marianocg(1650) vs. tragicprincefer(1786) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2022-08-21
Earlier moves are in marianocg(1650) vs. tragicprincefer(1786) *
23.Bf3 (3:07)
23...Bf5 (0:13)
morphology(1828) whispers: I can't see enough to say if g4 helps but I think there is no time or space for anything else 24.g4 (6:19)
morphology(1828) whispers: nxf3 gxf5 and the pin on f6 is a small help. everything is a little loose. 24...Nxf3 (0:55) 25.gxf5 (3:11) Nxh4 (1:28) 26.fxg6 (0:19) Nf5 (1:06) 27.Rdf1 (0:44) Rxe4 (0:40)
morphology(1828) whispers: I like this move
morphology(1828) whispers: I meant Rf1
morphology(1828) whispers: but what is this now? 28.dxe4 (0:42) Nd4 (0:17)
morphology(1828) whispers: a dangerous knight back on d4. Sigh.
morphology(1828) whispers: ng4 will set problems for black though 29.Ng4 (3:25)
LightKnight(1842) whispers: looks lost :(
morphology(1828) whispers: yes
morphology(1828) whispers: black must develop the rook or push pawns but both are slow and white finally is able to make threats on the king
morphology(1828) whispers: I guess find some square for the queen and hope for the best here. 29...Qb6 (7:14) 30.Rxf6 (3:07) Re8 (1:14) 31.Rxh6 (1:31)
morphology(1828) whispers: i think mate is forced
morphology(1828) whispers: if Rxe4 31...Qc6 (0:44)
morphology(1828) whispers: or Qc6 32.Rh7+ (0:35) Kg8 (0:02) 33.Qc4+ (0:17)
LightKnight(1842) whispers: Nh6#
morphology(1828) whispers: Nh6# is still on offer 33...Ne6 (0:25)
antvrs(1853) whispers: :)
morphology(1828) whispers: but this is winning regardless
LightKnight(1842) whispers: of course
morphology(1828) whispers: well done Mariano 34.Rxe6 (0:56)
LightKnight(1842) whispers: to think a draw was enough :(
LightKnight(1842) whispers: well, congrats to the champions. TragicPrinceFer resigns 1-0
morphology(1828) whispers: I can't see enough to say if g4 helps but I think there is no time or space for anything else 24.g4 (6:19)
morphology(1828) whispers: nxf3 gxf5 and the pin on f6 is a small help. everything is a little loose. 24...Nxf3 (0:55) 25.gxf5 (3:11) Nxh4 (1:28) 26.fxg6 (0:19) Nf5 (1:06) 27.Rdf1 (0:44) Rxe4 (0:40)
morphology(1828) whispers: I like this move
morphology(1828) whispers: I meant Rf1
morphology(1828) whispers: but what is this now? 28.dxe4 (0:42) Nd4 (0:17)
morphology(1828) whispers: a dangerous knight back on d4. Sigh.
morphology(1828) whispers: ng4 will set problems for black though 29.Ng4 (3:25)
LightKnight(1842) whispers: looks lost :(
morphology(1828) whispers: yes
morphology(1828) whispers: black must develop the rook or push pawns but both are slow and white finally is able to make threats on the king
morphology(1828) whispers: I guess find some square for the queen and hope for the best here. 29...Qb6 (7:14) 30.Rxf6 (3:07) Re8 (1:14) 31.Rxh6 (1:31)
morphology(1828) whispers: i think mate is forced
morphology(1828) whispers: if Rxe4 31...Qc6 (0:44)
morphology(1828) whispers: or Qc6 32.Rh7+ (0:35) Kg8 (0:02) 33.Qc4+ (0:17)
LightKnight(1842) whispers: Nh6#
morphology(1828) whispers: Nh6# is still on offer 33...Ne6 (0:25)
antvrs(1853) whispers: :)
morphology(1828) whispers: but this is winning regardless
LightKnight(1842) whispers: of course
morphology(1828) whispers: well done Mariano 34.Rxe6 (0:56)
LightKnight(1842) whispers: to think a draw was enough :(
LightKnight(1842) whispers: well, congrats to the champions. TragicPrinceFer resigns 1-0