ascencion(1533) vs. gtboyyy(1533) 1-0
standard 1+21, 2024-11-12
1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:06) d6 (0:01) 3.g3 (0:05) Nf6 (0:02) 4.Bg2 (0:06) a6 (0:02)
gtboyyy requests to abort the game.
Ascencion declines the abort request.
5.d3 (0:24) e6 (0:02) 6.Nge2 (0:10) Qc7 (0:01) 7.O-O (0:04) Nbd7 (0:01)
gtboyyy requests to abort the game.
Ascencion declines the abort request.
8.Bf4 (1:27) Rb8 (0:05) 9.Bg5 (0:13) Be7 (0:02)
gtboyyy requests to abort the game.
Ascencion declines the abort request.
10.Re1 (0:12) b5 (0:02) 11.a4 (0:20) b4 (0:02) 12.Nb1 (0:13) Bb7 (0:01) 13.Nd2 (0:15) h6 (0:02) 14.Be3 (0:10) d5 (0:02) 15.exd5 (0:12) Bxd5 (0:04) 16.Bxd5 (0:03) Nxd5 (0:02) 17.Nf4 (0:16) Nxe3 (0:04) 18.Rxe3 (0:08) O-O (0:01) 19.Nd5 (0:27) exd5 (0:32) 20.Rxe7 (0:04) Qd6 (0:04) 21.Qe2 (0:11) Nf6 (0:19) 22.Re1 (0:26) Qc6 (0:32) 23.a5 (0:14) Qb5 (0:04) 24.Nb3 (0:09) c4 (0:04) 25.dxc4 (0:12) dxc4 (0:02) 26.Nd4 (0:04) Qd5 (0:02) 27.Qe5 (0:20) Qa8 (0:16) 28.Nf5 (0:13) Rfe8 (0:07) 29.Rd1 (0:54) Qf3 (0:10) 30.Rd4 (0:13) Kf8 (0:26) 31.Rxf7+ (0:14) Kxf7 (0:03) 32.Qc7+ (0:02) Kg6 (0:07) 33.Nh4+ (0:12)
gtboyyy forfeits by disconnection 1-0