montalvonet(1932) vs. araszek(1952) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2024-04-02

1.c4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:20) Nc6 (0:27) 3.Bg2 (0:05) e6 (1:13) 4.Nc3 (0:35) Nf6 (0:11) 5.Nf3 (1:35) Be7 (2:24) 6.O-O (0:24) Rb8 (2:01) 7.e4 (1:52) h5 (2:54)
araszek(1952) whispers: I know I have B not developed, but I feel I should make a space for a N (potential Nh7 after e5)
araszek(1952) whispers: but also need to think if that Nh7 is a reasonable move
8.d4 (3:44)
araszek(1952) whispers: I could also put N on g4 and after Nh6 =>Nf5
araszek(1952) whispers: have to take - no other options
8...cxd4 (1:36) 9.Nxd4 (0:07)
araszek(1952) whispers: should I try to tranfer it to sth similar to Kalashnikov variation by e5 ?
9...a6 (3:46)
araszek(1952) whispers: lets wait what is white's plan for that N
araszek(1952) whispers: I'm not sure if I like that a6 - I have weak dark squares on Q side
araszek(1952) whispers: but I wanted to cover b5
10.Nxc6 (5:03) dxc6 (4:35)
araszek(1952) whispers: I was a bit worried about d7 weakness if I would take by b pawn
araszek(1952) whispers: but after Q ex there is no attack on K side
araszek(1952) whispers: and I will have difficulties to put my LSB into playh
araszek(1952) whispers: so I'm not sure if that was not a mistake
11.Qe2 (1:25)
araszek(1952) whispers: I mean dxc6
11...e5 (2:23) 12.Bg5 (3:40)
araszek(1952) whispers: is there a tactics Nxe4 Bxe7 Nxc3
araszek(1952) whispers: ?
araszek(1952) whispers: no, after Qxe5 R will not be defended
12...Be6 (5:43) 13.a3 (2:39)
araszek(1952) whispers: now that Nxe4 could work
araszek(1952) whispers: lets try calculation one more time
araszek(1952) whispers: ahh - there is no pawn up after that
13...Qd4 (7:37)
araszek(1952) whispers: I decided to attack c pawn
araszek(1952) whispers: I know I should play for position, not for material
araszek(1952) whispers: but I feel not so great today
araszek(1952) whispers: and have no idea for sth better
14.Rfd1 (7:28) Qxc4 (0:42) 15.Qxc4 (0:59) Bxc4 (0:04)
kurumim(2221) whispers: now that the Qs have been traded, Black shouldn't worry about his king in the centre
kurumim(2221) whispers: go, Chris!
16.f4 (3:02) Bc5+ (2:50) 17.Kh1 (1:34) Ng4 (0:31) 18.Rd2 (2:00) f6 (0:49) 19.Bh4 (2:38) Nf2+ (1:05)
araszek(1952) whispers: looks like exchange sac is unavoidable, if not then whole R would be taken
araszek(1952) whispers: and my e pawn is also quite safe - if would be taken then g5 will trap B
20.Rxf2 (3:44) Bxf2 (0:04)
kurumim(2221) whispers: yep :)
21.fxe5 (1:09)
LNO(1964) whispers: also the f pawn hangs now
araszek(1952) whispers: but if not then exf4 could be taken into consideration
LNO(1964) whispers: well this is over now
21...g5 (0:39) Montalvonet resigns 0-1

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