
tell WatchBot listgames criteria

Searches WatchBot database for games fulfilling given criteria and prints those games. One must give one or more of the following clauses:

Games played by given player (using any colour). This clause can be repeated twice, to give both players.
Games where given player had white.
Games where given player had black.
Games played recently (last week).
Games played by high-rated players (both rated >= 2000)

Also, the following additional clauses can be used:

Only commented games (games with some whisper/kibitz).
Only slow games (at least 60 minutes / 40 moves).
Omit incomplete games (adjourned/restarted after adjourn etc)
Only 45+45 (teamchess/teamleague) games.

One can give more than one such clause, player clause can be repeated twice if both players are to be specified.

For every game found two-line information is shown, like:

[713] 2005-10-11 King(1780)-BeautifulQueen(1930) {standard 45 45}
     (174 comments made by 11 players)

The leading number in square brackets is a watchbot game id, you can use mailgame command to get PGN of the game using this number.


List all games played by sportsmen:

tell WatchBot listgames player=sportsmen

List all slow-time games which sportsmen played using black:

tell WatchBot listgames black=sportsmen slow

List all 45+45 games played between sportsmen and alefzero:

tell WatchBot listgames player=sportsmen player=alefzero 45+45

List recently played slow-time games by high-rated players, omitting adjourned/restarted games:

tell WatchBot listgames recent slow complete highrated


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Recent Games

introspection(1897) vs. plebusan(1933) 1/2-1/2 (standard 45+45, 2025-02-04, 9 comments by 2 players)

hastrman(1979) vs. introspection(1906) 1-0 (standard 45+45, 2025-02-04, 38 comments by 2 players)

foggydew(2180) vs. introspection(1895) 0-1 (standard 45+45, 2025-02-01, 37 comments by 2 players)

chesspickle(2121) vs. sircmp(1927) 0-1 (standard 60+0, 2025-01-25, 47 comments by 2 players)

introspection(1861) vs. lno(1931) 0-1 (standard 45+45, 2025-01-22, 7 comments by 3 players)

introspection(1862) vs. sexyplexy(1576) 1-0 (standard 45+45, 2025-01-20, 11 comments by 2 players)

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