simonv(2082) vs. introspection(1826) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2022-03-08
1.c4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:02) Nf6 (0:32) 3.Bg2 (0:18) c6 (0:14) 4.d4 (0:16) e4 (0:35) 5.Nc3 (0:44) d5 (4:19) 6.cxd5 (0:13) cxd5 (2:31) 7.Bg5 (0:20) Bb4 (1:56) 8.Rc1 (0:59) Nbd7 (1:51) 9.Nh3 (1:14) h6 (1:57) 10.Bxf6 (0:53) Bxc3+ (3:44) 11.Rxc3 (3:24) Nxf6 (0:06) 12.Qa4+ (0:39) Bd7 (0:03) 13.Qb4 (0:02) Rb8 (3:20) 14.O-O (0:53) a5 (3:11) 15.Qd6 (0:40) Bc6 (2:01) 16.Qc5 (0:39) Nd7 (5:10) 17.Qd6 (0:33) Qe7 (0:44) 18.Qxe7+ (1:31) Kxe7 (3:36) 19.Rfc1 (0:29) Rbc8 (1:14) 20.Nf4 (0:26) Nf6 (0:35) 21.Rc5 (0:50) Bd7 (2:19) 22.e3 (0:49) Rxc5 (0:46) 23.Rxc5 (0:20)
Koff(2013) whispers: he's to find ..b6 23...Rc8 (3:48) 24.Rc3 (15:54) Rxc3 (0:21) 25.bxc3 (0:06) b5 (1:32) 26.a3 (2:00) g5 (2:38) 27.Ne2 (1:06) a4 (2:46) 28.h4 (7:55) Ne8 (0:38) 29.f3 (0:47) exf3 (2:35) 30.Bxf3 (0:08) Be6 (2:59)
Koff(2013) whispers: how's white to defend Pa3?
Koff(2013) whispers: ok, move Ne2 away and delete Nc4. N vs even worse B
Naomi(1660) whispers: N-c1, B-e2 so knight cant use c4
Koff(2013) whispers: yes 31.e4 (3:31)
Koff(2013) whispers: so Nc1 only move?
Koff(2013) whispers: oh! 31...dxe4 (0:22) 32.Bxe4 (0:03)
Koff(2013) whispers: simon wants to be active
Koff(2013) whispers: Nd6+Bc4? 32...Nd6 (0:54) 33.Bc6 (3:01)
Koff(2013) whispers: Bd7 33...Bc4 (1:24) 34.Kf2 (1:00)
Koff(2013) whispers: ah, Kd8-c7
Koff(2013) whispers: or maybe even Bx and Ne4!? 34...f5 (2:38) 35.Ke3 (5:47) Bxe2 (2:55) 36.Kxe2 (0:08) Ke6 (1:08) 37.hxg5 (1:37) hxg5 (0:06) 38.Kf3 (1:22) Nc4 (1:45) 39.Bxb5 (0:47) Nxa3 (0:06) 40.Bxa4 (0:04) Kd5 (1:22) 41.Bb3+ (1:02) Nc4 (0:37) 42.Ke2 (0:13) Introspection resigns 1-0
Koff(2013) whispers: he's to find ..b6 23...Rc8 (3:48) 24.Rc3 (15:54) Rxc3 (0:21) 25.bxc3 (0:06) b5 (1:32) 26.a3 (2:00) g5 (2:38) 27.Ne2 (1:06) a4 (2:46) 28.h4 (7:55) Ne8 (0:38) 29.f3 (0:47) exf3 (2:35) 30.Bxf3 (0:08) Be6 (2:59)
Koff(2013) whispers: how's white to defend Pa3?
Koff(2013) whispers: ok, move Ne2 away and delete Nc4. N vs even worse B
Naomi(1660) whispers: N-c1, B-e2 so knight cant use c4
Koff(2013) whispers: yes 31.e4 (3:31)
Koff(2013) whispers: so Nc1 only move?
Koff(2013) whispers: oh! 31...dxe4 (0:22) 32.Bxe4 (0:03)
Koff(2013) whispers: simon wants to be active
Koff(2013) whispers: Nd6+Bc4? 32...Nd6 (0:54) 33.Bc6 (3:01)
Koff(2013) whispers: Bd7 33...Bc4 (1:24) 34.Kf2 (1:00)
Koff(2013) whispers: ah, Kd8-c7
Koff(2013) whispers: or maybe even Bx and Ne4!? 34...f5 (2:38) 35.Ke3 (5:47) Bxe2 (2:55) 36.Kxe2 (0:08) Ke6 (1:08) 37.hxg5 (1:37) hxg5 (0:06) 38.Kf3 (1:22) Nc4 (1:45) 39.Bxb5 (0:47) Nxa3 (0:06) 40.Bxa4 (0:04) Kd5 (1:22) 41.Bb3+ (1:02) Nc4 (0:37) 42.Ke2 (0:13) Introspection resigns 1-0