alfreale(1930) vs. asdago(2002) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2023-04-02
1.Nf3 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.b3 (0:08) Nf6 (0:02) 3.Bb2 (0:03) Bf5 (0:06) 4.e3 (1:13)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I looked at this a little before the game 4...e6 (0:26) 5.d4 (0:09)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could play c5, but I think it makes sense to keep his bishop locked in 5...Bd6 (2:35) 6.Bb5+ (0:24)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: That move makes very little sense
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Played very quickly as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It simply loses time
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Provoking c6 makes no sense since I want to play it anyway
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could also play Nd7, which I'd want to play anyway as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But I think c6 makes sense, hitting the bishop 6...c6 (1:31) 7.Be2 (0:07)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think my opponent is a touch overrated
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: No offense
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think h6 makes sense now, because after Nh4 there's no more Bg4 7...h6 (1:26) 8.Nbd2 (0:13)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It's good my opponent is playing fast, because his blitz rating is very low ;-) 8...O-O (0:41) 9.c4 (1:42)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could play b6, not sure if I'm worried about c5
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: c5 seems kind of annoying
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But I could play for e5 as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think I can allow c5 9...Nbd7 (6:17) 10.c5 (0:24)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I had a feeling he'd play that instantly
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Attacking pieces with pawns gives this guy a dopamine rush
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think it makes more sense to drop back to c7, keeping an eye on e5 10...Bc7 (1:03) 11.b4 (0:06)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: For some reason, I get the feeling he thinks he's crushing me here (which he's not, of course)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Probably because he's playing so fast 11...Re8 (1:37)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Surprised he hasn't blitzed out b6 yet! 12.Ne5 (1:08)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I'm not sure that's a good move
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Could be ok, but he hasn't castled so he might run into problems along the e-file
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not to mention it weakens c5 as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But of course, he gets to attack a piece with a pawn, so it's all worth it! 12...Nxe5 (1:56) 13.dxe5 (0:04) Nd7 (0:18) 14.f4 (0:04)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: f6 looks good, as well as b6
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: f6 Bh5 g6 g4
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I get Qh4+ in in that line
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: oh, actually, just Be4 and I'm winning a piece 14...f6 (5:41)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think this is ok
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It does seem a little weakening though 15.Nf3 (0:27)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Now the pawn's just really weak, and I still have Qh5+ picking up the b-pawn
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not in this position, of course, but after some trades, if he decides to trade everything
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: fxe5 and he should take back with the pawn, of course
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It's still weak though
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I have some initiative 15...fxe5 (1:43) 16.fxe5 (0:10)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Taking back with the knight pretty much loses on the spot 16...b6 (1:17)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have allowed Ba6 17.Qa4 (1:12) bxc5 (3:18) 18.Qxc6 (0:35) cxb4 (1:14) 19.O-O (0:29)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Queen is almost trapped kind of
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But not really 19...Bb6 (3:30)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Probably Bd4
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Nd4 just loses a pawn I think
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Maybe not
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I should speed up a little perhaps 20.Bd4 (1:35) Rc8 (1:20)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: maybe he'll play Bxb6, but that would just simplify into a worse endgame
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He might play it because he thinks it'll surprise me or something though 21.Qb5 (0:55) a5 (1:34) 22.a3 (0:18) Rb8 (1:24) 23.Bxb6 (0:25)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Hmm, can I take with the queen?
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think so
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: There's Rf2 though, so maybe not
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It still looks good, actually
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think I can 23...Qxb6 (6:49) 24.Qxd7 (0:17) Qxe3+ (0:17) 25.Rf2 (0:06) b3 (0:30) 26.Re1 (3:12)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not scared of any discovery because I just take the rook at least 26...b2 (1:00)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Perhaps Ishould've calculated Bb5 more deeply, but I'm sure it's winning 27.Bd3 (0:42)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: There is that actually
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I can take with the bishop though
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: So at the very least I'm gaining the piece back
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I can take with the queen too, of course
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Taking wit the bishop seems better though
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: And there's Qc1 too
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But then it gets messy
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He somehow managed to not lose instantly though
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Still should be straightforward to win 27...Bxd3 (3:50)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Rxd3 is pretty much forced if I'm not mistaken 28.Rxe3 (1:25) b1=Q+ (0:04) 29.Re1 (0:05) Qb5 (1:06) 30.Qa7 (1:11) Qb6 (1:15)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Might as well force a queen trade 31.Qxb6 (0:14) Rxb6 (0:03) 32.Rc1 (0:06)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Could force a rook trade as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think that makes sense
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Because if Reb8, there's Nd2
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But then Rb2 32...Reb8 (3:56) 33.Rd2 (0:23) Rb1 (0:54) 34.Rcd1 (0:05)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Thanks!
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Now it's an easy win
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could even let him get a pawn back probably
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But no need 34...Rxd1+ (0:45) 35.Rxd1 (0:03)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think it's an easy win at least
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He can blockade on the dark squares though...
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: So maybe no rook trade?
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could force an exchange of minor pieces
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: And then fork the pawns in the end
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think that's the way to go 35...Be2 (3:18) 36.Rc1 (0:03)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not too worried
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But I have to be careful not to lose my a-pawn 36...Bxf3 (0:59) 37.gxf3 (0:00) Rb3 (0:25) 38.Rc6 (0:25)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: No need to give up a pawn 38...Kf7 (0:49) 39.Rc7+ (0:07) Kg6 (0:09) 40.Kf2 (0:12) Rxa3 (0:21) 41.h4 (0:03)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I mean, I don't think h5+ is very powerful, but it is a little annoying to get my king cut off
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could just play h5
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Also stops his king from getting in 41...h5 (1:30)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not much he can do here, so I think I can take my time 42.Kg3 (0:15)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He does have Re2
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Or did 42...Rb3 (2:34)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I wonder why my opponent used so little time, especially as he is clearly not very profficent at faster time controls
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: In his finger notes he says he prefers longer time controls, and he even has an anti-blitz quote from Bobby Fischer! 43.Re7 (5:32) Rb6 (1:16)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Ra7 is the only move that attempts to hold 44.Ra7 (0:27) Rb5 (0:19) 45.Kf2 (0:20) d4 (0:49)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Rd7 would simply lose a tempo to Rd5 46.Ke2 (1:06) Rxe5+ (0:29) 47.Kd3 (0:19)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Rd5 is possible, of course, but I like Re3 better 47...Re3+ (2:14) 48.Kxd4 (0:11) Rxf3 (0:16) 49.Ra6 (0:13) Kf6 (0:53) 50.Rxa5 (0:45) Rf4+ (0:10) 51.Ke3 (0:14) Rxh4 (0:07) 52.Kf3 (0:06) g6 (0:21) 53.Ra2 (0:34) Rb4 (0:51) 54.Ke3 (2:27) g5 (1:08) 55.Rf2+ (0:16) Rf4 (0:36) 56.Rh2 (0:13) h4 (0:19) 57.Rh1 (0:24) e5 (0:15) 58.Rb1 (0:16) h3 (0:20) 59.Rb6+ (0:12) Kf5 (0:06) 60.Rh6 (0:13) Rh4 (0:06) 61.Rc6 (0:11) h2 (0:03) 62.Rc8 (0:22) h1=Q (0:06) 63.Rf8+ (0:07) Ke6 (0:02)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Oh boy 64.Re8+ (0:08)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He's not going to resign 64...Kf7 (0:03) 65.Rxe5 (0:07) Qe1+ (0:01) 66.Kf3 (0:07) Qxe5 (0:03) alfreale resigns 0-1
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I looked at this a little before the game 4...e6 (0:26) 5.d4 (0:09)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could play c5, but I think it makes sense to keep his bishop locked in 5...Bd6 (2:35) 6.Bb5+ (0:24)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: That move makes very little sense
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Played very quickly as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It simply loses time
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Provoking c6 makes no sense since I want to play it anyway
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could also play Nd7, which I'd want to play anyway as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But I think c6 makes sense, hitting the bishop 6...c6 (1:31) 7.Be2 (0:07)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think my opponent is a touch overrated
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: No offense
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think h6 makes sense now, because after Nh4 there's no more Bg4 7...h6 (1:26) 8.Nbd2 (0:13)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It's good my opponent is playing fast, because his blitz rating is very low ;-) 8...O-O (0:41) 9.c4 (1:42)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could play b6, not sure if I'm worried about c5
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: c5 seems kind of annoying
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But I could play for e5 as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think I can allow c5 9...Nbd7 (6:17) 10.c5 (0:24)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I had a feeling he'd play that instantly
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Attacking pieces with pawns gives this guy a dopamine rush
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think it makes more sense to drop back to c7, keeping an eye on e5 10...Bc7 (1:03) 11.b4 (0:06)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: For some reason, I get the feeling he thinks he's crushing me here (which he's not, of course)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Probably because he's playing so fast 11...Re8 (1:37)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Surprised he hasn't blitzed out b6 yet! 12.Ne5 (1:08)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I'm not sure that's a good move
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Could be ok, but he hasn't castled so he might run into problems along the e-file
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not to mention it weakens c5 as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But of course, he gets to attack a piece with a pawn, so it's all worth it! 12...Nxe5 (1:56) 13.dxe5 (0:04) Nd7 (0:18) 14.f4 (0:04)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: f6 looks good, as well as b6
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: f6 Bh5 g6 g4
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I get Qh4+ in in that line
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: oh, actually, just Be4 and I'm winning a piece 14...f6 (5:41)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think this is ok
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It does seem a little weakening though 15.Nf3 (0:27)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Now the pawn's just really weak, and I still have Qh5+ picking up the b-pawn
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not in this position, of course, but after some trades, if he decides to trade everything
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: fxe5 and he should take back with the pawn, of course
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It's still weak though
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I have some initiative 15...fxe5 (1:43) 16.fxe5 (0:10)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Taking back with the knight pretty much loses on the spot 16...b6 (1:17)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have allowed Ba6 17.Qa4 (1:12) bxc5 (3:18) 18.Qxc6 (0:35) cxb4 (1:14) 19.O-O (0:29)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Queen is almost trapped kind of
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But not really 19...Bb6 (3:30)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Probably Bd4
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Nd4 just loses a pawn I think
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Maybe not
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I should speed up a little perhaps 20.Bd4 (1:35) Rc8 (1:20)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: maybe he'll play Bxb6, but that would just simplify into a worse endgame
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He might play it because he thinks it'll surprise me or something though 21.Qb5 (0:55) a5 (1:34) 22.a3 (0:18) Rb8 (1:24) 23.Bxb6 (0:25)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Hmm, can I take with the queen?
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think so
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: There's Rf2 though, so maybe not
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: It still looks good, actually
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think I can 23...Qxb6 (6:49) 24.Qxd7 (0:17) Qxe3+ (0:17) 25.Rf2 (0:06) b3 (0:30) 26.Re1 (3:12)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not scared of any discovery because I just take the rook at least 26...b2 (1:00)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Perhaps Ishould've calculated Bb5 more deeply, but I'm sure it's winning 27.Bd3 (0:42)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: There is that actually
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I can take with the bishop though
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: So at the very least I'm gaining the piece back
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I can take with the queen too, of course
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Taking wit the bishop seems better though
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: And there's Qc1 too
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But then it gets messy
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He somehow managed to not lose instantly though
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Still should be straightforward to win 27...Bxd3 (3:50)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Rxd3 is pretty much forced if I'm not mistaken 28.Rxe3 (1:25) b1=Q+ (0:04) 29.Re1 (0:05) Qb5 (1:06) 30.Qa7 (1:11) Qb6 (1:15)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Might as well force a queen trade 31.Qxb6 (0:14) Rxb6 (0:03) 32.Rc1 (0:06)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Could force a rook trade as well
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think that makes sense
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Because if Reb8, there's Nd2
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But then Rb2 32...Reb8 (3:56) 33.Rd2 (0:23) Rb1 (0:54) 34.Rcd1 (0:05)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Thanks!
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Now it's an easy win
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could even let him get a pawn back probably
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But no need 34...Rxd1+ (0:45) 35.Rxd1 (0:03)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think it's an easy win at least
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He can blockade on the dark squares though...
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: So maybe no rook trade?
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could force an exchange of minor pieces
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: And then fork the pawns in the end
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I think that's the way to go 35...Be2 (3:18) 36.Rc1 (0:03)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not too worried
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: But I have to be careful not to lose my a-pawn 36...Bxf3 (0:59) 37.gxf3 (0:00) Rb3 (0:25) 38.Rc6 (0:25)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: No need to give up a pawn 38...Kf7 (0:49) 39.Rc7+ (0:07) Kg6 (0:09) 40.Kf2 (0:12) Rxa3 (0:21) 41.h4 (0:03)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I mean, I don't think h5+ is very powerful, but it is a little annoying to get my king cut off
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I could just play h5
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Also stops his king from getting in 41...h5 (1:30)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Not much he can do here, so I think I can take my time 42.Kg3 (0:15)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He does have Re2
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Or did 42...Rb3 (2:34)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: I wonder why my opponent used so little time, especially as he is clearly not very profficent at faster time controls
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: In his finger notes he says he prefers longer time controls, and he even has an anti-blitz quote from Bobby Fischer! 43.Re7 (5:32) Rb6 (1:16)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Ra7 is the only move that attempts to hold 44.Ra7 (0:27) Rb5 (0:19) 45.Kf2 (0:20) d4 (0:49)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Rd7 would simply lose a tempo to Rd5 46.Ke2 (1:06) Rxe5+ (0:29) 47.Kd3 (0:19)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Rd5 is possible, of course, but I like Re3 better 47...Re3+ (2:14) 48.Kxd4 (0:11) Rxf3 (0:16) 49.Ra6 (0:13) Kf6 (0:53) 50.Rxa5 (0:45) Rf4+ (0:10) 51.Ke3 (0:14) Rxh4 (0:07) 52.Kf3 (0:06) g6 (0:21) 53.Ra2 (0:34) Rb4 (0:51) 54.Ke3 (2:27) g5 (1:08) 55.Rf2+ (0:16) Rf4 (0:36) 56.Rh2 (0:13) h4 (0:19) 57.Rh1 (0:24) e5 (0:15) 58.Rb1 (0:16) h3 (0:20) 59.Rb6+ (0:12) Kf5 (0:06) 60.Rh6 (0:13) Rh4 (0:06) 61.Rc6 (0:11) h2 (0:03) 62.Rc8 (0:22) h1=Q (0:06) 63.Rf8+ (0:07) Ke6 (0:02)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: Oh boy 64.Re8+ (0:08)
AsDaGo(2002) whispers: He's not going to resign 64...Kf7 (0:03) 65.Rxe5 (0:07) Qe1+ (0:01) 66.Kf3 (0:07) Qxe5 (0:03) alfreale resigns 0-1