bionchess(2262) vs. mariusgallus(2210) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2020-09-12

44.f4 (0:37) 44...a5 (0:44) 45.Kd4 (1:29) a4 (1:37) 46.Nb5 (1:26)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Nb5 here seems necessary
46...Rb7 (0:46) 47.Na3 (0:44)
timmcg(1990) whispers: kg6 and i think it is over
axeltiger(2349) whispers: ...Kg6 Ke5
47...g5 (1:32)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: really?
timmcg(1990) whispers: did not like that
axeltiger(2349) whispers: this seems strange, although I guess it works
48.f5 (2:26) g4 (0:42) 49.f6 (1:29) Kg6 (0:16) 50.Ke5 (0:36) g3 (0:30) 51.e7 (0:40)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: gg, well played by black
51...Kf7 (0:10)
LNO(1832) whispers: indeed
LNO(1832) whispers: nice game
52.Nc4 (0:48)
timmcg(1990) whispers: rxe7
52...Rxe7+ (1:20) 53.fxe7 (0:10)
timmcg(1990) whispers: Kd4 and it might be tough
53...g2 (1:05)
LNO(1832) whispers: what
axeltiger(2349) whispers: this is fine
LNO(1832) whispers: urd
axeltiger(2349) whispers: black is in time
54.Nd6+ (0:26) Kxe7 (0:05)
LNO(1832) whispers: yes
Bionchess resigns 0-1

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