yaro(2192) vs. mariusgallus(2219) 1/2-1/2
standard 45+45, 2021-02-22
1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:24) d5 (0:02) 3.Nc3 (0:28) Bb4 (0:04) 4.e5 (0:32) c5 (0:02) 5.a3 (0:26) Bxc3+ (0:03) 6.bxc3 (0:13) Qa5 (0:03) 7.Bd2 (2:37)
MariusGallus(2219) whispers: My opponent is not easy to prepare for - he seems to play a lot of openings. I am pretty predictable, but he is think for a while early so maybe I didn't have many WInawer's in my history. 7...Qa4 (0:06) 8.Be3 (3:26)
MariusGallus(2219) whispers: A new one on me - seems odd to move B again, but I move Queen a lot 8...Ne7 (4:23) 9.Bd3 (4:58) b6 (3:37) 10.Nf3 (1:06)
MariusGallus(2219) whispers: Hes avoided Nf3 so that allows Qg4 10...cxd4 (0:44) 11.cxd4 (0:21) Ba6 (0:04) 12.O-O (1:01) Nbc6 (0:24) 13.Bxa6 (13:55) Qxa6 (0:05) 14.a4 (0:14) O-O (2:24) 15.Qb1 (4:42)
MariusGallus(2219) whispers: queen looks at b5 and h7 - nice 15...Rfc8 (3:43) 16.Bd2 (3:32) Qc4 (6:22) 17.c3 (5:08) Na5 (3:08) 18.Ra3 (7:54) Rc7 (1:06) 19.Rc1 (2:12) Rac8 (0:31) 20.h4 (2:16) h6 (1:47) 21.Bf4 (3:13) Qa6 (2:21) 22.Qb5 (0:59) Qxb5 (1:18) 23.axb5 (0:03) Rc4 (0:35) 24.Kf1 (0:29) Kf8 (0:26) 25.Ke2 (0:05) h5 (4:21) 26.Kd3 (0:19) Ke8 (3:17) 27.Rb1 (0:44) Kd7 (1:15)
Bionchess(2277) whispers: sorry I meant another game ;(
Bionchess(2277) whispers: no good to play on time constraint.. 28.Bc1 (3:07) Nf5 (0:26) 29.Bd2 (0:46) f6 (2:09) 30.Rg1 (0:39) Ke7 (0:59) 31.Be1 (0:42) R4c7 (0:16) 32.Ra2 (0:51) Kf7 (0:18) 33.Rh1 (0:49) Ne7 (0:32) 34.Bd2 (0:19) Ng6 (0:06) 35.exf6 (1:00) gxf6 (0:04) 36.Re1 (0:15) Re7 (1:28) 37.g3 (1:18) Rec7 (0:49) 38.Rb1 (0:54) e5 (5:43) 39.Ng1 (0:22) Nc4 (3:23) 40.Ne2 (0:59) Ke6 (0:13) 41.Rba1 (0:47) Na5 (0:09) 42.Rb1 (0:08) Kf5 (0:10) 43.Bc1 (0:15) Kg4 (1:55) 44.Ba3 (0:22) Nc4 (0:37) 45.Bb4 (0:12) e4+ (0:44) 46.Kc2 (0:07)
Bionchess(2277) whispers: hard to see a breakthrough from either side.. 46...Rd8 (1:40) 47.Rf1 (2:43) Re8 (2:46) 48.Raa1 (1:22) f5 (5:54) 49.Ng1 (0:50) f4 (2:08) 50.f3+ (0:32) exf3 (0:06) 51.Rxf3 (0:02) Re2+ (1:40) 52.Nxe2 (0:32) Kxf3 (0:03) 53.Nxf4 (0:01) Nxf4 (0:02) 54.gxf4 (0:04) Rg7 (2:05) 55.f5 (2:25) Ne3+ (5:18) 56.Kd3 (0:44) Nxf5 (0:24) 57.c4 (1:19) dxc4+ (0:33) 58.Kxc4 (0:03) Rc7+ (0:03) 59.Kd3 (0:16) Rd7 (0:03) 60.Rf1+ (0:29) Kg4 (0:04) 61.Bc3 (0:22) Nxh4 (0:10) 62.Ke4 (0:07) Nf3 (0:40) 63.d5 (0:10) Re7+ (0:04) 64.Kd3 (0:08) h4 (0:05) 65.d6 (1:32) Rd7 (0:04) 66.Bb4 (0:02) h3 (0:03) 67.Ke4 (0:20) Rxd6 (0:39) 68.Bxd6 (1:15) Nd2+ (0:03) 69.Ke3 (0:06) Nxf1+ (0:02) 70.Kf2 (0:02) Nd2 (6:44) 71.Bb8 (0:22) MariusGallus offers a draw. 71...Ne4+ (1:44) Yaro declines the draw request. 72.Kg1 (0:37) Nc3 (0:06) 73.Bxa7 (0:18) Nxb5 (0:01) 74.Bxb6 (0:04) h2+ (0:01) 75.Kxh2 (0:04) Neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2
MariusGallus(2219) whispers: My opponent is not easy to prepare for - he seems to play a lot of openings. I am pretty predictable, but he is think for a while early so maybe I didn't have many WInawer's in my history. 7...Qa4 (0:06) 8.Be3 (3:26)
MariusGallus(2219) whispers: A new one on me - seems odd to move B again, but I move Queen a lot 8...Ne7 (4:23) 9.Bd3 (4:58) b6 (3:37) 10.Nf3 (1:06)
MariusGallus(2219) whispers: Hes avoided Nf3 so that allows Qg4 10...cxd4 (0:44) 11.cxd4 (0:21) Ba6 (0:04) 12.O-O (1:01) Nbc6 (0:24) 13.Bxa6 (13:55) Qxa6 (0:05) 14.a4 (0:14) O-O (2:24) 15.Qb1 (4:42)
MariusGallus(2219) whispers: queen looks at b5 and h7 - nice 15...Rfc8 (3:43) 16.Bd2 (3:32) Qc4 (6:22) 17.c3 (5:08) Na5 (3:08) 18.Ra3 (7:54) Rc7 (1:06) 19.Rc1 (2:12) Rac8 (0:31) 20.h4 (2:16) h6 (1:47) 21.Bf4 (3:13) Qa6 (2:21) 22.Qb5 (0:59) Qxb5 (1:18) 23.axb5 (0:03) Rc4 (0:35) 24.Kf1 (0:29) Kf8 (0:26) 25.Ke2 (0:05) h5 (4:21) 26.Kd3 (0:19) Ke8 (3:17) 27.Rb1 (0:44) Kd7 (1:15)
Bionchess(2277) whispers: sorry I meant another game ;(
Bionchess(2277) whispers: no good to play on time constraint.. 28.Bc1 (3:07) Nf5 (0:26) 29.Bd2 (0:46) f6 (2:09) 30.Rg1 (0:39) Ke7 (0:59) 31.Be1 (0:42) R4c7 (0:16) 32.Ra2 (0:51) Kf7 (0:18) 33.Rh1 (0:49) Ne7 (0:32) 34.Bd2 (0:19) Ng6 (0:06) 35.exf6 (1:00) gxf6 (0:04) 36.Re1 (0:15) Re7 (1:28) 37.g3 (1:18) Rec7 (0:49) 38.Rb1 (0:54) e5 (5:43) 39.Ng1 (0:22) Nc4 (3:23) 40.Ne2 (0:59) Ke6 (0:13) 41.Rba1 (0:47) Na5 (0:09) 42.Rb1 (0:08) Kf5 (0:10) 43.Bc1 (0:15) Kg4 (1:55) 44.Ba3 (0:22) Nc4 (0:37) 45.Bb4 (0:12) e4+ (0:44) 46.Kc2 (0:07)
Bionchess(2277) whispers: hard to see a breakthrough from either side.. 46...Rd8 (1:40) 47.Rf1 (2:43) Re8 (2:46) 48.Raa1 (1:22) f5 (5:54) 49.Ng1 (0:50) f4 (2:08) 50.f3+ (0:32) exf3 (0:06) 51.Rxf3 (0:02) Re2+ (1:40) 52.Nxe2 (0:32) Kxf3 (0:03) 53.Nxf4 (0:01) Nxf4 (0:02) 54.gxf4 (0:04) Rg7 (2:05) 55.f5 (2:25) Ne3+ (5:18) 56.Kd3 (0:44) Nxf5 (0:24) 57.c4 (1:19) dxc4+ (0:33) 58.Kxc4 (0:03) Rc7+ (0:03) 59.Kd3 (0:16) Rd7 (0:03) 60.Rf1+ (0:29) Kg4 (0:04) 61.Bc3 (0:22) Nxh4 (0:10) 62.Ke4 (0:07) Nf3 (0:40) 63.d5 (0:10) Re7+ (0:04) 64.Kd3 (0:08) h4 (0:05) 65.d6 (1:32) Rd7 (0:04) 66.Bb4 (0:02) h3 (0:03) 67.Ke4 (0:20) Rxd6 (0:39) 68.Bxd6 (1:15) Nd2+ (0:03) 69.Ke3 (0:06) Nxf1+ (0:02) 70.Kf2 (0:02) Nd2 (6:44) 71.Bb8 (0:22) MariusGallus offers a draw. 71...Ne4+ (1:44) Yaro declines the draw request. 72.Kg1 (0:37) Nc3 (0:06) 73.Bxa7 (0:18) Nxb5 (0:01) 74.Bxb6 (0:04) h2+ (0:01) 75.Kxh2 (0:04) Neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2