jones(2043) vs. jaberwock(2256) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2022-11-13
1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:03)
jaberwock(2256) whispers: again I must laugh at myself; I thought I had white this game; so much for my prep ahain 2...d5 (0:38) 3.exd5 (0:00) cxd5 (0:04) 4.c4 (0:02)
danijelo(2075) whispers: :D 4...Nf6 (0:02) 5.Nc3 (0:07) e6 (0:03) 6.Nf3 (0:18) Bb4 (0:53) 7.cxd5 (0:10) Nxd5 (0:35) 8.Bd2 (0:04) Nc6 (0:45) 9.Bd3 (0:07) O-O (0:49) 10.O-O (0:11) Be7 (1:08) 11.a3 (0:34) Bf6 (3:06) 12.Be3 (2:33) Nxc3 (2:31) 13.bxc3 (0:51) b6 (0:23)
danijelo(2075) whispers: wonder was e5 possible 14.Bb1 (5:28) Bb7 (3:05) 15.Qd3 (2:29) g6 (0:12) 16.Rd1 (2:04) Ne7 (2:48) 17.Ba2 (3:04) Bxf3 (2:31) 18.gxf3 (0:00) Nf5 (0:34) 19.Kh1 (1:46) Qc7 (2:50) 20.Rg1 (1:58) Rac8 (1:11) 21.Bd2 (1:53) Qc6 (3:09) 22.Rae1 (7:34) Bg7 (1:11) 23.Re4 (3:04) Nd6 (1:23) 24.Rh4 (1:44) Nc4 (4:49) 25.Bh6 (2:48)
LJMon(1848) whispers: can he take? naw 25...Nb2 (1:15) 26.Qe2 (1:58)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qxf3+ stops Qh6
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe perpetual 26...Bxh6 (2:44)
LJMon(1848) whispers: gg 27.Rxh6 (2:19) Qxc3 (0:56) 28.Qe4 (2:18)
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe...Qc6 28...Qd3 (2:29)
LJMon(1848) whispers: not good allows Qh3
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe not 29.Qg4 (1:26)
LJMon(1848) whispers: has Qf5
LJMon(1848) whispers: 0-1 29...Nd1 (1:57) 30.Rxd1 (1:37) Qxd1+ (0:09) 31.Kg2 (0:00)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rc1 or not Rc1 hum
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rc1
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: Qd2!
LJMon(1848) whispers: yes that is good also
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: double attack
danijelo(2075) whispers: need to calculate Bxe6
danijelo(2075) whispers: with Rxg6 31...Rcd8 (3:35)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: yes 32.Qh3 (2:11)
LJMon(1848) whispers: there is that Qh3 move 32...Qxd4 (2:00) 33.Rxh7 (0:49)
LJMon(1848) whispers: 0-1 33...Qf6 (1:02) 34.Qh6 (3:48)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: Rd3!
LJMon(1848) whispers: RD3 looks good 34...Rd3 (2:17)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: :) 35.f4 (1:00)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: Rxp
LJMon(1848) whispers: white has Bxe6 in some variations 35...e5 (2:47)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: yes
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qx mate pawn take Rxa7 and Qh7Mate or check
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: that allow to play Qc6! 36.f5 (1:07)
LJMon(1848) whispers: white is done anyway
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: yes
LJMon(1848) whispers: now if fxg6 Qf3+ and mate
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: Qc6+ and Rd2+
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: *Rd1+ 36...Qc6+ (1:45)
LJMon(1848) whispers: the end 37.Kf1 (0:39) Qh1+ (0:13)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: aha
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: yes jones resigns 0-1
jaberwock(2256) whispers: again I must laugh at myself; I thought I had white this game; so much for my prep ahain 2...d5 (0:38) 3.exd5 (0:00) cxd5 (0:04) 4.c4 (0:02)
danijelo(2075) whispers: :D 4...Nf6 (0:02) 5.Nc3 (0:07) e6 (0:03) 6.Nf3 (0:18) Bb4 (0:53) 7.cxd5 (0:10) Nxd5 (0:35) 8.Bd2 (0:04) Nc6 (0:45) 9.Bd3 (0:07) O-O (0:49) 10.O-O (0:11) Be7 (1:08) 11.a3 (0:34) Bf6 (3:06) 12.Be3 (2:33) Nxc3 (2:31) 13.bxc3 (0:51) b6 (0:23)
danijelo(2075) whispers: wonder was e5 possible 14.Bb1 (5:28) Bb7 (3:05) 15.Qd3 (2:29) g6 (0:12) 16.Rd1 (2:04) Ne7 (2:48) 17.Ba2 (3:04) Bxf3 (2:31) 18.gxf3 (0:00) Nf5 (0:34) 19.Kh1 (1:46) Qc7 (2:50) 20.Rg1 (1:58) Rac8 (1:11) 21.Bd2 (1:53) Qc6 (3:09) 22.Rae1 (7:34) Bg7 (1:11) 23.Re4 (3:04) Nd6 (1:23) 24.Rh4 (1:44) Nc4 (4:49) 25.Bh6 (2:48)
LJMon(1848) whispers: can he take? naw 25...Nb2 (1:15) 26.Qe2 (1:58)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qxf3+ stops Qh6
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe perpetual 26...Bxh6 (2:44)
LJMon(1848) whispers: gg 27.Rxh6 (2:19) Qxc3 (0:56) 28.Qe4 (2:18)
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe...Qc6 28...Qd3 (2:29)
LJMon(1848) whispers: not good allows Qh3
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe not 29.Qg4 (1:26)
LJMon(1848) whispers: has Qf5
LJMon(1848) whispers: 0-1 29...Nd1 (1:57) 30.Rxd1 (1:37) Qxd1+ (0:09) 31.Kg2 (0:00)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rc1 or not Rc1 hum
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rc1
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: Qd2!
LJMon(1848) whispers: yes that is good also
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: double attack
danijelo(2075) whispers: need to calculate Bxe6
danijelo(2075) whispers: with Rxg6 31...Rcd8 (3:35)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: yes 32.Qh3 (2:11)
LJMon(1848) whispers: there is that Qh3 move 32...Qxd4 (2:00) 33.Rxh7 (0:49)
LJMon(1848) whispers: 0-1 33...Qf6 (1:02) 34.Qh6 (3:48)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: Rd3!
LJMon(1848) whispers: RD3 looks good 34...Rd3 (2:17)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: :) 35.f4 (1:00)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: Rxp
LJMon(1848) whispers: white has Bxe6 in some variations 35...e5 (2:47)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: yes
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qx mate pawn take Rxa7 and Qh7Mate or check
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: that allow to play Qc6! 36.f5 (1:07)
LJMon(1848) whispers: white is done anyway
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: yes
LJMon(1848) whispers: now if fxg6 Qf3+ and mate
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: Qc6+ and Rd2+
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: *Rd1+ 36...Qc6+ (1:45)
LJMon(1848) whispers: the end 37.Kf1 (0:39) Qh1+ (0:13)
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: aha
mcstorytaller(1876) whispers: yes jones resigns 0-1