schachbjm(2399) vs. offtherook(2267) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2020-09-08

schachbjm(2399) kibitzes: good luck and have fun ||*(
1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:01) d6 (0:05) 3.d4 (0:01) cxd4 (0:00) 4.Nxd4 (0:01) Nf6 (0:01) 5.Nc3 (0:02) a6 (0:06) 6.Bg5 (0:02) e6 (0:05) 7.f4 (0:01)
offtherook(2267) whispers: three games in a row black vs schach, mainline Najdorf didn't work for me last time
offtherook(2267) whispers: debated a bit between Goteborg and Poisoned Pawn
schachbjm(2399) whispers: let us see whether we will follow main line theory or whether he has prepared sth. for me
offtherook(2267) whispers: Goteborg was what I first prepped in Najdorf almost 15 years ago, and Poisoned Pawn just has so much theory
7...Be7 (1:32)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I play this almost exclusively with white
8.Qf3 (0:08) h6 (0:07) 9.Bh4 (0:09)
offtherook(2267) whispers: and here... we... go!
9...g5 (0:27) 10.fxg5 (0:14) Nfd7 (0:03)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: here, white faces the choice between Nxe6 and Qh5
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I try to remember which line I played last time to deviate and prevent to fall for any opening preparation
offtherook(2267) whispers: knight sac on e6 is almost the only move, surprised he hesitates now
schachbjm(2399) whispers: let us go for the main line
11.Nxe6 (1:47) fxe6 (0:00) 12.Qh5+ (0:02) Kf8 (0:06) 13.Bb5 (0:03)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: bishop cannot be taken obviously due to Rf1+
Bionchess(2262) whispers: game with K in the middle always offer big surprises..
offtherook(2267) whispers: now Fischer's move Rh7
13...Rh7 (1:55)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Rh7 O-O+ Kg8 g6 Rg7 Rf7 Bxh4 Qxh6 Rxf gxf Kxf is almost forced; afterwards I am basically on my own
14.O-O+ (0:05) Kg8 (0:32) 15.g6 (0:03)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: this will be interesting
schachbjm(2399) whispers: that is as sharp as it can get
15...Rg7 (0:35) 16.Rf7 (0:03)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: one of the 20 line sharp forced sicilian najdorfs
offtherook(2267) whispers: he's blitzing, must be as booked up in this line as I am in which case it's just a forced repetition draw a bit later
16...Bxh4 (1:15) 17.Qxh6 (0:07)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: it is hard to impossible to find these moves on the board, so it is all about who knows the theory better
schachbjm(2399) whispers: and if both of us have done our homeworks it is just a draw
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I am down two pieces here, so I have to keep the initiative; while black has some trouble surviving here
offtherook(2267) whispers: RxR is the usual route here towards forced draw, which would be my best ever result vs schach
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Qf6 was an old line here, which is at least questionable
schachbjm(2399) whispers: surprised that he takes time here
schachbjm(2399) whispers: he has obviously prepared that
offtherook(2267) whispers: there's also a queen sac notion with Qf6 to try and force a win, which might be worth it since we're rather far behind Mysterious King Moves in the standings in the penultimate round
schachbjm(2399) whispers: and I doubt that he deviates here with sth. like Bf6; since all moves besides Rxf7 are supposed to be much worse or lost
offtherook(2267) whispers: but I'm not sure I feel confident enough for that
17...Rxf7 (3:49) 18.gxf7+ (0:00) Kxf7 (0:08)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I should spend some time here, even though I am quite certain that Rf1+ is the way to go
schachbjm(2399) whispers: there are also Qh7+ and Qh5+; or at least they are looking like good playable moves
offtherook(2267) whispers: I should probably quit the Najdorf, being still in book at move 20 is unhealthy
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Qh7+ seems to end the game peacefully by move repetition; so I think I should trust my memory and play Rf1+
19.Rf1+ (3:48)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Bf6 is forced and then Qh7+ should be the normal move
schachbjm(2399) whispers: but I think there were also some games with e5
19...Bf6 (0:30)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: however I doubt that I feel confident enough to find the right continuation on the board
schachbjm(2399) whispers: *immediate e5; I mean
schachbjm(2399) whispers: in the normal line the queen comes to g6 first and then e5 is played
schachbjm(2399) whispers: if offtherook has done his homework, he has looked at both lines
schachbjm(2399) whispers: so I should not try to find the continuation after 20.e5 on the board (which I wont most likely)
20.Qh7+ (2:23)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: good thing is that I can force a repetition in most lines :)
20...Kf8 (1:06)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Kf8 is a huge surprise to me
schachbjm(2399) whispers: either a new line was discovered in the last couple of years (which I am not aware of) or he is deviating from the main line without much thinking
Jammes(1669) whispers: well here is the repetition qh8
offtherook(2267) whispers: Qh8+ repeating to draw is white's only real choice in this line
offtherook(2267) whispers: otherwise I'm up too much material
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I assume I ll spend 15-20 minutes here to figure out what is going on and then I should decide whether I take the draw or try to refute it/play on
offtherook(2267) whispers: should've reviewed my winawer or alekhine or something, any opening where there's still chess to be played
Jammes(1669) whispers: according to my comp offtherook is wrong. this is no theory
schachbjm(2399) whispers: He played this move in just 1 min and considering how forced this line is, I do not think that Kf8 was played unintendedly
Hathkhola(1705) whispers: If you compare who has more pieces wise then Black does have more pieces. Doesn't that mean Black will win?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: might even be a novelty; since all games I am aware of Ke8 has been played
Bionchess(2262) whispers: this is a turning point in the game; white will have a hard time to play on with 2 pieces down. Probably the best option is a draw
schachbjm(2399) whispers: e5 is the tempting move here (normally it is played after 20 ... Ke8 21.Qg6+ Kf8). My task now is to make sure that the different queen position has no negative impact on my position ...
offtherook(2267) whispers: wonder what's happening in the long think
offtherook(2267) whispers: is schach about to overturn established theory and somehow find a win here?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: besides that I can also look for other candidate moves; however I do not think there are any since I am still two pieces down and need to keep the initiative
schachbjm(2399) whispers: and I should keep in mind, that my opponent is still in book
schachbjm(2399) whispers: in conclusion, it is either e5 or Qh8+ making a draw
Jammes(1669) whispers: it s hard to go for e5 if you believe your opp is in his non existing book :)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: ok, I think I remember 20...Ke8 21.Qg6+ Kf8 22.e5 dxe 23.Ne4 Qb6+ 24.Kh1 axb5 25.Nxf6 Ke7 from Zhigalko - Safarli
schachbjm(2399) whispers: this line wont happen today as Ke7 is not possible at the end and black gets mated
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I assume that there has to be a tiny difference due to the queen position and therefore this line does not work. So maybe he wants to trick me into this and refute it with home preparation (would be a masterpiece of preparation)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: 21.e5 dxe 22.Ne4 Qb6+ 23.Kh1 Qxb5!! (fails due to Rxf6 Nxf6 Qxf6 in the normal line) is the reason why I cannot play the normal line (I lack Qxf6+ at the end since my queen is on h7)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: there has to be a reason why Kf8 was never played before - however I doubt that I ll find it on the board
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Nd5 cannot be the solution
schachbjm(2399) whispers: e5 does not seem to be working
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Rxf6 is insane
schachbjm(2399) whispers: any queen check is just a draw
schachbjm(2399) whispers: so by ruling out options, the correct move has to be Be2 or a phrophylactic very cool quiet Kh1 (no human would ever play that without computer preparation)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: there are simply no more pieces left
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Bxc7 is another move
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Bxc7 Qb6+ Kh1 Nxd7 though and since the queen moved Ke7-Kd8-Kc7 is an escape route
axeltiger(2349) whispers: it's a pity that I missed most of the action here
axeltiger(2349) whispers: it feels like this game is about to be over
Jammes(1669) whispers: there was no action. they just blitzed this out
Jammes(1669) whispers: and here schachbjm is calculation because theory is left with kf8
schachbjm(2399) whispers: should I try Be2 here without knowing whether this is a refutation - based simply on ruling out every other move and assuming that Kf8 is a mistake/blunder
schachbjm(2399) whispers: now that I have verbalized it, it sounds even more insane
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Be2-h5 seems like it could work
schachbjm(2399) whispers: the thing is I see no defense to Be2-Bh5 with a deadly attack
axeltiger(2349) whispers: at least it seems scary to deal with
Jammes(1669) whispers: ok but without e5 black can defend with ne5?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: have calculated it for 15 mins now
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Be2 Ne5 Bh5 and I don't see how black defends against Qh8+
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I have spend more than 35 minutes on this move by now :D
axeltiger(2349) whispers: I was just about to comment on that
axeltiger(2349) whispers: but the move that schach has arrived at does indeed seem quite strong
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Be2???!!! Ne5 Bh5 has to be over (Qh8+ is deadly); so Qb6+ Kh1 might be the only defense
offtherook(2267) whispers: he really wants to find a win, I suppose. Or just fell asleep?
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Be2 Qb6+ Kh1 Ke8 Qg8+ Ke7 Bh5...
axeltiger(2349) whispers: seems like it's enough
schachbjm(2399) whispers: sample line: 21.Be2 Qb6 22.Kh1 Ke8!? 23.Qg8+ Ke7 24.Bh5 and black has some hope to get his king to c7
schachbjm(2399) whispers: sry team, I do not accept his bluff and go for the action ... show me the refutation
21.Be2 (39:19)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: do it :)
offtherook(2267) whispers: ok, haven't seen this before. What has he found?
axeltiger(2349) whispers: I think I can speak for the entirety of MM when I express my support for this move
schachbjm(2399) whispers: If I win this it will be game of the week; if I have just walked into prep his work has to be admired and it would be a deserved win for him :)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I am so relieved that he does not blitz out a reply here
axeltiger(2349) whispers: no matter what happens, I don't think black is going to spend 40 mins here
21...Ne5 (3:03)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: hmmm, really?
axeltiger(2349) whispers: I thought this was a slam dunk
offtherook(2267) whispers: that's usually where the knight belongs, and it covers most possible checks
schachbjm(2399) whispers: just 3 minutes of thinking ...
axeltiger(2349) whispers: but maybe he's just going to sac the bishop on f6
schachbjm(2399) whispers: if he is out of book and I just spend 40 minutes to find a win; I would never reply in 3 minutes
axeltiger(2349) whispers: it seems awfully risky to play in this manner though
schachbjm(2399) whispers: so, I assume he is still in book
axeltiger(2349) whispers: what is going on after Bh5 here?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Bh5 was my plan and I do not see an alternative/way back, so let us play it
Hathkhola(1705) whispers: Isn't Black winning?
22.Bh5 (1:45)
offtherook(2267) whispers: some possibility of losing my DSB here, but then I still have knight for two pawns
Jammes(1669) whispers: well its not mate axel black gives the bishop after qh8 and runs with the king to d7
axeltiger(2349) whispers: that is the most likely scenario here, I don't see how black holds on to the material
offtherook(2267) whispers: if I avoid getting checkmated then schach's insistence on playing for a win might backfire
offtherook(2267) whispers: or I might just get checkmated, never seen him invest 40 minutes for a mirage
axeltiger(2349) whispers: indeed, no mate here
axeltiger(2349) whispers: but white has clear compensation in form of an initiative
Jammes(1669) whispers: i missed that before but now when the n left i see how to refute your mate :)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: black cannot develop his queenside
axeltiger(2349) whispers: yet he has to
axeltiger(2349) whispers: this is going to be interesting to see
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Nd7 is a move I calculated in detail and black is busted
axeltiger(2349) whispers: white has little time left
axeltiger(2349) whispers: I assume that Nc6 is the move here
offtherook(2267) whispers: interesting redeployment of the LSB, now my only two developed pieces are both frozen
axeltiger(2349) whispers: black needs to develop their pieces, and that is the only development move that I can see
axeltiger(2349) whispers: unless it allows something weird like Rf4-g4-g8....
Jammes(1669) whispers: yes he has to leave d7 for his king
schachbjm(2399) whispers: btw. after a move like Nc6 I can still claim the draw by repetition
axeltiger(2349) whispers: indeed
schachbjm(2399) whispers: that was the decisive point when I decided to play on
axeltiger(2349) whispers: you're way too responsible schach :)
Jammes(1669) whispers: well now black can decline the repetition with ke7
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Bd7 is mate in 2 (Qh8+ Ke7 Qxf6#)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: and Ra7 ... okay you do not want any comment on that one :p
Jammes(1669) whispers: oh no he cant
schachbjm(2399) whispers: so that were my thinkings about any developing queenside move
schachbjm(2399) whispers: this game has the theme: "Play moves by ruling out all alternatives" :D
offtherook(2267) whispers: g4-g5 looks unstoppable
offtherook(2267) whispers: I'll prepare a discovered attack with Nbc6, Ra7, b5
offtherook(2267) whispers: does move order matter?
22...Ra7 (7:11)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: okay, nevermind
axeltiger(2349) whispers: hmmm
schachbjm(2399) whispers: ...
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Rf4-g4 is just insane...
23.Qh8+ (0:48)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: but it seems so charming :)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: ok, a repetition
schachbjm(2399) whispers: repeating once, gaining some time
Jammes(1669) whispers: repeating twice gaining more
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Ke7 is forced (no other legal move)
23...Ke7 (1:00) 24.Qh7+ (0:02) Kf8 (0:19)
offtherook(2267) whispers: is he repeating now or just gaining some time on the clock?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Rf4-g4 or g4 ... both look pleasant and insane at the same time
axeltiger(2349) whispers: I'm so rooting for Rf4 here
offtherook(2267) whispers: g4-g5 seems like the route if he wants to try for a win, and it looks dangerous
axeltiger(2349) whispers: wait a second, why is g4-g5 risky?
offtherook(2267) whispers: I'm almost certain I reproduced standing theory correctly for the first 20 moves, and that the accepted verdict on that position was forced draw
axeltiger(2349) whispers: g4 Nc6 g5 b5 Qh8+ Ke7 gxf6 Kd7 Qxd8+ Kxd8 f7, and white is ahead
offtherook(2267) whispers: so (a) am I not really in danger here (b) I've hallucinated and mixed up some theoretical move earlier (was it Ke8 instead of Kf8? I thought they were equivalent) (c) is the theory wrong?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Rf4 looks crushing ...
axeltiger(2349) whispers: yay
25.Rf4 (4:49)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: this is gaining some steam
offtherook(2267) whispers: this I really did not expect, it feels slow
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I do not see any defense for black
Fente(2107) whispers: regaining the piece with 25. Qh8+ Ke7 26. Qxf6+ Kd7 27. Qg7+ Qe7 or 27.- Kc6 was unsufficient, but what's the point of Rf4 ?
offtherook(2267) whispers: not like he can swing the rook over, all those squares are covered
axeltiger(2349) whispers: g4 isn't, the knight on e5 has to babysit f7
Jammes(1669) whispers: rg4 is the idea so black has to defend f7 somehow
Jammes(1669) whispers: but besides giving the rook im short of ideas
Fente(2107) whispers: ah
offtherook(2267) whispers: oh here's a cute trick
Jammes(1669) whispers: well a heck perhaps
offtherook(2267) whispers: b5!? now to get his queen away from my king, followed by Nbd7, the attack is dead
Jammes(1669) whispers: and qe3
schachbjm(2399) whispers: it is so horrible for black that Qe7 fails due to mate in 1 and Qd7 due to the protection of f6
axeltiger(2349) whispers: b5 here is just capitulation
offtherook(2267) whispers: bishop pair, extra knight, and his queen out of play... I think it's worth it
axeltiger(2349) whispers: the queen reenters via f2 easily enough
Jammes(1669) whispers: ok qe3 is not possible beacuse rxf6
Fente(2107) whispers: and in case of 25.- Qd7 to protect f7 26. Qh8+Ke7 27.Qf6 mates
axeltiger(2349) whispers: indeed
offtherook(2267) whispers: offering a rook is serious business though, let me take another minute here
schachbjm(2399) whispers: black is in some sort of zugzwang here ... amazing
offtherook(2267) whispers: ahh if Nc6 or Nbd7 he *can* kill me with Rg4 since my e5 knight is still tied to defending the obvious mate threat, right
offtherook(2267) whispers: ok then, have the rook
25...b5 (5:47)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: wow
schachbjm(2399) whispers: what?
axeltiger(2349) whispers: well, what else?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: that is a free rook and my queen returns to f2 after Nbd7
axeltiger(2349) whispers: indeed, it's tempting
axeltiger(2349) whispers: it's possible to repeat here again
offtherook(2267) whispers: and here yet again white has the option to bail out with perpetual, that never goes away
26.Qh8+ (0:50)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: let me gain some time first
axeltiger(2349) whispers: is there a crazy line with Ke7 Nd5+?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: repeat once
schachbjm(2399) whispers: gain 85 seconds
26...Ke7 (0:58) 27.Qh7+ (0:02) Kf8 (0:14)
offtherook(2267) whispers: one repetition
axeltiger(2349) whispers: there is a case to be made for Qh8+ Ke7 Qxf6 though
axeltiger(2349) whispers: no, there isn't, I imagined the pawn on e6 not being there
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Qxa7 seems to be the only winning attempt; Qh8 followed by Nd5+ or Qxf6 does not seem to lead to anything and I might even be lost
schachbjm(2399) whispers: it is a poisened rook for sure
schachbjm(2399) whispers: but it is a rook worth 5 pawns
28.Qxa7 (5:17)
offtherook(2267) whispers: ok, so he definitely believes he has a win here, to burn that much time and not take the repetition
28...Nbd7 (0:43) 29.Qf2 (0:02)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: material is fine again, therefore most of my initiative is gone
offtherook(2267) whispers: Ke7 to get out of the pin, possibly Qb6 to force queens off, bishop pair always means gg right?
29...Ke7 (0:46)
offtherook(2267) whispers: wait, no, just Rxf6, I can't swap queens yet
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Ne2 or g4 maybe to get more pieces into attack
30.Qg3 (1:02)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: now Rxf6 should be possible in some lines
schachbjm(2399) whispers: time is criticial now and I cannot repeat any longer to gain some time
offtherook(2267) whispers: don't want his queen rerouting to attack my king, I spent a whole rook to sideline her lol
30...Qh8 (1:12)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Qh8 looks nice; have not considered it :(
31.Be2 (2:04)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: not a move I wanted to make
offtherook(2267) whispers: yet another bishop redeployment
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Qg7 now and my attack is gone
schachbjm(2399) whispers: :(
31...Bb7 (0:51)
offtherook(2267) whispers: finally finishing my development
32.Nd1 (1:19) Qg7 (0:48)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I am certain that I missed a win somewhere ... but that is sth. I ll look once the game has finished
offtherook(2267) whispers: now queen trades and rely on bishop pair
33.Qh3 (0:49)
offtherook(2267) whispers: ok, attack the center
33...Nc5 (0:35)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: 30 mins down on the clock against the bishop pair ...
34.Bd3 (1:03)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: he forces me to make moves I do not want to do
schachbjm(2399) whispers: it is a game for two results now
34...Bg5 (0:28) 35.Rf1 (0:17)
offtherook(2267) whispers: remove the defender, and now I can take that pawn
offtherook(2267) whispers: probably with knight, yeah? bishop pair uber alles
offtherook(2267) whispers: definitely with knight
35...Nxe4 (0:35) 36.Re1 (1:11) Nxd3 (0:35)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: huh?
offtherook(2267) whispers: now I'm even attacking his king, maybe
axeltiger(2349) whispers: why isn't cxd3 just good here?
37.Qxd3 (1:08)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: e6 is a very weak pawn, but black can defend it with Nc5
schachbjm(2399) whispers: hard decision
offtherook(2267) whispers: Nd2 is cute
axeltiger(2349) whispers: still, it didn't really look that back
axeltiger(2349) whispers: bad*
schachbjm(2399) whispers: cxd Nc5 and my pawn islands might cost me the game
offtherook(2267) whispers: Nc5 makes somewhat more immediate sense
schachbjm(2399) whispers: question is whether the passive defense offers me some hope
37...Nc5 (0:59)
Jammes(1669) whispers: qh3 with a threat :)
38.Qh3 (0:40)
offtherook(2267) whispers: it's not really time trouble with long increment, but still, nice to know that I could wander off for a cup of tea without flagging
schachbjm(2399) whispers: his bishops are monster
schachbjm(2399) whispers: monsters
38...Qd4+ (0:44) 39.Kh1 (0:06)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: but now black has to waste time defending against a potential queen invasion
39...Qd2 (0:25)
Jammes(1669) whispers: oh i thought ne4 with idea qxd1 nf2
axeltiger(2349) whispers: that would be good for white
Jammes(1669) whispers: yes i realised that
40.Qh7+ (0:46)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: black's minor pieces would be discoordinated
offtherook(2267) whispers: maybe Ne4-f2 later
Jammes(1669) whispers: just now
Jammes(1669) whispers: still ne4 looked like a good move to me
offtherook(2267) whispers: not too many checks here
40...Kd8 (0:17)
Jammes(1669) whispers: not the end of the line
41.Qg8+ (0:09) Kc7 (0:06) 42.Qf7+ (0:03)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: I would've preferred Rf1 before the checks
42...Kb6 (0:42)
offtherook(2267) whispers: Qf2 forces queen trade but with active pieces that's fine, his two passers are all the way on home rank, not fast enough to be a threat
offtherook(2267) whispers: famous last words
axeltiger(2349) whispers: but Qf2 seems practically forced here
Jammes(1669) whispers: rg1 is possible but i prefer qf2
43.Qf2 (1:29)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Rg1 and black might just take on g2
Jammes(1669) whispers: oh righg :)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I think it is objectively lost already, however black will need some good technique to convert
axeltiger(2349) whispers: indeed
offtherook(2267) whispers: but I don't need to be the one to trade, it's kinda nice how passive his knight is
43...b4 (1:02)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: hmmm
offtherook(2267) whispers: just to keep him from kicking my horse
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Qxf2 Nxf2 Bh4!
axeltiger(2349) whispers: that was winning immediately
Jammes(1669) whispers: bh4 rf1 and where is the win
axeltiger(2349) whispers: oh right, what am I thinking
44.Kg1 (1:18)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: no ggod moves
44...a5 (0:27) 45.a3 (1:59) bxa3 (0:25) 46.bxa3 (0:00) Kb5 (0:15) 47.Nb2 (0:23) Qxf2+ (0:29) 48.Kxf2 (0:00) Ne4+ (0:16)
Jammes(1669) whispers: kf3
49.Kf3 (0:30) Nc3+ (0:16) 50.Kg4 (0:18)
Jammes(1669) whispers: seems like white begins to activat his pieces or do i miss something
axeltiger(2349) whispers: this is kind of odd
50...Bd2 (0:11)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: active king and maybe I can win e6
schachbjm(2399) whispers: not now obviously
51.Rf1 (0:32)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: is a4 a move there?
offtherook(2267) whispers: I pick up at least one of the pawns
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Bxg2 fails due to Rf2
51...Be4 (0:40)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Be4 is good
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I brielfy looked at a4 Nxa4 c4+ at the previous move but could not find anything
axeltiger(2349) whispers: I think a4 was a bit stronger though
52.Nd3 (0:33) Kc4 (0:23)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Ff8 or Rf6
schachbjm(2399) whispers: which one offers me the better resistance?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: maybe Rf2 first
Jammes(1669) whispers: ne1 is an alternative and hope for bxn1 and without bishop pair the pawns can march
53.Rf2 (1:59) Be3 (0:09) 54.Rf6 (0:08) Bf5+ (0:16)
Jammes(1669) whispers: rx :D
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Rxf5 is too slow ... but is it worth a try nonetheless
Jammes(1669) whispers: i think kf3 is the better try
Jammes(1669) whispers: butthan nd4 probably
Jammes(1669) whispers: nd5
Jammes(1669) whispers: so no time for g4
55.Rxf5 (2:02) exf5+ (0:00) 56.Kxf5 (0:00)
offtherook(2267) whispers: oh dang, I know I premoved it but didn't at all expect exchange sac
schachbjm(2399) whispers: two passers
schachbjm(2399) whispers: at least sth. I can hope for
schachbjm(2399) whispers: and a knight for tricks
Jammes(1669) whispers: hope keeps you alive
56...Ne2 (1:00)
Jammes(1669) whispers: this needs deep calculation
offtherook(2267) whispers: ok, he's putting all his hope in those kingside pawns, time to find out if they're fast enough
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Nd4+ is an issue
offtherook(2267) whispers: I don't *think* they are, but I'm probably wrong
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Nb2+ is a cheapo
Jammes(1669) whispers: hehe nice one
axeltiger(2349) whispers: and it's worth trying
Jammes(1669) whispers: but why not
Jammes(1669) whispers: at least stops kc3
57.Nb2+ (1:45)
Jammes(1669) whispers: for the moment
schachbjm(2399) whispers: after Kc3 I might even be winning
57...Kd5 (1:02) 58.c4+ (0:25)
Jammes(1669) whispers: but bc1 and nd4
schachbjm(2399) whispers: keeping the c-pawn alive for the moment
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Nd4+ is always an issue
58...Kd4 (1:01)
Jammes(1669) whispers: ke6
59.Nd1 (0:34) Bg1 (0:14)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: wow
Jammes(1669) whispers: ok ke6 allowed nf4
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Bc1 was automatic to me
Jammes(1669) whispers: to me 2
60.h4 (0:42)
Jammes(1669) whispers: but take the invitation
60...Kxc4 (0:08) 61.g4 (0:06)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: 4 squares to go
61...Nd4+ (0:18)
Jammes(1669) whispers: i ve the feeling white might be wining now
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Ke4 or Kf6, hard call
offtherook(2267) whispers: might have to sac a piece against those pawns, but in the meantime white's knight may fall and my d pawn becomes a threat
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Kf6 should give me better practical chances
schachbjm(2399) whispers: but then he sacs a piece and my king is off
Jammes(1669) whispers: kf6 and march
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Kf6 Kd3 is a simple win for black
62.Kf4 (2:29) Bh2+ (0:13) 63.Kg5 (1:03) Nf3+ (0:06) 64.Kh5 (0:06)
lambertdw(1602) whispers: 1 pawn is faster than 2. Should-a chucked one of them.
axeltiger(2349) whispers: yeah, this is game over
64...Bg3 (0:14)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Bg3 0-1
65.g5 (0:08) Bxh4 (0:14) 66.g6 (0:05)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Nxh4 would have been game over
66...Bf6 (0:12)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: so it is game over a few moves later
67.Kh6 (0:06)
Jammes(1669) whispers: whats the diffrence here. if he wanted a pice he couldve gone kg4 instead g7 bxg7
Jammes(1669) whispers: hopeless
67...d5 (0:38) 68.Ne3+ (0:05)
Jammes(1669) whispers: both
schachbjm(2399) whispers: I need a monster cheapo fork now
68...Kd4 (0:38)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: with offtherook having 45 minutes on his clock
69.Ng4 (0:25)
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Be5 maybe
schachbjm(2399) whispers: :p
Jammes(1669) whispers: thats difficult again
offtherook(2267) whispers: ok, have to lose my bishop
69...Bh8 (0:28) 70.Kh7 (0:03)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: Nh4 now
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Ne5!!
70...Ne5 (0:09)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: also works I guess
schachbjm(2399) whispers: is there any trick left?
schachbjm(2399) whispers: Nxg6 is his next move
schachbjm(2399) whispers: and I need to keep my knight
71.Kxh8 (1:24)
offtherook(2267) whispers: once bishop sacs for g pawn, I just have spare unopposed d pawn and his king in the far corner
71...Nxg6+ (0:05) 72.Kg7 (0:06) Ne5 (0:11)
Jammes(1669) whispers: resign
73.Nf6 (0:22) Kc4 (0:12)
axeltiger(2349) whispers: well played by offtherook
Jammes(1669) whispers: gg
offtherook(2267) whispers: he can sac knight for pawn if he wants but between knight and king I can win the a pawn and avoid any stalemates, my a pawn will promote
schachbjm(2399) kibitzes: congrats ||*( well done :) looking forward to hear from you whether 20...Kf8 was specific preparation or mixing up lines
schachbjm(2399) kibitzes: good technique and ressourceful game
schachbjm(2399) kibitzes: looking forward to our next match
schachbjm resigns 0-1

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