ricefarmer(1959) vs. araszek(1761) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2020-08-16

44.Rd1 (1:54) 44...Kc6 (0:26) 45.f5 (0:09) gxf5 (0:20) 46.gxf5 (0:03) Be4 (0:11) 47.f6 (1:44)
Slek(2053) whispers: Bd5 looks mandatory
47...Bg6 (1:25)
Slek(2053) whispers: but now white can just play e6
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: now black can control the a2-g8 diagonal
48.Rd2 (1:45) Bh5+ (0:13) 49.Ke1 (0:40) Bf7 (0:25) 50.Kd1 (0:47) Bd5 (1:26) 51.Ke2 (1:26) Be6 (0:46) 52.Kf3 (0:21) Kb5 (0:42) 53.Ke4 (0:40) Ka4 (0:37)
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: some risk of lsoing now...
54.Rd6 (2:33)
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: good move!
54...Kb3 (2:44) 55.Rxe6 (3:12) Kxc3 (0:09)
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: all three results are possible!
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: but I think Ra6 wins for white
56.Kd5 (0:55)
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: oh that's safer
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: white can't really lose now
56...a2 (1:15)
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: Ra6 Kb2 Rxa2+ Kxa2 Kxc4 and only white can win
57.Ra6 (0:34)
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: just don't play Kxc4 first!
57...Bf8 (0:26) 58.Rxa2 (0:11) Kb3 (0:01) 59.Ra8 (0:16)
smallblackcat(2314) whispers: Ra8-c8 and no worries now
59...c3 (0:09) 60.Rxf8 (0:07) araszek resigns 1-0

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