1.d4(0:00)g6(0:00) 2.h4(0:38)Nf6(0:13) 3.e3(0:11)Bg7(0:14) 4.Be2(0:03)
ButiOxa(1711) whispers: Interesting. Early attacking the black fianchetto
4...d6(0:55) 5.h5(0:16)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Good luck onlytwinone :) ButiOxa(1711) whispers: maybe black should just exchange on h5, take the two bishop advantage and then castle long
5...Nc6(1:24) 6.hxg6(0:09)fxg6(0:07)
ButiOxa(1711) whispers: I realized I made 2 comments to nobody when samurai arrived
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: well, at least they are stored (to read them after the game finishs)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Wonder if black will castle short, looks dangerous right now...
ButiOxa(1711) whispers: yes, it is dangerous, especially against higher rated opponent (joke)
ButiOxa(1711) whispers: 1548 > 1546 SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: lol
ButiOxa(1711) whispers: I think I pay too much attention to the ratings sometimes
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: I usually don't. Otherwise I'll have a wrong impression
10...Bf5(4:31) 11.Bxf5(0:25)gxf5(0:05) 12.Ng5(0:05)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: The king looks too exposed.. :S
12...e5(1:11) 13.Qh5+(0:26)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: looks like black is in trouble now :( SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Nf7 coming next ButiOxa(1711) whispers: pawn g6 was the key defender
13...Kd7(1:23) 14.Qf7+(0:15)Qe7(0:10) 15.Qxe7+(0:18)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: yea, 10. ... Bf5 was not a good move...
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Seems that everything is "fine" now, while back ago white had a clearly advantage...
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Mmm, seems like both players are choosing the wrong pieces to move...
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: exd4 & black is good
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Guess black wanted to trap the knight rather than recuperating the pawn, but he should slow down & take his time... onlytwinone(1546) whispers: got lucky there
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: yep, you did
18...exf4(0:26) 19.exf4(0:03)Nxd4(0:11)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: If there are no more important blunders, looks now like black will win this game :)
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: well he found the trap, but at least it's even, it looked a lot worse for me beofre... onlytwinone(1546) whispers: before
20...Rg8(0:53) 21.c3(0:17)
ButiOxa(1711) whispers: If there are no more important blunders - big if
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: I know :P onlytwinone(1546) whispers: thanks?
22.Ng5(0:20)Nxg5(0:07) 23.fxg5(0:03)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Now black wins another pawn
23...Bxg5(0:04) 24.Bxg5+(0:16)Rxg5(0:05)
ButiOxa(1711) whispers: this ending looks winnable onlytwinone(1546) whispers: huh, okay then... AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: -+ IMO SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Looks like a rook+pawns endgame with 2 extra pawns for black :) SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: If no more blunder, then yes XD is a -+ AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: with active rook and king for black AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: why are they playing so fast? SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: beats me
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: ????
26.Kb3(0:07)d5(0:09) 27.Re1+(0:10)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: That was a goner pawn, so white tries to protect his other pawns now...
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: white doesn't know how to hold up. with king far from the f pawn, black is winning already
28.Re8(0:36)f4(0:09) 29.Rf8(0:52)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Ke5
29...Rf2(0:48) 30.a4(0:44)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Yea, Ke5 looks like the way to promote the pawn, but it would be a little troublesome to look out for the other pawns...
30...Kc5(0:56) 31.Rf7(0:19)Kb6(0:14)
ButiOxa(1711) whispers: having a plan is key to winning SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: My only plan is to win & doesn't always work XD (j/k) ButiOxa(1711) whispers: so far black is just doing "activate the king" part AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: that pawn needs kings support to promote when the rook is in front of it
32.a5+(1:40)Kc6(0:08) 33.Ka3(0:48)Rf1(0:43) 34.b4(0:50)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: blunder
34...f3(0:18) 35.Rf6+(0:15)Kb5(0:08) 36.Kb2(0:17)b6(0:35)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: f2
37.axb6(0:05)axb6(0:05) 38.Kc2(0:26)Kc4(0:24) 39.Rc6+(0:12)Kb5(0:22) 40.Rxc7(0:05)
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: crap SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: f2 now pramado(1691) whispers: black wins :) SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: he can, but wonder if he will...
40...Rh1(1:27) 41.Rf7(0:18)
pramado(1691) whispers: ? its not to hard to push the c pawn
41...Rh2+(0:18) 42.Kd3(0:43)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: it's quite equal now SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Guess a stale mate would be the best ending for this game... pramado(1691) whispers: i don't see it as equal
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: if white tries to capture the f pawn he will lose. he should keep black's king at the queenside and the pawn cannot promote.
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: The d pawn is lost now, black can't prevent Kd4... He should remember that white's rooks is hanging there to attack the f pawn, so he should play something like Ka4
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: And that's what I get for trying to talk on the phone while playing... gezz... SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: You have +50 minutes, you could leave the computer for quite some time you know...
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: huh... not what i thought he'd do there AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Kd4 was far better SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Indeed SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Rh2 & aim for a discovery check...
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Kd3 SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Right, he can't capture because of the discovery check
pramado(1691) whispers: he should have played kc4 there in my opinion, not go back to Rh2.
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: try this again SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Kc4 gives nothing after Rf4+ AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Kc4 Rf4+ Kb5 Rxf2
onlytwinone offers a draw.
petlya declines the draw request.
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: heh
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Does white thinks he can win because of the connected pawns? SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Or is he hoping black can blunder again? XD onlytwinone(1546) whispers: that's what I was afraid of AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: white wants to win? interesting! although, after the performance black showed us at blundering that winning position away, I would do the same! SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: White blundered fist, you know... AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: he seems not to blunder in this position though, SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Maybe he learned to take more time to really analyze the board...
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Mmm, Kxd5 Rh5 is a nice sac, hope that was what black saw...
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: I've got to get into his pawns if he takes my F pawn, or else it's game over for me ButiOxa(1711) whispers: yes, nice trap SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: damn, white saw it :( pramado(1691) whispers: its draw now though if black wants, he can just replay the check move and either way white plays the same moves and its draw
pramado(1691) whispers: if assuming he wants to draw since he offered it a few moves ago onlytwinone(1546) whispers: this is nuts...
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: THAT'S what i was looking for! pramado(1691) whispers: ?? SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: dejavu
pramado(1691) whispers: he did that the first time.. onlytwinone(1546) whispers: wow, nevermind
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: i just blew that one, I was a move off pramado(1691) whispers: lol could have just taken the draw moves, Rh2, ect. :P pramado(1691) whispers: now its game on! AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: it seems that white was wise not to accept the draw pramado(1691) whispers: does black keep the f pawn or the d pawn?
pramado(1691) whispers: i like d4 rxd4+ kb5 rf4 Rh2 SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: If he plays right (which I doubt) he can trade all pawns & keep the b pawn for a rk vs rkp ending
50.Rxd4+(0:37)Kb5(0:07) 51.Rf4(0:26)
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: stupid game...
51...Rh2(0:33) 52.Kb3(0:08)Ka6(0:07) 53.c4(0:28)
pramado(1691) whispers: rh3+?
pramado(1691) whispers: rh3+ kxx Rh4 and black gets the temp up on the queenside and each trade a pawn?
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Rh4 Rxf2 Rxc4 Rf5 =
pramado(1691) whispers: yep then its equal pramado(1691) whispers: its draw then really after that, no progress can be made without a player blundering badly AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: well, they have more than 100 minutes to blunder LOL onlytwinone(1546) whispers: I shouldn't be the one having to pull out all the stops to stay in this thing....gezzz
pramado(1691) whispers: yes :P looks like white wants to force more play
pramado(1691) whispers: i don't think it matters though
pramado(1691) whispers: ah it does AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: still draw
pramado(1691) whispers: kb4 and white makes slight progress AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Rh2 and white can make no progress pramado(1691) whispers: yeah
57...Rh2(2:05) 58.Kc3(0:21)
pramado(1691) whispers: now rf5 maybe? rf5 then c5? SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Black has to try to attack the rook with the king to have more space white white oges for the f pawn... AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: Rh3+ K~ Rh2 SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: That would be giving up the f pawn. Can't black try to move the rook away from f7 so he can have more space?
pramado(1691) whispers: no it wouldn't pramado(1691) whispers: white can't charge the f pawn without leaving the c pawn open to be captured by the black rook AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: exactly
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: and white cannot escape the checks
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Crafty gives a draw here... 59. ... Ke8 60. Rf5 Ke7 61. Ke3 Kd6 62. Ke2 Rh4 63. Rf6+ Kc5 64. Rc6+ Kb4 65. Kxf2 Rxc4 66. Rxb6 Rc5 67. Kg3 Rxb5 AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: dead draw
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: I want my half point, dangit!
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: Come on baby, give it to me!
petlya offers a draw.
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Kd3 would win for black...
onlytwinone declines the draw request.
paceytallblack(1633) whispers: lol declines
petlya offers a draw.
onlytwinone declines the draw request.
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: " I want it all... I want it all, and I want it NOW..."
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: Queen
64...Rc5(0:07) 65.Rf6+(0:17)Kc7(0:32)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: whitre can keep checking, and black either lets it, or exchanges rooks and then white can protect his pawn and draw paceytallblack(1633) whispers: i just saw black was up two pawns at one point :)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: he was, but he let them go... paceytallblack(1633) whispers: but in the opening white seem crushing SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: He blundered a winning position... paceytallblack(1633) whispers: yep onlytwinone(1546) whispers: One more baby, one more! SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: A stale would be fitting for this game... ButiOxa(1711) whispers: yes
67.Ra7(2:33)Kc8(1:24) 68.Kd4(0:24)Rxb5(0:20) 69.Kc4(0:04)Rb1(0:08)
paceytallblack(1633) whispers: wow.... onlytwinone(1546) whispers: oh no you don't!
70.Kc3(0:40)Kb8(0:09) 71.Rh7(0:17)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: game is still a draw.
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: Dude...
edelgado(0) whispers: is this a team game SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: yep, it's a TL game
72...Rc7(0:51) 73.Rxc7(0:30)Kxc7(0:11)
pramado(1691) whispers: its a draw white just hugs the a file
74.Kb5(0:20)Kb7(0:04) 75.Kb4(0:03)Ka6(0:04) 76.Ka4(0:05)
petlya offers a draw.
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: At least push the pawn & end with no material! AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: or stalemate!
onlytwinone declines the draw request.
76...Ka7(1:07) 77.Kb5(0:03)Kb7(0:03) 78.Kb4(0:02)Kc7(0:07) 79.Kb5(0:08)Kb7(0:01) 80.Kb4(0:03)Kc6(0:01) 81.Kc4(0:02)b5+(0:02) 82.Kb4(0:04)Kb6(0:01)
cynick(2146) whispers: 49 moves then b5, another 49 moves b4 etc?
83.Kb3(0:04)Kc7(0:06) 84.Kb4(0:02)Kc6(0:01) 85.Kb3(0:11)Kc5(0:11) 86.Kc3(0:02)b4+(0:02) 87.Kb3(0:02)
Aneirin(1836) whispers: let's see if they know this :)
87...Kb5(0:01) 88.Kb2(0:02)Ka4(0:01) 89.Ka2(0:03)b3+(0:03) 90.Kb2(0:01)Kb4(0:02)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: this is comical!
cynick(2146) whispers: white has been playing the king straight back all along so he knows it Aneirin(1836) whispers: yes
onlytwinone(1546) whispers: well dang, I may as well make him stress a bit more...lol
92...Kb4(0:06) 93.Kb1(0:07)Ka3(0:02) 94.Ka1(0:02)Kb4(0:01) 95.Kb2(0:01)Kc4(0:02) 96.Kb1(0:11)
AliKhoshechin(1872) whispers: now that's weird!
96...Kc3(0:05) 97.Kc1(0:01)Kd3(0:02) 98.Kb2(0:02)Kc4(0:01) 99.Kb1(0:08)Kc3(0:02) 100.Kc1(0:01)Kd3(0:03) 101.Kb2(0:02)Kc4(0:01) 102.Kc1(0:02)Kb4(0:01)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: lol
103.Kb2(0:01)Ka4(0:01) 104.Kb1(0:02)Ka3(0:01)
paceytallblack(1633) whispers: so is it another miss?
cynick(2146) whispers: white lost it there once
105...Kb4(0:03) 106.Kb2(0:02)Kc4(0:01)
SamuraiGoroh(1650) whispers: where would it be? paceytallblack(1633) whispers: oh no...
107.Kb1(0:08)Kd3(0:01) 108.Kb2(0:01)
Aneirin(1836) whispers: lol
108...Kc4(0:02) 109.Kb1(0:02)Kc3(0:01) 110.Kc1(0:01)b2+(0:01)
Aneirin(1836) whispers: they're not even thinking now
111.Kb1(0:01)Kb3(0:01)Game drawn by stalemate 1/2-1/2
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