evilmike(2135) vs. smallblackcat(2336) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2020-05-10
1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:03) e6 (0:02) 3.Nc3 (0:01) Bb4 (0:03) 4.e3 (0:04) O-O (0:04) 5.Bd3 (0:10)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: couldn't find a recent Nimzo from evilmike, so I didn't prep that much
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: but here I think d5 is most accurate 5...d5 (0:34)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: as Ne2 can be met by dxc4 and e5
evilmike(2135) whispers: sbc played the dutch last time, so I guess this is crop rotation :) 6.a3 (0:53)
PreZandy(1747) whispers: New Blood is here! Go, Mike! 6...Bxc3+ (0:14) 7.bxc3 (0:00)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: now I'm not really sure, seems like a fairly harmless line though
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: dxc4 and e5 still works, if dxe5 I have Qxd1 and Ng4 7...dxc4 (2:22) 8.Bxc4 (0:03) e5 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: seems like a very agreeable way to play for black, I get my LSQ bishop into the game, and have no real worries 9.Ne2 (1:08)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: and still my 'tactic' with Qxd1 and Ng4 seems to prevent dxe5
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: so either Nc6 or c5 here I think
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: feels like he's losing a move in a lot of lines, with the early a3 9...c5 (3:41)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: lets liquidate his nice centre 10.O-O (0:32)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Nc6 or Qc7...
PreZandy(1747) whispers: Bb2 is reasonable soon
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: taking on d4 seems unnecessary, I don't want to liberate his Bc1 yet
PreZandy(1747) whispers: Then bishop pair of White works goos with open centre 10...Nc6 (1:29)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: he can technically take on c5 here, but I don't think it can be good
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I am not able to easily win that pawn back, but at the same time it is a long-term weakness for him 11.Bb2 (1:14) Qc7 (0:48)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: might play b6 next move if he leaves things as they are 12.Ba2 (0:36)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: well, Rd8 also looks good
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rd8 Qc2 Bg4-h5-g6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: what does white do? take c5? 12...Rd8 (1:23)
PreZandy(1747) whispers: Why not d5 now?? 13.d5 (0:55)
PreZandy(1747) whispers: YESS
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: any point in playing e4 and Ne5?
Nitreb(1425) whispers: Why not keep the tension and simply castle
PreZandy(1747) whispers: both are castled already
Nitreb(1425) whispers: Ah right, I was looking at a previous position ;-)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: e4 c4 Ne5 d6!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: b5 to stop c4
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: seems ok 13...b5 (3:53)
PreZandy(1747) whispers: As c- and e-pawns of Black are promoted to far already, ths d-pawn is solid-rock!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: maybe a4...
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: a4 a6 axb5 axb5 Bxf7+ is a line
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: no, d5 blocks!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: playing a bit fast, should be more careful
PreZandy(1747) whispers: c4 still possible
PreZandy(1747) whispers: I think c4 is the only move
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f3 looks quite interesting
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I suspect I have something there, but I'm not sure what
PreZandy(1747) whispers: well, yes f3 and further e4 seems good
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f3 Qb6 c4 bxc4 Rb1 kinda leaves me without an idea
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: maybe he's thinking about the dxc6 sacrifice
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I like f3 for him, seems like he can hold the d5-pawn there 14.f3 (8:23)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: and there we have it
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I suspect I have to play e4, but I don't like it
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: e4 f4 Ne7 c4 bxc4 Bxf6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: maybe e4 f4 Ne7 c4 Qb6 14...e4 (3:05)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f4 c4! might be better actually
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I am giving up d4 though 15.c4 (2:41)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm should have considered that more seriously
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: exf3 gxf3 Bh3 and we'll see what happens I guess
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: exf3 Bxf6 seems impossible 15...exf3 (1:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rxf3 Ne5 I think
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: really not sure what's going on now
PreZandy(1760) whispers: I see that White's bishop pair is at work already!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm, Bxf6 fxe2 Qxe2 might be a viable sac 16.gxf3 (1:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: my king is pretty naked there
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ah good
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Bh3 Bxf6 gxf6 Re1 Kh8 and maybe he's fine
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Would be fine if White manages to have this d5-e4--f3 attacking line!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I can slip in Qe7
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: he probably plays e4
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I dunno about that position, seems like he has long-term advantages 16...Qe7 (5:20)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: just don't think Bh3 has much value, he plays Re1 and Nf4 and tidies up pretty easily
PreZandy(1760) whispers: and good that d4 square is under White's conttrol
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: guess I underestimated the strength of 13 d5
PreZandy(1760) whispers: I see however some ...Nh5 followed with Qg5+ threats here 17.e4 (4:09) bxc4 (0:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: don't think white needs to hurry with taking on c4 here
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: he has a positional advantage with his pawn chain, and bishop pair
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: its not clear that I have anything
PreZandy(1760) whispers: White need to prepare e4-push
PreZandy(1760) whispers: e5-push
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if he takes on c4, I am somewhat happier
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: this isn't a good position, the real question is if it's a bad one
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Just Qd2 here might be fine I guess
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: probably some danger of just getting chewed up in an endgame
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: nah she'll be right mate
PreZandy(1760) whispers: This prevents threat of... Qg5+ and also ...Na5 after Bxc4 18.Bxc4 (7:34) Ne5 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I was more worried about something like Qc2
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I'd throw in Bh3 for good measure
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if Ba2 then either Ba6 or Rb8 and at least my pieces are active
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rd6 in some lines looks useful too
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: his pawn chain is nice, but he can't get it in motion that easily 19.Bxe5 (3:53) Qxe5 (0:04)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: now the strong bishop is gone 20.Qc1 (0:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm, can I throw in Bh3 here
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes Bh3 and Rd6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: white king is weak
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: GO GO GO
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: would really like Rd6 first
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rd6 Nf4 maybe
PreZandy(1760) whispers: if ...Rd6, I would go for Qf4 right away 20...Bh3 (3:17)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: R somewhere, Rd6 Nf4 Bc8
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: and then Nd7 21.Rf2 (0:47)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: how about sac on e4
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ah I wanted Re1
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: well here Qf4 is stopped
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes but Nf4 might be annoying
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: so how about Nh5 with the idea Rd6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rd6 Nf4 Bc8 Nd3 -> e5 21...Ne8 (2:29)
Spiralize(2564) whispers: maybe white will still going for Qtrade on c3?
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: can't do Nd7-e5, so Ne8-d6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if Nf4 can I even do Nd6?
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: probably shouldnt
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: can't see a tactical issue though 22.Qc3 (1:47)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ah yes, shouldve seen this
Spiralize(2564) whispers: Qg5+ Ng3 some blockade and the chain march probably 22...Qg5+ (1:25)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: trading looks pretty lost 23.Kh1 (0:08)
Spiralize(2564) whispers: like this black has Qh4 tempp
Spiralize(2564) whispers: tempo 23...Qh4 (3:19)
PreZandy(1760) whispers: White just need to withstand flank pressure and step by step pocced with pawn chain advance 24.Qe3 (2:15) Nd6 (0:33)
Spiralize(2564) whispers: so far Nd6 and f5 exploiting the pin on the 4 rank
Spiralize(2564) whispers: oh he went Qe3 i was at the previous position 25.Ba6 (1:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I had Rab8 ages ago when his B was loose on b2, wish I had played that now
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: now if I play c4 he plays e5 I guess
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: oh wait
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I think I can leave c5 here
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rab8 Qxc5 Nxe4 fxe4 Qxe4+ Kg1 Qg6+ picks up the Ba6
Spiralize(2564) whispers: that's good point
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rab8 or Re8...
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: the former 25...Rab8 (4:47)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I have to bank on activity
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: positionally Im pretty lost
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Alert! Poisoned Pawn!! :-)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rb3 is kind of an idea now
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: the more basic Rb6 and swing across too
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: have to watch for when e5 becomes a serious problem, here I think it fails tactically to Nf5 Qxc5 Rxd5
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f5!? might be something to consider too
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f5 e5 f4 Nxf4 kills it for now though 26.Qxc5 (5:45)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: or does it...
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Uh oh
Spiralize(2564) whispers: ooof
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ok...various options here
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Nxe4 looks like it works, but there are risks
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no risks, go go go
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Nxe4 fxe4 Qxe4+ Kg1 Qg6+ is all forced
Spiralize(2564) whispers: forking Q and R, recapture forced
evilmike(2135) whispers: hmmm, there may be a line for him here
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f7 is weak and my Bh3 is loose
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: don't see how he takes advantage
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nxe4 fxe4 Qxe4 Kg1 Rb1 Rxb1 Qxb1 Qc1 (probably) Qg6 and Qxa6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Nxe4 fxe4 Qxe4+ Kg1 Rb6 looks quite good too actually
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: nope, there will be Ng3
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: his bishop goes to c4 I guess, then Rg6+ Ng3 and there's no follow-up 26...Nxe4 (3:14)
evilmike(2135) whispers: I was afraid of this 27.fxe4 (0:37) Qxe4+ (0:03) 28.Kg1 (0:07)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rxd5 hmm
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I am probably just finding lines that lose, but the prize is a potential checkmate, so I'll look
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rxd5 Qxa7 Qg6+ (gotta guard f7) Ng3 Rbd8 Re1 Rd8 Rfe2
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rb1+
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rxb1 Qxb1 Qc1
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: then back to g6
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Comp assesment of Qg6+ and Rb1+ is fairly equal (+1.8)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: a lot of stuff almost works
PreZandy(1760) whispers: (-1.8) of course 28...Rb1+ (5:38)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: lets simplify a bit first
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I like dragging the Q back to c1 29.Rxb1 (1:02) Qxb1+ (0:02) 30.Nc1 (0:33)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: too bad Rxd5 does not work
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I guess he can do this, cos he has Kh1 30...Qg6+ (0:24) 31.Kh1 (0:27)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: ah wait 31...Qe4+ (0:10)
Slek(2116) whispers: I dont think black has better than a perp 32.Kg1 (0:08) Qg4+ (0:03)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qe4 Kg1 Qg4 Kh1
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Ok, happens 33.Kh1 (0:08)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qd1
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qd1 Rf1 I guess
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: there is a Qg1 later
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: but surely this just wins more material
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qe4 Kg1 Rxd5?
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qd1+ Bf1 Bxf1 Qc2!?
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: what a weird position
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: then Qxd5
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ok but there's no way he 'wins' two pieces for the rook
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qd1+ Rf1 Bxf1 Qg1 I have Qf3+
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: come on cat
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: find
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rxd5
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qd1+ Bf1 Bxf1 Qc2 Rxd5 hmm
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if he plays Rd2 I have Qf3+
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if Qxd1 Rxd1 I am winning more material I think 33...Qd1+ (3:31)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: can't see a line where I don't just win here 34.Bf1 (1:36) Bxf1 (0:06) 35.h4 (0:08)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: maybe just Bc4 and Qxd5 here
Slek(2116) whispers: Bc4+ wins a the Nc1
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: ah wait yes
Spiralize(2564) whispers: slek always with the sexy moves
Slek(2116) whispers: but misses all the rest
Spiralize(2564) whispers: don't believe him
avidmate(1806) whispers: Slek is a mean tactician 35...Bc4+ (2:36)
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Good game for evilmike anyway before capture of poisoned pawn
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qxc1 is possible, but I think Qxd5 is just much safer here
Spiralize(2564) whispers: indeed
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: assuming I don't get backranked 36.Kh2 (1:58)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Kh2 Qxd5 Qxd5 Rxd5 Rc2 Rd4 Ne2 Rxh4+ Kg3 g5 seems safe
Slek(2116) whispers: after Qg4 how does white defend h4?
Slek(2116) whispers: Qe7... nevermind 36...Qxd5 (1:08) 37.Qxa7 (0:38)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: think even Bxd5 is possible, but I don't care to find out
Slek(2116) whispers: now Qe5+ has to lead to a mate
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yeah, rook comes into play 37...Qe5+ (0:50)
Spiralize(2564) whispers: sic transit gloria mundi 38.Kg2 (0:36)
Slek(2116) whispers: I have my game at 9 am server time, how timely
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I'm only up a pawn...guess I should check to see if there's a mate here
avidmate(1806) whispers: same time as USA v. China
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qe4+ is also just pretty simple and good 38...Qe4+ (1:39) 39.Kg3 (0:41)
Slek(2116) whispers: h5?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: it's an idea
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: looking at it too
Spiralize(2564) whispers: yeah 39...h5 (1:01) 40.Rf4 (1:18)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qe1 40...Qe1+ (0:30)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: just grab the knight, figure out mate later
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: bishop protected, f7 protected
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: what an impressive game by cato evilmike resigns 0-1
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: couldn't find a recent Nimzo from evilmike, so I didn't prep that much
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: but here I think d5 is most accurate 5...d5 (0:34)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: as Ne2 can be met by dxc4 and e5
evilmike(2135) whispers: sbc played the dutch last time, so I guess this is crop rotation :) 6.a3 (0:53)
PreZandy(1747) whispers: New Blood is here! Go, Mike! 6...Bxc3+ (0:14) 7.bxc3 (0:00)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: now I'm not really sure, seems like a fairly harmless line though
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: dxc4 and e5 still works, if dxe5 I have Qxd1 and Ng4 7...dxc4 (2:22) 8.Bxc4 (0:03) e5 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: seems like a very agreeable way to play for black, I get my LSQ bishop into the game, and have no real worries 9.Ne2 (1:08)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: and still my 'tactic' with Qxd1 and Ng4 seems to prevent dxe5
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: so either Nc6 or c5 here I think
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: feels like he's losing a move in a lot of lines, with the early a3 9...c5 (3:41)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: lets liquidate his nice centre 10.O-O (0:32)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Nc6 or Qc7...
PreZandy(1747) whispers: Bb2 is reasonable soon
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: taking on d4 seems unnecessary, I don't want to liberate his Bc1 yet
PreZandy(1747) whispers: Then bishop pair of White works goos with open centre 10...Nc6 (1:29)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: he can technically take on c5 here, but I don't think it can be good
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I am not able to easily win that pawn back, but at the same time it is a long-term weakness for him 11.Bb2 (1:14) Qc7 (0:48)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: might play b6 next move if he leaves things as they are 12.Ba2 (0:36)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: well, Rd8 also looks good
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rd8 Qc2 Bg4-h5-g6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: what does white do? take c5? 12...Rd8 (1:23)
PreZandy(1747) whispers: Why not d5 now?? 13.d5 (0:55)
PreZandy(1747) whispers: YESS
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: any point in playing e4 and Ne5?
Nitreb(1425) whispers: Why not keep the tension and simply castle
PreZandy(1747) whispers: both are castled already
Nitreb(1425) whispers: Ah right, I was looking at a previous position ;-)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: e4 c4 Ne5 d6!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: b5 to stop c4
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: seems ok 13...b5 (3:53)
PreZandy(1747) whispers: As c- and e-pawns of Black are promoted to far already, ths d-pawn is solid-rock!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: maybe a4...
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: a4 a6 axb5 axb5 Bxf7+ is a line
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: no, d5 blocks!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: playing a bit fast, should be more careful
PreZandy(1747) whispers: c4 still possible
PreZandy(1747) whispers: I think c4 is the only move
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f3 looks quite interesting
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I suspect I have something there, but I'm not sure what
PreZandy(1747) whispers: well, yes f3 and further e4 seems good
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f3 Qb6 c4 bxc4 Rb1 kinda leaves me without an idea
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: maybe he's thinking about the dxc6 sacrifice
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I like f3 for him, seems like he can hold the d5-pawn there 14.f3 (8:23)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: and there we have it
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I suspect I have to play e4, but I don't like it
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: e4 f4 Ne7 c4 bxc4 Bxf6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: maybe e4 f4 Ne7 c4 Qb6 14...e4 (3:05)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f4 c4! might be better actually
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I am giving up d4 though 15.c4 (2:41)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm should have considered that more seriously
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: exf3 gxf3 Bh3 and we'll see what happens I guess
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: exf3 Bxf6 seems impossible 15...exf3 (1:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rxf3 Ne5 I think
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: really not sure what's going on now
PreZandy(1760) whispers: I see that White's bishop pair is at work already!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm, Bxf6 fxe2 Qxe2 might be a viable sac 16.gxf3 (1:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: my king is pretty naked there
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ah good
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Bh3 Bxf6 gxf6 Re1 Kh8 and maybe he's fine
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Would be fine if White manages to have this d5-e4--f3 attacking line!
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I can slip in Qe7
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: he probably plays e4
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I dunno about that position, seems like he has long-term advantages 16...Qe7 (5:20)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: just don't think Bh3 has much value, he plays Re1 and Nf4 and tidies up pretty easily
PreZandy(1760) whispers: and good that d4 square is under White's conttrol
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: guess I underestimated the strength of 13 d5
PreZandy(1760) whispers: I see however some ...Nh5 followed with Qg5+ threats here 17.e4 (4:09) bxc4 (0:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: don't think white needs to hurry with taking on c4 here
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: he has a positional advantage with his pawn chain, and bishop pair
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: its not clear that I have anything
PreZandy(1760) whispers: White need to prepare e4-push
PreZandy(1760) whispers: e5-push
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if he takes on c4, I am somewhat happier
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: this isn't a good position, the real question is if it's a bad one
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Just Qd2 here might be fine I guess
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: probably some danger of just getting chewed up in an endgame
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: nah she'll be right mate
PreZandy(1760) whispers: This prevents threat of... Qg5+ and also ...Na5 after Bxc4 18.Bxc4 (7:34) Ne5 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I was more worried about something like Qc2
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I'd throw in Bh3 for good measure
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if Ba2 then either Ba6 or Rb8 and at least my pieces are active
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rd6 in some lines looks useful too
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: his pawn chain is nice, but he can't get it in motion that easily 19.Bxe5 (3:53) Qxe5 (0:04)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: now the strong bishop is gone 20.Qc1 (0:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm, can I throw in Bh3 here
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes Bh3 and Rd6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: white king is weak
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: GO GO GO
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: would really like Rd6 first
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rd6 Nf4 maybe
PreZandy(1760) whispers: if ...Rd6, I would go for Qf4 right away 20...Bh3 (3:17)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: R somewhere, Rd6 Nf4 Bc8
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: and then Nd7 21.Rf2 (0:47)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: how about sac on e4
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ah I wanted Re1
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: well here Qf4 is stopped
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes but Nf4 might be annoying
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: so how about Nh5 with the idea Rd6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rd6 Nf4 Bc8 Nd3 -> e5 21...Ne8 (2:29)
Spiralize(2564) whispers: maybe white will still going for Qtrade on c3?
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: can't do Nd7-e5, so Ne8-d6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if Nf4 can I even do Nd6?
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: probably shouldnt
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: can't see a tactical issue though 22.Qc3 (1:47)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ah yes, shouldve seen this
Spiralize(2564) whispers: Qg5+ Ng3 some blockade and the chain march probably 22...Qg5+ (1:25)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: trading looks pretty lost 23.Kh1 (0:08)
Spiralize(2564) whispers: like this black has Qh4 tempp
Spiralize(2564) whispers: tempo 23...Qh4 (3:19)
PreZandy(1760) whispers: White just need to withstand flank pressure and step by step pocced with pawn chain advance 24.Qe3 (2:15) Nd6 (0:33)
Spiralize(2564) whispers: so far Nd6 and f5 exploiting the pin on the 4 rank
Spiralize(2564) whispers: oh he went Qe3 i was at the previous position 25.Ba6 (1:19)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I had Rab8 ages ago when his B was loose on b2, wish I had played that now
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: now if I play c4 he plays e5 I guess
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: oh wait
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I think I can leave c5 here
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rab8 Qxc5 Nxe4 fxe4 Qxe4+ Kg1 Qg6+ picks up the Ba6
Spiralize(2564) whispers: that's good point
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rab8 or Re8...
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: the former 25...Rab8 (4:47)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I have to bank on activity
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: positionally Im pretty lost
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Alert! Poisoned Pawn!! :-)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rb3 is kind of an idea now
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: the more basic Rb6 and swing across too
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: have to watch for when e5 becomes a serious problem, here I think it fails tactically to Nf5 Qxc5 Rxd5
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f5!? might be something to consider too
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f5 e5 f4 Nxf4 kills it for now though 26.Qxc5 (5:45)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: or does it...
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Uh oh
Spiralize(2564) whispers: ooof
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ok...various options here
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Nxe4 looks like it works, but there are risks
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no risks, go go go
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Nxe4 fxe4 Qxe4+ Kg1 Qg6+ is all forced
Spiralize(2564) whispers: forking Q and R, recapture forced
evilmike(2135) whispers: hmmm, there may be a line for him here
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: f7 is weak and my Bh3 is loose
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: don't see how he takes advantage
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nxe4 fxe4 Qxe4 Kg1 Rb1 Rxb1 Qxb1 Qc1 (probably) Qg6 and Qxa6
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Nxe4 fxe4 Qxe4+ Kg1 Rb6 looks quite good too actually
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: nope, there will be Ng3
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: his bishop goes to c4 I guess, then Rg6+ Ng3 and there's no follow-up 26...Nxe4 (3:14)
evilmike(2135) whispers: I was afraid of this 27.fxe4 (0:37) Qxe4+ (0:03) 28.Kg1 (0:07)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rxd5 hmm
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I am probably just finding lines that lose, but the prize is a potential checkmate, so I'll look
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rxd5 Qxa7 Qg6+ (gotta guard f7) Ng3 Rbd8 Re1 Rd8 Rfe2
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rb1+
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Rxb1 Qxb1 Qc1
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: then back to g6
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Comp assesment of Qg6+ and Rb1+ is fairly equal (+1.8)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: a lot of stuff almost works
PreZandy(1760) whispers: (-1.8) of course 28...Rb1+ (5:38)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: lets simplify a bit first
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I like dragging the Q back to c1 29.Rxb1 (1:02) Qxb1+ (0:02) 30.Nc1 (0:33)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: hmm
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: too bad Rxd5 does not work
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I guess he can do this, cos he has Kh1 30...Qg6+ (0:24) 31.Kh1 (0:27)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: ah wait 31...Qe4+ (0:10)
Slek(2116) whispers: I dont think black has better than a perp 32.Kg1 (0:08) Qg4+ (0:03)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qe4 Kg1 Qg4 Kh1
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Ok, happens 33.Kh1 (0:08)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qd1
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qd1 Rf1 I guess
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: there is a Qg1 later
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: but surely this just wins more material
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qe4 Kg1 Rxd5?
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qd1+ Bf1 Bxf1 Qc2!?
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: what a weird position
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: then Qxd5
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: ok but there's no way he 'wins' two pieces for the rook
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qd1+ Rf1 Bxf1 Qg1 I have Qf3+
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: come on cat
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: find
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rxd5
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qd1+ Bf1 Bxf1 Qc2 Rxd5 hmm
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if he plays Rd2 I have Qf3+
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: if Qxd1 Rxd1 I am winning more material I think 33...Qd1+ (3:31)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: can't see a line where I don't just win here 34.Bf1 (1:36) Bxf1 (0:06) 35.h4 (0:08)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: maybe just Bc4 and Qxd5 here
Slek(2116) whispers: Bc4+ wins a the Nc1
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: ah wait yes
Spiralize(2564) whispers: slek always with the sexy moves
Slek(2116) whispers: but misses all the rest
Spiralize(2564) whispers: don't believe him
avidmate(1806) whispers: Slek is a mean tactician 35...Bc4+ (2:36)
PreZandy(1760) whispers: Good game for evilmike anyway before capture of poisoned pawn
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qxc1 is possible, but I think Qxd5 is just much safer here
Spiralize(2564) whispers: indeed
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: assuming I don't get backranked 36.Kh2 (1:58)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Kh2 Qxd5 Qxd5 Rxd5 Rc2 Rd4 Ne2 Rxh4+ Kg3 g5 seems safe
Slek(2116) whispers: after Qg4 how does white defend h4?
Slek(2116) whispers: Qe7... nevermind 36...Qxd5 (1:08) 37.Qxa7 (0:38)
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: think even Bxd5 is possible, but I don't care to find out
Slek(2116) whispers: now Qe5+ has to lead to a mate
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yeah, rook comes into play 37...Qe5+ (0:50)
Spiralize(2564) whispers: sic transit gloria mundi 38.Kg2 (0:36)
Slek(2116) whispers: I have my game at 9 am server time, how timely
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: I'm only up a pawn...guess I should check to see if there's a mate here
avidmate(1806) whispers: same time as USA v. China
smallblackcat(2336) whispers: Qe4+ is also just pretty simple and good 38...Qe4+ (1:39) 39.Kg3 (0:41)
Slek(2116) whispers: h5?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: it's an idea
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: looking at it too
Spiralize(2564) whispers: yeah 39...h5 (1:01) 40.Rf4 (1:18)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qe1 40...Qe1+ (0:30)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: just grab the knight, figure out mate later
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: bishop protected, f7 protected
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: what an impressive game by cato evilmike resigns 0-1