amikoj(1938) vs. igorbur(2076) *
standard 20+10, 2019-06-07
1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.e3 (0:04) e6 (0:04) 3.Bd3 (0:05) c5 (0:03) 4.c3 (0:05) b6 (0:04) 5.f4 (0:09) Bb7 (0:04) 6.Nf3 (0:04) Be4 (0:28) 7.O-O (0:12) Bxd3 (0:06) 8.Qxd3 (0:04) d5 (0:06) 9.Nbd2 (0:21) Bd6 (0:10) 10.Ne5 (0:12) O-O (0:04) 11.h3 (0:19) Nfd7 (0:16) 12.g4 (0:21) c4 (0:32) 13.Qe2 (0:24) f6 (0:07) 14.Nef3 (0:22) e5 (0:09) 15.Rf2 (0:26) Nc6 (1:03) 16.Nf1 (0:31) Qe7 (0:24) 17.Qc2 (0:38) Rae8 (0:45) 18.f5 (0:49) b5 (1:19) 19.a3 (0:11) a5 (0:57) 20.Bd2 (0:05) exd4 (0:06) 21.exd4 (0:08) Qe4 (0:04) 22.Qxe4 (0:34) Rxe4 (0:03) 23.Re1 (0:11) Rfe8 (0:04) 24.Kg2 (0:21) Nb6 (0:25) 25.Ng3 (1:07) Rxe1 (0:06) 26.Bxe1 (0:38) b4 (0:03) 27.axb4 (0:28) axb4 (0:03)
(27...axb4 (0:03) 28.Kf1 (1:13)
igorbur requests to take back 2 half move(s).
Amikoj proposes a different number (1) of half-move(s) to take back.
igorbur accepts the takeback request.)
28.Nf1 (0:23) Ra8 (0:34) 29.Ne3 (0:41) Ra2 (0:38) 30.Nd1 (0:28) Ra1 (0:43) 31.Ne3 (0:18) b3 (0:16) 32.Bd2 (1:47) Rb1 (0:18) 33.Be1 (0:24) Bf4 (0:17) 34.Nf1 (0:32) Bc1 (0:03) 35.Kg3 (1:17) Rxb2 (0:19) 36.Rxb2 (0:09) Bxb2 (0:02) 37.Ne3 (0:46) Bc1 (0:06)
Amikoj requests to abort the game.
Game aborted by mutual agreement *