck havoc on white's pawns
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: Blacl looks better in my opinion
28.Rg3 (0:48)
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: As white has no way of getting behind black's pawns
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: i'd say Rg3 is necessary. Rh4, then Rd3, but now white is onthe defensive
pramado(1751) whispers: yes! good move white
28...Rh4 (0:08) 29.Rd3 (0:04)
pramado(1751) whispers: i think its worth a pawn
29...Re4 (0:05)
pramado(1751) whispers: rd2!
30.Kf2 (0:11) Rh4 (0:07)
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: Kf2 seems better as was played
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: i can't type fast enough
31.Kg3 (0:11)
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: have to change it on the fly
pramado(1751) whispers: either way, white's king was going to the g file
31...Rh5 (0:10)
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: maybe we've got a perpetual now and nothing more
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: or a repeat i mean
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: It does look that way, unless someone is prepared to give
pramado(1751) whispers: i think black can only hope for that now really, white can probably work his queenside majority to some advantage
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: And that involves someone taking a risk
pramado(1751) whispers: how about ra3?
pramado(1751) whispers: huh, rb3 first, then ra3.
32.h4 (1:26)
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: Now c5!
32...Rh8 (0:10)
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: c5 dxc5 Rxe5
pramado(1751) whispers: black gets the idea that the rook is needed on the other side of the board
onlytwinone(1708) whispers: Anyway, now that we're done with that mindless game of chase the rook out...
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: lol
pramado(1751) whispers: d5!
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: Looking drawish now?
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: Oh! There is d5, yes
33.d5 (1:58) exd5 (0:08) 34.cxd5 (0:06) cxd5 (0:02)
pramado(1751) whispers: at least if your going to try and win that would be white's best shot
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: Ooh! I think black should have defended there with rook
35.Rxd5 (0:05) Re8 (0:08)
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: gah, i hate these positions
BuyJupiter(1455) whispers: but black has a 10 minute time advantage. :-)
pramado(1751) whispers: i love end games
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: Rooks and pawns are very difficult endgames
pramado(1751) whispers: white needs to decide if the e pawn is worth keeping, or just go for blacks queenside pawns and try and push on the opposite side of the board
36.Kf4 (1:08) Re7 (0:05)
pramado(1751) whispers: i think its drawn here, personally.
Dreadtower(1568) whispers: I think so too with correct play
37.Kg5 (1:00)
pramado(1751) whispers: i am looking at maybe kg5...
pramado(1751) whispers: well white was to it seemed.
37...a6 (0:10)
onlytwinone(1708) whispers: might have made a mistake there, opps
pramado(1751) whispers: a4!
38.h5 (0:10) gxh5 (0:03) 39.Kxh5 (0:06) Rc7 (0:09)
onlytwinone(1708) whispers: thanks for that exchange!
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: Rd2-e2
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: ah... but then Rc5
pramado(1751) whispers: not sure i'd be super happy about having my kid on the opposite side of where the action is. b4 here?
pramado(1751) whispers: king*
onlytwinone(1708) whispers: rd6 leads to ...rc5.... hm
pramado(1751) whispers: oh don't think that!! :P
pramado(1751) whispers: think pawn move, pawn move
pramado(1751) whispers: i think b4 needs to be played to hold on to the position for white
pramado(1751) whispers: Rc2 is a big threat
RobertFrost(1554) whispers: rd2
pramado(1751) whispers: rd2 rc5!
pramado(1751) whispers: re2 f6!
pramado(1751) whispers: wins a pawn.
RobertFrost(1554) whispers: hmmm yes yes
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: ah, i'm not quite following all this yet
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: glad twin is taking his time here!
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: i certainly need it
pramado(1751) whispers: me too
RobertFrost(1554) whispers: lol
pramado(1751) whispers: think 20-30 minutes on this move because it is one of several key moves for this to continue well for white i think
pramado(1751) whispers: what is "analysis bot"?
40.Rd2 (7:04)
pramado(1751) whispers: uh oh
onlytwinone(1708) whispers: that was crap
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: i think it's a cheap replacement for crafty/etc if you don't have babas?
pramado(1751) whispers: oh interesting
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: Rc5!
40...Kf8 (0:43)
pramado(1751) whispers: wow!
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: hmm, ah, after f6, Rd7+
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: i guess it's not so bad
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: huh, now Kg5 and white's in business
pramado(1751) whispers: i don't know what black is doing there
41.Kg5 (0:37) Ke7 (0:06)
pramado(1751) whispers: why concide space to white
42.Kf5 (0:03)
pramado(1751) whispers: concede*
BuyJupiter(1455) whispers: analysysbot uses Crafty 22.8, according to its notes.
HindsFeet(1884) whispers: I asked analysisbot here. :D
pramado(1751) whispers: stop moving so fast white you get gain an advantage if you find the right moves
42...Rc5 (0:40)
JoshuaR(1681) whispers: yeah, time for another think here onlytwinone offers a draw.
pramado(1751) whispers: i think kf5 wasn't right dstrout accepts the draw request.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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