pchesso(1921) vs. maxmagnus(2039) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2024-07-30

1.Nf3 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: I'm glad to see something other then d4 being played, had no time to prepare for the game.
2.b3 (0:18) d5 (0:53) 3.e3 (0:15) c5 (0:04) 4.Bb2 (0:08) Nc6 (1:05) 5.Bb5 (0:10)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: I'll try not to force things too much, unlike in my last game against kurumim.
5...a6 (3:16) 6.Bxc6+ (0:06) bxc6 (0:10) 7.d4 (0:09) e6 (11:19) 8.h3 (0:11)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: I wanted to play Bg4, but after h3 I didn't want to trade for the knight
8...Rb8 (2:36) 9.Nc3 (1:10) cxd4 (2:23) 10.exd4 (0:28) Bb4 (1:39) 11.O-O (0:12) O-O (0:03) 12.Ne5 (4:30) Qd6 (0:29) 13.Na4 (0:53) Ne4 (5:10) 14.c3 (1:00) Ba5 (0:28) 15.Qc1 (3:08)
herrahuu(1818) whispers: with Ba3 threat
15...Qc7 (7:26)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: I knew this would happen, should have gone with Bg4 when I had a chance :)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: Ba3 c5 looks ok to me
16.Nd3 (8:09) f6 (5:28)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: I plan to sacrifice on h3 with my bishop perhaps at some point, not sure if it will happen
17.Ba3 (5:20) Rf7 (1:44) 18.Ndc5 (0:22) Ng5 (0:58)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: hmmm h4
19.h4 (2:01) Ne4 (0:35) 20.Nxe4 (0:52) dxe4 (0:00) 21.Bc5 (1:09) e5 (0:21)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: not sure what the point of Bc5 is
22.b4 (0:40)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: ah
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: from one mistake to another, not my day today
brunftbert(1763) whispers: a bit surprising
22...Bb6 (4:46) 23.Nxb6 (1:52) Rxb6 (0:00) 24.Bxb6 (0:02) Qxb6 (0:04) 25.dxe5 (1:44) c5 (1:17) 26.Qe3 (0:51) Bb7 (0:02) 27.Qxc5 (1:58) Qe6 (0:25) 28.Qd6 (1:07) Qg4 (0:03) 29.e6 (2:11)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: there was nothing that I coud do in this game, simply pchesso outplayed me in the openning
29...Rf8 (1:33) 30.e7 (0:09) Re8 (0:01)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: one or two moves and I'll resign
31.Qg3 (3:20) Qe6 (0:17) 32.Rad1 (2:17) Qxe7 (0:18)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: Qd6
33.Rd6 (1:13) e3 (1:33)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: queen can take also
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: simply no tricks for me in this game :)
34.Qxe3 (2:35) Qf7 (0:01) 35.Qg3 (0:12) f5 (3:59) 36.Rfd1 (5:27) f4 (0:02) 37.Qg5 (1:33) h6 (0:01) 38.Rxh6 (2:03) f3 (1:58) 39.Rd8 (1:23) fxg2 (0:17)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: Rhd6 and is over
40.Rhd6 (3:35)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: Kh7?
40...Kh7 (1:07) 41.Rxe8 (1:23) Qxe8 (0:00) 42.Qf5+ (1:01) Kh8 (0:27)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: Rd1 and what then
43.Qe6 (1:52) Qb5 (6:19) 44.Rd8+ (1:33) Kh7 (0:02) 45.Qg8+ (0:33) Kh6 (2:12) 46.Rd6+ (0:08) Kh5 (0:20)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: I was expcting Qh8+ Kg6 and Qe8+
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: is this mate now?
47.Qf7+ (3:43) Kxh4 (1:15) 48.Rd4+ (0:20) Kg5 (0:40)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: I don't want to get mated :D
49.Qxg7+ (2:05) Kf5 (2:35) 50.Qg4+ (0:53) Ke5 (2:00) 51.Qf4+ (0:17) Ke6 (0:05) 52.Rd6+ (0:07) Ke7 (0:02)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: nice
53.Qf6+ (0:12)
Maxmagnus(2039) whispers: good game, was fun
53...Ke8 (0:08) 54.Rd8# (0:08) Maxmagnus checkmated 1-0

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