evilmike(2113) vs. smallblackcat(2357) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2020-02-22

1.d4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:02) f5 (0:03) 3.Nc3 (0:01) Nf6 (0:03) 4.f3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: rare move, I usually play Bb4 in blitz here
4...Bb4 (2:10) 5.Bd2 (0:06) O-O (2:24)
PreZandy(1814) whispers: New Blood is here! Go, Mike!
6.a3 (1:45) Bxc3 (0:04) 7.Bxc3 (0:00)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I don't know much about this position, but I'm way ahead in development
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I can go for e5 cos he has no Nf3 here, or I can play b6 and Bb7 to battle for the light squares
7...d6 (4:22)
avidmate(1791) whispers: i didnt know that exchanging the dark colour bish for black was an option - I thought it was a pretty big deal in the Dutch to gain control of the f8-a1 diag
avidmate(1791) whispers: h8-a1 i mean
PreZandy(1814) whispers: yes, I do like that white dsb controliing the diagonal. if also lsb to take control over a2-g8, will be a deadly setup
8.e3 (9:11) Qe7 (0:07)
avidmate(1791) whispers: but B is well ahead in developement and d5 is met with e5 - pretty good setup for Black imo
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: c5 might be an idea now
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: for me, not him
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: as for now, d4-d5 is prevented by Qxe3+ at the end of it
9.Qd2 (1:13)
kurumim(2097) whispers: Black looks to play on the h8-a1 diagonal in the Leningrad, not in the Stonewall or Classical Dutch
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: quite tempted by e5 now
kurumim(2097) whispers: and here Black eliminated the knight to make it harder for White to play e4. as in the Nimzo-Indian
avidmate(1791) whispers: @Kurumin well I just finished the lesson on Chess . com on the Classical Dutch with GM Ginger something LoL -
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: well, c5 d5 still seems quite unwise for him
kurumim(2097) whispers: yes, Simon Wiliiams :) I like his lessons and streamings too
avidmate(1791) whispers: yes thats the guy - he has a 3 video series on the Classical Dutch
avidmate(1791) whispers: for intermediate players that is
kurumim(2097) whispers: as he explains, Black wants to go for ...e5 before or immediately after White goes e4
avidmate(1791) whispers: e5 after d4 you mean ?
avidmate(1791) whispers: after d5 you mean ?
kurumim(2097) whispers: Black wants to play ...e5 before White plays e4
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: c5 0-0-0 I suppose
9...e5 (5:25)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: e5 is more natural
avidmate(1791) whispers: i see
10.O-O-O (0:53)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: well that is aggressive
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I guess g4 comes soon in some lines
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: so I might not want Nbd7
avidmate(1791) whispers: where does the knight go a6 ? cause Nf6 d5 yes ?
avidmate(1791) whispers: Nc6 i meant
10...Bd7 (3:37)
avidmate(1791) whispers: if W plays d5 and closes the Q side... arent they better ?
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: waiting move really, but I prepare b5 in some cases, and Ba4 might be quite annoying here
11.Bd3 (1:45)
kurumim(2097) whispers: if the centre gets closed, I'm not sure who'll be able to break first on the intended flank
kurumim(2097) whispers: this is very double-edged
avidmate(1791) whispers: i see
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: do I want to trade bishops?
avidmate(1791) whispers: e4 Bc2 no ?
11...e4 (2:02)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I like this and then a6 and b5
avidmate(1791) whispers: you have to like W bish pair pointing at his majesty
12.Bc2 (0:31)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: or c6 and b5 hmm
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: c6 and I might have no good sqaure for my knight later on
12...a6 (0:51)
avidmate(1791) whispers: g4 maybe ?
PreZandy(1814) whispers: Bb3 - why not?
avidmate(1791) whispers: that too
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: that knight is going to be a problem anyway
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: no really good square for it
avidmate(1791) whispers: as a Patzer, I would not hesitate not for a minute to play g4 lol
kurumim(2097) whispers: it's a natural move, and I wish it could work, but Black's grip on ...e4 is proving quite annoying
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: seems a little rash, Ne2-f4 first I think
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: if you're going to push a pawn it'd be h4 I think
avidmate(1791) whispers: really ? ok
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: g4 exf3 looks good for black to me
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: has sbc been quiet all game? I just got here, I'm surprised he has yet to comment
avidmate(1791) whispers: just a bit
avidmate(1791) whispers: he doesnt like his knight on b8 lol
13.d5 (15:32)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: hmm, can I play Be8 and Nbd7 here?
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: he will play Nh3-f4
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I can contest e6 in time
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Ne2-d4 is more troubling though
13...b5 (3:34)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: lets keep my bishop where it is
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: if cxb5 axb5 I can play Na6
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Bb3 maybe
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: then a5!?
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I don't mind losing a pawn if I can open lines
avidmate(1791) whispers: c7 pawn is not going anywhere soon
14.f4 (4:19)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: how about winning a pawn to open a line
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: a5 is also quite tempting
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I don't think he wants to allow b4
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: I like the idea of a5, but bxc4 looks even better
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: a5 Bxa5 isnt that tempting though
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: white has to deal with it and waste moves
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: otherwise knight gets to b3 (or d3) through Na6-c5
PreZandy(1814) whispers: what's the idea of f4?
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: well Na6 covers c7 there
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: but he might play a weird move like b4 to try to fix the queenside in place
14...bxc4 (3:11) 15.h3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: g4 isn't happening, so I don't get that
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: or is the idea to sac g4 and play Qh2? I still cover h7 and if Bxf6 then gxf6 and my queen covers, though admittedly that looks a bit risky
PreZandy(1814) whispers: W were preparing for Qd4 while playing f4??
avidmate(1791) whispers: W is very patient, that i need to learn
15...a5 (2:49) 16.Bxa5 (0:28) Na6 (0:06)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: on g4 I can even consider just Rfb8
avidmate(1791) whispers: Nc5-d3 is a good outpost - too good to be true
PreZandy(1814) whispers: That's why Qd4 makes sense
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: lets say he plays a slow move like Ne2, then Nc5 Bxc7 Nd3+ Bxd3 exd3 Nc3 and maybe my attack isn't that strong
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Ne2 Nc5 Bxc7 Nd3+ Bxd3 cxd3 Nc3 Rfc8 Bb6 Nxd5 is good though
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I'm not even down material there
17.Bb4 (13:38) Rfb8 (3:47)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Nxb4 Qxb4 Rfb8 was also tempting, but I don't see a move for him here
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I mean, Bc3 or something maybe, but then I'm just gaining tempi
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Ne2 Nxb4 axb4 Ra1+ Bb1 Ba4 R somewhere Bb3
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: I'm not really risking anything, its just a huge attack
18.Kb1 (4:11) Nxb4 (0:17) 19.axb4 (0:00)
PreZandy(1814) whispers: I was thinking for White about 17. Qd4 then 18. Bc3
19...Ba4 (0:32) 20.Qc3 (0:02) Bxc2+ (0:16) 21.Kxc2 (0:00) Ra4 (0:10) 22.Qxc4 (0:01) Raxb4 (0:14) 23.Qa2 (0:34)
Blindpt(1682) whispers: over
avidmate(1791) whispers: Nd7-c5
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Nd7 Rd4 Rxd4 exd4 e3 I guess...hard to believe that can be survived
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: Qe8-b5
23...Nd7 (1:47)
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: activate your queen sbc
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: ok, Qf6 works too
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Qf6 is an idea too
ShakaZahn(2095) whispers: maybe even Qh4-f2 in some lines
24.Ne2 (0:33)
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Nd4-c6 is too slow
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Nc5 Nd4 Nd3 Rxd3 exd3 is check
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: and then Qe4
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: Nc5 Nd4 Nd3 Rb1 I guess
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: ah then Rxd4 and Nb4+
24...Nc5 (1:27)
Blindpt(1682) whispers: i would go for Qd7 or e8...
smallblackcat(2357) whispers: hmm, Rxb2 is not going to be mate, K has c3, but then I have Qf6+
25.Nd4 (0:43) Nd3 (0:13) 26.b3 (0:03) Rxd4 (0:08) evilmike resigns 0-1

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