milpat(2020) vs. blore(2006) *

standard 45+45, 2019-02-15

20.Nd4 (6:06)
blore(2006) whispers: woof
20...Bc8 (3:29)
blore(2006) whispers: woof
blore(2006) whispers: white's knight now looks stronger than black's but the black one is stable
21.a3 (4:23)
Plebusan(1875) whispers: in the stable
blore(2006) whispers: hmmm destabilising my rock solid knight with b4 next
blore(2006) whispers: maybe i should preempt that plan by playing a4
blore(2006) whispers: a4 might become weak but it will take a long time for the pieces to get to it and the diversion caused might give me compensation
blore(2006) whispers: i want to play...Bd7 controlling the knight advance to c6 but it is higher priority to secure my knight's outpost first
blore(2006) whispers: i wonder if the a4 pawn can be won by white later
blore(2006) whispers: a rook cannot get to it so the only piece that can join forces with the queen to get a4 is the LSB which is a long way off
21...a4 (2:33)
blore(2006) whispers: b4 axb3 Nxb3 Nxb3 Qxb3 removes the knights from the board and then my position becomes tenable maybe even better
blore(2006) whispers: woof
blore(2006) whispers: woof
blore(2006) whispers: getting hot around the f5 e6 squares now
22.Nf3 (8:44) Qg6 (1:27) 23.Nd4 (0:45) Bd7 (5:28)
blore(2006) whispers: Nf5 now!??!
blore(2006) whispers: woof
24.Nf5 (3:00) Bxf5 (3:53)
blore(2006) whispers: woof
25.Rxf5 (0:09)
blore(2006) whispers: oh that was a surprise...I was thinking the idea was to play exf5 and harrass my queen and cramp my kingside
25...Rfe7 (0:45)
blore(2006) whispers: Bf3 Qh6
blore(2006) whispers: i think exf5 looked much stronger for white than Rxf5
26.R1f4 (2:03) Re5 (0:20) blore lost connection; game adjourned *

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